67 research outputs found

    Value of Oro-Dental and Physical Minor Anomalies in the Discrimination of Children with Developmental Disorders/Impaired Development

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    Oralne i tjelesne minor anomalije imaju visoku zastupljenost u djece sa smetnjama u razvoju u usporedbi sa zdravom djecom. Cilj ovoga rada bio je na temelju orodentalnih i tjelesnih minor anomalija potvrditi mogućnost diskriminacije djece sa smetnjama u razvoju od zdrave djece. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 303 djece sa smetnjama u razvoju (SR) i 303 zdrave djece kontrolne skupine. Uzorak djece sa smetnjama u razvoju uključivao je 176 mentalno nedovoljno razvijene djece (MNR), 70 nagluhe i gluhe djece (NG) te 57 slabovidne i slijepe djece (SV). Kontrolnu skupinu činilo je 303 zdrave osobe istog spola i dobi. Multivarijatna diskriminacijska raŔčlamba provedena je u manifestnom prostoru 18-ero dentalnih i tjelesnih minor anomalija. Početni prostor od 18 izvornih varijabli reduciran je na tri diskriminacijske funkcije. Postoji jasna diskriminacija i velika udaljenost centroida kontrolne skupine od skupina djece sa smetnjama u razvoju. Za razdvajanje skupina važne su prve dvije diskriminacijske varijable koje objaÅ”njavaju ukupno 95,7% ukupne varijance. Prva varijabla nosi 87,2% informacija i definirana je orodentalnim anomalijama i anomalijama nožnih prstiju. Druga varijabla objaÅ”njava 8,5% ukupnoga varijabiliteta, a definirana je dentalnim anomalijama i anomalijama uÅ”ke. Treća funkcija, koja nije važna, sadrži samo 4,3% ukupnoga varijabiliteta. Dobivene diskriminacijske funkcije omogućuju da se jasno razdvoje tri skupine djece sa smetnjama u razvoju, ali ne i da se jasno među se razdvoje pojedini entiteti unutar uzorka djece sa smetnjama u razvoju.The incidence of oral and physical minor anomalies is higher in children with developmental disorders compared with healthy children. The aim of this study was to determine the possibility of discriminating children with developmental disorders from healthy children on the basis of oro-dental and physical minor anomalies. The study was performed on a sample of 303 children with developmental disorders (DD) and a control group of 303 healthy children (HC). The sample of children with developmental disorders comprised 176 mentally retarded children (MR), 70 children with impaired hearing (IH) (partially deaf and deaf), and 57 children with impaired vision (IV) (partially blind and blind). The control group consisted of 303 healthy children of the same age and sex. Multivariate discriminate analysis was performed in the manifest space of 18 oro-dental and physical minor anomalies. The initial space of 18 original variables was reduced to three discriminative functions. Clear discrimination and great distance was determined between the centroids of the control group and the groups of children with developmental disorders. The first two discriminate variables are significant for discrimination between the groups, and they explain 95.7% of the total variance. The first variable contains 87.2% of the information and is defined by oro-dental and toe anomalies. The second variable explains 8.5% of the total variability, and is defined by dental and auricle anomalies. The third function, which is not significant, contains just 4.3% of the total variability. The discriminate functions obtained enable clear discrimination between the three groups of children with developmental disorders, but not clear mutual discrimination of individual entities within the groups of children with developmental disorders

