37 research outputs found

    Breast Cancer Pathology Report: In Response to Zurrida et al

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    Breast Cancer Classification: The Dialogue Is Open

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    HER2 status determination: Analyzing the problems to find the solutions

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    Misdiagnosis in the evaluation of HER2 status in breast cancer may have consequent negative impact on clinical decision-making. Therefore, it has become ever more important to share procedures and interpretation criteria for HER2 testing among laboratories. Herein, we report an interlaboratory survey among 9 hospitals located in the central-south regions of Italy. The centers sent a series of 36 slides, 4 for each HER2 score, to the revising centers. We found a good concordance in HER2 scoring for 0 and 3+ score, but a very low concordance for 1+ and 2+ scores. To focus on factors that may lead to discordant results, we report 4 cases which summarized the most common source of discrepancy in HER2 testing. This methodological approach will help the individual laboratory to minimize technical variables and to reduce the percentage of erroneous interpretations of HER2 status

    A tribute to Italian breast pathologists

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    In this picture, it seems that a mammary duct pays tribute to all Italian breast pathologists simulating the profile of our nation (including the islands!)

    Linear and bilateral multinucleated cell angiohistiocytoma (MCAH)

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    Background: Multinucleated Cell Angiohistiocytoma (MCAH) is a rare disease, first described by Smith andWilson Jones in 1985. Since then, less than 100 cases have been reported in the literature. Clinically it is characterized by papules or plaques arising froma specific anatomical area such as lower extremities, dorsumof the hands and face. Some generalized cases have been reported. Main observations: We report a case of 77-year-old woman who presented with multiple itching. reddish to violaceous, flat to domed-shaped plaques on the lower legs with symmetrical and bilateral distribution along the saphena veins. On dermoscopy examination only a red-violaceous homogeneous area was visible. Histology showed remarkable proliferation of dilated small vessels in the upper and mid dermis and bizarre-shaped multinucleate giant cells with scalloped cytoplasm that were intermingled with numerousmononucleated spindle cells.Manymast cells containing the characteristic granules were also detected, often adjacent to the multinucleate cells. Based on the clinico-pathologic findings the diagnosis of MCAH was established. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first documented case of MCAH with a bilateral and linear pattern disposed on the lower limbs, following the saphena veins. In this patient chronic trauma induced by ambulation might have contributed to development of the lesions