482 research outputs found

    Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies of the Oral Mucosa and Its Microvasculature: A Review of the Palatine Mucosa and Its Microvascular Architecture in Mammals

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    The present paper deals with the microvascular architecture of the palatine mucosa in primates, camivorae, and rodentia utilizing microvascular corrosion castings and epithelium-separated specimens. The submucous vascular network is under-developed since the bard palatine mucosa was designated the mucoperiosteum, except some areas. The palatine venous plexus appears to show regional differences with animal species differences. The well-developed plexus is observed to be two-layered and may contribute to the process of regurgitation of rough food and assist in mastication with the palatine plicae. Formation and patterns of the arterial network in the lamina propria are in a close relation with connective tissue elements. The subepithelial capillary network constitutes an advanced base for the ascending crus of the capillary loop and its pattern is affected by the properties of the connective tissue papillae and the diverging fashion of the capillary loops. Capillary loops of the transverse palatine plica are arranged parallel to the sagittal axis and at right angles to the top line of each plica. Features of the capillary loops are characteristics in the top, the anterior and posterior slopes of the plica, respectively. High connective tissue papillae in both the anterior slope and plical top may be of a resistant form for mollifying exhaustion, affected by the periodicity and mastication function. Although it is difficult to elucidate the lamination of the palatine mucosa in histological slides, it was resolved by examination on its vascular architectures

    Analisis Golongan Metabolit Sekunder Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Batang Cemara Laut (Casuarina equisetifolia L.) dan Cemara Gunung (Casuarina junghuhniana Mig.)

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    The use of medicinal plants as natural medicine is increasingly trend and developing rapidly to prevent and treat disease, also maintain human health. Spruce plants belong to Casuarinaceae family and Magnoliophyta, generally contain of secondary metabolite compounds such as: alkaloid, saponin, polyphenol, flavonoid, and tannin that can be efficacious to cure diseases in human. The purpose of this study was to analyze the secondary metabolites compound of Casuarina equisetifolia L. and Casuarina junghuhniana Mig. using the Fransworth phytochemical screening method of bark ethanol extracts. The analysis of phytochemical screening of spruce bark shows flavonoid, saponin and tannin activity, while the montain spruce shows alkaloid, steroid, saponin and tannin activity. Further research is needed to investigate the ethnopharmaceutical information on the use of the spruce plants as a traditional medicine.Key words: Spruce plants; screening; extract; analysis; phytochemical; secondary metabolite

    Analisis Optimasi Kinerja Quality Of Service pada Layanan Komunikasi Data Menggunakan Ns-2 di PT. Pln (Persero) Jember

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    Quality of Service merupakan metode pengukuran tentang seberapa baik jaringan yang terpasang dan juga merupakan suatu USAha untuk mendefinisikan karakteristik dan sifat dari satu layanan. Dengan dibuatnya sistem pembayaran online yang terdapat di PT. PLN (Persero) Jember, layanan internet yang digunakan hendaknya harus memenuhi standar TIPHON (Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization Over Networks). Maka diperlukan optimasi kinerja QoS sebagai salah satu cara untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kualitas layanan data yang harus dipenuhi. Parameter QoS yang digunakan untuk analisis layanan komunikasi data adalah jitter, packet loss, throughtput, dan delay. Dari hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa pada jam sibuk (09.00-11.00 WIB) dan non sibuk (11.00-13.00 WIB) mendapatkan hasil rata – rata indeks QoS sebesar 2,125 dalam kategori “kurang memuaskan”. Dengan kapasitas bandwidth yang disediakan sebesar 3 Mbps. Kemudian dari hasil perhitungan optimasi bandwidth yang diperlukan sebesar 7,154 Mbps dan disimulasikan mendapatkan rata–rata indeks QoS yang sebesar 3,5 dalam kategori “sangat memuaskan”

    Trends in antimicrobial-drug resistance in Japan.

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    Multidrug resistance in gram-positive bacteria has become common worldwide. In Japan until recently, gram-negative bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Serratia marcescens were controlled by carbapenems, fluoroquinolones, and aminoglycosides. However, several of these microorganisms have recently developed resistance against many antimicrobial drugs

    Perancangan Sistem Pemantauan Pengendali Suhu Pada Stirred Tank Heater Menggunakan Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)

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    This paper discusses design of a suhue control monitoring system in stirred tank heater system that has an important function in industrial processes. Monitoring of suhue control system in stirred tank heater is designed using Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) that control function of industrial processes. While the actuator to be controlled is the position of burner openings, so that the heat can be adjusted to meet a predetermined set-point. The suhue controller that is also used as a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) is Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The testing result showed on SCADA system was quite good, where the average percentage of deviation for testing of set-point data was 0.76687%, and the percentage of deviation for testing of suhue data was 0.082%

    Formulation and Evaluation of Anti-Acne Lotion Containing Red Ginger (Zingiber officinalle Roscoe) Essential Oil

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    Red ginger (Zingiber officinalle Roscoe) has been empirically used as antibacterial agent. This study was aimed to formulate anti-acne lotion containing red ginger essential oil and to evaluate its antibacterial activity against Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Extraction and distillation of 10 kg of red gingers were performed to obtain its essential oils. The lotions were prepared using oil in water (o/w) base with various concentration of red ginger essential oils, i.e., 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5%. The lotion was assayed to determine organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, viscosity, and irritation-inducing level. Antibacterial activity test was conducted using disk-difussion method. Results indicated that the 7.5% concentration exerted the strongest activity in inhibiting P. acnes (inhibition zone 12.4 mm) and S. epidermidis (inhibition zone 29 mm). In conclusion, anti-acne lotion containing 7.5% of red ginger essential oil was effective to control acne inducing bacteria and fulfilled the required standards. Keywords: Red ginger, essential oil, anti-acne, Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidi

    Effect of Plant Spacing on the Growth and Yield of Forage Plant, Maize, Intercropped with Cowpea (\u3cem\u3eVigna unguiculata\u3c/em\u3e sub spp. \u3cem\u3esesquipedalis\u3c/em\u3e)

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    Feed constraint is the most important impediment to improved livestock production in the Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries (Agyemang 2003), as a result of seasonal shortages in the quantity and quality of forage from natural pastures that supply most of the feed for animals due to the prolonged annual dry season. Appropriate technologies to improve the performance of the local animal breeds and feed resources under the traditional system are generally lacking. Maize forms a major part of the cereal crops consumed by man and the residues serve as a source of fodder for livestock (Asawalam and Adesiyan 2001). Demand for maize has led farmers to reduce planting spacing. When crops are grown sole, spacing and planting pattern differ from when intercropped. Maize is known to be a very heavy soil nutrient utiliser and usually produces low yield in situations of low soil fertility and poor agronomic practices. Intercropping maize with legumes has shown prospects for improving maize crop yield and this would result in a reduction in the use of high cost synthetic fertilizers. The cowpea is an example of such legume and little work has been done on plant spacing for this crop in an intercropping system with maize. Plant spacing is an important agronomic attribute as it has effects on light interception which is the energy manufacturing medium of green parts of the plant (Ibeawuchi, et al. 2008)

    Streptococcus faecalis sex pheromone (cAD1) response: Evidence that the peptide inhibitor excreted by pAD1-containing cells may be plasmid determined

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    Streptococcus faecalis strains harboring the conjugative plasmid pAD1 excrete a small peptide, iAD1, which inhibits the sex pheromone cAD1. Studies making use of the host strain Streptococcus faecium 9790, which normally does not excrete peptide pheromones, suggest that iAD1 may be determined directly by pAD1.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/26869/1/0000434.pd
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