3 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Ekstrak Kopi Hijau Robusta Dan Lactobacillus Acidophilus Pada Mencit Balb/C Yang Diinfeksi Salmonella Enterica Terhadap Jumlah Relatif Sel Cd4+ Dan Ifn-Y

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    Salmonella enterica merupakan bakteri bersifat patogen terhadap manusia maupun hewan dan ditularkan melalui Foodborne diseases. Bakteri Salmonellosis enterica mengeluarkan endotoksinsehingga sel epitel rusak terdapat inflamasi yang memicu adanya respon imun, dengan aktivasi Sel T CD4+ dan berdiferensiasi menjadi Th1 yang akan memproduksi IFN- untuk aktivasi makrofag sebagai sistem imunitas dalam tubuh. Asam klorogenat, Flavanoid, saponin, tannin dan alkaloid yang terkandung dalam ekstrak kopi robusta berfungsi sebagai antioksidan, antibakteri dan meningkatkan respon imun dalam tubuh. Bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus sebagai bakteri asam laktat berfungsi menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi ekstrak kopi robusta dan bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus terhadap preventif peningkatan jumlah relative sel T CD4+ dan IFN- pada mencit Balb/C yang diinduksi Salmonella enterica. Penelitian dengan hewan coba Mencit Strain Balb/C, dengan kelompok perlakuan yakni, K- (Sehat), K+ (Induksi Salmonella enterica dosis 108 CFU/mL), K Lacto (Induksi Lactobacillus acidophilus dosis 108 CFU/mL), P1 (Induksi Salmonella enterica dosis 108 CFU/mL dan kombinasi ekstrak kopi 250 mg/kgBB + bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus dosis 108 CFU/mL), P2 (Salmonella enterica dan kombinasi ekstrak kopi 500 mg/kgBB + bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus dosis 108 CFU/mL), dan P3 (Salmonella enterica dan kombinasi ekstrak kopi 750 mg/kgBB + bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus dosis 108 CFU/mL). Analisa data secara kuantitatif dengan perhitungan jumlah sel CD4+ dan IFN- pada organ lien dengan menggunakan Uji One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) dengan Hasil terdapat adanya penurunan secara signifikan terhadap CD4 dan IFN-y dengan nilai terbaik pada P1 dengan dosis kombinasi ekstrak kopi 250 mg/kgBB + bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus dosis 108 CFU/mL

    Global Prevalence and Potential Influencing Factors of COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy : A Meta-Analysis

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    Countries worldwide have deployed mass COVID-19 vaccination drives, but there are people who are hesitant to receive the vaccine. Studies assessing the factors associated with COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy are inconclusive. This study aimed to assess the global prevalence of COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy and determine the potential factors associated with such hesitancy. We performed an organized search for relevant articles in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Extraction of the required information was performed for each study. A single-arm meta-analysis was performed to determine the global prevalence of COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy; the potential factors related to vaccine hesitancy were analyzed using a Z-test. A total of 56 articles were included in our analysis. We found that the global prevalence of COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy was 25%. Being a woman, being a 50-year-old or younger, being single, being unemployed, living in a household with five or more individuals, having an educational attainment lower than an undergraduate degree, having a non-healthcare-related job and considering COVID-19 vaccines to be unsafe were associated with a higher risk of vaccination hesitancy. In contrast, living with children at home, maintaining physical distancing norms, having ever tested for COVID-19, and having a history of influenza vaccination in the past few years were associated with a lower risk of hesitancy to COVID-19 vaccination. Our study provides valuable information on COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy, and we recommend special interventions in the sub-populations with increased risk to reduce COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy