8 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Antidermatofitik Ekstrak Daun Urang-aring (Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk) terhadap Trichophyton mentagrophytes

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    Emergence of drug resistance in a fungal infection therapy had driven the need for a search of a new therapeutic agent. Traditional approach is now being marked by most people to combat this resistance problem. Plants can acts as a source of antimicrobial agents. Eclipta alba,L. Hassk leaves has been traditionally used to cure skin illnesses caused by fungal infection. The aim of this study is to analyze the antidermatophytic activity of Eclipta alba, L. Hassk leaves extract against Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk leaves were extracted gradually with hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol and water. A serial concentration 0 mg/ml, 12,5 mg/ml, 25 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml and 100 mg/ml of those four fraction was made subsequently. The antidermatophytic activity was done by gel diffusion method. Zone of inhibition was measured and analyzed with ANOVA continued with DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test). The antifungal test showed that hexane, ethyl acetate and ethanolic extract of Eclipta alba, L. Hassk leaves were effective to inhibit the growth of Trichophyton mentagrophytes but not significantly different (p≥0,05). Water extract showed no inhibition on Trichophyton mentagrophyte

    The prediction of Influenza A/H3N2 Vaccine Efficacy using samples obtained from Indonesian Hajj pilgrims in 2013

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    Abstrak Latar Belakang: Vaksinasi merupakan salah satu cara efektif dalam mengontrol dan mengurangi beban penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Influenza. Akan tetapi, efikasi vaksin bisa bervariasi jika strain yang digunakan untuk vaksin berbeda dengan strain yang bersirkulasi di dunia. Hal ini menunjukan pentingnya melakukan analisa prediksi efikasi vaksin. Pada studi ini, prediksi efikasi vaksin Influenza A/H3N2 dilakukan berdasarkan perhitungan antigenic distance strain vaksin WHO dengan virus influenza yang berasal dari jemaah Haj iIndonesia pada tahun 2013. Metode: Sekuensing gen HA dilakukan terhadap dua sampel tersimpan yang terkonfirmasi positif Influenza A/ H3N2 yang berasal dari jemaah Haji Indonesia tahun 2013. Pepitope Calculator digunakan untuk menghitung antigenic distance dari dua strain virus influenza dan dilanjutkan dengan perhitungan Pepitope value. Vaksin strain yang direkomendasikan oleh WHO; A/Texas/50/2012, A/Switzerland/9715293/2013, A/HongKong/4801/2014 dan dua virus yang diambil dari jemaah Haji Indonesia pada tahun 2013 dianalisa pada studi ini. Hasil: Prediksi efikasi vaksin yang direkomendasikan WHO tahun 2013 (A/Texas/50/2012) dengan sampel yang berasal dari jemaah Haji Indonesia tahun 2013 menunjukkan hasil lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan strain vaksin untuk musim flu pada tahun selanjutnya. Hasil ini sesuai dengan hasil analisis filogenetik dan perbandingan asam amino dimana sampel pada studi ini berkerabat lebih dekat dengan strain vaksin untuk musim flu selanjutnya dengan perbedaan asam amino yang lebih sedikit di bagian epitope protein HA dibandingkan dengan vaksin tahun 2013. Kesimpulan: Perhitungan efikasi vaksin menggunakan antigenic distance antara strain vaksin WHO dan virus yang menginfeksi jemaah haji Indonesia pada tahun 2013 menunjukkan hasil yang rendah. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2018;9(1):1-7) Keywords: Efikasi vaksin, Influenza A/H3N2, jemaah Haji, Indonesia Abstract Background: Influenza vaccination is an effective approach to control and reduce the disease burden of influenza viruses. However, the efficacy of influenza vaccine varies every year due to the different antigenic distance between vaccine and the circulating influenza strains globally and therefore necessitates the study of vaccine efficacy (VE). This study describes the prediction of Influenza A/H3N2 VE based on antigenic distances WHO vaccine strains and the virus obtained from Indonesian Hajj pilgrims in 2013. Methods: Coding between Sequence of HA gene of Influenza A/H3N2 virus was obtained from archival samples of Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims in 2013. Pepitope value calculation using Pepitope Calculator to measure the antigenic distance of HA sequences of two influenza strains was implemented. The HA sequences of WHO vaccine strains: A/ Texas/50/2012, A/Switzerland/9715293/2013, A/HongKong/4801/2014 and two influenza viruses from Indonesian Hajj pilgrims in 2013 were analyzed. Results: This study predicted that influenza vaccine strain recommended by WHO for 2013 (A/Texas/50/2012) have low efficacy to the influenza virus obtained from Indonesian Hajj Pilgrim in 2013 while showing higher efficacy to vaccine strain recommended for the following year. This result was in line with phylogenetic analysis and amino acid differences in which the samples in this study were grouped together with vaccine strain in following years and had less amino acid differences in epitope located in HA protein compared with 2013 vaccine strain. Conclusion: The prediction of VE using the antigenic distance measurement between WHO vaccine strain and Indonesian Hajj pilgrim collected in 2013, is considered low. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2018;9(1):1-7) Keywords: Vaccine efficacy, influenza A/H3N2 virus, Hajj pilgrim, Indonesi

