80 research outputs found

    The Effects of Experiential Learning by Using Eyemasks -Application to Clinical Practice-

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    We introduced the method of the experiential learning of eyesight-screening into the area of a sense organ practice in order to research on how it could influence the students' understanding of psychology of the patients suffering from eyesight trouble and the ways of their helping the patients. As a result, we came to the conclusion that the introduction of the experiential learning by using eyemasks was quite effective in understanding patient psychology and in helping the patients psychologically. We could find out the remarkable effects in understanding the necessity of helping the patients as well as the ways to help the patients

    The effects of psychiatric practicing on a prejudiced idea against mental patients.

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    We investigated a prejudiced idea of nursing students against mental patients before and after psychiatric practicing. On investigation we found the following facts. 1 Before psychiatric practicing, 84.1 percent of nursing students had a prejudice against mental patients. Those students thought that mental patients were fearful and could not communicate with students. 2 Afer psychiatric practicing, 48.8 percent of nursing students put prejudices. 3 After psychiatric practicing nursing students undersand that mental patients are the same as people in general

    A new scale for student nurses to rate image of the elderly

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    Our prior scale for student nurses to rate image of the elderly is inadequate both in number of items used and in exaustiveness of possible images they have. This study attempts to construct a new rating scale by decreasing the number of the previous items and by incorporrating pertinent novel items. A new scale reported here consisits of 20 items, with 15 items being determined through a factor analysisi of the previous 38 items and 5 items being selected after a survey of relevant studies

    Development of an aptitude scale for nursing students

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    看護教育では,看護者として必要な知識,技術のみならず看護するのにふさわしい態度や姿勢等を育成することを重視している。このような看護者にふさわしい態度形成を援助する教育の成果を評価するために看護学生の適性に関する尺度開発を試みた。尺度に用いる項目は,看護者にふさわしい態度や性格特性及び適性等に関する過去の文献調査と筆者等の臨床看護及び看護教育の経験とで検討し決定した。最終的に絞り込んだ項目は,22項目であった。この項目の信頼性・妥当性を検証するために,医療技術短大の看護学生206人を対象に質問紙調査を実施した。信頼性については,76人を対象に再検査を実施し安定性を検討した。その結果,相関係数の一番低い項目は「研究心」「自制心」で,0.36であった。残りの項目は,相関係数0.40以上で,一番高い項目は「冷静」の0.71であった。内的整合性を示すCronbach's α信頼性係数は,全項目では0.83であった。因子分析の結果得られた5因子に基づく下位尺度のCronbach's α信頼性係数は,最も高いものは0.80であり,最も低いものは0.56であった。構成概念の妥当性を検討するために因子分析をおこなった結果,5因子が抽出された。それぞれを<リ ーダーシップ>と命名し,下位尺度とした。Efforts to ensure the necessary aptitude for health care professionals as well as knowledge and skills taught to nursing students are important to provide proper health services and care. A questionnaire containing 22 items was developed to evaluate teaching effectiveness. These items were obtained from previous studies and our findings in nursing practice and teaching. Stability reliability of this method was estimated using test/retest. The correlation coefficient for individual items ranged from 0.36 to 0.71. Only 2 of the 22 items showed correlation values below 0.40. Internal reliability of the 5 subscales was determined using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient 0.83. The values ranged from 0.56 to 0.80. Five components extracted by factor analysis were identified as follows : and

    Changes of Student Nurses' views and Images of the Elderly before and after Practicing at Nursing Homes

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    A questionnaire survey was done by 76 third year-students of the nursing course before and after practicing at the two nursing homes in 1989. The same questions about their views and images of the aged person were given twice and compared. Question to image consists of 38 paired items respectively opposed to be rated on a seven-point scale. The results showed that their views and images had changed from idealistic to realistic as a result of their practices. These were some differences found in these changes by the home and the period of practice

    The health and daily-life problem of the aged at homes for three months after discharge from the hospital

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    今後の継続看護・在宅看護を考えてゆく際の参考にするために、医療施設から自宅へ退院した高齢患者が3カ月経過後に、どのような健康上や日常生活上の問題点をもち、家庭や地域でどのような援助や支援を受けて生活しているかについて報告をする。総合病院に入院していた70歳以上の高齢者で自宅に退院する患者92名のうち、退院後3カ月経過後の時点で回答を得た70名(76.0%)について分析を行った。病状については約8割の者は特に問題を持っていない、しかし約2割の者は病状に悪化が見られた。現在困っていることは「健康上の問題」とした者は約3割であった。日常生活の自立状況では「仕事もできる」とする者が退院時の18.6%より、3カ月後は40.0%に増加しており、「生きがいがかなりある」とする者は退院時の34.3%より、3カ月後は45.7%に増加していた。しかし、回答が得られなかった22名(24.0%)の高齢者は、より重要な問題を包含している可能性があり、追跡をする必要がある。We report that for the guidance to consider future continuing-nursing and home-nursing, the elderly patient who living in homes for three months after discharged from the hospital, have what problems in their health and daily lives and what sort of supports they are receiving in their homes and from the vicinities. Analysis was done on the health and daily-life problems of 70 elderly who responded to a survey which was mailed, three months after discharged from the hospital, among 92 elderly more than 70 years old. 80% of them had no problems in their conditions, but in 20% conditions got worse. About 30% of them complained of the problem of health with respect to independence of daily life. Patients who were able to work increased from 18.6% to 40.0%, and the ptients who felt worth living increased from 34.3% to 45.7%. 22 elderly who hadn't answer seemed to have more severe problems however, further surveys are needed

