42 research outputs found

    Change in the protection regime of Permanent Preservation Areas in the 2012 Forest Code

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    Abstract The parameter for delimiting Areas of Permanent Preservation (APPs) in the 2012 Forest Code is the edge of the regular stream bed, not its highest level. The objective of this study is to evaluate the loss of protected areas, framed the category of water APPs in the 2012 Forest Code, in the Cabaçal River. By means of spatial technologies, maps of vegetation cover and land use from 2012 and 2018 were prepared. The change in the Forest Code in 2012 caused the loss of 90% of the area previously protected by the 1965 Code, corresponding to the major waterbed of the Cabaçal River, especially in the lower course, located in the Pantanal plain of Mato Grosso. It was concluded that the vegetation cover in the Areas of Permanent Preservation was suppressed so that urban and agricultural uses could be implanted, characterizing them as conflict areas due to the flexibilization of the environmental legislation

    Aves de paisagem rural na região Centro-oeste do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    In the Cerrado biome the areas are predominantly private. Most legally protected environments are in rural landscapes, thus implying changes in the use of these environments and conservation of biological groups, such as avifauna. In this paper we investigate bird assemblages from a rural landscape, based on samplings in private properties located in the Cerrado, Midwest region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. We report a total of 143 bird species, about 65% of them being classified as less frequent or infrequent. The most representative trophic guilds were Insectivorous and Omnivorous. One species (Aratinga auricapillus) is classified in the category near threatened. Three species are endemic to the Cerrado, such as Antilophia galeata, which is restricted to Riparian Forests. Two species, namely Baryphthengus ruficapillus and Hemithraupis ruficapilla, are endemic to the Atlantic Forest. We observed that the most sensitive species recorded during the study use the environments present in the protection area. Private areas legally protected in altered environments become unique refuges for species dependent on natural areas. However, these environments suffer strong anthropogenic pressure. Our results underscore the importance of legally protected areas in private properties for the maintenance of several bird species.Keywords: private protected areas, permanent preservation area, legal reserve, community structure, ornithological inventory, hotspot.No bioma Cerrado, as áreas são predominantemente privadas. Grande parte dos ambientes legalmente protegidos está em paisagens rurais, fato que implica em mudanças do uso desses ambientes e na conservação de grupos biológicos, como a avifauna. Neste artigo, avaliamos a assembleia de aves de uma paisagem rural com base em amostragens realizadas em propriedades privadas situadas no Cerrado, Centro-oeste de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Um total de 143 espécies de aves foram registradas, sendo cerca de 65% dessas classificadas como pouco frequente ou infrequente. Uma espécie (Aratinga auricapillus) encontra-se classificada na categoria de quase ameaçada. Três espécies são endêmicas do Cerrado, entre as quais destaca-se Antilophia galeata, ave restrita a matas ciliares. Duas espécies, Baryphthengus ruficapillus e Hemithraupis ruficapilla, são endêmicas da Mata Atlântica. Observamos que as espécies mais sensíveis registradas durante o estudo utilizam fragmentos presentes nas áreas protegidas. Áreas privadas legalmente protegidas em ambientes alterados tornam-se refúgios únicos para espécies dependentes de áreas naturais. No entanto, esses ambientes sofrem forte pressão antrópica. Os resultados aqui apresentados destacam a importância das áreas legalmente protegidas em propriedades privadas para a manutenção de várias espécies de aves.Palavras-chave: áreas privadas protegidas, área de preservação permanente, reserva legal, estrutura da comunidade, levantamento ornitológico, hotspot

    Eight basic principles for the elaboration of public policies and development projects for the Pantanal

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    This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. © 2024 The Author(s). Conservation Science and Practice published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Society for Conservation Biology. The Pantanal is considered the largest continuous freshwater wetland in the world, and its sustainable use requires a unified conceptual framework. The lengthy process to establish public policies has contributed to the increasing vulnerability of the Pantanal. Given the need for a conceptual basis to help this process, we elaborate a list of eight basic principles based on the accumulated scientific evidence: (i) Consider the Paraguay River Basin a management unity; (ii) Establish rules that follow the concept of restricted use approach; (iii) Ensure the ecologically sustainable use of the Pantanal; (iv) Maintain the environmental heterogeneity and functionality in the Pantanal landscapes; (v) Maintain the hydrological integrity and connectivity; (vi) Ensure the environmental representativeness of the protected areas network; (vii) Provide economic incentives for conservationist use of the land; and (viii) Recognize and protect traditional people, their values, resources, and way of living. However, the elaboration of public policies should be a participatory and inclusive decision‐making process towards a more just and sustainable future

    Tree diversity assessment in paraguay river islands, between caceres and ecological station taiamã, pantanal, brazil

