50 research outputs found

    Obituary: Yukio Mano (1943–2004)

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    Yukio Mano, MD, PhD (1943–2004) Associate Editor, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitatio

    Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) as a Platform for Data and Model Integration: Cases in the Field of Water Resources Management and Disaster Risk Reduction

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    The development of data and model integration platforms has furthered scientific inquiry and helped to solve pressing social and environmental problems. While several e-infrastructure platforms have been developed, the concept of data and model integration remains obscure, and these platforms have produced few firm results. This article investigates data and model integration on the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) platform, using three case projects from water-related fields. We provide concrete examples of data and model integration by analyzing the data transfer and analysis process, and demonstrate what platform functions are needed to promote the advantages of data and model integration. In addition, we introduce the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), a valuable tool for promoting data and model integration and open science. Our investigation reveals that DIAS advances data and model integration in five main ways: it is a “sophisticated and robust integration platform”; has “rich APIs, including a metadata management system, for high-quality data archive and utilization”; functions as a “core hydrological model”; and promotes a “collaborative R&D community” and “open science and data repositories”. This article will appeal especially to researchers interested in new methods of analysis, and information technology experts responsible for developing e-infrastructure systems to support environmental and scientific research

    Exploring Hemodynamic Responses Using Mirror Visual Feedback With Electromyogram-Triggered Stimulation and Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

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    In recent years, mirror visual feedback (MVF) therapy combined with electrical stimulation (ES) have been proposed for patients with hemiparesis. However, the neurophysiological effect remains unknown. We investigated the effects of MVF by itself and along with electromyogram-triggered ES (ETES) on hemodynamic responses using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Eighteen healthy subjects participated in this study. We measured changes in brain oxygenation using 48 NIRS channels. We investigated the effects of three main factors of visual feedback (observation of a mark, right hand, and hand movements via mirror) with or without ES on bilateral precentral gyrus (PrG), postcentral gyrus (PoG), supplementary motor area (SMA), supramarginal gyrus area (SMG), and angular gyrus (AG) to determine the contribution of each factor. The results showed that the left PoG was significantly more activated when performing mirrored tasks (MT) than when performing circle or Right-hand Tasks (RTs). In addition, the right PoG and right SMA in MT were significantly more activated than in MT + ES cases. Our findings suggested that observation of movements through the mirror caused activation of the postcentral gyrus rather than the PrG, and MVF along with ETES decreased cortical activation

    Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) as a platform for data and model integration: Cases in the field of water resources management and disaster risk reduction

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    The development of data and model integration platforms has furthered scientific inquiry and helped to solve pressing social and environmental problems. While several e-infrastructure platforms have been developed, the concept of data and model integration remains obscure, and these platforms have produced few firm results. This article investigates data and model integration on the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) platform, using three case projects from water-related fields. We provide concrete examples of data and model integration by analyzing the data transfer and analysis process, and demonstrate what platform functions are needed to promote the advantages of data and model integration. In addition, we introduce the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), a valuable tool for promoting data and model integration and open science. Our investigation reveals that DIAS advances data and model integration in five main ways: it is a "sophisticated and robust integration platform"; has "rich APIs, including a metadata management system, for high-quality data archive and utilization"; functions as a "core hydrological model"; and promotes a "collaborative R&D community" and "open science and data repositories". This article will appeal especially to researchers interested in new methods of analysis, and information technology experts responsible for developing e-infrastructure systems to support environmental and scientific research