    Uloga ekoloŔkih faktora u nastanku zubne traume

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    The analysis of dental traumas carried out in 731 patients showed the frequency of 59.8% in boys and 40.2% in girls. The frequency ratio between boys and girls was 1.5:1, which shows a greater susceptibility of boys to dental traumas. The place of trauma occurrence was analyzed in 585 (363 boys and 222 girls) school children. The highest frequency is found for school with 37.3% of traumas, while 20.5% of traumas happen in the street, 19.8% at home, 8.5% in the playground, 6.7% in the courtyard and 7.2% goes for other places. Regardless of the place of occurrence, traumas are mostly due to falls and strokes. Falls during bicycle rides should be (particularly emphasized as they represent 10% of all traumas. A comparatively frequent cause of trauma is also the fall on the stairs at school or at home causing 5% of all traumas. Organized sport exercises rarely cause dental traumas (only 1.7% in boys and 2.2% in girls). The dental trauma frequency considerably varies in different months of the year. The lowest trauma frequency is found for July and the highest in October. In order to carry out efficient health education and prevention against traumas it is necessary to introduce children, parents and teachers at school with the most frequent places and causes of traumas.Analizom zubnih trauma 731 ispitanika, utvrđena je učestalost od 59,8% u dječaka i 40,2% u djevojčica. Omjer učestalosti u dječaka i djevojčica je bio 1,5:1, Å”to govori o većoj sklonosti dječaka zubnim traumama. Mjesto nastanka trauma ispitano je u 585 ispitanika (363 dječaka i 222 djevojčice) Å”kolskog uzrasta. Na prvom se mjestu nalazi Å”kola s 37,3% trauma, dok se 20,5% trauma dogodi na ulici, 19,8% kod kuće, 8,5% na igraliÅ”tu, 6,7% u dvoriÅ”tu, a 7,2% otpada na sva ostala mjesta. Bez obzira na mjesto nastanka, traume najčeŔće nastaju zbog pada ili udarca. Posebno treba izdvojiti pad s bicikla, koji je uzrok čak 10% svih trauma zubi. Relativno čest način nastanka traume je i pad na stepenicama, u Å”koli ili kod kuće, koji dovodi do traume u 5% slučajeva. Organizirano bavljenje sportom je rijedak razlog nastanka zubne traume (svega 1,7% u dječaka i 2,2% u djevojčica). Učestalost zubnih trauma značajno varira u pojedinim mjesecima godine. Traume su najrjeđe u srpnju, a najčeŔće u listopadu. U svrhu provođenja zdravstvenog odgoja i prevencije trauma, treba djecu, roditelje i nastavnike u Å”koli, putem predavanja, filmova i broÅ”ura, upoznati s mjestima i načinima najčeŔćeg nastanka zubnih trauma

    Finger sucking: ethiological considerations and therapeutical approach

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    JoÅ” uvijek postoje kontroverze o značenju simptoma sisanja prsta u emocionalnom razvoju djeteta. Cilj ovoga rada je bio objasniti uzroke produženog sisanja prsta iza dobi od četiri godine s glediÅ”ta psihoanalitičke teorije i mogućnosti za terapijski pristup. Na desetero djece s navikom sisanja prsta i njihove roditelje primjenjen je psihoterapijski intervju i praćenje. U gotovo sve djece zapaženi su dodatni emocionalni poremećaji i somatske promjene u formi malokluzije (otvorenog zagriza) i oÅ”tećenja prsta koji se siÅ”e. Zbog toga se liječenje sisanja prsta treba temeljiti na psihoanalitičkom pristupu i otkrivanju temeljnog psihodinamskog poremećaja.Controversies still exist on the significance of the simptom of finger sucking in the childā€™s emotional development. The purpose of this study is to explain the causes of finger sucking prolonged over the age of four in view of the psychoanalytic theory and the possibilities for therapeutic approach. The psychotherapeutical interview and follow-up of ten children with fingersucking habit and their parents has been applied. Additional emotional disturbances as well as somatic changes in the form of malocclusion (open bite) and alternations of finger sucked have been observed in almost all children. Therefore, the treatment of finger sucking should be based on the psychotherapeutical approach by revealing the underlying psychotherapeutical approach by revealing the underlying psychodynamic disorder

    [Reconstruction of the fractured teeth by composite resins]

