117 research outputs found

    Global and Domestic Factors of Financial Crises in Emerging Economies: Lessons from the East Asian Episodes (1997-1999)

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    This paper suggests that a new approach is needed in order to identify the causes of the East Asian financial crises and that this new approach might be fruitful in reassessing the analyses and theories of financial crises in emerging economies. The first part of the paper presents a new empirical analysis of the state of fundamentals in East Asia before the crises. It suggests that the relevant fundamentals were both non-conventional and "intermediate" (or not "bad" enough to trigger the crises by themselves). Fundamentals were also different from those preceding previous turmoils in the 1990s, such as the ERM crisis in 1992-1993 and the Mexican crisis in 1994-1995. The second part highlights that existing theoretical models of currency crises miss some important points. Even second generation models, which stress self-fulfilling expectations and which acknowledge that crises might appear against the backdrop of non-conventional and intermediate fundamentals, explain only the role of fundamentals in relation to private expectations. But they do not explain how can it be that a shift in private agents' expectations turns out into a financial crisis. The third part suggests that the current process of globalization exacerbates failures in international capital markets and impinges upon capital flows and the pace and order of financial liberalization in emerging economies, increasing therefore uncertainty and rendering large domestic vulnerabilities. It also highlights how financial globalization was related to the East Asian crises. The main conclusion is that intermediate non-conventional fundamentals, shifts in private agents' expectations and financial globalization were arguably the main factors of the East Asian crisis. Therefore, in order to prevent future financial crises, governments in emerging economies should try to exit crises zones through improving their fundamentals, to proceed carefully with financial liberalization, to implement some kind of capital controls and to urge for the establishment of a new global financial architecture.

    Catalyzing Change for Undocumented Students at Post-Secondary Institutions in California

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    This paper highlights learning lessons and best practices from the California Campus Catalyst Fund (CCCF), a unique 3-year, $14M grant and technical assistance initiative, which supports programs for undocumented students at 32 campuses within each of the public higher education segments in California (University of California, California State University, and California Community Colleges). The paper focuses on three essential components of substantive changes for undocumented students attending CCCF campuses: 1) access to financial aid, 2) knowledge about income generation through entrepreneurship, and 3) student leadership development. Recommendations stemming from best practices and implementation of the CCCF are provided for multiple audiences, including postsecondary educators, policymakers, and the philanthropic sector, focused on increasing access and success of undocumented students

    Introducción N°11 – Deslocalidades, translocalidades y activismo en el arte electrónico y biomedial latinoamericano

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    Le prĂ©sent dossier rassemble des articles prenant comme objet les arts Ă©lectroniques et biomĂ©diales latino-amĂ©ricains en articulation avec un certain nombre de concepts, tels que les dĂ©localitĂ©s, les translocalitĂ©s et l’activisme. Ces concepts proposĂ©s questionnent Ă  la fois les diffĂ©rentes relations possibles entre les pratiques artistiques et les contextes de production spĂ©cifiques et celles entre les pratiques artistiques et les contextes de rĂ©ception des arts. Ces derniers sont traversĂ©s aussi bien par des positionnements "glocals" et "translocals" divers que par des mutations ontologiques que notre Ă©poque est en train de produire en relation - non plus avec des localisations rĂ©gionales - mais avec le vivant, dans un sens plus large. Ce numĂ©ro 11 de la revue Artelogie, voudrait Ă©galement convoquer des propositions artistiques sur l’art et la technologie en lien avec l’activisme impliquĂ© dans la mobilisation et la crĂ©ation de nouvelles Ă©cologies sociales issues des actions collectives, relationnelles et collaboratives.El presente dossier reĂșne artĂ­culos que tomaron como objeto las artes electrĂłnicas y biomediales latinoamericanas bajo el cobijo de una serie de conceptos en articulaciĂłn: deslocalidades, translocalidades y activismo. Tales conceptos llaman a discutir de quĂ© manera las prĂĄcticas artĂ­sticas evidencian tanto su vinculaciĂłn, por un lado, con contextos especĂ­ficos de producciĂłn y recepciĂłn de las artes atravesados por posicionalidades glocales y translocales diversas; y por otro lado, con las mutaciones ontolĂłgicas y epistemolĂłgicas que nuestra Ă©poca estĂĄ produciendo en relaciĂłn ­– ya no con localizaciones regionales – sino a nivel de lo viviente tecnolĂłgico o biolĂłgico en un sentido mĂĄs amplio. Se busca incluso reunir propuestas artĂ­sticas en arte y tecnologĂ­a en sus relaciones con el activismo implicado en movilizar y crear nuevas ecologĂ­as sociales a partir de acciones colectivas, relacionales y colaborativas

    Introduction N°11 – DĂ©localitĂ©s, translocalitĂ©s et activisme dans l'art Ă©lectronique et biomĂ©diale latino-amĂ©ricain

