341 research outputs found

    Recharging process of commercial floating-gate MOS transistor in dosimetry application

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    This research was funded by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, under the project No.43011, grant No.451-03-9/2021-14/200026 and European Com-mission, WIDESPREAD-2018-3-TWINNING, grant No.857558-ELICSIR.We investigated the recharging process of commercial floating gate device (EPAD) during the six different dose rates and ten irradiation cycles with the highest dose rate. Dose rate dependence of the floating gate dosimeter was observed from 1 Gy/h to 26 Gy/h (H2O). There is no change of the dosimetric characteristic with a constant dose rate of 26 Gy/h for ten cycles. The absorbed dose does not affect the drift of the threshold voltage readings after the irradiation steps. The reprogramming characteristic is not degrading with the absorbed dose for the ten irradiation cycles, giving the promising potential in the application for dosimetric purposes.Ministry of Education, Science & Technological Development, Serbia 43011 451-03-9/2021-14/200026European Commission 857558-ELICSI

    Whiteboard Drawing Device

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    Whiteboards have become a staple in many classrooms, especially in the context of STEM courses. However, when it comes to teaching complex topics, it can be difficult or impractical to provide accurate drawings and visualizations by hand, and in extreme cases may lead to misinterpretation of a particular topic. To fix this issue, the Whiteboard Drawing Device allows users to draw preset shapes to a whiteboard automatically, both quickly and accurately. Using either a smartphone application or a set of onboard controls, the device allows users to automatically draw straight lines, rectangles, triangles, sinusoidal waves, and circles on the whiteboard. The shape, size, and position of each of these shapes on the board are defined by the user, and the device can be retrofitted to a whiteboard of max size 4’ × 4’. With this, the Whiteboard Drawing Device offers a user-friendly, low-cost, and fun alternative to other more expensive products with similar functionality

    Importance of higher orders in opacity in QGP tomography

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    We consider the problem of including a finite number of scattering centers in dynamical energy loss and classical DGLV formalism. Previously, either one or an infinite number of scattering centers were considered in energy loss calculations, while attempts to relax such approximations were largely inconclusive or incomplete. In reality, however, the number of scattering centers is generally estimated to be 4-5 at RHIC and the LHC, making the above approximations (a priori) inadequate and this theoretical problem significant for QGP tomography. We derived explicit analytical expressions for dynamical energy loss and DGLV up to the 4th4^{th} order in opacity, resulting in complex mathematical expressions that were, to our knowledge, obtained for the first time. These expressions were then implemented into an appropriately generalized DREENA framework to calculate the effects of higher orders in opacity on a wide range of high-pp_\perp light and heavy flavor predictions. Results of extensive numerical analysis, together with interpretations of nonintuitive results, are presented. We find that, for both RHIC and the LHC, higher-order effects on high-pp_\perp observables are small, and the approximation of a single scattering center is adequate for dynamical energy loss and DGLV formalisms.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Comparison of optimizer-based and flow solver-based trimming in the context of high-fidelity aerodynamic optimization

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    This report compares two approaches for achieving a trimmed state of an aircraft configuration during an aerodynamic optimization. In the optimizer-based approach, balance equations are posed as direct constraints to the optimizer. In the flow solver-based approach, balance equations are satisfied within the flow solver evaluation. These approaches are applied to a flying wing case, where blended trailing edge deflection is used to control the pitching moment. The wing is treated as rigid, and lift and pitching moment balance equations are taken into account for trimming. Tests are performed with varying numbers of shape design parameters and with varying numbers of flight points. It is concluded that the flow solver-based approach performs more robustly, and thus should be preferred in general, even though it may take more time than the optimizer-based approach

    On the Transmission of Colour Image Over Double Generalized Gamma FSO Channel

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    In this paper performance analysis of colour image Free Space Optics (FSO) transmission over Double Generalized Gamma (DGG) turbulence communication channel is carried out. At the reception side, we have used an average bit error rate (ABER) for reconstructed image performance measure, as the function of FSO link transmission parameters, such as propagation distance, Rytov variance and turbulence shaping and severity parameters (γ1, γ2, m1, m2). Obtained results cover a large number of colour image FSO transmission scenarios, for Gamma-Gamma, Double-Weibull and K turbulence models channels considered as special cases

    Analiza kvaliteta vode reke Jablanice na osnovu zajednice vodenih makroinvertebrata

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    Cilj rada je da se prikažu rezultati ocene kvaliteta vode reke Jablanice (sliv Kolubare) zasnovane na prisutnoj zajednici vodenih makroinvertebrata. Jablanica je relativno kratka (25 km) desna sastavnica, koja u blizini Valjeva sa Obnicom (leva sastavnica) formira Kolubaru. Kolubara, kao poslednja veća pritoka Save, protiče kroz područje sa izraženim i različitim antropogenim uticajima. Sama Jablanica nastaje spajanjem većeg broja potoka sa obronaka planina Jablanik i Medvednik. U skladu sa zahtevima EU prilikom ocene stanja rečnih sistema neophodno je utvrđivanje referentnih uslova. Da bi se utvrdilo recentno stanje, i usaglašenost sa zahtevima za dostizanje referentnog statusa, izvršeno je ispitivanje ove reke u aprilu 2013. godine na tri lokaliteta gornjeg toka. Kao parametri za ocenu kvaliteta vode, korišćeni su sledeći pokazatelji: ukupan broj taksona, saprobni indeks (SI; Zelinka & Marvan), BMWP i ASPT skorovi, broj taksona grupa Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) i indeks diverziteta (SWI; Shannon-Wiener’s indeks). Zabeležena su ukupno 72 taksona makroinvertebrata. Kao najraznovrsnije grupe izdvajaju se Trichoptera (16 taksona) i Ephemeroptera (15 taksona). U odnosu na saprobnu vrednost, utvrđeno je da je većina prisutnih taksona osetljiva na organsko zagađenje (ksenosaprobni i oligosaprobni organizmi). Dobijene vrednosti praktično svih korišćenih pokazatelja kvaliteta vode, upućuju na veoma dobar status (klasa I), čime su ispunjeni uslovi da se ispitivani deo toka Jablanice može smatrati referentnim stanjem, za potrebe istraživanja sliva Kolubare. Puštanje u rad akumulacije u Rovnima (srednji tok Jablanice) može izmeniti zatečeno stanje, zbog čega je neophodan redovni monitoring