69 research outputs found

    Resident’s Perceptions towards the Economic, Socio-Cultural, and Environmental Impacts of Tourism: A Case Study of Nathiagali, District Abbottabad, Pakistan

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    The tourism industry poses both favorable and unfavorable consequences to the local communities of tourist destinations. This study aims to analyze the economic, social, and environmental impacts of tourism on the host community in Nathiagali. In this study, the data were collected through structured questionnaires from 200 residents of the selected tourist destinations. The study applied factor analysis approach for empirical results. It is found that the local community perceives positive and significant economic and social impacts from tourism in the form of job or business opportunities, raising the standard of living and infrastructural development in the area. On the other hand, tourism brings environmental threats including health hazards from air and noise pollution, environmental degradation, and traffic congestion issues for the local community. Based on the results, it is recommended that appropriate policies are needed at the government and local levels to get maximum benefits from tourism in Nathiagali, Pakistan

    Microbial profiling and risk factors assessment for Otitis Media and Otitis Externa

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    Background: Otitis media and otitis externa are common otological manifestations in all generations especially in children. There is lack of accurate identification of the causative agent and thus poor diagnosis for such infections. Therefore, it leads to permanent anatomical disabilities including poor speech and defects in balancing and hearing. The study was conducted to isolate, characterize and identify the microbes causing otitis media and otitis externa. Methods: A total of 250 patients having otitis media and otitis externa were enrolled in the study from March 2011 to October 2011. All patients were examined through clinical examination and detailed history was collected. Pus samples from the discharging ears were plated on MacConkey’s, Chocolate and Blood agar for 24 to 48 hours. Isolates were identified on the basis of morphology, staining reactions and various biochemical tests. Results: In this study, only 6% cases yielded no growth, 14% yielded mixed cultures while 80% cases yielded pure cultures. The presumptive diagnosis for ear swabbing was otitis media (76%) and otitis externa (24%). The most common bacterial isolates obtained were Staphylococcus aureus (43.3%) followed byPseudomonas aeruginosa (25%) in the diagnosed cases of otitis media. While for the cases of otitis externa,Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the predominant organism with 52.2%. Infection of otitis media was most common among children and the persons having low socioeconomic conditions. Conclusion: Pseudomonas aeruginosa was identified as the principal pathogen followed by Staphylococcus aureus. To circumvent the painful effects of acute and chronic ear infections, an accurate microbial profiling may play pivotal role


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    Background: Measles is a disorder commonly present in children. It can be protected by the proper use of vaccination. It can easily transfer from one person to another. It mostly occurred in progressing countries like Pakistan. It can even cause deaths because of its severity. Objective: The reasons causing the measles, protective mechanisms of the patients, its severe reactions and consequences were noticed. Material and Methods: We carried out this research at Jinnah Hospital, Lahore (March 2017 to February 2018). Total of 166 patients showing the symptoms of measles were admitted in the hospital. Different factors like age, gender, the standard of livelihood, the ability of self-protection and quality of food taken by the patients were completely observed. The severe conditions in measles can cause pneumonia, gastroenteritis, encephalitis, otitis media, condition after measles, dysentery and heart issues. The consequences of the patients were examined by assessing the conditions of liberation from the clinics, leave towards clinical prescription, referral and mortalities of patients. The data was examined by using SPSS. Results: Out of 166 patients 93 were men and 73 were women. The average age of the patients were (3.72 ± 2.7) years. 117 patients belong to village area and 59 belong to city areas. 150 patients were already immunized by vaccination however 9 patients were not undergone vaccination. 59 patients gained nutritious and high-quality food. But most of the patients about 107 gained a less nutritious food. Pneumonia was observed in 72 cases. Gastroenteritis was examined in 37 patients. Encephalitis was recognized in 5 patients. Post measles state was recorded in 11 cases. Most of the patients were cured completely and discharged from the hospital. While mortality was observed in 9 patients. Conclusion: Measles was mainly observed in children having the age of 1 to 5 years. These children were mostly not vaccinated. Most of the patients gaining poor nutrition were attacked by measles. So, every patient should vaccinate two times in a year. Keywords: Measles, Immunization Status, Nutritional Status, Pneumonia, Encephalitis, Post Measles State

