121 research outputs found

    Specifics in creating individual education plan for students with cerebral palsy

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    Individualni obrazovni plan je razvojni dokument čiji je osnovni cilj da učeniku sa posebnim potrebama pruži individualnu ili individualizovanu pomoć, odnosno da mu pomogne da učestvuje u razrednom kolektivu i razvije svoju samostalnost. Učenici sa cerebralnom paralizom predstavljaju grupu učenika sa izuzetno heterogenim motoričkim, kognitivnim, govorno-jezičkim, socijalnim i emocionalnim sposobnostima i kao takvi predstavljaju veliki izazov koji se postavlja pred inkluzivno obrazovanje. U ovom radu analizirane su i komparirane sposobnosti za učestvovanje u Å”kolskim aktivnostima, sposobnosti za učenje, kao i mogućnost da se odgovori na zahteve nastavnog programa srpskog jezika, kod učenika sa cerebralnom paralizom, sa ciljem da se ukaže na izuzetan varijabilitet mogućnosti ovih učenika, a samim tim i oblasti neophodne podrÅ”ke. Rezultati su ukazali da se nivoi potrebne podrÅ”ke za učenike sa cerebralnom paralizom mogu kretati od prilagođavanja u pojedinim oblastima (didaktičko- metodički pristup) do prilagođavanja u programskim sadržajima i modelima vrednovanja Å”kolskog znanja. Istraživanje je istaklo važnost formiranja Å”to obuhvatnijeg tima za kreiranje Individualnih obrazovnih planova za učenike sa cerebralnom paralizom.An Individual Education Plan is a developmental document with a basic aim of providing individual or individualized support to students with special needs or to help them to take an active role in their class as much as to develop their independence. Students with cerebral palsy have heterogenic motor, cognitive, speech, social and emotional abilities. According to such heterogenic abilities, students with cerebral palsy represent an important challenge for implementing inclusive education. In this paper we have analyzed abilities for active involvement in school activities, abilities for learning, and capabilities for school achievement in Serbian language, at students with cerebral palsy. The aim of this paper is to highlight the extreme variability in abilities of those students, and according to them, to illustrate the necessary areas of support. The results show that level of support can vary from adaptation in didactic approaches to significant adaptation or modification of curriculum or adaptation and modification of school knowledge assessment. This research has pointed out the importance of including wide rang of professionals in team for creating Individual Education Plan

    Specifics in creating individual education plan for students with cerebral palsy

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    Individualni obrazovni plan je razvojni dokument čiji je osnovni cilj da učeniku sa posebnim potrebama pruži individualnu ili individualizovanu pomoć, odnosno da mu pomogne da učestvuje u razrednom kolektivu i razvije svoju samostalnost. Učenici sa cerebralnom paralizom predstavljaju grupu učenika sa izuzetno heterogenim motoričkim, kognitivnim, govorno-jezičkim, socijalnim i emocionalnim sposobnostima i kao takvi predstavljaju veliki izazov koji se postavlja pred inkluzivno obrazovanje. U ovom radu analizirane su i komparirane sposobnosti za učestvovanje u Å”kolskim aktivnostima, sposobnosti za učenje, kao i mogućnost da se odgovori na zahteve nastavnog programa srpskog jezika, kod učenika sa cerebralnom paralizom, sa ciljem da se ukaže na izuzetan varijabilitet mogućnosti ovih učenika, a samim tim i oblasti neophodne podrÅ”ke. Rezultati su ukazali da se nivoi potrebne podrÅ”ke za učenike sa cerebralnom paralizom mogu kretati od prilagođavanja u pojedinim oblastima (didaktičko- metodički pristup) do prilagođavanja u programskim sadržajima i modelima vrednovanja Å”kolskog znanja. Istraživanje je istaklo važnost formiranja Å”to obuhvatnijeg tima za kreiranje Individualnih obrazovnih planova za učenike sa cerebralnom paralizom.An Individual Education Plan is a developmental document with a basic aim of providing individual or individualized support to students with special needs or to help them to take an active role in their class as much as to develop their independence. Students with cerebral palsy have heterogenic motor, cognitive, speech, social and emotional abilities. According to such heterogenic abilities, students with cerebral palsy represent an important challenge for implementing inclusive education. In this paper we have analyzed abilities for active involvement in school activities, abilities for learning, and capabilities for school achievement in Serbian language, at students with cerebral palsy. The aim of this paper is to highlight the extreme variability in abilities of those students, and according to them, to illustrate the necessary areas of support. The results show that level of support can vary from adaptation in didactic approaches to significant adaptation or modification of curriculum or adaptation and modification of school knowledge assessment. This research has pointed out the importance of including wide rang of professionals in team for creating Individual Education Plan

