10 research outputs found

    Hypothesis and theory: Do trees “release the tension” in rainwater? Surface tension reduction in throughfall and stemflow from urban trees

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    Knowledge of the processes and impacts associated with the canopy’s partitioning of rainfall into stemflow (water that drains to the base of tree stems) and throughfall (water that drips through gaps and from canopy surfaces) has expanded in recent years. However, the effect of canopy interactions on the fundamental physical properties of rainwater as it travels through the canopy to the soil, particularly surface tension, remains understudied. To discuss specific hypotheses within this context and their relevance to ecohydrological theory, the surface tension of rainwater samples was examined directly. Over a period of 9 months, open rainwater, throughfall and stemflow samples were collected during 20 storms from 12 study trees located in Secrest Arboretum (about 2.5 km outside Wooster, Ohio). Study trees were selected to highlight a range of canopy characteristics, with each tree being from a unique deciduous species. Surface tension was measured using pendant drop goniometry, and measurements were analyzed for variation across study trees and correlation with event air temperature and rain intensity. In general, surface tension was reduced in throughfall and stemflow compared to measurements made for event rainwater, with median surface tension changes of −0.446 mN m−1 and −0.595 mN m−1 for throughfall and stemflow, respectively. The extent of this reduction varied among study trees (with changes as great as −6.5 to −5.5 mN m−1), and storm event characteristics were directly and indirectly correlated with surface tension changes in select cases. Hypothetically, a number of mechanisms may account for the observed reduction (and variation in this reduction) in surface tension, including differences in tree surface properties, canopy microenvironments, and microbiomes, and each warrant further research. Testing these hypotheses may advance broader ecohydrological theory as surface tension changes will influence wetting, absorption, and solute exchange processes within the canopy which, in turn, may affect related surface processes

    Does Mixing Tree Species Affect Water Storage Capacity of the Forest Floor? Laboratory Test of Pine-Oak and Fir-Beech Litter Layers

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    During the last decade, tree species mixing has been widely supported as a silvicultural approach to reduce drought stress. However, little is known on the influence of tree species mixing on physical properties and the water storage capacity of forest soils (including the forest floor). Thus, the study aimed to analyze the effect of mixing pine needles and oak leaves and mixing fir needles and beech leaves on hydro-physical properties of the litter layer during laboratory tests. We used fir-beech and pine-oak litter containing various shares of conifer needles (i.e., 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100%) to determine the influence of the needle admixture on bulk density, total porosity, macroporosity, water storage capacity, the amount of water stored in pores between organic debris and the degree of saturation of mixed litter compared to broadleaf litter (oak or beech). We found that the admixture of fir needles increased the bulk density of litter from 7.9% with a 5% share of needles to 55.5% with a 50% share (compared to pure beech litter), while the share of pine needles < 40% caused a decrease in bulk density by an average of 3.0–11.0% (compared to pure oak litter). Pine needles decreased the water storage capacity of litter by about 13–14% with the share of needles up to 10% and on average by 28% with the 40 and 50% shares of pine needles in the litter layer. Both conifer admixtures reduced the amount of water stored in the pores between organic debris (pine needles more than fir needles)

    Does Mixing Tree Species Affect Water Storage Capacity of the Forest Floor? Laboratory Test of Pine-Oak and Fir-Beech Litter Layers

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    During the last decade, tree species mixing has been widely supported as a silvicultural approach to reduce drought stress. However, little is known on the influence of tree species mixing on physical properties and the water storage capacity of forest soils (including the forest floor). Thus, the study aimed to analyze the effect of mixing pine needles and oak leaves and mixing fir needles and beech leaves on hydro-physical properties of the litter layer during laboratory tests. We used fir-beech and pine-oak litter containing various shares of conifer needles (i.e., 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100%) to determine the influence of the needle admixture on bulk density, total porosity, macroporosity, water storage capacity, the amount of water stored in pores between organic debris and the degree of saturation of mixed litter compared to broadleaf litter (oak or beech). We found that the admixture of fir needles increased the bulk density of litter from 7.9% with a 5% share of needles to 55.5% with a 50% share (compared to pure beech litter), while the share of pine needles &lt; 40% caused a decrease in bulk density by an average of 3.0&ndash;11.0% (compared to pure oak litter). Pine needles decreased the water storage capacity of litter by about 13&ndash;14% with the share of needles up to 10% and on average by 28% with the 40 and 50% shares of pine needles in the litter layer. Both conifer admixtures reduced the amount of water stored in the pores between organic debris (pine needles more than fir needles)

    Changes in Speciation and Bioavailability of Trace Elements in Sewage Sludge after the Ozonation Process