    Aktivitas Antidermatofitik Ekstrak Daun Urang-aring (Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk) terhadap Trichophyton mentagrophytes

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    Emergence of drug resistance in a fungal infection therapy had driven the need for a search of a new therapeutic agent. Traditional approach is now being marked by most people to combat this resistance problem. Plants can acts as a source of antimicrobial agents. Eclipta alba,L. Hassk leaves has been traditionally used to cure skin illnesses caused by fungal infection. The aim of this study is to analyze the antidermatophytic activity of Eclipta alba, L. Hassk leaves extract against Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk leaves were extracted gradually with hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol and water. A serial concentration 0 mg/ml, 12,5 mg/ml, 25 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml and 100 mg/ml of those four fraction was made subsequently. The antidermatophytic activity was done by gel diffusion method. Zone of inhibition was measured and analyzed with ANOVA continued with DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test). The antifungal test showed that hexane, ethyl acetate and ethanolic extract of Eclipta alba, L. Hassk leaves were effective to inhibit the growth of Trichophyton mentagrophytes but not significantly different (p≥0,05). Water extract showed no inhibition on Trichophyton mentagrophyte

    Predominant clinical symptom of influenza A in pre-school children (3-6 years old)

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    Latar Belakang: Sebagian besar kasus Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) dari surveilans ILI yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2011 adalah anak-anak yang terinfeksi oleh Influenza A. Identifikasi terhadap gejala khas Influenza pada anak dapat menghindarkan anak dari terapi antibiotik yang tidak perlu. Gejala klinis ILI pada anak-anak telah dipelajari secara luas, namun  gejala khas ILI pada anak usia 3-6 tahun belum diidentifikasi. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menentukan gejala klinis dominan Influenza A pada anak prasekolah (3-6 tahun) dengan ILI. Metode: Kasus berusia 3-6 tahun yang sesuai definisi kasus ILI dilibatkan dalam studi ini. Data yang digunakan meliputi data demografi (jenis kelamin), gejala klinis (demam, batuk, pilek, sakit tenggorokan dan nyeri otot) dan hasil PCR yang diperoleh dari surveilans ILI. Untuk analisis statistik digunakan aplikasi STATA 9. Odd Ratio (OR) ditentukan menggunakan metode maximum likelihood. Gejala klinis dianggap dominan ketika uji bivariat p-value &lt;0,25 dan faktor dominan ini akan dipilih sebagai calon pemodelan multivariat bersama dengan faktor dominan lainnya. Hasil: Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan influenza A pada anak laki-laki dan perempuan. Namun laki-laki memiliki risiko yang lebih besar. Lebih dari 90% anak-anak dengan influenza A mengalami batuk dan pilek namun secara statistik tidak signifikan. Prediktor multivariat terbaik dari influenza A infeksi pada anak prasekolah (3-6 tahun) adalah demam dan nyeri otot dengan p = 0,001 dan p = 0,034. Kesimpulan: Gejala dominan influenza A pada anak prasekolah (3-6 tahun) dengan ILI adalah demam dan nyeri otot. Studi lanjut tentang gejala klinis influenza A pada anak diperlukan untuk mempertajam diagnosis klinis influenza pada anak sehingga terapi antibiotik yang tidak perlu dapat dihindari. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2):80-83) Kata kunci: gejala klinis, Influenza A, anak-anak Abstract Background: Most cases visiting public health centers with Influenza-like Illness (ILI) in 2011 were children infected by Influenza A. Defined clinical symptom in Influenza infection can avoid unnecessary antibiotic therapy in children. Clinical features of ILI associated with influenza infection in children have been studied widely. Unfortunately no typical symptom for preschool children has been identified. The study aim to determine the predominant clinical symptom of Influenza A virus infection among preschool age (3-6 years old) with ILI. Method: Cases age 3-6 years old who met the ILI case definition were included. For the analyses, demographic data (sex), clinical symptom (fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat and muscle aches) and PCR result obtained from ILI surveillance. Statistical analyses performed using STATA 9 software. Odd Ratio (OR) value were determined using the maximum likelihood method. Clinical symptoms considered dominant when the bivariate test p-value &lt;0.25 and the next dominant factor will be selected as candidates for multivariate modeling along with other dominant factors. Result: There was no significant difference between male and female cases with influenza A. However, male had greater risk. Most children with influenza A reported cough (p=0.346) and runny nose (p=0.798). The best multivariate predictor of influenza A infection in preschool children (3-6 years old) were fever with p=0,001 and muscle aches with p=0,034. Conclusion: The predominant symptoms of influenza A infection among preschool children (3 - 6 years) with ILI were fever and muscle aches. Accurate identification of influenza in children is becoming very important to avoid unnecessary antibiotic therapy in children. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2):80-83) Key words: Clinical symptom, Influenza A, children </p