    ミギキキ ト ヒダリキキ ニオケル アトダシ マケ ジャンケン デノ ノウカツドウ ノ ヒカク ケンキュウ

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     脳皮質における右半球と左半球の認知機能に関する左右差を比較検討するために,認知的葛藤を含む後出し負けじゃんけんを用いてfMRI 測定を行った.対象は右利き群9 名,左利き群9 名である.足趾を用いた後出し負けじゃんけんの場合,利き足趾では動作を行う運動野と同側の腹側運動前野が賦活したが,上肢の右利き右手指を用いた後出し負けじゃんけんの場合,動作を行う運動野とは対側の右脳の腹側運動前野が賦活した.これは日頃課題に慣れた手指はスクリーン上の課題を他者として見て右の頭頂葉- 腹側運動野が賦活するのに対し,日頃課題に慣れない足趾は自己の課題遂行を目的として動作を行うため右利きでは左の(左利きでは右の)運動野と同側の頭頂葉- 腹側運動野系を賦活するためと考える.このことにより,上肢では右利き群は自己と他者の判断を左右の頭頂葉- 腹側運動野で分業するのに対し,左利き群は頭頂葉- 腹側運動野を両側性に使用していることが推察される.また,背外側運動前野と前頭極は,課題の相違により分業し活動していることが示唆された.The purpose of this study is to determine the differences cortex representations during movements of toes and fingers of dominant hands and feet using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Subjects and METHODS: We enrolled 9 right dominant hand-foot and 9 left-dominant hand-foot healthy students, age-matched controls, and they signed consent forms. fMRI of 1.5T was used to map cortical representations associated with motor tasks of the fingers and toes in the two groups. In these tasks, subjects watched a videoclip depicting “performance of rock- paper-scissors” of fingers or toes and were required to purposely lose. We used SPM 2for analysis. RESULTS: We compared the right-dominant hand-foot group with the left-dominant hand-foot group in fMRI maps. During toe movements, the right-dominant hand-foot group showed increased representations of activation in the left primary motor area and left ventral premotor area, and the left-dominant hand-foot group showed increased representations of activation in the right primary motor area and right ventral premotor area. But during finger movements, the right-dominant hand-foot group showed increased representations of activation in the left primary motor area and right ventral premotor area. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that there are some functional changes in the cortex of left dominant hand-foot individuals

    f-MRI オ モチイタ イチニンショウ イメージ ト サンニンショウ イメージ ニヨル ソクシ ウンドウ ノ ノウカツドウ ノ ソウイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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     運動イメージは大別して、一人称イメージと三人称イメージがある。今回、我々は一人称イメージと三人称イメージを用いて足趾の運動を行い、fMRI にて脳画像を比較したので報告する。【方法】対象は、健常者20 名(年齢20-22 歳)。スクリーンに映し出された一人称イメージ(下から突き出た足)と三人称イメージ(今回は横から突き出た足を用いた)の映像に合わせて右足趾を握る動作を、実際に足趾を動かす運動、足趾を動かそうとイメージすること、その動作を見るだけの3 課題を行った。運動は、一定でないリズムの運動とした。一連の動作をf-MRI にて撮影した後、SPM2 を用いて画像を解析し比較した。【結果】映像を見ながら足趾の運動を行う場合、一人称イメージを見ながら運動を行うほうが左の頭頂間溝前部領域が賦活する傾向があった。また、イメージする場合は一人称イメージで左の腹側運動前野後部が、見る場合は三人称イメージで左の腹側運動前野後部が賦活する傾向にあった。【考察】模倣運動を行ったとき、下頭頂葉小葉が活性化されることが知られている。今回の研究では、一人称イメージで、左の頭頂間溝前部領域がより賦活する傾向にあることがわかった。頭頂間溝前部領域は、一般的に上肢での把持動作に関連することが報告されている。今回、足趾運動にも関与することが示唆された。また、腹側運動前野後部は足趾のミラーニューロンに関与することが示唆された。 There are two main modes of motor imagery: a first-person perspective image (1PPI or kinesthetic motor image) and a third-person perspective image (3PPI or visual motor image). Images from a first-person perspective depict events as seen through the actors’ own eyes, whereas images from a third-person perspective depict events through the eyes of an observer who is watching an action take place. Little is known about how differently 1PPI and 3PPI may effect the cortex activation. The purpose of this study is to determine the cortical presentation of 1PPI and 3PPI while subjects move their toes by making use of f-MRI. We selected 20 healthy persons with written consents and used f-MRI of 1.5T to map cortical representations associated with motor tasks of the subjects’ right toes. In these tasks subjects watched video-clip depicting simple 1PPI and complex 3PPI actions of toes, and are required to imitate the model images. During imitative toe movements, we found, the subjects of 1PPI tasks showed an increased representation of activation in the left anterior AIP. During image toe movements, we found, the subjects of 1PPI tasks showed an increased representation of activation in the left vPM. And while they were watching toe movements, we found, the subjects of 3PPI tasks showed an increased representation of activation in the left vPM.Our research suggests that the left AIP is involved toes’ movements and the left vPM in toes’ mirror neuron