    Determinants of elementary student's writing tool manipulation skills

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    Writing, as a skill of correct graphic design, represents an activity which is very important in each individual's life and work, and the period of elementary school, when writing skills are masteres, is the period when special attention must be devoted to determinants that can affect the process of writing. Gender, literacy phase and writing difficulties are the determinants that have been tested in 1156 elementary school students, and the research was done in the eight Belgrade elementary schools in 2016. Statistically significant differences in the writing tools and materials manipulation skills among students with and without writing difficulties were present. The students without writing difficulties had higher manipulation skills, and the biggest difference was recorded in the effective stabilization of paper with the non-dominant hand (r= .000), placing paper under an adequate angle (r= .000) and presenting comments and complaints of pain or fatigue (r= .000). The strongest statistically significant difference with the presence of difficulties in the writing tools and materials manipulation skills between boys and girls is recorded in the effective stabilization of paper with the non-dominant hand (r= .000). Students who are in the process of acquiring literacy skills have the greatest difficulties in the presence of pain or fatigue during writing (23.2% of students). The strongest statistically significant difference in the manipulating skills between students of the first and second grades, compared to the students who have already mastered writing, is in setting up paper at an adequate angle (r= .000) and in the presence of pain or fatigue (r= .000). Gender, the stage of literacy and writing difficulties are determinants that affect the skill of manipulating writing tools. Thus, studying this problem is very important in order to help students master the skills of writing. Individualization measures, as one of the modes of adapting teaching to the abilities of students, can make this complex process significantly easier for them

    Nastavnički osećaj efikasnosti i implikacije za realizaciju inkluzivne nastave

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    Numerous studies confirm that self-efficacy positively correlates with teachersā€™ readiness to accept innovations in teaching and meet studentsā€™ needs, and with their satisfaction and performance at work. The aim of this research is to examine teachersā€™ sense of self-effiĀ­cacy and, by analyzing it, to point to teachersā€™ existing strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of inclusive education. The sample consists of 148 teachers, 54.7% of whom are priĀ­mary school teachers, and 45.3% are subject teachers. The research was conducted in five primary schools in Serbia. The Teachersā€™ Sense of Efficacy Scale - TSES/Long form was used for the purpose of this research. Overall answers of the teachers from our sample are within ā€œI have quite a bit of influenceā€ self-assessment framework in the Scale (AM 7.14, SD 0.66), with minimum self-efficacy assessment in ā€œI have some influenceā€. Distribution of answers in the subscales is similar to the distribution of overall answers, but it is observed that in the subscale ā€œEfficacy in Challenging Goalsā€, regardless of high arithmetic mean (AM 6.50, SD 1.09), minimum self-efficacy assessment is closer to ā€œI have very little influenceā€. Teachersā€™ sense of self-efficacy is a construct which can signiĀ­ficantly influence teachersā€™ readiness to work in a challenging enviĀ­ronment, and as such, has to be included in considering the implicaĀ­tions for the implementation of inclusive education.Brojna istraživanja potvrđuju da samoefikasnost pozitivno korelira sa spremnoŔću nastavnika da prihvate novine u nastavi, izađu u susret potrebama učenika, kao i sa zadovoljstvom i učinkom na poslu. Istraživanje je imalo za cilj da ispita nastavnički osećaj samoefikasnosti i da, njegovom analizom, ukaže na postojeće snage i slabosti nastavnika za realizaciju inkluzivne nastave. Uzorak istraživanja je činilo 148 nastavnika. Nastavnici razredne nastave su činili 51,7%, dok je, 45,3% bilo nastavnika predmetne nasĀ­tave. Istraživanje je obavljeno u pet osnovnih Å”kola u Srbiji. Za potrebe ispitivanja koriŔćena je duža verzija Skale nastavničkih osećaja efikasnosti (Teachersā€™ Sense of Efficacy Scale - TSES / Long form). Ukupni odgovori nastavnika naÅ”eg uzorka na Skali nalaze se u okĀ­viru samoprocene ā€œImam dosta uticajaā€ (AS 7,14, SD 0,66), sa minimalnom procenom samoefikasnosti u nivou ā€œImam neÅ”to uticajaā€. Distribucija odgovora na subskalama slična je distribuciji ukupnih odgovora, ali se uočava da je na subskali Efikasnost u radu sa izazovnim ciljevima, i pored visoke aritmetičke sredine (AS 6,50, SD 1,09) minimalna procena samoefikasnosti bliža nivou ā€œImam vrlo malo uticajaā€. Osećaj samoefikasnosti nastavnika je konstrukt koji značajno može da utiče na njihovu spremnost da rade u izazovnom okruženju i, kao takav, mora se uključiti u razmatranje implikacija za realizaciju inkluzivne nastave

    Kinesthetic sensitivity as a determinant of writing legibility in students with and without writing difficulties

