70 research outputs found

    Familial aggregation of bladder cancer

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    Background. Except for smoking and certain occupational exposures, the etiology of bladder cancer is largely unknown. Several case reports have described familial aggregation of transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. Although the majority of patients with bladder cancer do not have family history of transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary tract, the study of familial transitional cell carcinoma may lead to the knowledge on the pathogenesis of this disease. The purpose of this study was to describe three cases of urinary bladder cancer in a single three-member family, i.e. in two generations (mother and son) and a family member related by marriage (the patient's wife). Case report. Three cases of urinary bladder cancer occurred in a three-member family within the interval of 5 years. The following common characteristics were detected in our patients: old age (over 60), working as farmers for more than 50 years, negative personal medical history on relevant health disorders, place of birth - village, place of residence - village, the same water supply, similar nutrition, positive family history on urinary bladder cancer or other malignant tumors, the first sign of illness was macroscopic hematuria in all the patients and the same pathohistological type of cancer - carcinoma papillare transitiocellulare. Conclusion. The stated common characteristics in our cases indicate, above all, the impact of exposure to external surrounding factors on the occurrence of urinary bladder cancer

    Cultivar Repair of Local Vigna Radiata L to Use Multigamma Irradiation Technique (Nuclear) That Tolerant to Dry Condition, Rainy Season, Germ, and High Production

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    Vigna Radiata L is grouped as the third important legume in Indonesia after soybean and peanut with high nutrition. The research aims to develop local Vigna Radiata L from Timor Island Indonesia with multi-gamma irradiation technique and carefully selection for obtaining several variations of superior varieties. The main research method comprised of observation, irradiation, purifying, careful selection, comparative, analysis, and interpretation. The results of research on final purifying are obtained three variations of mutant varieties with several superior chemical and physical characteristics.  The production of Vigna Radiata L as a result of Multigamma irradiation significantly increased, and on final purifying obtained especial superior of selected mutant varieties namely, two varieties can be fruited for the second time with harvest age are relatively shor


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    Several factors direct the companies to apply a higher level of corporate social responsibility: the increasing expectations of customers, changes in expectations of employees, laws and government pressure, investor interest in the social criteria and changes in supply practicesThe basic principles of socially responsible marketing as an ethical business, respect for ecological principles and respect for the legislation. Organizations must ensure that all employees know and observe the relevant laws.Companies must adopt and make available to the written rules of ethics, to develop tradition of ethical conduct in the company and impose a responsibility to his men to follow ethical and legal guidelines.By adopting these or similar principles, companies can create opportunities to reduce current and future costs, strengthen competitiveness and market position and achieving greater profits.In contemporary business, more ecological component is present in the execution of business activities as an important prerequisite for improving competitive advantage and company image. Awareness of the issue of environmental protection in companies has evolved primarily as a result of the influence of customers and various non-governmental and non-profit organizations on marketing orientation of companies, and the requirements for the development of products and services that meet environmental standards and consumer needs.


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    The world must be developed according to the needs of people, but with the obligation of sustainable development as a comprehensive process that depress all aspects of life, at all levels.Sustainable development is about making models in a qualitative way to meet the socio-economic needs and interests of citizens, while eliminating or significantly reducing the impacts that threaten or harm the environment and natural resources.Sustainable development of mankind leads to a sustainable society in which man has good control of the planet and responsible custodian of heritage for future generations.Sustainable development is without a doubt, as a result of the coming dramatic changes requested in all areas of life of every individual. Changes are related to the change in our spending habits (which in itself is already hard enough) and the change of consciousness in the fields of economics, politics and society.Companies that are self-conscious to environment with potential for business and profits, also realize a significant contribution to environmental protection. These successful companies not only sell products to its customers and thus gain profits, but in the corporate commitment to make decisions for the care of their surroundings. In contrast to conventional producers, the most successful green companies direct their customers, or in advance know what needs to be made and the buyer offers an environmentally friendly product. Green companies are ready to address concerns about the natural environment.Green marketing is the primary segment of social marketing, because it covers the protection and preservation of the values necessary for survival, existence and development of man as a human being, reflecting the practical support the implementation of the philosophy of sustainable development of mankind.Green marketing presents important opportunities for industry and economy of the Republic of Serbia. Therefore Serbian companies must re-define the roles of business and products, as well as joint work with government agencies, consumer groups and NGOs. Serbia is becoming aware of environmental issues, but for green marketing businesses, companies, consumers and government still do not pay enough importance

    Prevencija i kontrola kompleksa respiratornog oboljenja goveda (BRDC)

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    BRDC is one of the most expensive health problems in cattle breeding around the world, due to high morbidity and mortality, weight loss, reduced food utilization, reduced quality of carcasses and extensive prophylaxis and therapy. BRDC causes a greater number of pathogens (viruses and bacteria), with predisposing risk factors from the ambient and host. Increasing the production of meat and milk worldwide would be sustainable by improving the prevention and control of BRDC. Management strategies greatly reduce the occurrence of BRDC, and metaphylaxis is useful in high-risk calves when arriving in the feedlot. Control of BRDC requires the application of new technologies to increase resistance, reduce risk factors and exposure to pathogens.BRDC je jedan od najskupljih zdravstvenih problema u govedarstvu širom sveta, usled visokog morbiditeta i smrtnosti, gubitka težine, smanjenog iskorišćenja hrane, smanjenog kvaliteta trupova i obimne profilakse i terapije. BRDC izaziva veći broj patogena (virusa i bakterija), uz predisponirajuće faktore rizika iz ambijenta i domaćina. Povećanje proizvodnje mesa i mleka u celom svetu bilo bi održivo unapređenjem prevencije i kontrole BRDC. Strategije upravljanja značajno smanjuju pojavu BRDC, a metafilaksa je korisna kod „visoko rizične“ teladi na prijemu u tovilišta. Kontrola BRDC zahteva primenu novih tehnologija za povećanje otpornosti, smanjenje faktora rizika i izloženosti patogenima

