238 research outputs found

    Investment Options and Bargaining Power the Eurasian Supply Chain for Natural Gas

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    We use cooperative game theory to analyze how the architecture of the pipeline network determines the power structure in the supply chain for Russian gas. If the assessment is narrowly focused on the abilities to obstruct flows in the existing system, the main transit countries, Belarus and Ukraine, appear to be strong. If investment options are accounted for, however, Russia achieves clear dominance. We show that options to bypass one of the transit countries are of little strategic importance compared to Russia's direct access to its customers through the Baltic Sea. Comparing the results of our calibrated model with empirical evidence obtained from transit and import agreements we find that the Shapley value explains the power of major transit countries better than the core and the nucleolus.Bargaining Power, Supply Chain, Shapley Value, Gas Transport

    Research of electro-explosive iron powder using the hydrolytic adsorption method

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    This work is aimed at solving the urgent problem associated with the diagnostic and forecasting of functional characteristics of finely dispersed materials. It considers the effect of primary acid-base center characteristics on the wetting process. The research of hydrolytic adsorption is carried out using the nano-dimensional iron powders. The powders were obtained by applying the method of electric explosion of conductors, after that they were passivated under different conditions. The identification of composition and structure of the passivating oxide film was carried out applying the method of transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. The paper also describes the inhibition mechanism of hydrolytic adsorption on ferrioxide compounds with different composition and structure. The inhibition mechanism explains the hydrophilic / hydrophobic behavior of oxide compounds. The material of this article can be useful for its implementation in industrial, research and school laboratories


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    In the present article the author presents the means of designation of things and objects in the Salishan language Coueur d’Alene The author concludes that there is no need for Coueur d’Alene to have a word class of nouns to designate things and objects, one only needs a class of predicates to perform the function of reference Such a designation of things and objects is determined by the fact that the Coueur d’Alene language belongs to the ‘language of microcommunities’ that does only with the rheme of the utteranc

    Prognosis and Diagnostics of Water-absorbing Capacity of Polydisperse Materials by pH-metry Data

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    The work focuses on the solution of the problem concerning the diagnostics and prognosis of water-absorbing capacity of polydisperse materials. The relation of water absorption and acid-base properties of the surface is considered. The advantages of the research of acid-base properties of the surface by the pH-metry method are illustrated. The algorithm of the processing and interpretation of pH metric results to diagnose water absorption of powdery substances is suggested. The diagnostics is based on the research of velocity variation of mass transfer in the reaction zone in time. The change of pH suspension per unit of time is considered for the first time as an analytic signal of "WрН" mass transfer velocity. It is demonstrated that the velocity variation of mass transfer in the system "solid body-water" reflects the stopping mechanism of ion exchange and can be used for prognosis of hydrophobic behavior of the solid body surface. The introduced material in the given article will be useful for implementation in research, industrial and school laboratories

    Поетика імені в романі Грема Свіфта «Земноводний край»: інтертекстуальний вимір

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    У статті досліджуються особливості інтертекстуальної антропоніміки роману Г. Свіфта «Земноводний край» («Waterland»). Більшість персонажів твору носять імена, що відсилають до прецедентних текстів світової літератури і культури. За допомогою інтертексту у творі стверджується концепція циклічності історії. (The article deals with the peculiarities of intertextual anthroponimics in G. Swift’s novel «Waterland». Most of the characters are named by referring to precedent texts of world literature and culture or have allusive implications. Intertext affirms the novelistic concept of cycling history.

    Исследовнаие термической стабильности 4-метилфениЛ-О-?-Д-глюкопиранозид, методом ТГ-ДСК-ДТА-МС

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    Были получены данные о термической стабильности 4-метилфенил-О-β-Д-глюкопиранозид. Данная субстанция обладает диуретическим эффектом сравнимым с современными диуретиками. Исследование термической стабильности проводили методом ТГ-ДСК-МС в инертной атмосфере аргона, в интервале температур 25‒600 С°. Из полученных дериватограмм можно сделать вывод, что термическая стабильность субстанции соизмерима с термической стабильностью современных диуретиков. Был предположен механизм термического разложения субстанции и выявлены химические маркеры данного процесса