122 research outputs found

    Assessment for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning of Christian Religious Knowledge in Secondary Schools in Awgu Education Zone, Enugu State, Nigeria

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    For the achievement of planned educational goal, there must be a continuous planned process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information about the performance of students. Education process always device a way of generating and collecting evidence of achievement, evaluating this evidence, recording the findings and using this information to understand and assist the student’s development in order to improve the process of learning and teaching. Assessment is thus a vital aspect of any education process. Therefore this paper, “Assessment for the improvement of Teaching and Learning of Christian Religious Education in Secondary School in Awgu Educational zone of Enugu State, Nigeria, has the purpose of determining the roles assessment in improvement of students’ learning of Religious Education in Awgu Educational Zone of Enugu State Nigeria. The specific objectives were: to determine the extent the teachers have used assessment to improve students’ learning of Religious Education and to determine how assessment has helped students to improve in their performance in Religious Studies. The research employed a survey plan. Questionnaire was used in the collection of data. The stratified random sampling were used to select the schools while sample random sampling was used to select the subjects. The number of respondents used were five hundred (500) comprising two hundred (200) teachers and three (300) students. Weighted mean and standard deviation was used in data analysis. The findings of the study include that through assessment: teachers make judgement about how students are doing in religious studies, provide guidelines which help students to improve in their knowledge, understanding and skill in the subject. The research also established that through assessment: students identify relevant information to the questionnaire and assignment; recall relevant information in religious education and express it in a coherent form and link different elements of religious curriculum in their studies. The study recommends constant assessment of the aims and learning outcome of the students’ to identify essential learning. Keywords. Assessment, Teaching and Learning, Christian Religious Knowledge, Education, Enugu Stat

    The Place of Religious Studies in Human Development, Entrepreneurship and Wealth Creation among Students in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria

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    The paper discussed the place of religious Studies in creating human development, entrepreneurship and wealth generation among students in tertiary institutions in Nigeria, with reference to students in Tertiary Institution in Enugu State. The study tried to determine whether Religious Studies can lead to human development, entrepreneurship, job creation and wealth generation among the students in Tertiary Institution in Enugu State. A survey design was adopted for the study. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. A 30 item questionnaire developed by the researcher and validated by experts was used in data collection. Mean statistic and standard deviation were used in data analysis. The results of the study showed among others that Religious Studies provides the moral, psychological, social and spiritual infrastructure for human development; helps students to develop independent thought which empowers them to discover new information leading to economic development and entrepreneurship, and transforms religious diversity into exchange  values sold in the global market, thereby creating job opportunities and wealth. Keywords: Religious Studies, Human Development, Entrepreneurship, Wealth Creation, Tertiary Institutions, Nigeria

    Some Behavioural Risk Factors for Intestinal Helminthiasis in Nursery and Primary School Children in Enugu, South Eastern Nigeria

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    The objective of this study was to determine some common behavioural risk factors for intestinal helminthiasis in nursery and primary school children in Enugu. Design: A cross-sectional survey on 460 children attending nursery and primary schools in Enugu was carried out in 2003 with a view to determine some behavioural risk factors for intestinal helminthiasis. Setting: This study was carried out in the research laboratory of the Federal Ministry of Health, National Arbovirus and Vector Research Centre, Enugu. Method: Intestinal helminthiasis was diagnosed using the kato-katz method in analysing fresh stool samples collected from nursery and primary school children in Enugu. These fresh stool samples were collected into appropriately labeled clean containers. Questionnaires were administered by the researchers to obtain data from the children and their parents or guardians as regards some behavioural risk factors for intestinal helminthiasis . Results: The results from this study showed that the prevalence of intestinal helminthiasis was significantly affected by various behavioural risk factors. The rate of helminthic infection varied significantly with hand washing habits after defeacation (X2 = 75.77; df = 2; p = 0.001) and with different habits of washing fruits before eating ( X2 = 52.79; df = 2; p = 0.001) among the pupils. Also, the rate of helminthic infection varied significantly with the source of drinking water (X2 = 55.12; df = 3; p = 0.01), water boiling habits (X2 = 40.89; df = 2; p = 0.001), use of footwear after school hours (X2 = 30.72; df = 2; p = 0.001). Sites utilized for defeacation by the pupils (X2 = 80.25; df = 3; p = 0.001) also significantly influenced the rate of helminthic infection. Conclusion: Various behavioural factors which significantly affect the rate of helminthic infection abound in children living in Enugu. The government should give attention to the control of these behavioural risk factors. A lot of health education will be needed to curb the poor personal hygienic habits which are obvious risk factors for intestinal helminthiasis.Key Words: Intestinal helminthiasis, children, behavioural risk factor

