49 research outputs found

    Atacama Compact Array Antennas

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    We report major performance test results of the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) 7-m and 12-m antennas of ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array). The four major performances of the ACA antennas are all-sky pointing (to be not more than 2.0 arcsec), offset pointing (to be < 0.6 arcsec) surface accuracy (< 25(20) micrometer for 12(7)m-antenna), stability of path-length (15 micrometer over 3 min), and high servo capability (6 degrees/s for Azimuth and 3 degrees/s for Elevation). The high performance of the ACA antenna has been extensively evaluated at the Site Erection Facility area at an altitude of about 2900 meters. Test results of pointing performance, surface performance, and fast motion capability are demonstrated.Comment: 3 pages, 2010 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference: J2 Millimeter- and Sub-millimeter-wave Telescope and Arra

    Preeclampsia and COVID-19: results from the INTERCOVID prospective longitudinal study

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    Background: It is unclear whether the suggested link between COVID-19 during pregnancy and preeclampsia is an independent association or if these are caused by common risk factors. Objective: This study aimed to quantify any independent association between COVID-19 during pregnancy and preeclampsia and to determine the effect of these variables on maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Study Design: This was a large, longitudinal, prospective, unmatched diagnosed and not-diagnosed observational study assessing the effect of COVID-19 during pregnancy on mothers and neonates. Two consecutive not-diagnosed women were concomitantly enrolled immediately after each diagnosed woman was identified, at any stage during pregnancy or delivery, and at the same level of care to minimize bias. Women and neonates were followed until hospital discharge using the standardized INTERGROWTH-21st protocols and electronic data management system. A total of 43 institutions in 18 countries contributed to the study sample. The independent association between the 2 entities was quantified with the risk factors known to be associated with preeclampsia analyzed in each group. The outcomes were compared among women with COVID-19 alone, preeclampsia alone, both conditions, and those without either of the 2 conditions. Results: We enrolled 2184 pregnant women; of these, 725 (33.2%) were enrolled in the COVID-19 diagnosed and 1459 (66.8%) in the COVID-19 not-diagnosed groups. Of these women, 123 had preeclampsia of which 59 of 725 (8.1%) were in the COVID-19 diagnosed group and 64 of 1459 (4.4%) were in the not-diagnosed group (risk ratio, 1.86; 95% confidence interval, 1.32–2.61). After adjustment for sociodemographic factors and conditions associated with both COVID-19 and preeclampsia, the risk ratio for preeclampsia remained significant among all women (risk ratio, 1.77; 95% confidence interval, 1.25–2.52) and nulliparous women specifically (risk ratio, 1.89; 95% confidence interval, 1.17–3.05). There was a trend but no statistical significance among parous women (risk ratio, 1.64; 95% confidence interval, 0.99–2.73). The risk ratio for preterm birth for all women diagnosed with COVID-19 and preeclampsia was 4.05 (95% confidence interval, 2.99–5.49) and 6.26 (95% confidence interval, 4.35–9.00) for nulliparous women. Compared with women with neither condition diagnosed, the composite adverse perinatal outcome showed a stepwise increase in the risk ratio for COVID-19 without preeclampsia, preeclampsia without COVID-19, and COVID-19 with preeclampsia (risk ratio, 2.16; 95% confidence interval, 1.63–2.86; risk ratio, 2.53; 95% confidence interval, 1.44–4.45; and risk ratio, 2.84; 95% confidence interval, 1.67–4.82, respectively). Similar findings were found for the composite adverse maternal outcome with risk ratios of 1.76 (95% confidence interval, 1.32–2.35), 2.07 (95% confidence interval, 1.20–3.57), and 2.77 (95% confidence interval, 1.66–4.63). The association between COVID-19 and gestational hypertension and the direction of the effects on preterm birth and adverse perinatal and maternal outcomes, were similar to preeclampsia, but confined to nulliparous women with lower risk ratios. Conclusion: COVID-19 during pregnancy is strongly associated with preeclampsia, especially among nulliparous women. This association is independent of any risk factors and preexisting conditions. COVID-19 severity does not seem to be a factor in this association. Both conditions are associated independently of and in an additive fashion with preterm birth, severe perinatal morbidity and mortality, and adverse maternal outcomes. Women with preeclampsia should be considered a particularly vulnerable group with regard to the risks posed by COVID-19

