276 research outputs found

    Magnetic susceptibility variations in southern Ocean sediments induced by iron fertilization

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム 横断セッション「海・陸・氷床から探る後期新生代の南極寒冷圏環境変動」11月26日(月) 国立国語研究所 2階講


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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム分野横断セッション:[IG] 全球環境変動を駆動する南大洋・南極氷床11月17日(火) 国立極地研究所 2階 大会議

    High-resolution upper Maastrichtian carbon isotope stratigraphy of terrestrial organic matter from northern Japan

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    High-resolution stable carbon isotope stratigraphy of terrestrial organic matter was established for the upper Maastrichtian Senpohshi Formation of the Nemuro Group in eastern Hokkaido, northern Japan. The Senpohshi Formation, approximately 1, 300 m thick, is dominated by hemipelagic mudstone deposited along an active margin in the North Pacific region. Microscopic observations of extracted kerogen samples from the formation revealed the presence of sedimentary organic matter (SOM), predominantly phytoclasts and a minor amount of non-fluorescent amorphous organic matter, indicating material of a terrestrial higher plant origin. The atomic hydrogen/carbon ratios of the kerogen samples indicated a coalification rank at the anthracite stage or below. Therefore, the stable carbon isotope values of the bulk SOM obtained for the Senpohshi Formation represent the unmodified, original values of terrestrial organic matter. The stable carbon isotope profile reconstructed for the formation provides the first high-resolution terrestrial record of the Mid-Maastrichtian Event (MME), which is comparable to high-resolution marine carbon isotope data from other sections. The carbon isotopic signatures defined by the marine records are recognized in the terrestrial data from the formation, especially in middle to upper part of the event. However, the terrestrial record showed a discrepancy from the marine data in the lower part of the MME, suggesting local variation of the hinterland environment in the North Pacific region. This study provides new insight into environmental changes during the late Maastrichtian by establishing a detailed carbon isotope record of terrestrial materials

    Sakurajima-Satsuma (Sz-S) and Noike-Yumugi (N-Ym) tephras: new tephrochronological marker beds for the last deglaciation, southern Kyushu, Japan

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    Two prominent tephras, Sakurajima-Satsuma (Sz-S) erupted from Sakurajima volcano and Noike-Yumugi (N-Ym) erupted from Kuchierabujima Island, provide new key marker beds for dating and synchronizing palaeoenvironmental and archaeological records in the last deglaciation in southern Japan. These tephras were identified on the basis of glass major-element compositions in two distal areas, a marine core (IMAGES MD98-2195) in the northern part of the East China Sea and on the central part of Tanegashima Island, and related their stratigraphic positions to the marine oxygen isotope-based chronology. In MD98-2195, Sz-S, 0.8 cm in thickness at 9.12 m depth and N-Ym, 3 cm in thickness at 9.30 m depth, are both white, vitric, ash-grade tephras. On Tanegashima Island, Sz-S, 10 cm in thickness and N-Ym, 3 cm in thickness, are stratigraphically constrained by well-characterised marker tephras Kikai-Akahoya (7,300 cal BP) and Aira-Tn (29,000 cal BP). Sz-S is rhyolitic and homogeneous on the basis of glass major-element compositions assayed by electron microprobe. Pumiceous glass shards predominant in distal Sz-S tephra indicate that it derived from pumice fall units that correspond to pumiceous and phreatomagmatic fine ash units constituting proximal Sz-S tephra. N-Ym is rhyolitic and glass major-element analyses reveal compositional diversity between units, suggesting that the lower and middle tephra units dispersed to the east, whereas the upper unit was dispersed north to north-west from the vent. Stratigraphically, Sz-S occurs at around the start of the late-glacial reversal (cooling) in oxygen isotope records of MD98-2195, corresponding to the end of GI-1 and the start of GS-1 in the ice-core events of NGRIP (GICC05), consistent with a terrestrial age of ˜12,800 cal BP. Based on the oxygen isotope stratigraphy, the tephra identified in the core as N-Ym at 9.30 m depth is close to the end of Greenland GI-1 and hence has an age of ˜13,000 cal BP, but on Kuchierabujima Island it has an age based on ¹⁴C assay of charcoal of c. 14,900 cal BP. Although this age discrepancy (14.9 vs 13.0 cal ka) needs resolution, the occurrence in core MD98-2195 of N-Ym shows that it is more widespread than hitherto demonstrated. The widespread distributions and key stratigraphic positions for the two marker tephras indicate that they are thus critical isochrons for precise correlation of palaeoenvironmental changes and prehistoric cultural events during the last deglaciation in southern Kyushu, and for relating such changes and events to the ice-core chronology via the marine oxygen isotope chronostratigraphy