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    This work aimed to detect changes in trace element chemical speciation in sewage sludge (SS) after the ozonation process. The modified Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) sequential extraction procedure was performed to determine the chemical speciation of trace elements in SS after the ozonation process. To assess potential soil contamination with trace elements from sewage sludge after the ozonation process, the risk assessment code (RAC) coefficient was used. The bioaccumulation factor (BAF) and translocation factor (TF) values were also calculated to characterize the efficiency of trace element accumulation in the studied plant species from soil fertilized with sludges after the ozonation process. Generally, the mean concentration of total trace elements in the SS after the ozonation process was higher, but the differences were statistically significant only in the case of Mn, Cu, Pb, and Cd. The dominant fraction of Fe, Cr, Pb, and Cd was the residual fraction F4, while the extractable/exchangeable fraction F1 was present in the smallest amount. Therefore, in the case of Mn, Zn, and Ni, the ozonation process had a significant impact on the increase in the content of these elements in the F1 fraction. The application of the SS stabilized by ozonation process for maize and wheat fertilization did not significantly affect the bioaccumulation of most of the analyzed metals in aboveground biomass. Higher values of BAF coefficients after the application of ozonated SS were found only in the case of Cu and Ni. In turn, the determined TF coefficients were lower than 1 in most cases. The obtained results showed that the slight change in the concentration of Zn, Mn, and Ni in fraction F1 causes a specific risk of their mobility in the soil environment. It should be noted that due to the variable composition of sewage sludge, an analysis of the content of individual trace elements in chemical fractions should be carried out to assess its actual impact on the environment. This can help to indicate further actions that should be undertaken to limit their negative impact on the environment

    Investigating Water Storage Dynamics in the Litter Layer: The Impact of Mixing and Decay of Pine Needles and Oak Leaves

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    Little is known about how the degree of mixing various forest-forming species affects forest floor hydrology. We evaluated the water storage capacity of the resulting litter layer by mixing the litterfall of Scots pine and sessile oak and studying their decomposition time. We prepared 90 artificial samples containing pure pine litter, pure oak litter, and mixed pine–oak litter with varying shares of pine needles. These samples were subjected to 15 months of decomposition in soil. After every three months of decay, some samples were removed from the soil, and their water storage capacity, bulk density, and C:N ratio were evaluated. Our findings indicate that samples with the greatest water storage capacity had a low C:N ratio and a predominant share of oak leaves. Conversely, samples with a high C:N ratio and a predominant share of pine needles had the lowest water storage capacity. After 12 and 15 months of decomposition, the water storage capacity increased by more than 52% compared to the initial water capacity of the samples. The highest increase in water storage capacity (>40%) was observed in samples with a predominant share of oak leaves, while the lowest (approximately 28%) was recorded in samples with 80 and 100% of pine needles. Our findings suggest that introducing mixed-species stands, with deciduous species as the predominant component, can yield several ecological benefits, such as an increased ability to store water in forest floor

    Effect of Different Tillage Systems on Soil Organic Carbon and Enzymatic Activity

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    The aim of the study was to compare the effect of conventional, simplified, and organic farming systems on changes in the content of soil organic carbon, organic matter fractions, total nitrogen, and the enzymatic activity. The research was conducted from 2016&ndash;2018 on arable land in the south-eastern part of Poland. The selected soils were cultivated in conventional tillage (C_Ts), simplified tillage (S_Ts), and organic farming (O_Fs) systems. The analyses were performed in soil from the soil surface layers (up to 25 cm depth) of the experimental plots. The highest mean contents of soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and organic matter fractions were determined in soils subjected to the simplified tillage system throughout the experimental period. During the study period, organic carbon concentration on surface soil layers under simplified tillage systems was 31 and 127% higher than the soil under conventional tillage systems and organic farming systems, respectively. Also, the total nitrogen concentration in those soils was more than 40% and 120% higher than conventional tillage systems and organic farming systems, respectively. Moreover, these soils were characterised by a progressive decline in SOC and Nt resources over the study years. There was no significant effect of the analysed tillage systems on the C:N ratio. The tillage systems induced significant differences in the activity of the analysed soil enzymes, i.e., dehydrogenase (DH) and catalase (CAT). The highest DH activity throughout the experiment was recorded in the O_Fs soils, and the mean value of this parameter was in the range of 6.01&ndash;6.11 &mu;mol TPF&middot;kg&minus;1&middot;h&minus;1. There were no significant differences in the CAT values between the variants of the experiment. The results confirm that, regardless of other treatments, such as the use of organic fertilisers, tillage has a negative impact on the content of SOC and organic matter fractions in the O_Fs system. All simplifications in tillage reducing the interference with the soil surface layer and the use of organic fertilisers contribute to improvement of soil properties and enhancement of biological activity, which helps to maintain its productivity and fertility