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    Pisanje kao veÅ”tina od čijeg kvaliteta zavisi vaspitno-obrazovni proces učenika, pod uticajem je mnogobrojnih faktora. Kako je kinestetička senzitivnost jedna od determinanti kvaliteta pisanja, cilj ove studije jeste da se utvrdi povezanost kinestetičke senzitivnosti i čitljivosti rukopisa učenika sa i bez teÅ”koća u pisanju. Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom 2016. godine u osam beogradskih osnovnih Å”kola, na uzorku od 1156 učenika nižih razreda osnovne Å”kole. Kao instrumenti procene koriŔćeni su Protokol za procenu pisanja (The McMaster Handwriting Assessment Protocol ā€“ 2nd edition), Lurija Nebraska neuropsiholoÅ”ka baterija testova (Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Childrenā€™s Revision) i posebna metodologija za procenu jačine i konzistentnosti pritiska. Rezultati dobijeni procenom brzine pisanja i čitljivosti napisanog teksta pokazuju da se kod 118 učenika (10,2%) beleže teÅ”koće u pisanju. Kada se posmatra povezanost čitljivosti rukopisa i kompozitnog skora kinestetičke senzitivnosti kod učenika sa teÅ”koćama u pisanju (r = -0,42) i učenika bez teÅ”koća u pisanju (r = -0,47), dolazi se do rezultata da postoji umerena negativna korelacija kod obe grupe učenika. Ukoliko se posmatra korelacija pojedinačnih proba za procenu kinestetičke senzitivnosti i čitljivosti rukopisa, dolazi se do rezultata da se najjača povezanost kod učenika sa teÅ”koćama u pisanju beleži sa hvatom olovke (r = -0,49) i konzistentnosti pritiska (r = -0,39). Najveća razlika u jačini povezanosti kinestetičke senzitivnosti i čitljivosti rukopisa učenika sa i bez teÅ”koća u pisanju beleži se prilikom procene konzistentnosti pritiska, pri čemu se jača povezanost beleži u grupi učenika koji nemaju teÅ”koće u pisanju (r = -0,65). Dobijeni rezultati su veoma značajni za proces prilagođavanja vaspitno-obrazovnog procesa učeniku sa teÅ”koćama u pisanju, kroz mere individualizacije ili individualni obrazovni plan. UčeŔće defektologa u ovim aktivnostima jeste neophodno zbog toga Å”to su pravovremena detekcija ovih teÅ”koća i njihova stimulacija izuzetno važne, ne samo zbog povezanosti razvoja sposobnosti pisanja sa Å”kolskim postignućima, već i sa formiranjem ličnosti učenika kao bio-psiho-socijalne jedinke.Writing, as a skill whose quality depends on the educational process of students, is influenced by many factors. As kinesthetic sensitivity is one of the determinants of the quality of writing, the aim of this study was to determine the correlation of kinesthetic sensitivity and the legibility of writing in students with and without writing difficulties. The survey was conducted in 2016 in eight Belgrade elementary schools, on a sample of 1156 students of lower grades of elementary school. The McMaster Handwriting Assessment Protocol (2nd edition), the Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (Childrenā€™s Revision) and a specific methodology for assessing the strength and consistency of the pressure were used as measuring instruments. The results obtained by assessing the speed of writing and the legibility of the written text show that 118 students (10.2%) had writing difficulty. When one examines the relation between the legibility of writing and the composite score of kinesthetic sensitivity in students with difficulty in writing (r = -0.42) and students without writing difficulty (r = -0.47), the result shows a moderate negative correlation in both groups of students. If we examine the correlation of individual tests for assessing kinesthetic sensitivity and the legibility of the writing task, the result shows that the strongest relation among the students with writing difficulties was recorded with regard to pen grasp (r = -0.49) and pressure consistency (r = -0.39). The greatest difference in the degree of correlation between kinesthetic sensitivity and the readability of studentsā€™ handwriting with and without writing difficulty was noted when assessing the consistency of the pressure, while stronger interaction was recorded in the group of students who did not have writing difficulties (r = -0.65). These results are very important for the process of adapting the educational process to students with writing difficulties, through individualization measures or individual educational plan. The participation of special educator in these activities is necessary because timely detection of these difficulties and their stimulation is extremely important, not only because of the connection between the development of writing skills and school achievements, but also for the formation of studentsā€™ personalities as a bio-psycho-social entity

