947 research outputs found

    Cosmic Microwave and Infrared Backgrounds cross-correlation for ISW detection

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    We investigate the cross-correlation between the cosmic infrared and microwave backgrounds (CIB & CMB) anisotropies through the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. We first describe the CIB anisotropies using a linearly biased power spectrum, then derive the theoretical angular power spectrum of the CMB-CIB cross-correlation for different instruments and frequencies. We discuss the detectability of the ISW signal by performing a signal-to-noise (SNR) analysis with our predicted spectra. The significances obtained range from 6{\sigma} to 7{\sigma} in an ideal case, depending on the frequency ; in realistic cases which account for the presence of noise including astrophysical contaminants, the results span the range 2-5{\sigma}, depending strongly on the major contribution to the noise term.Comment: 4 pages, 1 table. Contribution to the proceedings of the International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology, Goa, India, December, 201

    A family of simultaneous zero-finding methods

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    AbstractApplying Hansen-Patrick's formula for solving the single equation f(z) = 0 to a suitable function appearing in the classical Weierstrass' method, two one-parameter families of interation functions for the simultaneous approximation of all simple and multiple zeros of a polynomial are derived. It is shown that all the methods of these families have fourth-order of convergence. Some computational aspects of the proposed methods and numerical examples are given

    Optical Emission Lines and the X-Ray Properties of Type 1 Seyfert Galaxies

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    In this contribution we report on the study of the optical emission lines and X-ray spectra of a sample of Type 1 AGNs, collected at the Sloan Digital Sky Survey database and observed by the XMM Newton satellite. Exploiting the different instruments carried onboard XMM, we identify the spectral components of the soft and hard energy bands (in the range from 0.3 keV up to 10 keV). The properties of the X-ray continuum and of the Fe Kalpha line feature are investigated in relation to the optical broad emission line profiles and intensity ratios. The resulting picture of emission, absorption and reflection processes is interpreted by means of a BLR structural model that was developed on the basis of independent optical and radio observations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the VIII Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics, accepted for publication on Baltic Astronomy. Corrected typos in V

    Copper production in Majdanpek in sixties and seventies of the 16th century

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    In this paper the practice of mine Majdanpek during sixties and seventies of the XVI century has been investigated with an accent on copper production. The attention has been also given to various subjects from considering copper treatment and use to forbidden activities connected to copper illegal production and trade with Persia

    ā€œNezačepljujućaā€ modifikacija pozicije konektora dvoslojne prolenske mrežice u hernioplastici muÅ”ke ingvinalne hernije