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    Le prĂ©sent dossier rassemble des articles prenant comme objet les arts Ă©lectroniques et biomĂ©diales latino-amĂ©ricains en articulation avec un certain nombre de concepts, tels que les dĂ©localitĂ©s, les translocalitĂ©s et l’activisme. Ces concepts proposĂ©s questionnent Ă  la fois les diffĂ©rentes relations possibles entre les pratiques artistiques et les contextes de production spĂ©cifiques et celles entre les pratiques artistiques et les contextes de rĂ©ception des arts. Ces derniers sont traversĂ©s aussi bien par des positionnements "glocals" et "translocals" divers que par des mutations ontologiques que notre Ă©poque est en train de produire en relation - non plus avec des localisations rĂ©gionales - mais avec le vivant, dans un sens plus large. Ce numĂ©ro 11 de la revue Artelogie, voudrait Ă©galement convoquer des propositions artistiques sur l’art et la technologie en lien avec l’activisme impliquĂ© dans la mobilisation et la crĂ©ation de nouvelles Ă©cologies sociales issues des actions collectives, relationnelles et collaboratives.La presente dossier reĂșne artĂ­culos que tomaron como objeto las artes electrĂłnicas y biomediales latinoamericanas bajo el cobijo de una serie de conceptos en articulaciĂłn: deslocalidades, translocalidades y activismo. Tales conceptos llaman a discutir de quĂ© manera las prĂĄcticas artĂ­sticas evidencian tanto su vinculaciĂłn, por un lado, con contextos especĂ­ficos de producciĂłn y recepciĂłn de las artes atravesados por posicionalidades glocales y translocales diversas; y por otro lado, con las mutaciones ontolĂłgicas y epistemolĂłgicas que nuestra Ă©poca estĂĄ produciendo en relaciĂłn ­– ya no con localizaciones regionales – sino a nivel de lo viviente tecnolĂłgico o biolĂłgico en un sentido mĂĄs amplio. Se busca incluso reunir propuestas artĂ­sticas en arte y tecnologĂ­a en sus relaciones con el activismo implicado en movilizar y crear nuevas ecologĂ­as sociales a partir de acciones colectivas, relacionales y colaborativas

    Individual attractiveness preferences differentially modulate immediate and voluntary attention

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    Physical attractiveness plays a crucial role in mate choice for both men and women. This is reflected in visual attention: people immediately attend towards and look longer at attractive faces, especially when they are motivated to find a partner. However, previous studies did not incorporate real-life dating decisions. Here, we aimed to combine attentional tasks with individual attractiveness ratings and a real-life mate choice context, namely a speed-dating paradigm. We investigated whether heterosexual non-committed young adults showed biases in immediate and voluntary attention towards attractive faces and preferred dating partners. In line with previous research, we found considerable individual differences in individual attractiveness preferences. Furthermore, our results showed that men had a bias towards attractive faces and preferred dating partners in the immediate attention task, while results for women were mixed. In the voluntary attention task, however, both men and women had an attentional bias towards attractive faces and preferred dating partners. Our results suggest that individual attractiveness preferences are good predictors of especially voluntary attention. We discuss these findings from an evolutionary perspective and suggest directions for future research

    No immediate attentional bias towards or choice bias for male secondary sexual characteristics in Bornean orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus)

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    Primate faces provide information about a range of variant and invariant traits, including some that are relevant for mate choice. For example, faces of males may convey information about their health or genetic quality through symmetry or facial masculinity. Because perceiving and processing such information may have bearing on the reproductive success of an individual, cognitive systems are expected to be sensitive to facial cues of mate quality. However, few studies have investigated this topic in non-human primate species. Orang-utans are an interesting species to test mate-relevant cognitive biases, because they are characterised by male bimaturism: some adult males are fully developed and bear conspicuous flanges on the side of their face, while other males look relatively similar to females. Here, we describe two non-invasive computerised experiments with Bornean orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus), testing (i) immediate attention towards large flanges and symmetrical faces using a dot-probe task (N = 3 individuals; 2F) and (ii) choice bias for pictures of flanged males over unflanged males using a preference test (N = 6 individuals; 4F). In contrast with our expectations, we found no immediate attentional bias towards either large flanges or symmetrical faces. In addition, individuals did not show a choice bias for stimuli of flanged males. We did find exploratory evidence for a colour bias and energy efficiency trade-offs in the preference task. We discuss our null results and exploratory results in the context of the evolutionary history of Bornean orang-utans, and provide suggestions for a more biocentric approach to the study of orang-utan cognition

    La inclusiĂłn de las modificaciones generales de las leyes tributarias en lo general, en la materia de aportaciones de seguridad social e impuestos estatales

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    Actualmente es necesario crear en los alumnos de la licenciatura en ContadurĂ­a la conciencia de la actualizaciĂłn constante en las materias tributarias que es uno de los pilares en la carrera de contadurĂ­a.  Es importante comentar que en la carrera de la licenciatura en ContadurĂ­a PĂșblica la primera materia que se imparte como tributaria es la denominada: aportaciĂłn de seguridad social e impuestos estatales, por lo que se considera impactante en los alumnos.Es importante inducir en el autoestudio y actualizaciĂłn a los alumnos y una de las maneras que se puede aplicar dicha prĂĄctica es la sensibilizaciĂłn de las modificaciones tributarias en lo general en la primera materia. Se utilizĂł la metodologĂ­a de la investigaciĂłn cualitativa, descriptiva, bibliogrĂĄfica