    The role of inflammatory biomarkers in the arterial hypertension

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    Studies on both humans and animals have found evidence of a link between inflammation and hypertension (HTN). A lower serum calprotectin level was found to be independently related to HTN. The elevated ferritin–HTN link could be mediated by fatty liver disease and insulin resistance (IR). Similarly, fibrinogen was engaged in several processes that may increase the risk of HTN which including hemostasis, coagulation, and the proliferation of smooth muscle cells in the artery wall, and others. Procalcitonin monitoring could be a useful biomarker in inflammation related to atherosclerosis and early-stage HTN. Plasminogen activator 1 (PAI-1) was not just a result of HTN but also contributes to its development. Also, the positive correlation between monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) levels with blood pressure were found among smokers. The high level of pentraxin 3 (PTX3) was one of the factors of increased blood pressure. Galectin 3 (Gal-3) may contribute to the onset and progression of diastolic dysfunction-complicated HTN. Increased intercellular adhesion molecules (ICAM)/vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) ligand expression, along with a drop in soluble cell adhesion molecules (sCAMs) and endocan, points to endothelium deactivation with lower blood pressure, which reduces the adherence of circulatory leukocytes to endothelium and, as a result, lowers the probability of atherosclerosis developing. The circulating levels of soluble VCAM-1 were substantially connected with left ventricular mass indexes (LVMIs) and were higher in uncomplicated essential hypertension (EH) patients with left ventricle (LV) hypertrophy than in those without LV hypertrophy.

    Molecular phylogeny and morphological characterization of Leucocoprinus birnbaumii from Punjab, Pakistan

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    Background: Leucocoprinus in Agaricaceae is a genus distributed worldwide and represented by nearly 50 species. From Pakistan, only four species in this genus have been known so far.Methods: The specimen was identified by morphological and anatomical characters combining with sequence analysis of nrDNA-ITS region.Results: Leucocoprinus birnbaumii, a bright yellow mushroom found on wood log from Sialkot district, Punjab, Pakistan. This species is identified by its medium sized bell-shaped pileus bearing the same colored squamule with sulcate striate margins, presence of metachromatic basidiospores and pseudoparaphyses around the basidia. Molecular data also supported its taxonomy as L. birnbaumii. The species is being described for the first time based on morphological and anatomical characters in combination with molecular phylogeny using ITS region of nrDNA.Conclusion: Leucocoprinus birnbaumii is widely distributed in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and South America. It grows in tropical and sub-tropical areas. Its occurrence in Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan with humid subtropical climate represents its wide ecological amplitude and geographic distribution.Keywords: Humid subtropical climate; ITS; nrDNA; Taxonomy   

    Huh-7 cell line as an alternative cultural model for the production of human like erythropoietin (EPO)

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    Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein hormone which is required to regulate the production of red blood cells. Deficiency of EPO is known to cause anemia in chronically infected renal patients and they require regular blood transfusion. Availability of recombinant EPO has eliminated the need for blood transfusion and now it is extensively used for the treatment of anemia. Glycosylation of erythropoietin is essential for its secretion, stability, protein conformation and biological activity. However, maintenance of human like glycosylation pattern during manufacturing of EPO is a major challenge in biotechnology. Currently, Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line is used for the commercial production of erythropoietin but this cell line does not maintain glycosylation resembling human system. With the trend to eliminate non-human constituent from biopharmaceutical products, as a preliminary approach, we have investigated the potential of human hepatoma cell line (Huh-7) to produce recombinant EPO.Initially, the secretory signal and Kozak sequences was added before the EPO mature protein sequence using overlap extension PCR technique. PCR-amplified cDNA fragments of EPO was inserted into mammalian expression vector under the control of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter and transiently expressed in CHO and Huh-7 cell lines. After RT-PCR analysis, ELISA and Western blotting was performed to verify the immunochemical properties of secreted EPO.Addition of secretory signal and Kozak sequence facilitated the extra-cellular secretion and enhanced the expression of EPO protein. Significant expression (P < 0.05) of EPO was observed in the medium from Huh-7 cell line.Huh-7 cell line has a great potential to produce glycosylated EPO, suggesting the use of this cell line to produce glycoproteins of the therapeutic importance resembling to the natural human system

    Cellulose-based materials and their adsorptive removal efficiency for dyes: A review

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    Dyes are emerging as harmful pollutants, which is one of major issues for the environmentalists and there is a urgent need for the removal of dyes from the effluents. In this context, the adsorption technology has been extensively used as an effective tool for the removal of dyes from the aqueous phase. This technique uses low-cost adsorbents and the cellulosic material is a biodegradable, cost-effective and renewable polymer, which is not soluble in the majority of solvents because of its crystalline nature and hydrogen bonding. Currently, the modified cellulosic materials for the removal of dyes from wastewater gained much attention. Moreover, the application of cellulose for water treatment can be utilized for controlling pollution and have high economic viability and availability. This review signifies the use of cellulose-based adsorbent for dyes adsorption from wastewater. The key advancement in the preparation and modification of cellulose-based adsorbents is discussed and their adsorption efficiencies are compared with other adsorbents for removal of dyes and adsorption conditions are also considered for the same. The studies reporting cellulose-based adsorption from 2003 to 2022 are included and their various properties are compared for the efficient removal of dyes. The modified cellulosic materials cellulose is a highly effective adsorbent for the remediation of effluents