    Ocean front migration over the Conrad Rise in the Indian Sector of the Southern ocean since the last glacial maximum

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム 横断セッション「海・陸・氷床から探る後期新生代の南極寒冷圏環境変動」11月26日(月) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Antarctic Circumpolar Current Fluctuation in the Late Neogene: constraint from sediment wave on the Conrad Rise, Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム 横断セッション「海・陸・氷床から探る後期新生代の南極寒冷圏環境変動」11月26日(月) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Surface nitrate utilization in the Bering sea since 180kA BP: Insight from sedimentary nitrogen isotopes

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    © 2015. We present high-resolution records of sedimentary nitrogen (δ15Nbulk) and carbon isotope ratios (δ13Cbulk) from piston core SO201-2-85KL located in the western Bering Sea. The records reflect changes in surface nitrate utilization and terrestrial organic matter contribution in submillennial resolution that span the last 180kyr. The δ15Nbulk record is characterized by a minimum during the penultimate interglacial indicating low nitrate utilization (~62-80%) despite the relatively high export production inferred from opal concentrations along with a significant reduction in the terrestrial organic matter fraction (m terr). This suggests that the consumption of the nitrate pool at our site was incomplete and even more reduced than today (~84%). δ15Nbulk increases from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5.4 and culminates during the Last Glacial Maximum, which indicates that nitrate utilization in the Bering Sea was raised during cold intervals (MIS 5.4, 5.2, 4) and almost complete during MIS 3 and 2 (~93-100%). This is in agreement with previous hypotheses suggesting that stronger glacial stratification reduced the nutrient supply from the subeuphotic zone, thereby increasing the iron-to-nutrient ratio and therefore the nitrate utilization in the mixed surface layer. Large variations in δ15Nbulk were also recorded from 180 to 130ka BP (MIS 6), indicating a potential link to insolation and sea-level forcing and its related feedbacks. Millennial-scale oscillations were observed in δ15Nbulk and δ13Cbulk that might be related to Greenland interstadials.postprin

    Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity in Lombok Strait Reconstructed From Coral Sr/Ca and δ18O, 1962–2012

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    Coral geochemical tracers have been used in studies of the paleoclimatology and paleoceanography of the tropics and subtropics. We measured Sr/Ca and oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O) in a coral sample collected from the southern part of Lombok Strait, a significant outlet of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) to the Indian Ocean, to reconstruct the historical record of sea surface temperature (SST) and seawater δ18O. Seawater δ18O can be used to approximate sea surface salinity (SSS) because it reflects the balance of evaporation and precipitation. The resulting time series reconstructed SST and SSS, covering the period 1962–2012, shows no clear trend of global warming, although the record includes a large cooling event (~4°C) during 1996–1997. Although neither SST nor SSS shows a systematic relationship with El Niño–Southern Oscillation and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), weak but significant correlations are found partly. In addition, the coral data show signals of major IOD and El Niño events in 1994 and 1997, respectively, although climatic trends recorded in the coral are not consistent with those found along the Java-Sumatra coast. To evaluate other influences on the ITF in Lombok Strait, we compared our coral record with coral records from sites in the Java Sea, the southern part of Makassar Strait, and Ombai Strait. During the northwest monsoon (December–January–February), variations in SST and SSS at Lombok Strait site are similar to those at the Java Sea and southern Makassar sites for the period 1962–1995, which suggests that low-salinity water from the Java Sea is carried at least to the southern part of Makassar Strait where it suppresses the ITF upstream from Lombok Strait. However, the SST and SSS records differ at the three sites during the southeast monsoon (June–July–August), indicating that surface conditions in Lombok Strait vary separately from those in the Java Sea. In the longer term, although global warming has been widely identified in the Indonesian Seas, the coral record shows no clear warming trend in the southern part of Lombok Strait, where fluctuations in the ITF may be modulating the distribution of heat in the surface waters of the western Pacific and eastern Indian Ocean

    Sea surface temperature in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean over the Late Glacial and Holocene