    Predominant clinical symptom of influenza A in pre-school children (3-6 years old)

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    Latar Belakang: Sebagian besar kasus Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) dari surveilans ILI yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2011 adalah anak-anak yang terinfeksi oleh Influenza A. Identifikasi terhadap gejala khas Influenza pada anak dapat menghindarkan anak dari terapi antibiotik yang tidak perlu. Gejala klinis ILI pada anak-anak telah dipelajari secara luas, namun  gejala khas ILI pada anak usia 3-6 tahun belum diidentifikasi. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menentukan gejala klinis dominan Influenza A pada anak prasekolah (3-6 tahun) dengan ILI. Metode: Kasus berusia 3-6 tahun yang sesuai definisi kasus ILI dilibatkan dalam studi ini. Data yang digunakan meliputi data demografi (jenis kelamin), gejala klinis (demam, batuk, pilek, sakit tenggorokan dan nyeri otot) dan hasil PCR yang diperoleh dari surveilans ILI. Untuk analisis statistik digunakan aplikasi STATA 9. Odd Ratio (OR) ditentukan menggunakan metode maximum likelihood. Gejala klinis dianggap dominan ketika uji bivariat p-value &lt;0,25 dan faktor dominan ini akan dipilih sebagai calon pemodelan multivariat bersama dengan faktor dominan lainnya. Hasil: Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan influenza A pada anak laki-laki dan perempuan. Namun laki-laki memiliki risiko yang lebih besar. Lebih dari 90% anak-anak dengan influenza A mengalami batuk dan pilek namun secara statistik tidak signifikan. Prediktor multivariat terbaik dari influenza A infeksi pada anak prasekolah (3-6 tahun) adalah demam dan nyeri otot dengan p = 0,001 dan p = 0,034. Kesimpulan: Gejala dominan influenza A pada anak prasekolah (3-6 tahun) dengan ILI adalah demam dan nyeri otot. Studi lanjut tentang gejala klinis influenza A pada anak diperlukan untuk mempertajam diagnosis klinis influenza pada anak sehingga terapi antibiotik yang tidak perlu dapat dihindari. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2):80-83) Kata kunci: gejala klinis, Influenza A, anak-anak Abstract Background: Most cases visiting public health centers with Influenza-like Illness (ILI) in 2011 were children infected by Influenza A. Defined clinical symptom in Influenza infection can avoid unnecessary antibiotic therapy in children. Clinical features of ILI associated with influenza infection in children have been studied widely. Unfortunately no typical symptom for preschool children has been identified. The study aim to determine the predominant clinical symptom of Influenza A virus infection among preschool age (3-6 years old) with ILI. Method: Cases age 3-6 years old who met the ILI case definition were included. For the analyses, demographic data (sex), clinical symptom (fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat and muscle aches) and PCR result obtained from ILI surveillance. Statistical analyses performed using STATA 9 software. Odd Ratio (OR) value were determined using the maximum likelihood method. Clinical symptoms considered dominant when the bivariate test p-value &lt;0.25 and the next dominant factor will be selected as candidates for multivariate modeling along with other dominant factors. Result: There was no significant difference between male and female cases with influenza A. However, male had greater risk. Most children with influenza A reported cough (p=0.346) and runny nose (p=0.798). The best multivariate predictor of influenza A infection in preschool children (3-6 years old) were fever with p=0,001 and muscle aches with p=0,034. Conclusion: The predominant symptoms of influenza A infection among preschool children (3 - 6 years) with ILI were fever and muscle aches. Accurate identification of influenza in children is becoming very important to avoid unnecessary antibiotic therapy in children. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2):80-83) Key words: Clinical symptom, Influenza A, children