    HCV genotype-specific correlation with serum markers: Higher predictability for genotype 4a

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    Several factors have been proposed to assess the clinical outcome of HCV infection. The correlation of HCV genotypes to possible serum markers in clinical prediction is still controversial. The main objective of this study was to determine the existence of any correlation between HCV genotypes to viral load and different clinical serum markers.We performed a prospective cross-sectional and observational study. About 3160 serum HCV RNA positive patients were chosen from 4020 randomly selected anti-HCV positive patients. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 16 software package. ROC (receiver operating characteristics) curves were used to compare diagnostic values of serum markers to predict genotypes.The most prevalent genotype was 3a (73.9%) followed by 1a (10.7%), 4a (6.4%) and 3b (6.1%) in Pakistani population. No correlation was found between viral load and serum markers for genotype 3a in a large no. of sample (n = 2336). While significant correlation was observed between viral load and AST in genotype 3b, ALP with viral load and ALT for genotype 1a. Patients with genotype 4a showed a significant inverse correlation with viral load and Hb level and AST with ALP. For genotype 4a, AUC (area under the curve) of ALT, ALP, AST, bilirubin, Hb level and viral load was 0.790, 0.763, 0.454, 0.664, 0.458 and 0.872 respectively.In conclusion, there was a significant variable response of HCV genotypes with serum markers. Severity of disease is independent of serum marker level in genotype 3a, while the liver damage in genotype 4a may associate with viral cytopathic effect as well as the immune-mediated process. An index using six serum markers may correctly predict genotype 4a in patients with ≥ 75% accuracy

    Claudin-1 required for HCV virus entry has high potential for phosphorylation and O-glycosylation

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    HCV is a leading cause of hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis all over the world. Claudins belong to family of tight junction's proteins that are responsible for establishing barriers for controlling the flow of molecules around cells. For therapeutic strategies, regulation of viral entry into the host cells holds a lot of promise. During HCV infection claudin-1 is highly expressed in liver and believed to be associated with HCV virus entry after HCV binding with or without co-receptor CD81. The claudin-1 assembly with tight junctions is regulated by post translational modifications. During claudins assembly and disassembly with tight junctions, phosphorylation is required at C-terminal tail. In cellular proteins, interplay between phosphorylation and O-β-GlcNAc modification is believed to be functional switch, but it is very difficult to monitor these functional and vibrant changes in vivo. Netphos 2.0 and Disphos 1.3 programs were used for potential phosphorylation; NetPhosK 1.0 and KinasePhos for kinase prediction; and YinOYang 1.2 and OGPET to predict possible O-glycosylation sites. We also identified Yin Yang sites that may have potential for O-β-GlcNAc and phosphorylation interplay at same Ser/Thr residues. We for the first time proposed that alternate phosphorylation and O-β-GlcNAc modification on Ser 192, Ser 205, Ser 206; and Thr 191 may provide an on/off switch to regulate assembly of claudin-1 at tight junctions. In addition these phosphorylation sites may be targeted by novel chemotherapeutic agents to prevent phosphorylation lead by HCV viral entry complex

    Impact of Micro Economic Variables on Firms Performance

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    The aim of our study is to analyze the factors that affect performance of the cement sector focusing particularly on Pakistani firms. The study further finds the impact of size on performance, to examine the relationship between age of the firm and firm performance, to measure the effect of growth on firm’s performance and to highlight the impact of leverage on performance of the firm. There are twenty six cement companies listed in KSE. However, for the purpose of this paper only twenty companies were selected whose data was readily available over the period of eleven years from 2002 to 2012. Methodology: The data for the study was extracted from the annual reports of all the companies. In this study panel data analysis is used. Findings: After analyzing the data we have come to a point that all of the four variables have significant impact on the performance of the firm. We have seen that leverage has a positive impact effect on the performance of the firm when ROA is analyzed. Size, age and growth have a positive impact on return on equity (ROE) while leverage has a negative impact. Recommendations: This paper shows new insights for policy makers to improve the performance of Pakistani firms