28 research outputs found

    Improving Students\u27 Motivation In Speaking By Using Role Play In Video Modelled Conversation (Vmc)

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    : Role play in Video Modelled Conversation are proposed in the teaching of speaking not only because of their appealing forms but also due to their salient features, as multimedia to improve the students\u27 motivation in speaking. This study investigated students\u27 motivation by using Dornyei\u27s framework of language learning motivation. A questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were also employed as a means of collecting the data through a classroom action research. The procedures included planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The results showed that teaching speaking using Role Play in Video Modelled Conversations could successfully improve students motivation in speaking. They find this technology can enhance their English learning motivation and effectively boost their English speaking ability

    Designing Computer-based Summative Test for the Eleventh Grade Students

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    This study aimed at designing Computer-Based Summative Test software as a tool to support English Test. To make sure that the learning objectives are fulfilled, the testing materials should be in line with the curriculum and learners' needs. This study was attempted to design reading testing software based on teachers' and students' needs. The software was designed because it can solve the testing problems. In this research, the researcher uses ADDIE approach where the participants are the teachers and the eleventh grade students of SMA Sentosa Pemangkat. This study found that students' summative tests need a new testing system which can randomize test items and fasten test result publishing. The result showed that the software can be used by the teacher and students as a software to test students' reading achievement in summative test. The researcher suggests that the teachers use this software to help them in testing

    Sryphomat For Teaching Vocabulary

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    Sryphomat is a prospective technique for teaching vocabulary, it is a combination technique of story, photographs and matching game. The aim of the technique is to enrich the students' vocabulary namely; noun, pronoun and adjective. The story is to elicit the word while the photographs is to elicit the meaning of the word in the story. Then, the matching game is used to motivate the students to be more active in the classroom setting. ADDIE procedure is used to develop Sryphomat, the process was done through need analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. In this development research, the technique was implemented in large class that consisted of 24 students of sixth graders of SD Negeri 29 Kecamatan Pontianak Timur. One-Group Pretest and Posttest was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of Sryphomat toward students' vocabulary. The result shown that this product was highly effective, the t = 9,02 and the ES is 1,08. The t-test is higher then t table of distribution of df 24 is 2,02 while the ES is good. This product also brings joyful teaching learning activity in the real classroom setting through matching game

    Designing A Story Book AS Narrative Reading Materials Based On West Kalimantan Folktales

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    The purpose of this research was to design a story book based on West Kalimantan folktales to support teaching reading narrative text. In this research, the method was developmental research that used ADDE instructional design as the phase in developing the materials. The story book is intended to be supplementary materials in teaching reading narrative text. The story book was assessed by the experts according to several aspects. Total score of the expert assessment of the content was 95.83% by the maximum score was 100% and total score of the expert assessment of the illustration design was 95.45% by the maximum score was 100%.The experts assessment result showed that the story book was suitable and in good quality to be used by the teacher and students as supplementary material to support teaching reading narrative text

    Factors Affecting Efl Students' Unwillingness to Communicate in English in Campus

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    Language learners' willingness to communicate in the target language is the key role in achieving their language learning goals. The notion of ‘Willingness to Communicate' (WTC) is a model or concept that integrates psychological, linguistic, and communicative variables in order to describe, explain, and predict foreign or second language communication. This study was conducted to explore the possible factors affecting EFL students' unwillingness to communicate in English in campus. The data were gathered from three research participants using unstructured interview and were analyzed qualitatively using narrative inquiry method and thematic analysis strategy. The findings of this study revealed that the main factors affecting the students' unwillingness to communicate in English during the learning time in campus were linguistic, psycholinguistic, socio-cultural, and institutional factors. And among those major factors, socio-cultural and institutional factors were identified to be the most dominant ones that affected the participants' unwillingness to communicate in English in campus

    Helen Cintiyawati, Ikhsanudin, Sofian English Education Study Program, Language and ARTS Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University Pontianak Email : [email protected]

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    This research was conducted to investigate the students' needs for learning procedure text, to design origami task that will be used for teaching procedure text, and to evaluate whether or not the model origami tasks are feasible for teaching procedure text. This research involved an English teacher and 33 seventh grade students of class A in SMP Negeri 11 Pontianak. The method of this research is development research which consists of five phases. They are analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate or called ADDIE. The need analysis in this research obtained the following information about what students need in learning procedure text by identifying the analysis of students' condition, the analysis of teacher's perspectives, the analysis of the textbook, and the analysis of learning procedure text through origami. The origami tasks were suitable for teaching procedure text for seventh grade students because origami tasks were interesting, understandable, easy to find, and cost efficient for them in learning procedure text. The result of task evaluation showed that the origami tasks were feasible for teaching procedure text

    Teaching Students Vocabulary Using Spelling Lotto Communication Game

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how Spelling Lotto Communication Game could improve vocabulary mastery of seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Ketapang in academic year 2012/2013. Since it was to improve vocabulary mastery in learning process, the appropriate technique that was applied in this research was a classroom action research with the cycle of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. After collecting the data, the writer found out that the Spelling Lotto Communication Game improved the students vocabulary mastery. Based on the achievement tests result, the writer discovered the students progress, which was shown by the scores of the students from cycle to cycle, had increased. The mean score increased from 71.53 in the first cycle to 80 in the second cycle and from first cycle to second cycle, the students who reached the passing grade increased from 22 students to 31 students. The process of teaching and students who reached the passing grade increased and teaching learning process became better

    The Correlation Between The Students\u27 Motivation And Listening Skills

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    Motivation has important role in listening skills because it gives impulse to the students more independent to gain their goal. This research deals with the relationship between motivation and listening skills. The purpose of this research is to examine the students\u27 motivation and whether it is in correlation with their listening skills. This research involved 31 members of the third semester students of English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Universitas Tanjungpura. This study was conducted in correlational research. The result of the study showed that they had different motivation towards listening skills. The finding of the research revealed that there was relationship between motivation and listening skills. The calculation of Pearson Product Moment showed that r value between variable X (motivation) and Y (listening skills) was 0.73 with the degree of freedom were 29. Based on table of r size of coefficient, it was in interval 0.66 – 0.85 that means there was strong correlation between variable X and variable Y

    The Reasons Of Students' Reticence In English Education Study Program

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    Oral participation is essentially important in English classroom. The writer observed and found that the students of English Education Study Program, Tanjungpura University, tended to be reticent when classroom discussion occured. They chose to remain silent rather than participating actively in the discussion. This study aimed to investigate the reasons for students' reticence in English classroom using case study method. The participants were 10 students of the 2nd semester students. The participants were chosen by the characteristics of reticence such as tending to be reluctant in responding lecturers' or other students' questions, sitting at the middle/back rows, and rarely asking questions (rarely raising hand). Using direct observation and semi-structured interview, the study found that the main reasons of students' reticence were anxiety, shyness, unfamiliarity with the topics/materials, low English proficiency, fear of making mistakes, lacking confidence in oneself, and being underprepared. Based on the findings, it showed that affective, individual, and psychological factors had a great influence on students' reticence