    The first case of laboratory-confirmed dengue virus infection in Mimika, Papua province, Indonesia

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    Abstrak Latar belakang: Dengue merupakan penyakit bersumber vektor yang berkontribusi cukup besar dalam menyebabkan masalah kesehatan baik di negara tropis maupun subtropis. Hingga saat ini virus dengue telah menyebar ke seluruh provinsi di Indonesia sejak pertama kali ditemukan di Surabaya pada tahun 1968. Kabupaten Mimika di propinsi Papua, Indonesia, merupakan daerah non-endemis dengue dan tidak pernah melaporkan munculnya kasus dengue. Walau begitu, pada tahun 2012 ditemukan 13 kasus tersangka dengue yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Umum di Mimika. Studi ini bertujuan memberi gambaran karakteristik genetik virus dengue dari kasus terkonfirmasi (laboratory-confirmed) pertama di kabupaten Mimika, propinsi Papua, Indonesia. Metode: Isolasi virus pada sel nyamuk C6/36, RT-PCR dan penentuan serotipe dilakukan untuk mengkonfirmasi adanya virus dengue (DENV) di dalam serum pasien tersangka dengue dari kabupaten Mimika, propinsi Papua, Indonesia. Sekuensing dan analisis pohon filogenetik terhadap complete-coding sequence (CDS) gen E dilakukan terhadap sampel yang telah positif DENV untuk penentuan genotipe virus. Hasil: Sebanyak 4 kasus tersangka dengue terkonfirmasi positif DENV berdasarkan pemeriksaan RT-PCR, sedangkan 2 sampel berhasil dilakukan kultur pada sel C6/36. Hasil penentuan serotipe menunjukkan bahwa virus DENV dari kabupaten Mimika, propinsi Papua, Indonesia, termasuk ke dalam serotipe DENV 3.  Analisis CDS gen E menunjukkan DENV 3 termasuk ke dalam genotipe I. Kesimpulan: Studi ini melaporkan kasus pertama dengue yang terkonfirmasi secara laboratorium dari kabupaten Mimika, propinsi Papua, Indonesia, yang merupakan daerah non-endemis dengue. Kata Kunci: dengue, penentuan serotipe, penentuan genotipe, kabupaten Mimika Abstract Background: Dengue is the most important vector-borne disease that poses serious health problem both in tropical and subtropical countries. Since the first outbreak in Surabaya in 1968, dengue infection has spread in all provinces in Indonesia. Mimika district in Papua province, Indonesia, is a non-endemic dengue area with no laboratory-confirmed case reported. However, until 2012 there were 13 suspected dengue infection admitted to local General Hospital in Mimika district, Papua province, Indonesia. This study described the genetic characteristics of first laboratory-confirmed dengue virus (DENV) infection in Mimika district, Papua province, Indonesia. Methods: Viral isolation in C6/36 cell line, RT-PCR and serotyping were carried out to confirm the presence of DENV within serum patient of suspected DENV cases from Mimika district, Papua Province, Indonesia. Direct sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of complete coding sequence (CDS) of E gene was performed to the samples that have already confirmed positive DENV for viral genotyping. Results: Four cases were confirmed to be DENV by RT-PCR while only 2 samples were able to be culture in C6/36 mosquito cell line. Serotyping confirmed that the DENV from Mimika district, Papua province were DENV3 serotype. The genotyping showed that the DENV3 from Mimika district were belonged to genotype I. Conclusion: This study reported the first laboratory-confirmed of DENV cases in non-endemic dengue area, Mimika district, Papua Province, Indonesia. Keywords: dengue, serotyping, genotyping, Mimika district </p

