Finger sucking: ethiological considerations and therapeutical approach


Još uvijek postoje kontroverze o značenju simptoma sisanja prsta u emocionalnom razvoju djeteta. Cilj ovoga rada je bio objasniti uzroke produženog sisanja prsta iza dobi od četiri godine s gledišta psihoanalitičke teorije i mogućnosti za terapijski pristup. Na desetero djece s navikom sisanja prsta i njihove roditelje primjenjen je psihoterapijski intervju i praćenje. U gotovo sve djece zapaženi su dodatni emocionalni poremećaji i somatske promjene u formi malokluzije (otvorenog zagriza) i oštećenja prsta koji se siše. Zbog toga se liječenje sisanja prsta treba temeljiti na psihoanalitičkom pristupu i otkrivanju temeljnog psihodinamskog poremećaja.Controversies still exist on the significance of the simptom of finger sucking in the child’s emotional development. The purpose of this study is to explain the causes of finger sucking prolonged over the age of four in view of the psychoanalytic theory and the possibilities for therapeutic approach. The psychotherapeutical interview and follow-up of ten children with fingersucking habit and their parents has been applied. Additional emotional disturbances as well as somatic changes in the form of malocclusion (open bite) and alternations of finger sucked have been observed in almost all children. Therefore, the treatment of finger sucking should be based on the psychotherapeutical approach by revealing the underlying psychotherapeutical approach by revealing the underlying psychodynamic disorder

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