3 research outputs found

    Legal Status Of Individual Bankrupt Debtors After Termination Of Bankruptcy And Rehabilitation Under Indonesian Bankruptcy Law

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    The Indonesian bankruptcy law system adheres to the debt collective principle which is general seizure (sita umum) of the debtor's property as guarantee for the payment of debt through the bankruptcy institution. The principle of debt collective stresses that the debtor's debt shall be paid immediately from the property owned by the debtor. Based on such principle, bankruptcy serves as a means of coercion to materialize the creditors' rights through liquidation of the debtor's assets. Bankruptcy law in Indonesia does not recognize the principle of debt forgiveness, among others, the implementation of debt relief granted to the debtor to pay off debts that are truly incapable of being fulfilled. According to the Bankruptcy Law, after the completion of the bankruptcy process, the debtor is no longer in a state of bankruptcy, because the end of bankruptcy has revoked the status of insolvent debtors, hence debtors are considered as being competent to take care of their property. However, the termination of bankruptcy does not necessarily absolve the debtor from the remainder of the debt; creditors are entitled to collect it and debtors are obligated to pay it off. Upon the completion of the bankruptcy process, debtors or their heirs may apply for rehabilitation. However, rehabilitation is only to be granted if all creditors state that they have obtained payment in a satisfactory manner, meaning that recognized creditors will not file claims against the debtor concerned again even though they may not have received payment on all of their outstanding receivables. Request for rehabilitation can only be granted if the debtor has completed the entire scheme of bankruptcy and creditors were satisfied with the payment

    Optimalisasi Peran Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) pada Era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA)

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    ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) which came into effect since 2015 requires the creativity of the Indonesian society in competing with other ASEAN countries. One of the necessary strategies in dealing with AEC is to optimize the role of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). With regards to the implementation of the AEC, it is important to provide adequate regulation in order to ensure legal certainty for BUMN. The main purpose of this research is to discover form of national regulation that can maximize business opportunity for BUMN in AEC era. It is found that the existing regulations have not yet given business opportunity for BUMN in AEC era. The existing regulations are contradictory one to another especially relating to the status of the state finance inserted as capital into BUMN. In addition, the Constitutional Court decision Number 48/PUU-XI/2013 maintained that the capital inserted into BUMN is considered as part of the state finance. Therefore, this brings about fundamental impact on future cases since the nature of the Constitutional Court decision is erga omnes

    Permohonan Upaya Hukum Peninjauan Kembali Kedua Kali Berbasis Keadilan dan Kepastian Hukum

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    Civil case request civil request limitation ratio legis could only be done once in order to create legal certainty as an effort to establish law and justice as law enforcer to maintain, enforce, and implement the norms in law. The concept of civil matters reconsideration petition settlement that promotes fairness and legal certainty in order to update the National Civil Procedures Law is second, to different parties in the case which request civil not yet conducted, the request civil is final and binding. Request civil is only allowed against yudex factie verdict and the application of the model through a combination of restriction and discreation procedural model.IntisariRatio legis pembatasan permohonan upaya hukum PK perkara perdata hanya dapat dilakukan satu kali demi mewujudkan kepastian hukum sebagai upaya pembentuk undang-undang dan peradilan sebagai penegak hukum untuk menjaga, menegakan dan menjalankan ketentuan norma dalam undang-undang. Konsep pengaturan permohonan PK perkara perdata berbasis keadilan dan kepastian hukum dalam rangka pembaruan hukum acara perdata nasional adalah pemberian PK kedua kepada pihak berbeda dalam perkara yang belum melakukan PK serta PK ini bersifat final dan mengikat, Peninjauan Kembali hanya diperbolehkan terhadap putusan judex factie dan penerapan model kombinasi antara pembatasan melalui model prosedural dan diskresional