    Adoption of African Traditional Religious Practices in combating Corruption in Nigerian Education System

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    The paper examined the Adoption of African Religious Traditional Practices in Combating Corruption in Nigerian Education System. Education is the bedrock of development. Through education, future thinkers and Leaders are produced. But, it is regrettable that education system has deteriorated to the extent that instead of being an agent of transformation, empowerment and an instrument of purifying the minds of the young ones to become useful members of the society, has today become an agent of imparting corruption in the minds of the young ones. This aberration in the goal and aim of education is caused by endemic and legendary corruption in Education in Nigeria. Corruption in Nigerian education system manifests itself in all levels of education (primary, secondary and tertiary institutions). There exist different forms of corruption existing in our institution for example, examination malpractice, financial scams, embezzlement, exploitation of students, taking advantage students, etc. The existence of different forms of corruption in our institution has led to dearth and decay of infrastructure in the schools. Corruption has enormity of negative effects on the output from the system (graduates) in the area of productivity and their degree of acceptance in the labour market. Many methods have been adopted to stop this malaise, but they proved inadequate. Based on this, this research suggests the adoption of African Traditional religious methods in curbing the evil effects of corruption in Nigerian education system. Some of the suggested practices are: Putting the school property, money, etc in the custodian of a powerful deity, workers and students in education sector swearing oath in the shrine of a powerful and dreadful deity that they will not be involved in any form of malpractice. These and other methods suggested are hoped to be final panacea to combat corruption in education in Nigeria. Keywords: Corruption, Education, African Traditional Religious Practice (ATR), West African Examination Council (WAEC), National Examination Council (NECO

    Religious Terrorism (Boko Haram) and the Future of Education in Nigeria

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    Boko Haram, Islamic Religious sect terrorism has been a thorn in the flesh of Nigerian State. The sect is using calculated violence to threaten, intimidate and maim the innocent citizens of Nigeria. The incessant terrorist attacks of the sect have shaken the fabric of Nigerian economic foundation and education progress. The attack of the sect on western education is trying to undermine the achievement of educational goals in Nigeria.  The attacks is also thwarting the millennium Development Goals on Education; such as Basic education for all children in the country, Education for All (EFA) which aims to meet the learning needs of all children, youth and adults by 2015, and Education for Rural People which aim at addressing rural urban disparity in Education. This means that the attack of Boko Haram is increasing the illiteracy rate in Nigeria. Already, UNESCO estimates that Nigeria is home to 45 percent of the global school drop out population and has 105 million children out of schools. The insurgence of Boko Haram is increasing these numbers today, thereby leading Nigeria to mass illiteracy. The attack of the sect on schools has also led to the shutting down of all the schools in some states in the northern Nigeria as a precautionary measure to stave off the outrageous attacks of slaughtering innocent and harmless children. The closing down of the schools for good is the ultimate goal of Boko Haram. Leaving the schools shut will give Boko Haram success in its bid against Western Education. This portends great danger to education in Nigeria. The attack on the innocent school Children traumatizes them. In this case there is problem of how to care for traumatized school children and win them back to the school. The school children who escaped death by the skin of their teeth, sustained serious injuries or saw his classmate mowed down in a rain of bullets may not find it easy to pack his bag and run back to school as soon it is re-opened. If the school children, out of fear refuse to go back to school, it will be disastrous for education in Nigeria. Again traumatized incident can make students to suffer both physical and psychological damages that impair their ability to learn. More still the experience of violence may induce the affected children to join bloody cults in bid to retaliate Boko Haram egregious action on them. Still, parents seeing the schools as the ground sink homes may be unwilling to send their wards back to school. Some parents whose business have been crippled and brought to their knees may not afford to pay the school fees of their children. These factors among other discussed in this paper show that Boko Haram, Islamic Religious sect’s terrorism in Nigeria portends danger to the future of education in Nigeria. Keywords: Religion, Terrorism, Boko Haram, Education, Nigeri