    イチニンショウ イメージ ト ニパターン ノ サンニンショウ イメージ ニヨル ソクシ ウンドウ ノ ノウカツドウ ニ ツイテ

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     運動イメージは大別して,一人称イメージと三人称イメージがある.今回,我々は一人称イメージと「横から突き出た足」と「前から突き出た足」の二パターンの三人称イメージを用いて足趾を動かそうとイメージする課題を行い,fMRI にて脳画像を比較した.【方法】対象は,健常者20 名(年齢20 - 28 歳).課題は,スクリーンに映し出された一人称イメージと二パターンの三人称イメージの映像に合わせて右足趾を動かそうとイメージする運動とした.一連の動作をf - MRI にて解析し比較した.【結果】映像を見ながら足趾の運動をイメージする場合,三人称イメージを見ながら運動した場合,二パターン共に著名な変化はなかった.一人称イメージを見ながら運動を行うほうが右の側頭極の活動が増加した.【考察】三人称イメージは方向に関わらず活動増加しなかった.側頭極は「心の理論」と関係する.他者の一人称イメージ映像での運動課題の方が他者の意図を理解する脳活動を増加させる可能性がある.There are two main modes of motor imagery: a first-person perspective imagery (1PPI: inestheticmotor imagery) and a third-person perspective imagery (3PPI: Visual motor imagery). 1PPI involves imagining the feeling of performing a certain movement. 3PPI involves imagining seeing yourself performing a certain movement. But 3PPI involves two patterns; they are a horizontal pattern and a front pattern. The purpose of this study is to determine the cortical representations in 1PPI and two patterns’ 3PPI during toes’ movements in healthy persons using f-MRI.Methods:We enrolled 20 healthy subjects with right-handed leg, and they signed consent forms. f-MRI of 1.5T was used to map cortical representations associated with motor tasks of the right toes. In these tasks, subjects watched video-clip depicting simple 1PPI and two patterns’ 3PPI actions of toes. And they were required to image the models.Results:We compared 1PPI tasks with two patterns’ 3PPI tasks at f-MRI maps. During imaging toes’ movements, subjects in 1PPI tasks showed an increased representation of activation in the right temporal pole. However in two patterns’ 3PPI tasks increased activation was not found there.Conclusions:In a recent study, the temporal pole was active with regards to Theory of Mind. Our results suggest that the brain activity which understands an intention of the others may increase by 1PPI tasks

    Measurement of transcallosal inhibition in traumatic brain injury by transcranial magnetic stimulation.

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    Primary objective: To study whether transcallosal inhibition (TCI) can evaluate the severity of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Research design: Case-control study. Methods and procedures: Twenty patients with a chronic TBI and 20 control subjects were studied. The following transcranial magnetic stimulation parameters were checked; resting motor threshold, central motor latency times, onset latency of TCI, duration of TCI, transcallosal conduction times and amount of TCI. The severity of TBI was evaluated using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). Main outcome and results: The amount of TCI was significantly lower in the patients than the control subjects (p < 0.001). The amount of TCI was highly correlated with the GCS (r = 0.787, p < 0.001). Conclusion: An assessment of TCI was found to be a more sensitive and useful method for an evaluation of the severity of TBI

    Correlations between neuropsychological test results and P300 latency during silent-count and button-press tasks in post-traumatic brain injury patients.

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    To evaluate the correlations between memory function and intelligence and event-related potential, the P300 component for different tasks was studied for 30 post-traumatic brain injury patients (mean age 31.6 ± 13.7 years; 23 male and 7 female). Memory function, intelligence, and depression were measured by using the Mini-Mental State Examination, the revised Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Self-Rating Depression Scale, respectively. P300 latency was measured during silent-count and button-press tests at three midline scalp (Fz, Cz, and Pz) sites for all subjects by using an auditory ‘odd-ball’ paradigm. Neuropsychological memory score was predicted by intelligence score, but neurophysiological P300 latency was predicted by memory score for the silent-count test and by intelligence score for the button-press test. These results show that the P300 event-related potential component is sensitive to the diverse nature of cognitive deficits in post-traumatic brain injury patients during different types of discrimination tasks. However, future research is necessary to replicate and extend these findings