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    U radu se daje pregled i diskusija literature o rekonstrukciji frakturiranih prednjih zubi. Ističe se da rekonstrukcija incizalnih fraktura uključuje slijed postupaka od preparacije zuba, zaÅ”tite pulpe, jetkanja, spajanja, aplikacije kompozitnog materijala do poliranja i glaziranja. Preparacija seže 1 mm cervikalno od caklmskog ruba frakturnog defekta i do polovice debljine cakline. Primjena jetkanja i materijala za spajanje poboljÅ”ava rubno zatvaranje i adaptaciju kompozita. Stavljanje podloge, kao Å”to je kalcijev hidroksid, preko eksponiranog dentina indicirano je da bi se pokrili presječeni dentinski tubulusi i zaÅ”titila zubna pulpa od kemijskih iritacija kompozitnog materijala, te da bi se minimizirale iritacije pulpe. Kompozitni materijali i tehnika jetkanja omogućuju najefektniju reparaciju prednjih zubi u modernoj dječjoj stomatologiji jer se frakturirani zubi u mladog pacijenta mogu rekonstruirati brzo, bezbolno i estetski.A review and discussion of the literature has been presented on the reconstruction of the fractured anterior teeth. It has been pointed out that the restoration of a fractured incisors involves the successive steps of preparation, pulp protection, acid etching, bonding, composite insertion, finishing and glazing. The preparation extends 1 mm to cervical from the enamel edge of the fractured defect and to halfway through enamel thickness. The use of the etching and bonding agents improve a marginal seal and adaptation of the composite resin. The placement of a liner as calcium hydroxide over the exposed dentin is indicated to cover the cut dentinal tubules and to insulate the dental pulp from the chemical irritation of composite resin, and to minimize pulpal irritations. Composite resin restorative materials and acid-etch technique provide the most effective anterior tooth repair in modern child dentistry which enables to repair the broken teeth of a young patients quickly and painless

    Analysis of qualitative palmar dermatoglyphic trains in person with cleft lip and palate

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    Istraživanje kvalitativnih svojstava palmarnih dermatoglifa provedeno je na 210 osoba s rascjepima usne i nepca, od kojih je 129 bilo muÅ”kog 81 ženskog spola. Kao komparativni poslužiti i su podaci analize dermatoglifa 167 muÅ”kih ii 178 ženskih fenotipski zdravih osoba Zagrebačke regije. U muÅ”karaca s rascjepima nađena je redukcija crteža u regiji hipotenara, a u žena na tenaru i regiji IV, koje su odraz redukcije volarnih jastučića u vrijeme fetalnog razvitka epidermalnih grebenova, a koja je vjerojatno rezultat disharmoničnog rasta temeljnih struktura dlana u osoba s rascjepima usne i nepca.The investigation was carried out in the group of 210 patients with cleft lip and palate including 129 males and 81 females. The control group included prints of 167 males and 178 females adult and phenotypically healthy inhabitants of the town of Zagreb. The reduction of the patterns in males in the hypothenar area and in the thenar and IV area in females reflect reduction of volar pads during the period of the foetal development of epidermal ridges which is probably due to a disharmonious growth of the underlying palmar structures in subjects with clefts

    Importance of the abstract in primary scientific publications

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    U radu se evaluira značenje sažetka i njegova uloga u sustavu znanstvenih informacija, kao i značenje za izradu sekundarnih i tercijarnih publikacija. Za izvorne znanstvene radove sažetak mora biti informativan i sadržavati svrhu istraživanja, materijal i metode, i u sažetom obliku rezultate i zaključke. Indikativni ili deskriptivni sažetak je prikladan samo za pregledne radove. Dobro napisan informativni sažetak omogućava lakÅ”e uključivanje bitnih elemenata istraživanja u sustav znanstvenih informacija direktno ili kroz referativne i indeksne publikacije.The author evaluates the importance of the abstract, its role in the system of scientific information and its significance in selective secondary and tertiary publications. The abstract must be informative for original articles and should contain the purpose of the investigation, materials and methods, and a succinct presentation of the results and conclusions. An indicative or descriptive abstract is suitable only for review articles. Essential elements of an investigation can be more readily included in the system of scientific information if the abstract is well written and informative. Furthermore a good abstract alleviates the abstracting and indexing of the publication

    On the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Appearance of RadoÅ”evićā€™s Book Ā»Problems of Dentistry in the Light of Physical ChemistryĀ«