    The anxiety which students have during the demonstration.

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    We researched the anxiety which students had during the demonstration of taking blood samples. We assesed the anxiety of both the role of nurse and the role of patient. And we concluded as follows; 1 Students have this anxiety of both roles. However, the anxiety is greater when they take blood samples. 2 There is no correlation in their anxiety between the role of nurse and the role of patient. 3 The student who feels less uneasy can more effectively perform this procedure


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    本研究は,在宅認知症高齢者の家族介護者が,家族の会の主催する集いに参加することの意味を質的因子探索的な分析方法を用いて明らかにすることを目的とした.毎月1回実施される集いの参加者を対象とし,1事例毎に分析を行い,カテゴリー化を行った.また,1事例毎から導き出された計6事例の分析結果を更に統合し,カテゴリーの抽出を行った.統合分析の結果,《共通体験から得られる共感》《吐露できる安心》《自分の介護の振り返り》《新たな介護観の獲得に向けた示唆》の4つのカテゴリーが抽出された.ピアカウンセリングとも言える集いに参加することの意味を検討した結果,家族介護者にとっての集いの意味は重要で多岐にわたることが分かった.集いへの参加は,介護者及び認知症高齢者双方のQOL向上につながると考えられる.The purpose of this study was to search for the meaning of participation in the meeting of family caregiver of the dementia elderly. This study was a qualitative research, and the subjects were 6 family caregivers. 4 categories for the meaning of participation in the meeting were identified : Sympathy obtained from common experience, Safety that can be revealed, Looking back on my nursing, Suggestion in acquisition of idea of new nursing. The clarification of the meaning of participation in the meeting of family caregiver with dementia elderly could contribute to the construction of a renewed family caregiver of the dementia elderly image and the further understanding of the family caregiver in the areas of medicine and nursing education

    Nursing students' perception of their acquired basic skills in nursing practices : a comparison between a new and an old curriculum

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    平成2年度改正の新カリキュラムで学んだ学生と旧カリキュラムで学んで学生間に、卒業時の基礎看護技術の到達度に違いがあるかを明らかにするために、看護技術の基本的要素、日常生活の援助技術、診療時の援助技術の49項目の到達度について、3年制課程の3年生に質問紙調査を行った。対象者全体では、到達度の上位10位以内に日常生活の援助技術項目の37%が含まれ、到達度の下位10位以内に診療時の援助技術項目の37%が含まれていた。新カリキュラム群と旧カリキュラム群の比較では、21項目に有意差があった。新カリキュラム群の高い15項目は日常生活の援助技術と看護技術の基本的要素に関するものが多く、旧カリキュラム群が高い6項目は診療時の援助技術が多かった。カリキュラム改正に関係なく、日常生活の援助技術の到達度は高く診療時の援助技術は低い傾向にあったが、カリキュラム改正後はその傾向が強まり、さらに看護技術の基本的要素の到達度はカリキュラム改正後に比較的高くなっていることが明らかになった。新カリキュラムでは臨地実習時間を削減しているが、基礎教育で重視する日常生活の援助技術と看護技術の基本的要素は習得できていると考えられる。A revision was made in a nursing curriculum in 1990. This study examined nursing students' perceived level of acquired 49 basic skills in nursing practices consisting of 11 basal elements of nursing skill, 19 skills in helping patients' daily activities, and 19 skills required in medical situations, comparing students receiving a new curriculum with those receiving an old one. Findings showed that in the rank ordering of all items from the best acquired to the least, collapsed across the two groups of students, 37% of the upper 10 items cocerned the skills in helping patients' daily activities, while 37% of the bottom 10 items concerned the skills required in medical situation. The students receiving the new curriculum perceived themselves better than those reseiving the old one for 15 items that were related with the basal elements of nursing skill and the skills in helping patients' daily activities, while the 6 items in the skills required in medical situations were perceived to be better acquired for the latter than the former students. The finding suggest that the new curriculum produced students who perceive themselves to be better achievers in the basic skills in nursing practices