6 research outputs found

    Talousvesiasetuksen mukainen yhteenveto talousveden radioaktiivisuuden mittaustuloksista 2016–2018

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    Talousvesiasetuksen (1352/2015) 21 §:n mukaisesti SĂ€teilyturvakeskus on koonnut yhteen kunnan terveydensuojeluviranomaisten ilmoittamat tiedot talousvesiasetuksen mukaisista radioaktiivisuuden mittaustuloksista. Vuosilta 2016–2018 SĂ€teilyturvakeskus vastaanotti ilmoituksen 1247 vesinĂ€ytteen radioaktiivisuustutkimuksesta. Mittaustulosten perusteella suomalainen talousvesi on radioaktiivisuuden suhteen hyvĂ€laatuista ja talousveden radioaktiivisuus poikkeaa laatuvaatimuksesta hyvin harvoin

    Sammandrag enligt hushĂ„llsvattenförordningen av mĂ€tresultat 2016–2018 för hushĂ„llsvattnets radioaktivitet

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    StrĂ„lsĂ€kerhetscentralen har enligt 21 § i hushĂ„llsvattenförordningen (1352/2015) sammanstĂ€llt de uppgifter som kommunernas hĂ€lsoskyddsmyndigheter lĂ€mnat om mĂ€tresultat för hushĂ„llsvattnets radioaktivitet enligt hushĂ„llsvattenförordningen. För Ă„ren 2016–2018 tog StrĂ„lsĂ€kerhetscentralen emot anmĂ€lan om radioaktivitetsundersökning av 1247 vattenprover. Med mĂ€tresultaten som grund Ă€r det finlĂ€ndska hushĂ„llsvattnet av god kvalitet nĂ€r det gĂ€ller radioaktivitet och hushĂ„llsvattnets radioaktivitet avviker mycket sĂ€llan frĂ„n kvalitetskravet

    Acceptance of the proposal for a new international standard for list-mode data used in nuclear instrumentation - EMPIR 14SIP07 "DigitalStandard", Deliverable D1; JRC work package 3883 "DiSNU", Deliverable 1

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    This report is Deliverable D1 of the EMPIR project 14SIP07 "DigitalStandard", which corresponds to Deliverable 1 of the JRC work package 3883 "DiSNU".) The use of digital data acquisition for the detection and measurement of radioactivity is increasing over the years since it offers advantages over data acquisition with conventional modular systems. Modern digital systems sample the signal directly from the radiation detector at a high rate and present data in a digital manner to computer systems for further processing and analysis. However, there currently is no standard for the format of the data presented by such systems, which hinders the interoperability between hardware for data acquisition and software for data analysis. The need for such a standard has been identified earlier by the FP7 EMRP MetroFission project and confirmed by CEN/TC 391 in the frame of Commission mandate M/487 to the European Standardisation Organisations. In the Horizon2020 EMPIR DigitalStandard project, a consortium of four EU Member States has developed a preliminary draft international standard under the lead of JRC, who submitted it together with a New Work Item Proposal to the IEC/TC 45 "Nuclear Instrumentation". The proposal to develop the standard has been accepted, a project team has been appointed by the TC 45 National Committees and a liaison category A has been established between JRC and IEC/TC 45. The liaison officer will lead the project to develop the new standard. Forecast publication date of the standard is March 2019. The first Committee Draft should be finalised and prepared for circulation to the IEC/TC 45 National Committees by October 2016.JRC.D.4-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Digital Declaration Site Maps of Additional Protocol are Digitalization at State Level

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    STUK, the regulatory authority in Finland, has established a strategy for 2018–2022. Digital services, tools and automation are becoming more common in everyday work. STUK will identify opportunities for carrying out its regulatory work in new ways and with new tools. One example of digitalization are DDSM (Digital Declarations Site Maps). The Additional Protocol (INFCIRC/540 (Corrected)) stipulates that the member states shall provide the IAEA a declaration including a map of the site. Site maps have been provided to the IAEA in various formats. In the past years the IAEA has developed DDSM guidelines for the submission of the maps in digital format which simplifies and accelerates the ingestion process into the IAEA’s Geographic Information Systems. Finland and IAEA have tested these guidelines in practice; in 2018 Finland provided DDSM from one NPP site to the IAEA as a test declaration. DDSM benefits the regulatory work of STUK. They enable digital links between the maps and declaration entries. This will result in improved information exchange with the operators and improved data consistency reducing errors. DDSM are also an important part of the overall digitalization effort of Additional Protocol declarations alongside with Protocol Reporter 3 and State Declaration Portal. The goal is that Finland declares maps from all major sites in DDSM format in 2020. This requires development of tools and practices in close cooperation with operators, the European Commission and the IAEA. This paper describes the development work done and experience obtained in STUK. Future development needs and ideas will be presented