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    Prije sedamdeset godina u Zagrebu je 1922. godine izaÅ”la iz tiska prva znanstveno utemeljena knjiga iz stomatologije u Hrvatskoj. To je bila knjiga dr. Eduarda RadoÅ”evića pod naslovom Ā»Problemi zubarstva u vidu fizikalne kemijeĀ«. Dr. RadoÅ”ević bio je prvi profesor stomatologije na Medicinskom fakultetu SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu, izabran 20. siječnja 1922. godine. To je datum kad je utemeljena i prva katedra iz stomatologije u Zagrebu i Hrvatskoj. Prvi Å”ef katedre za odontologiju u Hrvatskoj bio je profesor E. RadoÅ”ević. Knjiga predstavlja RadoÅ”evićev pionirski rad u stomatologiji i sadrži razmatranja o fizikalnim i kemijskim procesima u zubnim tkivima zajedno s autorovim originalnim rezultatima. RadoÅ”ević je istaknuo značenje znanja iz fiziologije zuba za precizno dijagnosticiranje i liječenje bolesti zuba. Znatan dio publikacije odnosi se na autorove eksperimente o permeabilnosti cakline. Posebno je istaknuta jaka povezanost karijesa i parodontnih bolesti i njihovi zajednički etioloÅ”ki faktori. Autor je također istaknuo ulogu kemijskih iritacija pulpe kao uzroka nekroze pulpe. Å to se tiče preventivnih mjera, RadoÅ”ević je smatrao da glavni napori za prevenciju karijesa trebaju biti usmjereni i primijenjeni neposredno nakon nicanja zuba. Ta je knjiga prva u stomatologiji u Hrvatskoj koja iznosi suvremena znanja i principe dječje i preventivne stomatologije.The first scientifically based book on dentistry in Croatia appeared in 1922, seventy years ago, in Zagreb. It was the book by dr. Eduard RadoÅ”ević, under the title Ā»The Problems of Dentistry in the Light of Physical ChemistryĀ«. Dr. RadoÅ”ević was the first professor of dentistry at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, appointed on January 20,1922. It was the date when the first chair in dentistry in Zagreb, Croatia, was established. The first chairman of odontology in Croatia was professor E. RadoÅ”ević. This book presents RadoÅ”evićā€™s pioneer work in dentistry and contains considerations on physical and chemical processes in dental tissues, along with the authorā€™s original results. RadoÅ”ević emphasized the importance of the knowledge about dental physiology for accurate diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases. A considerable part of the publication refers to the authorā€™s experiments on enamel permeability. A strong association between caries and periodontal diseases and their common ethiologic factors are pointed out. The author underlines the role of chemical pulp irritations as a cause of pulp necrosis. Concerning preventive measures, RadoÅ”evićā€™s opinion was that the main efforts for the prevention of caries should be concentrated on and applied immediately after tooth eruption. This book was the first book on dentistry in Croatia, presenting the current knowledge in the fields of childrenā€™s and preventive dentistry

    Sixty Years After Appearance of the First Primary Publication in the Field of Childrenā€™s Dentistry in Croatia

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    U radu je dan kratak pregled razvoja dječje i preventivne stomatologije u Hrvatskoj. Posebna pažnja posvećena je pojavi prve publikacije u časopisu iz dječje stomatologije u nas. Članak pod naslovom Ā»Njega zuba Å”kolske mladežiĀ«, autora dr. Oskara Sterna, pojavio se 1932. godine. U članku se raspravlja potreba preventivnih mjera, rane sanacije zuba u djece, te osnivanja Å”kolskih zubnih ambulanti. Prikazani rad dr. Sterna prva je publikacija u Hrvatskoj iz domene dječje i preventivne stomatologije, objavljena prije 60 godina. To je također bila prva publikacija u naÅ”oj zemlji koja je sadržavala rezultate epidemioloÅ”kog istraživanja dentalnog statusa u Å”kolske djece, na temelju kojih se moglo planirati liječenje zuba i broj potrebnih zubnih liječnika za liječenje zuba u populaciji djece.A concise review of the development of children\u27s and preventive dentistry in Croatia is given in the present work. Particular attention is paid to the first publication in the field of children s dentistry in Croatia. The article entitled Ā»The dental care in school children Ā« by dr. Oskar Stern appeared in 1932. The need for preventive measures, early dental treatment in children and establishment of school dental offices are discussed in the article. Dr. Sternā€™s work was the first publication in Croatia in the field of child and preventive dentistry, published sixty years ago. It also was the first publication in our country presenting results o f an epidemiological survey of dental status in school children, which could serve as a basis for planning dental treatment and to assess the number of dentists required for such a treatment of the childrenā€™s population