    Identifying difficulties in creating individual education programs

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    U dugogodiÅ”njoj teoriji i praksi specijalne edukacije i rehabilitacije u naÅ”oj zemlji, nije novina da je, samo sistematskom evaluacijom učenikovih mogućnosti (sposobnosti), interesovanja, motivacije i prilagođavanja nastavnog rada u skladu sa dobijenim rezultatima, moguće ostvariti osnovni cilj obrazovanja, a to je napredovanje deteta. Osnovni cilj ovog rada je da, identifikacijom oblasti IOP-a koje nastavnici evaluiraju kao zahtevne, odnosno kao njima poznate i jednostavne za izradu, ukaže na osnovne elemente obuke nastavnika, ali i slabosti uputstva za izradu IOP-a. Stava smo da je moguće, na ovaj način, joÅ” jednom ukazati na značaj struktuiranja precizne metodologije izrade ovog dokumenta. Istraživanje, koje je obuhvatilo 65 ispitanika zaposlenih u dve osnovne Å”kole, kao i u dva vrtića, pokazalo je da nastavnici, vaspitači i stručni saradnici identifikuju brojne oblasti kreiranja IOP-a kao teÅ”kim za izradu. Najveći broj identifikovanih oblasti kometencija su rada defektologa. Istraživanje je jasno ukazalo na postojanje potrebe izrade precizne metodologije u oblasti kreiranja i implementacije IOP-a, koja će se temeljiti na defektoloÅ”koj proceni, a čiju nadogradnju će činiti kompetencije nastavnika/vaspitača i stručnih saradnika (psihologa i pedagoga).It is very important for education to perform systematic evaluation of pupil`s abilities, areas of interest and motivation. This is the main methodology for adaptation of the education process, and the only way to high school achievement. The main aim of this research is to identify the areas of difficulties in creating Individual Education Programs. In this way, it is possibleto point out the importance of good methodology in creating and implementing Individual Education Program. The survey was conducted on 65 teachers, professors and educators . It was found that there are many areas of Individual Education Programs that are very difficult to create, . most of which relate to special education teachers` competency. It is necessary to create precise methodology in creating and implementing Individual Education Programs, based on the assessment in special education and rehabilitation

    Handwriting speed students of lower grades of elementary school

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    Writing as one of the most complex human activities is the ability to properly graphic formatting of letters, the quality of which is viewed through the speed of writing and the legibility of written text. The main aim of this research is to investigate the writing speed of elementary school students. The survey was conducted in Belgrade, 2016 in eight elementary schools. The sample of research was formed from 1156 elementary school students, students from I to IV grade. The McMaster Handwriting Assessment Protocol was used as the measuring instrument. The obtained data show that the average writing speed of the students of lower grades of elementary school is the highest in the writing task to mind (40.86 letters per minute] and the lowest when the text is transcribed from a longer distance (36.31 letters per minute]. Consequently, there is a difference in the average writing speed of the students in the classroom, with respect to the class of students, with a significant effect of the type of task on the writing speed (F (2.778, 3208.02] = 466.34, p = 0.000]. The speed of writing increases with age, that is, with class, both on individual and total tasks. Inadequate writing speed, when looking at average speed on all four tasks, occurs in 78 (6.7%] students. Since most of the school activities are based on the writing process, and the existing results show that a number of students face a problem of writing speed, special attention must be paid to the adaptation of the educational process to these students. In addition to the difficulty of achieving a satisfactory writing speed, these students very often achieve worse school achievement, so this problem may also affect the emotional aspects of the students

    Homeschooling ā€“ from theoretical frame to practical findings

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    U radu je izvrÅ”ena komparacija teorijskih stavova i empirijskih istraživanja koja su sprovedena, do sada, o obrazovanju u kućnim uslovima. Komparacija je izvrÅ”ena sa ciljem definicije specifičnosti u neposrednoj realizaciji nastavnog procesa u kućnim uslovima i to kroz analizu strukture učenika i neposredne organizaciju rada na času (dužina trajanja časa, upotreba i odabir nastavnih metoda, stepen ostavrljivosti zadataka nastavnog programa, specifičnosti u adaptaciji nastavnih sredstava). Na osnovu navedenih istraživanja, može se uočiti da je najveća diskrepanca između teorijskih stavova i praktične realizacije u određivanju neophodne potrebe da dete bude uključeno u ovaj oblik obrazovanja. Najveća korelacija teorije i prakse prisutna je u oblasti prilagođavanja nastavnog plana i programa i mogućnosti njegove realizacije, fleksibilnosti u dužini trajanja nastavnog časa, odabiru nastavnih metoda, pripremi i primeni nastavnih sredstava, ali i teorijskih stavova koji ukazuju na probleme u realizaciji nastave, a koji se odnose na nedostatak adekvatnog prostora.In this paper we compared theoretical attitudes and empiric researches which have been done in homeschooling. The aim was to establish specific fields in realization of teaching-education process in homeschooling analyzing the structure of children and class process (time-structure of teaching, teachingeducation methods, achieving of curriculum goals, specific in adaptation of teaching material). According the available researches we can conclude that there is the most significant discrepancy between theoretical attitudes and practical work in area of determining parameters for sign in children in homeschooling. There is the most significant correlation between theoretical attitudes and practical work in area of curriculum adaptation, time-structure of teaching, teaching education methods, but also in adequacy of working space
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