32 research outputs found

    Quantum theory of damped harmonic oscillator

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    The exact solutions of the Schrödinger equation for damped harmonic oscillator with pulsating mass and modified Caldirola-Kanai Hamiltonian are evaluated. We also investigated the case of under-damped for the twomodels constructed and the results obtained in both cases do not violate Heisenberg uncertainty principle

    Langmuir Wave Instability And Photoelectron Emission In Irradiated Dusty Plasmas

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    We have investigated dust charged fluctuation due to the combined effect of Langmuir Wave and Photoelectron Emission in Irradiated Dusty Plasma. The dispersion relation and growth of the Langmuir wave instability is also presented. The applicability of the developed dispersion relation and growth rate of the Langmuir wave instability is analysed graphically.Keyword: Langmuir Wave, Photoelectron Emission, Irradiated Dusty Plasm

    Trajectory Coherent State And Coherent State For The Modified Caldirola-Kanai Oscillator

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    We construct the Trajectory Coherent State (TCS) and Coherent state (CS) in the framework of the Modified Caldirola Kanai Hamiltonian. We also evaluate the minimum uncertainty relation.Keywords: Coherent state,modified caldirola-Kanai oscillator,uncertainty relation

    Collisional Effect On Magnetosonic Solitons In A Dusty Plasma Slab

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    An analytical investigation of collisional effect on magnetosonic solitons in a dusty plasma slab is presented. We have derived and presented solutions of nonlinear magetohydrodynamic equations for a warm dusty magnetoplasma. It is observed that, our work could be considered a general case for magnetosonic solutions in a dusty plasma slab. While the neglection of the collisional effect reduces our results to exactly what is obtained by Marklund et al, 2007.Keywords: Magnetosonic Solitons, dusty plasma