    Pregnancy and childbearing with nonclassic lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia without assisted reproductive technologies and sex hormone replacement : a case report

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    先天性副腎過形成症は、ステロイド合成酵素の欠損、コレステロールの輸送蛋白の異常により、副腎皮質過形成となる疾患で、うち、先天性リポイド副腎過形成( lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia;LCAH)は、すべてのステロイド分泌不全が生じ、最も重症型である。コレステロールをミトコンドリア内に輸送する蛋白(Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein;StAR)の異常により、生後早期から副腎不全症状を呈し、性ホルモン合成も障害される。一方、女性ホルモンの分泌にはStAR非依存性の回路も存在し、生殖補助医療下の妊娠出産例が報告されている。今回我々は、LCAH非古典型患者において、性ホルモンを補充せず妊娠出産に至った症例を経験した。【症例】27歳0回経妊0回経産。13歳時、遺伝子検査にてLCAH と診断。27歳時、自然妊娠。初期より女性ホルモン分泌不全はなく、妊娠37週5日、選択的帝王切開術にて健常児を得た。【考察】LCAH 非古典型患者において、性ホルモン補充を行わず、妊娠出産管理を行いうる可能性が示唆された。雑誌掲載論

    Defining the Normal Growth Curve of Fetal Fractional Limb Volume in a Japanese Population

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    Fetal fractional limb volume is a useful measure for predicting birth weight and newborn adiposity; however, a normal growth curve has been reported solely in the United States. As the birth weight of neonates in Japan is significantly lower than that in the US, fetal fractional limb volume is likely to be smaller in the Japanese population. This study aimed to define the normal growth curve of fractional arm volume (AVol) and thigh volume (TVol) in the Japanese population. Ultrasound scans of 453 AVol and TVol pairs were obtained; each AVol and TVol percentile at each gestational age was calculated. The measured AVol and TVol at each gestational week were also converted to z-scores based on a previous report. The growth curves increased linearly until the second trimester and exponentially in the third trimester. Linear regression showed a significant negative correlation between gestational age and AVol and TVol z-scores. The growth pattern of fetal fractional limb volume in the Japanese population is consistent with, but smaller than, that reported in the US; this difference becomes greater as the gestational age progresses

    Survey on the use of personal protective equipment and COVID-19 testing of pregnant women in Japan

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    Aim To clarify the status of personal protective equipment (PPE) and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) tests for pregnant women, we conducted an urgent survey. Methods The survey was conducted online from April 27 to May 1, 2020. Questionnaires were sent to core facilities and affiliated hospitals of the obstetrics and gynecology training program and to hospitals of the national perinatal medical liaison council. Results A total of 296 institutions participated in our survey; however, 2 institutions were excluded. Full PPE was used by doctors in 7.1% of facilities and by midwives in 6.8%. Our study also determined that around 65.0% of facilities for doctors and 73.5% of facilities for midwives used PPE beyond the "standard gown or apron, surgical mask, goggles or face shield" during labor of asymptomatic women. N95 masks were running out of stock at 6.5% of the facilities and goggles and face shields at 2.7%. Disposable N95 masks and goggles or face shields were re-used after re-sterilization in 12% and 14% of facilities, respectively. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing of asymptomatic patients was performed for 9% of vaginal deliveries, 14% of planned cesarean sections and 17% of emergency cesarean sections. The number of PCR tests for obstetrics and gynecology per a week ranged from zero to five in 92% of facilities. Conclusion The shortage of PPE in Japan is alarming. Sufficient stockpiling of PPE is necessary to prevent unnecessary disruptions in medical care. Appropriate guidelines for PPE usage and COVID-19 testing of pregnant women at delivery are needed in Japan