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    The bilayer patch device (Ethicon, Prolen Hernia SystemĀ®) for inguinal hernia repair has a connector that acts as a ā€šplugā€˜ in the internal inguinal ring. The position of this ā€šplugā€˜ component may be responsible for higher incidence of chronic pain and intestinal damage. We assumed that changing the position of the connector of a bilayer patch device (PHSĀ®) and placing it medially in Hesselbach triangle would contribute to lower incidence of chronic pain and would not result in intestinal damage, with good clinical outcome following indirect inguinal hernioplasty. This retrospective study included 73 patients with 76 indirect inguinal hernias, who underwent the procedure of modifying the position of the bilayer patch device in the 2005-2015 period. The mean age of the patients was 57 years. Three patients had early postoperative complications (3.95%), two of which had postoperative seroma and one had postoperative pain. Three patients (3.95%) had late postoperative complications. One patient (1.32%) had chronic pain. There was one recurrence (1.32%) and one patient (1.32%) needed the mesh removed due to discomfort. The ā€˜plug freeā€™ position of the connector of a bilayer patch device in patients with indirect inguinal hernioplasty is a safe procedure with low rate of chronic pain, no intestinal damage, and standard low recurrence.Dvoslojna mrežica (Ethicon, Prolen Hernia SystemĀ®, PHSĀ®) za reparaciju preponskih kila sadrži konektor koji ima ulogu ā€œÄepaā€ u unutarnjem preponskom prstenu. Pozicija ove ā€œÄepā€ komponente može biti odgovorna za kroničnu bol i oÅ”tećenja crijeva. Pretpostavili smo da će promjena položaja konektora dvoslojne mrežice (PHSĀ®) i njegovo postavljanje medijalno u Hesselbachovu trokutu doprinijeti manjoj učestalosti kronične boli i da neće doći do oÅ”tećenja crijeva, s dobrim kliničkim ishodom nakon reparacije indirektne preponske kile. Ova retrospektivna studija je obuhvatila 73 bolesnika sa 76 indirektnih preponskih kila kod kojih je u razdoblju od 2005. do 2015. napravljena modifikacija postavljanja dvoslojne mrežice. Prosječna starost bolesnika bila je 57 godina. Tri bolesnika su imali rane poslijeoperacijske komplikacije (3,95%), dva serom i jedan ranu poslijeoperacijsku bol. Tri (3,95%) bolesnika su imali kasne poslijeoperacijske komplikacije: jedan (1,32%) s kroničnom boli, jedan (1,32%) s recidivom i jedan (1,32%) s ekstrakcijom mrežice zbog nepodnoÅ”enja. ā€œNezačepljujućaā€ pozicija konektora dvoslojne mrežice kod bolesnika s indirektnim ingvinalnim hernioplastikama je siguran postupak s niskim postotkom kronične boli, bez oÅ”tećenja crijeva i sa standardno malim brojem recidiva

    Are Boltzmann Plots of Hydrogen Balmer lines a tool for identifying a subclass of S1 AGN?

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    It is becoming clear that we can define two different types of nearby AGN belonging to the Seyfert 1 class (S1), on the basis of the match of the intensities of their Broad Balmer Lines (BBL) with the Boltzmann Plots (BP). These two types of S1 galaxies, that we call BP-S1 and NoBP-S1, are characterized, in first approximation, by Broad Line Regions (BLR) with different structural and physical properties. In this communication, we show that these features can be well pointed out by a multi-wavelength analysis of the continuum and of the broad recombination Hydrogen lines, that we carry out on a sample of objects detected at optical and X-ray frequencies. The investigation is addressed to verify whether BP-S1 are the ideal candidates for the study of the kinematical and structural properties of the BLR, in order to derive reliable estimates of the mass of their central engine and to constrain the properties of their nuclear continuum spectrum.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures (1 multi-paged). Accepted for publication on Advances in Space Research. Contribution to the IX SCSLS

    Laser doppler velocimetry and confined flows

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    Finding the mode, in which two component laser Doppler velocimetry can be applied to flows confined in cylindrical tubes or vessels, was the aim of this study. We have identified principle issues that influence the propagation of laser beams in laser Doppler velocimetry system, applied to flow confined in cylindrical tube. Among them, the most important are influences of fluid and wall refractive indices, wall thickness and internal radius ratio and beam intersection angle. In analysis of the degrees of these influences, we have applied mathematical model, based on geometrical optics. The separation of measurement volumes, that measure different velocity components, has been recognized as the main drawback. To overcome this, we propose a lens with dual focal length primary focal length for the measurement of one velocity component and secondary focal length for the measurement of the other velocity component. We present here the procedure for calculating the optimal value of secondary focal length, depending on experimental set-up parameters. The mathematical simulation of the application of the dual focal length lens, for chosen cases presented here, confirmed the accuracy of the proposed procedure

    Additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse in a Banach algebra

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    AbstractIn this paper we investigate additive properties of the generalized Drazin inverse in a Banach algebra. We find some new conditions under which the generalized Drazin inverse of the sum a+b could be explicitly expressed in terms of a, ad, b, bd. Also, some recent results of Castro and Koliha [New additive results for the g-Drazin inverse, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 134 (2004) 1085ā€“1097] are extended
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