    Hypercalcemic type of small cell carcinoma of the ovary

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    © 2015, Institut za Vojnomedicinske Naucne Informacije/Documentaciju. All rights reserved. Introduction. Extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma is a rare, prognostically bad tumor category. Primary, it can be localized in every organ, even in the ovary, where, due to its clinical specifici-ties, it represents a challenge in diagnosis, as well as in therapy. Small cell ovarian carcinoma (SCOC) is biologically very aggres-sive malignant tumor of unknown histogenesis. We presented a rare case of SCOC with hypercalcemia of aggressive course and fatal outcome in a postmenopausal woman at International Fed-eration of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Ia stage. Case re-port. A 60-year-old woman, Caucasian, came to the doctor be-cause of discomfort in the lower abdomen and pain of greater in-tensity in last few days. Ultrasound examination and CT scan of the abdomen confirmed the presence of large adnexal masses of cystic-solid appearance with the largest diameter of 13 cm, regu-lar structure of the other gynecological organs, without verifying the existence of metastatic deposits. All the results of laboratory analysis gave normal values, except for calcium, which was ele-vated. Explorative laparotomy with complete hysterectomy, bi-lateral salpingo-oophorectomy, dissection of lymph nodes and omentectomy were conducted. Based on pathohistological analy-sis of the operative material, SCOC at FIGO Ia stage was diag-nosed. No complications were observed in a postsurgery period and after 10 days the patient was discharged in a good condition and with normal calcemia. The treatment was continued with concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, in spite of overall treatment, the disease progressed, and the patient died of disseminated metastatic disease, 26 months after the diagnosis. Conclusion. Small cell carcinoma localized in the ovary is gener-ally a tumor category with bad prognosis depending on the stage of the disease

    Uticaj završne mase mladih bikova simentalske rase na randman

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    Domestic Simmental is the most common breed of catlle in our country. The quality of the carcassеs have been the subject of interest, both primary production and the meat industry. The classification of carcasses is conducted immediately after veterinary examination and weight of carcasses and determinate of carcasses mass. In this paper was investigated the influence finished mass of young bulls of Simmental race on randman and depedence randman from finished mass of young bulls. The investigation was carried out on the 54 carcasses young bulls devided in two groups. The first group of young bulls was from 450 to 500 kg mass, and secund group between 550 to 600 kg. The results of investigation are showed that randman in first group was between 42% to 56%, and in secund group from 49% to 57%.Domaće šareno goveče u tipu simentalca je rasa goveda koja se najviše gaji na našim prostorima. Kvаlitet trupovа zаklаnih životinjа je predmet interesovаnjа, kаko primаrne proizvodnje, tаko i industrije mesа. Postupаk klаsirаnjа trupovа odnosno polutki sprovodi se u klаnicаmа neposredno nаkon veterinаrskog pregledа i utvrđivаnjа mаse trupа. U rаdu je ispitаn uticaj završne mase mladih bikova simentalske rase iz otkupa na randman i zavisnost randmana od završne mase mladih bikova. Ispitivаnje je sprovedeno nа 54 trupа junаdi (mlаdih bikovа) podeljenih u dve grupe. Prvu grupu su činili bikovi završne telesne mаse 450-500 kg, a drugu 550-600 kg. Rezultati su pokazali da se randman kod prve grupe kretao od 42% do 56%, a kod druge grupe od 49% do 57%

    Campylobacter jejuni infection and IgE sensitization in up to 2-year-old infants

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    © 2015, Institut za Vojnomedicinske Naucne Informacije/Documentaciju. All rights reserved. Background/Aim. The “hygiene hypothesis” addresses the correlation between the occurrence of atopy and the frequency of infections in the earliest age, explaining an increase in the incidence of atopic diseases by living in good, infection-free, hygienic conditions. The aim of our study was to determine the conection between atopy and Campylobacter infection, and to analyze the association between serum concentrations of total IgE and Campylobacter infection in relation to atopy in children up to two years. Methods. A case control study was conducted with the sample of 98 infants of the average age of 8 months. Total serum IgE and Phadiatop infant multi-test were determined on Immunocap-100 (Phadia AB, Uppsala, Sweden). The presence of atopy was determined by detection of serumspecific IgE ≥ 0.35 kUA/L (Phadiatop infant positive) and serum IgM, IgA, IgG levels against C. jejuni were determined by a quantitative immuno-enzyme test-SERION ELISA classic. Results. Total IgE cut-off values ≥ 15 kU/L point to atopy in infants, and tIgE cut-off values ≥ 8.1 kU/L pointed to a C. jejuni infection in infants. Within the group of atopic children, tIgE levels ≥ 29.8 kU/L point to C. jejuni infection, and within the group of non-atopic children, tIgE levels ≥ 5.9 kU/L point to infection. Enteritis is not a predictor of C. jejuni infection, because of a high frequency of asymptomatic cases of infection. The risk factors for C. jejuni infection are age and tIgE, and the protective factors are breastfeeding and atopy. Conclusion. C. jejuni infection increases the total serum IgE level, which is predictive of infection, regardless of the presence of atopy. The presence of symptomatic C. jejuni infection reduces the risk of atopy in a child of the age of 5–24 months by the factor of 10