    Introducing Critical Thinking in Religious Education Classroom

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    So many people may wonder what role critical thinking will play in the religious education classroom. By a way of clarification, critical thinking is a tool in the milieu of knowledge which helps to acquire knowledge, skeptically improve our theories and confidently strengthen arguments. Critical thinking therefore improves and enhances. The introduction of critical thinking to religious education classroom is to acquire more knowledge (i.e. filling our basket with good apples), improving our theories and beliefs and also to argue correctly (i.e. with facts and reasons). Religious education is something that should be faced with adequate measures so as not to get people misled. Religion is more of faith than reason. This implies that fewer questions are asked. Most people swallow the fish hook, line and sinker because of the religiosity of man. Critical thinking will be a very advantageous tool in the religious education classroom because it tends toward the perfect, the good which means striking the balance.  This is in concomitance with virtue which according to Aristotle lies in the mean/middle. Not just the classroom/school curriculum, also the government as well as the parents have roles to play toward achieving the practicality of introducing critical thinking in the religious education classroom for effective results. Keywords: Critical Thinking, Religious Education, Classroom

    Curriculum Implementation in Religious Education in Nigeria

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    Curriculum is a guiding programme for effective teaching and learning. It is an educational programme without which education could hardly be organized. The main function of the school is to provide education. Studies and research has shown that a major set back in education is not curriculum construction but its implementation. This paper examines the various concepts of curriculum and its implementation. The focus of the paper is the implementation of curriculum in the teaching of religious education. The paper argues that religious education is not a subject like any other and therefore merits special attention. It looked at the factors that enhance and militate against effective curriculum implementation in religious education with an overview of the very important role of teachers of religion. The following sub themes are discussed in the paper. Concept of CurriculumMeaning of Curriculum ImplementationCurriculum Implementation ProcessFactors that Enhance Curriculum Implementation in Religious EducationFactors that Militate Against Effective Curriculum Implementation in Religious EducationOverview of Teachers Task in Curriculum Implementation  in Religious EducationRecommendations

    The role of blood transfusion on the prevalence of hepatitis c virus antibodies in children with Sickle Cell Anaemia in Enugu, south East Nigeria

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    Background: The hepatitis C Virus (HCV) has become an important cause of chronic liver disease and liver cancerworldwide. Blood transfusion is one of the importantmodes of transmission. There is need to study the prevalence among those at risk such as sickle cell anaemia (SCA) patients. Such information will broaden knowledge of the problemamong SCA patients transfusedwith blood in this part of the country. Objective: To determine the prevalence of HCV antibodies among children with SCA transfused with blood in Enugu, compared with their non transfused counterparts as well as the roles of blood transfusion and traditional surgery in the prevalence of HCV infection. Methodology: The study was conducted among 269 children with SCA attending the paediatrics sickle cell clinic at University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) Enugu,with 136 transfused SCA patients as subjects and 133 age and sexmatched non-transfused SCA who served as controls.Results: The results showed an HCV antibody prevalence of 6.6% among the transfused and 5.3% among the non-transfused (controls) SCA patients (P=0.610). There was positive association between number of transfusions and HCV seropositiviy, such that thosewho had received 4 ormore units of blood had a prevalencerate of more than 50% (P = 0.001). The influence of scarifications on the prevalence of antibodies to HCV (antiHCV) for the non transfused (controls)was statistically significant (P= 0.001). Conclusion: HCV infection is not uncommon in children with SCA. The prevalence of HCV infection in transfused SCA patients is not significantly higher than their age/sexmatched controls. Keywords: Blood transfusion,HepatitisC, Sickle cell anaemia

    Ethnicity in Nigeria in Post Colonial Era and Implications for Reader-Centred Library Collections

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    The existing information and researches on the causes, challenges, and solution on ethnic issues in Nigeria’s post colonial era holds some implications for creating a reader-centred library collection. This paper focuses on ethnicity in Nigeria and the challenges of integration and unity and its implications for reader-centred library collections. Nigeria is the most diverse in terms of ethnic, linguistic, cultural and religious differences, just as it is the most populous in Africa. Nigeria embodies all the challenges which ethnic cleavages posed to post-colonial societies anywhere in the world. The article traces the causes, challenges and proffer solutions to ethnicity to post-colonial Era. The implications of this article for creating a reader-centred library collection were discussed in the context of these expositions. Equipped with the right information and research outputs, library staff can initiate reading programmes and services and a varied, appropriate and culturally inclusive collection that appeal to readers., Given Nigeria’s ethnic cleavages, it is necessary to improve public library services for culturally diverse communities in Nigeria through a reader-centred approach
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