10 research outputs found

    Inhibition of Nipah Virus Infection In Vivo: Targeting an Early Stage of Paramyxovirus Fusion Activation during Viral Entry

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    In the paramyxovirus cell entry process, receptor binding triggers conformational changes in the fusion protein (F) leading to viral and cellular membrane fusion. Peptides derived from C-terminal heptad repeat (HRC) regions in F have been shown to inhibit fusion by preventing formation of the fusogenic six-helix bundle. We recently showed that the addition of a cholesterol group to HRC peptides active against Nipah virus targets these peptides to the membrane where fusion occurs, dramatically increasing their antiviral effect. In this work, we report that unlike the untagged HRC peptides, which bind to the postulated extended intermediate state bridging the viral and cell membranes, the cholesterol tagged HRC-derived peptides interact with F before the fusion peptide inserts into the target cell membrane, thus capturing an earlier stage in the F-activation process. Furthermore, we show that cholesterol tagging renders these peptides active in vivo: the cholesterol-tagged peptides cross the blood brain barrier, and effectively prevent and treat in an established animal model what would otherwise be fatal Nipah virus encephalitis. The in vivo efficacy of cholesterol-tagged peptides, and in particular their ability to penetrate the CNS, suggests that they are promising candidates for the prevention or therapy of infection by Nipah and other lethal paramyxoviruses

    Circulating clinical strains of human parainfluenza virus reveal viral entry requirements for in vivo infection

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    Human parainfluenza viruses (HPIVs) cause widespread respiratory infections, with no vaccines or effective treatments. We show that the molecular determinants for HPIV3 growth in vitro are fundamentally different from those required in vivo and that these differences impact inhibitor susceptibility. HPIV infects its target cells by coordinated action of the hemagglutininneuraminidase receptor-binding protein (HN) and the fusion envelope glycoprotein (F), which together comprise the molecular fusion machinery; upon receptor engagement by HN, the prefusion F undergoes a structural transition, extending and inserting into the target cell membrane and then refolding into a postfusion structure that fuses the viral and cell membranes. Peptides derived from key regions of F can potently inhibit HPIV infection at the entry stage, by interfering with the structural transition of F. We show that clinically circulating viruses have fusion machinery that is more stable and less readily activated than viruses adapted to growth in culture. Fusion machinery that is advantageous for growth in human airway epithelia and in vivo confers susceptibility to peptide fusion inhibitors in the host lung tissue or animal, but the same fusion inhibitors have no effect on viruses whose fusion glycoproteins are suited for growth in vitro. We propose that for potential clinical efficacy, antivirals should be evaluated using clinical isolates in natural host tissue rather than lab strains of virus in cultured cells. The unique susceptibility of clinical strains in human tissues reflects viral inhibition in vivo

    Focus on alirocumab: a PCSK9 antibody to treat hypercholesterolemia

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    Statin treatment represents the gold standard in the reduction of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and cardiovascular risk. Although statin therapy is generally well tolerated, some patients fail to achieve the target level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol or discontinue the treatment for the occurrence of adverse events. In recent years new lipid-modifying agents have been studied to overcome these limitations and to reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol plasma levels. Alirocumab is a fully human monoclonal antibody that inhibits proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9, thereby preventing its interaction with low density lipoprotein receptors. Several trials have been conducted in the last few years to evaluate long-term effects of this new molecule on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and cardiovascular risk

    Severe liver disease in early childhood due to fibrinogen storage and de novo gamma375Argâ\u86\u92Trp gene mutation

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    We report hypofibrinogenemia and massive hepatic storage of fibrinogen in a child with cryptogenic chronic liver disease. Fibrinogen gene analysis revealed a de novo Aguadilla (c.1201C>T; p.Arg375Trp) mutation. This mutation should be considered in childhood hypofibrinogenemia associated with chronic liver disease. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    [Vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular diseases]

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    Vitamin D deficiency is a condition that affects a high percentage of individuals of all ages. Considerable attention has been paid recently to the possible role of deficiency of this vitamin in the development of several chronic diseases, including cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. In particular, vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increase in conditions such as obesity, insulin-resistance, hypertension, diabetes, and an increased risk of death from these pathologies. There is also a significant correlation with mortality for major cardiovascular events such as heart failure, myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death, stroke, atrial fibrillation, and peripheral vascular disease. The pathophysiological mechanisms of these correlations are yet to be determined, but hyperactivity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system seems to play a leading role. The role of therapy with vitamin D supplements in improving cardiovascular outcome in patients with low levels of vitamin D remains to be determined

    The second receptor binding site of the globular head of the newcastle disease virus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase activates the stalk of multiple paramyxovirus receptor binding proteins to trigger fusion