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    Several studies have evaluated the mechanisms that determine the different landscapes in the Pantanal, there are multiple factors that are working together on the islands of the Pantanal contributing to the maintenance of its current state. Surveys have been conducted on six islands in the river between Paraguay and Cáceres Taiamã Ecological Station, Pantanal, comparing the diversity of islands from two geomorphological processes: from the rupture of the neck of meander and sedimentation. This study aimed to determine the effects of soil characteristics and flood levels in tree diversity. The samples consisted of 22 plots per island of 10m by 20m down the center and edge, and depositional and eroded sides of the islands. The topographical differences between the plots were measured from the River. We recorded 40 species belonging to 34 genera and 21 families. The indices of Shannon- Weaver diversity ranged from H 'from 1.08 to 2.77. The floristic communities were distinct between the islands of different origins, which are subjected to different periods of flooding. The islands formed by breaking the neck of meander abundace and have higher species richness. The soils of the islands, had an average of clayey to very clayey. The group formed by the most frequent and abundant species in the islands were positively correlated with soil properties that were high on the islands, such as magnesium and saturation of magnesium, and aluminum, clay and silte.O center of the islands is subject to a period of more flooding . There were differences in height between local depositional and erosion occurred in five islands, and the erosional side is higher than the depositionDiversos estudos têm avaliado os mecanismos que determinam as diferentes paisagens no Pantanal, são múltiplos os fatores que estão atuando conjuntamente nas ilhas do Pantanal contribuindo para a manutenção do seu estado atual. Foram realizados levantamentos em seis ilhas do rio Paraguai entre Cáceres e Estação Ecológica de Taiamã, Pantanal Matogrossense, comparando a diversidade de ilhas originárias de dois processos geomorfológicos: a partir do rompimento do colo do meandro e de sedimentação. Este estudo teve o objetivo de determinar os efeitos das características dos solos e níveis de inundação na diversidade arbórea. A amostragem foi de 22 parcelas por ilha de 10m por 20m estabelecidas no centro e borda e lados erosionais e deposicionais das ilhas. As diferenças topográficas entre as parcelas foram medidas a partir do rio. Foram registradas 40 espécies pertencentes a 34 gêneros e 21 famílias. Os Índices de Diversidade de Shannon-Weaver variaram de H 1,08 a 2,77. As comunidades florísticas foram distintas entre as ilhas de diferentes origens, que estão submetidas a diferentes períodos de inundação. As ilhas formadas por rompimento de colo de meandro possuem maior abundacia e riqueza de espécies. Os solos das ilhas, apresentaram em média textura argilosa a muito argilosa. O grupo formado pelas espécies mais freqüentes e abundantes nas ilhas correlacionaram positivamente com atributos do solo que nas ilhas apresentaram altos valores, como magnésio e saturação por magnésio, alumínio trocável, argila e silte.O centro das ilhas está sujeito a um período de maior inundação. Houve diferenças de altura entre locais deposicionais e erosionais ocorreram em cinco ilhas, sendo que o lado erosional é mais alto que o deposicional


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    This study assessed the diversity of trees in six islands of Paraguay River, between Caceres and Taimã Ecological Station in Pantanal, Brazil. These islands originated from two geomorphologic processes: meander neck rupture and sedimentation, which were compared. A Canonical Correspondence Analysis and a Cluster and Discriminant Analysis were used to determine the correlations between the abundance of tree species and the variables of soil attributes (chemical and textural properties). Geo-technologies such as remote sensing imagery and GPS were important tools used during this work. The group formed by the most frequent and abundant species in the islands Sapium obovatum, Psidium nutans and Laetia americana was positively correlated with soil properties that presented high values in the islands, such as magnesium and saturation of magnesium, aluminum, clay and silt. Key words: Diversity. Soil. Fertility. Flood. Avaliação da diversidade arbórea e correlação entre a distribuição das espécies e as caracteristicas dos solos em ilhas do Rio Paraguai entre Cáceres e Estação Ecológica de Taiamã, Pantanal Matogrossense, Brasil Este estudo avaliou a diversidade da vegetação arbórea em seis ilhas do rio Paraguai, entre Cáceres e a Estação Ecológica de Taiamã, Pantanal Matogrossense. Foram comparadas ilhas formadas por dois processos geomorfológicos: a partir do rompimento do colo do meandro do canal e de sedimentação. Análise de Correspondência Canônica, Análise de Cluster e Discriminante foram utilizadas para verificar as correlações entre a abundancia das espécies arbóreas e as variáveis dos atributos do solo (propriedades químicas e texturais). Geotecnologias como imagens de sensoriamento remoto e GPS foram ferramentas importantes na execução deste trabalho. O grupo formado pelas espécies mais freqüentes e abundantes nas ilhas: Sapium obovatum, Psidium nutans e Laetia americana, correlacionou positivamente com atributos do solo que nas ilhas apresentaram altos valores, como magnésio e saturação por magnésio, alumínio trocável, argila e silte. Palavras-chave: Diversidade. Solos. Fertilidade. Inundação