    Genotypes of dengue virus circulate in dengue sentinel surveillance in Indonesia

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    Latar Belakang: Demam berdarah dengue disebabkan oleh infeksi virus dengue (DENV) yang terdiri atas serotipe 1 sampai dengan serotipe 4. Masing-masing serotipe dibedakan lagi menjadi beberapa genotipe. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mendeteksi genotipe DENV yang bersirkulasi di lokasi surveilans sentinel dengue. Metode: Untuk menentukan genotipe dilakukan analisis genetik menggunakan perangkat bioinformatik. Urutan nukleotida yang lengkap dari gen selubung DENV diperoleh melalui amplifikasi genetik menggunakan primer overlapping untuk masing-masing serotipe. Pohon filogenetik dibuat menggunakan perangkat lunak MEGA 6.0, metode Neighbor Joining dengan 1000 replikasi dan parameter Kimura-2. Sekuen nukleotida dari GenBank yang telah diketahui genotype DENV digunakan sebagai referen. Hasil: Jumlah sampel dengan gen selubung DENV yang dapat diamplifikasi adalah 64 dari 204 kasus yang terkonfirmasi. Empat belas sekuen dari DENV-1, 22 sekuen DENV-2, dan 28 sekuens DENV-3. Dari studi ini belum didapatkan sekuen untuk DENV-4. DENV-1 dan DENV-2 masing-masing masuk dalam kelompok genotipe I dan Cosmopolitan, sementara DENV-3 masuk dalam kelompok genotipe I. Kesimpulan: Genotipe  DENV di lokasi surveilans sentinel dengue  sama dengan genotype yang sebelumnya dilaporkan bersirkulasi di Indonesia. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2):69-74) Kata kunci: surveilans sentinel dengue, virus dengue, genotype  Abstract Background: Dengue hemorrhagic fever was caused by dengue virus (DENV). This virus has four serotypes, DENV-1 to DENV-4, in which each serotype consists of various genotypes. This study present the distribution of DENV genotype circulate in dengue sentinel surveillance sites. Methods: We performed molecular analyses using bioinformatics tools to identify genotype of DENV. Sequencing targeting envelope gene was carried out on DENV-positive samples. Full-length sequence of envelope gene was obtained using overlapping primers for DENV 1, 2, 3 and 4. Phylogenetic tree was generated by Neighbor Joining using MEGA 6.0 with 1000 bootstrap replications and Kimura 2-parameter model.  Known genotype of DENV sequences from Indonesia and other countries obtained from GenBank were included in the analyses as references. Results: A total of 64 complete coding sequences of envelope gene from DENV-1, DENV-2 and DENV-3 were successfully sequenced from 204 confirmed DENV cases. There are fourteen sequences of DENV-1, 22 sequences of DENV-2 and 28 sequences of DENV-3. Unfortunately, there was no complete coding sequence of envelope gene obtained for DENV-4. DENV-1 and DENV-2 were grouped into genotype I and cosmopolitan genotype, respectively. The DENV-3 was grouped into genotype I. These viruses were belongs to various genotypes that have been circulating previously in Indonesia. Conclusion: This finding suggests that the distribution of DENV genotype in sentinel sites remained stable. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2):69-74) Key words: dengue sentinel surveillance, dengue virus, genotype

    Linkage disequilibrium suggests genomic stability in Omicron clades of SARS-CoV-2 from the ASEAN countries

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    After more than 2 years of pandemic caused by SARS-CoV2, COVID-19 is still a national concern in many countries worldwide. One of the key investigations is to understand the factors contributing to the evolutionary dynamics of SARS-CoV2 as a pathogen. Currently, almost all countries have lifted border control orders and have allowed inter-country travel with minimal restrictions. This provides better resolutions on genomic patterns and the evolution of circulating SARS-CoV-2 in each community with the influence of imported strains. In this report, we surveyed genomes of SARS-CoV-2 strains circulating in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries. This project serves as a collaborative effort from the ASEAN Member States that had participated in the programme ‘Strengthening Laboratory Capacity on COVID-19 Bio Genomic for ASEAN Countries