    Trauma of deciduous teet in preshool children in Zagreb

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    Analiza trauma 150 mliječnih zubi provedena je kod 90 predÅ”kolske djece grada Zagreba (49 dječaka i 41 djevojčice) u dobi od jedne do Å”est godina. Cilj rada je bio utvrditi distribuciju trauma prema spolu i dobi, zastupljenost pojedinih klasa trauma, te najučestalija mjesta i način njihovog nastanka. Radom se također nastojalo utvrditi za koje klase trauma postoji statistički značajna razlika u njihovoj učestalosti u mliječnoj i trajnoj denticiji. Dobiven je omjer dječaka i djevojčica s traumama zubi od 1.2:1. Traume su bile najučestalije u razdoblju od 2.5 do 4 godine s vrhuncem distribucijske krivulje u 3. godini. Od svih traumatiziranih zubi na gornje srediÅ”nje incizive otpadalo je 80% u dječaka i 76.7% zubi u djevojčica. Najučestalija vrsta traume bile su subluksacije zubi (47.7% u dječaka i 43.3% u djevojčica). NajviÅ”e trauma dogodilo se kod kuće (čak 64%), 14% na ulici, 10% u parku, 7% u dvoriÅ”tu i 5% u vrtiću. Pad je bio uzrok traumama u 58% slučajeva, udarac u 24%, pad na stepenicama u 12%, pad s bicikla u 4% i ostalo u 2% slučajeva. U dječaka su subluksacije zubi značajno učestalije u mliječnoj denticiji (P<0.01), dok su frakture dentina bez i s otvorenom pulpom značajno učestalije u trajnoj denticiji (P<0.01). U djevojčica su značajno učestalije subluksacije u mliječnoj denticiji (P<0.01), dok su frakture dentina s otvorenom pulpom značajno učestalije u trajnoj denticiji (P<0.01). Najvulnerabilniju populaciju za traume mliječnih zubi predstavljaju djeca u dobi između 2 i 4 godine. Većina trauma mliječnih zubi nastaje kod kuće (64%). Zbog toga mjere koje treba provoditi na planu zdravstvenog odgoja i prevencije trauma mliječnih zubi trebaju biti namijenjene prvenstveno roditeljima.Traumas of 150 deciduous teeth were analysed in 90 preschool children from Zagreb (49 boys and 41 girls) between one and six years of age. The purpose of the investigation was to evaluate trauma according to age and ex, the prevalence of specific types of trauma, and the most frequent place and way of their occurrence. The investigation also determined the statistically significant difference in the frequency of specific types of traumas in deciduous and permanent dentition. The ratio of injuries in boys to girls was 1.2:1. Traumas usually occurred between 2.5 and 4 years of age with the curve peaking at three years. The upper central incisors were traumatized in 80% of the boys and 76.7% of girls. The most common injury was subluxation of the teeth (47.7 in boys and 43.3 in girls). Most of the accidents occurred at home (64%), 14% on the street, 10% in the park, 7% in courtyards and 5% in nurseries. A fall was the cause of traumas in 58%, a facial blow in 24%, a fall on steps in 12%, fall from bicycle in 4% and others in 2%. In both the boys and girls, tooth subluxation was significantly more frequent in deciduous dentition (P<0.01), whereas fracture of the dentin with or without open tooth pulp was significantly more frequent in permanent dentition (P<0.01). Since the majority of accidents occurred at home, it is essential that within the framework of the health education, parents be informed of measures for preventing traumas of deciduous teeth
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