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    The hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein of paramyxoviruses carries out three distinct activities contributing to the ability of HN to promote viral fusion and entry: receptor binding, receptor cleavage (neuraminidase), and activation of the fusion protein. The relationship between receptor binding and fusion triggering functions of HN are not fully understood. For Newcastle disease virus (NDV), one bifunctional site (site I) on HN's globular head can mediate both receptor binding and neuraminidase activities, and a second site (site II) in the globular head is also capable of mediating receptor binding. The receptor analog, zanamivir, blocks receptor binding and cleavage activities of NDV HN's site I while activating receptor binding by site II. Comparison of chimeric proteins in which the globular head of NDV HN is connected to the stalk region of either human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3) or Nipah virus receptor binding proteins indicates that receptor binding to NDV HN site II not only can activate its own fusion (F) protein but can also activate the heterotypic fusion proteins. We suggest a general model for paramyxovirus fusion activation in which receptor engagement at site II plays an active role in F activation. © 2012, American Society for Microbiology

    Pulmonary hypertension in thyroid diseases.

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    The influence of thyroid hormones on cardiovascular system is well established. Thyroid diseases can effectively enhance the alteration on cardiovascular system by influencing chronotropic and inotropic actions of the heart; altering the strength and the speed of contraction, the speed of relaxation, the duration of the potential of action, and the duration of the refractory period and atrio-ventricular conduction time; modulating circulation and peripheral vascular beds. One of the more intriguing insights in the connection between thyroid diseases and cardiovascular alterations is related to the evaluation of the influence of thyroid hormones on pulmonary vascular beds. Literature reported several studies regarding the association between both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism and the occurrence of increased vascular pulmonary arterial pressure. Nevertheless, the pathogenetic mechanisms able to explain such relationship are not fully understood. Many doubts still persist in the comprehension of the mechanisms of pulmonary hypertension in thyroid diseases. The aim of this review was to provide possible explanation about the possible interaction between pulmonary vascular beds and thyroid function in order to evaluate the possibility of novel perspectives in the general management of patients suffering from thyroid and cardiovascular diseases

    Identification of a region in the stalk domain of the Nipah virus receptor binding protein that is critical for fusion activation

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    Paramyxoviruses, including the emerging lethal human Nipah virus (NiV) and the avian Newcastle disease virus (NDV), enter host cells through fusion of the viral and target cell membranes. For paramyxoviruses, membrane fusion is the result of the concerted action of two viral envelope glycoproteins: a receptor binding protein and a fusion protein (F). The NiV receptor binding protein (G) attaches to ephrin B2 or B3 on host cells, whereas the corresponding hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) attachment protein of NDV interacts with sialic acid moieties on target cells through two regions of its globular domain. Receptorbound G or HN via its stalk domain triggers F to undergo the conformational changes that render it competent to mediate fusion of the viral and cellular membranes. We show that chimeric proteins containing the NDV HN receptor binding regions and the NiV G stalk domain require a specific sequence at the connection between the head and the stalk to activate NiV F for fusion. Our findings are consistent with a general mechanism of paramyxovirus fusion activation in which the stalk domain of the receptor binding protein is responsible for F activation and a specific connecting region between the receptor binding globular head and the fusion-activating stalk domain is required for transmitting the fusion signal. © 2013, American Society for Microbiology

    Regulation of paramyxovirus fusion activation, the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein stabilizes the fusion protein in a pretriggered state

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    The hemagglutinin (HA)-neuraminidase protein (HN) of paramyxoviruses carries out three discrete activities, each of which affects the ability of HN to promote viral fusion and entry, receptor binding, receptor cleaving (neuraminidase), and triggering of the fusion protein. Binding of HN to its sialic acid receptor on a target cell triggers its activation of the fusion protein (F), which then inserts into the target cell and mediates the membrane fusion that initiates infection. We provide new evidence for a fourth function of HN, stabilization of the F protein in its pretriggered state before activation. Influenza virus hemagglutinin protein (uncleaved HA) was used as a nonspecific binding protein to tether F-expressing cells to target cells, and heat was used to activate F, indicating that the prefusion state of F can be triggered to initiate structural rearrangement and fusion by temperature. HN expression along with uncleaved HA and F enhances the F activation if HN is permitted to engage the receptor. However, if HN is prevented from engaging the receptor by the use of a small compound, temperature-induced F activation is curtailed. The results indicate that HN helps stabilize the prefusion state of F, and analysis of a stalk domain mutant HN reveals that the stalk domain of HN mediates the F-stabilization effect. © 2012, American Society for Microbiology