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    Centennial- and millennial-scale variability of Southern Ocean temperature over the Holocene is poorly known, due to both short instrumental records and sparsely distributed high-resolution temperature reconstructions, with evidence for past temperature variations in the region coming mainly from ice core records. Here we present a high-resolution (similar to 60 year), diatom-based sea surface temperature (SST) reconstruction from the western Indian sector of the Southern Ocean that spans the interval 14.2 to 1.0 ka (calibrated kiloyears before present). During the late deglaciation, the new SST record shows cool temperatures at 14.2-12.9 ka and gradual warming between 12.9 and 11.6 ka in phase with atmospheric temperature evolution. This supports the evolution of the Southern Ocean SST during the deglaciation being linked with a complex combination of processes and drivers associated with reorganisations of atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns. Specifically, we suggest that Southern Ocean surface warming coincided, within the dating uncertainties, with the reconstructed slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), rising atmospheric CO2 levels, changes in the southern westerly winds and enhanced upwelling. During the Holocene the record shows warm and stable temperatures from 11.6 to 8.7 ka followed by a slight cooling and greater variability from 8.7 to 1 ka, with a quasi-periodic variability of 200-260 years identified by spectral analysis. We suggest that the increased variability during the mid- to late Holocene reflects the establishment of centennial variability in SST connected with changes in the high-latitude atmospheric circulation and Southern Ocean convection.Peer reviewe

    Assessment of chemical compositions in coral skeletons (Acropora digitifera and Porites australiensis) as temperature proxies

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    Although biogenic carbonates, such as foraminifera and coccolithophorids, are valuable tools for reconstructing past environments, scleractinian corals also offer environmental data from tropical to subtropical regions with a higher time resolution. For example, oxygen isotopes (δ18O) and strontium-calcium (Sr/Ca) ratios have been utilized to reconstruct sea surface temperatures and salinity, primarily through the use of massive-type Porites sp. from the Pacific, as well as corals like Diploria and Montastrea from the Atlantic. While a few types of corals other than Porites have been utilized in paleoclimate studies, comprehensive evaluations of their geochemical tracers as temperature proxies have not been thoroughly conducted. Therefore, in this study, we focused on branching-type Acropora, which are found worldwide and are often present in fossil corals. We conducted a comparison of the chemical compositions (δ18O, δ13C, Sr/Ca, U/Ca, Mg/Ca, and Ba/Ca) of Acropora digitifera and Porites australiensis through temperature-controlled culture experiments. The validity of using the chemical components of A. digitifera as temperature proxies was then evaluated. Three colonies of A. digitifera and P. australiensis were collected for culture experiments on Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan. We reared coral samples in seawater with five different temperature settings (18, 21, 24, 27, 30°). The calcification rate and photosynthesis efficiency (Fv/Fm) of each nubbin were measured during the experimental period. After the culture experiment for 77 days, chemical components in skeletal parts grown during the experiment were then measured. Consequently, the mean growth rates and Fv/Fm throughout the experiment were higher for A. digitifera (0.22%/d and 0.63 for growth rate and Fv/Fm) compared to those for P. australiensis (0.11%/d and 0.38 for growth rate and Fv/Fm). This suggests that the higher efficiency of photosynthesis in A. digitifera would promote greater calcification compared to P. australiensis. Regarding the potential use as temperature proxies, A. digitifera exhibited a strong negative correlation, on average, between δ18O and the water temperature (r = 0.95, p< 0.001). The temperature dependency was found to be comparable to that reported in Porites corals (-0.11 and -0.17 ‰/°C for P. australiensis and A. digitifera, respectively). Thus, the δ18O of A. digitifera appeared to be a useful temperature proxy, although it was also slightly influenced by skeletal growth rate at the same temperature. A strong negative correlation was also observed between the mean Sr/Ca ratio and temperature in A. digitifera (r = 0.61, p< 0.001) as well as P. australiensis (r = 0.56, p< 0.001), without a clear influence from the skeletal growth rate. Therefore, the skeletal Sr/Ca ratio in corals may have been primarily influenced by water temperature, although large deviations in Sr/Ca were observed in A. digitifera, even at the same temperature settings. This deviation can be reduced by subsampling an apical part of a polyp including the axis of skeletal growth. The U/Ca ratio of A. digitifera appeared to be affected by internal pH variation within the corals, especially at 30°C. Similar to U/Ca ratios, metabolic and kinetic effects on corals were observed in δ13C of A. digitifera at 18 and 30°C. In addition, considering the variation pattern of both U/Ca and δ13C of A. digitifera at 30°C, it has been suggested that respirations may overwhelm photosynthesis for coral samples at 30°C. Therefore, the U/Ca and δ13C of A. digitifera could potentially be used as proxies of biomineralization processes, whereas the δ18O and Sr/Ca displayed a high possibility of acting as temperature proxies