6 research outputs found

    Absolute poverty in Nigeria: an analysis of the future trend

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    O persistente aumento da pobreza absoluta na Nigéria alcançou um patamar inquietante tanto para o governo quanto para o povo. Usando modelos de séries de tempo linear simples, este trabalho examina a tendência em pobreza absoluta na Nigéria e faz previsão da taxa de pobreza absoluta em que a população estaria entre os anos 2001 e 2010. O resultado mostra que antes de 2010, da população estimada em 137.8 milhões de pessoas, 129.6 milhões estariam na pobreza absoluta se alguma medida de política fiscal e monetária, diminuição da taxa de desemprego, investimento pesado em agricultura, desenvolvimento e promoção de atividades de setores informais, além de boa governação e combate à corrupção não for tomada.The persistent increase in absolute poverty has become worrisome to both the government and the people of Nigeria. Using a Time series simple linear forecasting model this paper examines the trend in absolute poverty in Nigeria and made forecast of what the rate of absolute poverty vis-à-vis the nation’s population would be between the year 2001 and 2010. The result obtained indicate that by the year 2010, 129.6 million people out of the projected 137.8 million people would be poor if certain policy measures such as sound fiscal and monetary policies, increase in employment, heavy investment in agriculture, development and promotion of the informal sector activities, good governance and fight against corruption are not taken into consideration

    Foreign direct investment in agriculture and poverty reduction in Nigeria

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    Foreign direct investment in agriculture and poverty reduction in Nigeri

    Demand for modern health care services and the incidence of poverty in Nigeria: a case study of Ilorin Metropolis

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    This paper examines the impact of poverty on the demand for modem health care services in llorin metropolis, the study, carried out using a structural questionnaire to 510 heads of households, reported that 349 of them are poor, based on these samples, the ability of the heads of households to seek modem health care service was also examined, the data were analyzed by multiple linear regression, the regression results show that the incidence of poverty in llorin metropolis is inversely related to the demand for modem health care services, this indicates that the poorer the people, the less they are able to demand for modem health care services when they are sick, the paper further suggests measures that will enable the poor in llorin metropolis to have access to modem health care services prominent among them are the provision of subsidies by the government and greater commitment in the delivery of modem health care services

    Informal and Formal Sector Inter-linkages and the Incidence of poverty in Nigeria: A Case Study of Ilorin Metropolis

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    Using a multiple log-linear regression analysis, this paper examines the influence of the inter-relationship between the informal sector and the formal sector of Ilorin on the incidence of poverty in Ilorin metropolis. The study, carried out using a structured questionnaire to 480 informal sector operators, reported that 200 and 280 of the operators are not poor and poor respectively. Based on those that are poor, their relationship (in terms of the supply of labour, supply goods and raw materials, supply of equipment, provision of financial and technical assistance) with the formal sector is used in determining their influence on the incidence of poverty in Ilorin metropolis. The incidence of poverty thus proxied with their consumption-expenditure. The results obtained (with the exception of the financial linkage) show that the relationship between the informal sector and the formal sector is inversely related to the incidence of poverty, thus confirming our a priori expectations. The paper further suggests measures that would continue to make the informal sector a catalyst for poverty reduction in particular and relevant to the economic development of Ilorin in general. Résumé En utilisant une analyse à régression log linéaire multiple, cet article étudie l'influence de l'inter-relation entre le secteur informel et le secteur formel d'Ilorin sur l'incidence de la pauvreté, dans la métropole d'Ilorin. L'étude a été menée sur la base d'un questionnaire structuré envoyé à 480 opérateurs du secteur informel ; elle a révélé que 200 et 280 personnes parmi les personnes interrogées sont respectivement non pauvres et pauvres. Concernant les pauvres, leur relation (en termes d'offre de travail, d'offre de biens, de matières premières et d'équipement, de fourniture d'une assistance financière et technique) avec le secteur formel permet de déterminer leur part dans l'incidence de la pauvreté à Ilorin. L'incidence de la pauvreté était ainsi liée à leur consommation-dépenses. Les résultats obtenus (à l'exception de la relation financière) montrent que la relation entre le secteur informel et le secteur formel est inversement proportionnelle à l'incidence de la pauvreté, ce qui confirme nos conclusions a priori. Cet article propose ensuite des mesures qui continueraient de faire du secteur informel un catalyseur de lutte pour la réduction de la pauvreté, en particulier, et un élément indispensable au développement d'Ilorin, en général. Africa Development/Afrique et développement Vol.XXIX, No 3, 2004: 84-10

    Evaluation de l’impact du contrôle des naissances sur le taux de fécondité en Afrique subsaharéenne

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    Using a cross-country data drawn from 40 countries and a multiple regression analysis, this paper examines the impact of birth control devices on the rate of fertility in sub-Saharan Africa. Our a-priori expectations are that the more women used birth control devices, the less will be the fertility rate in sub-Saharan Africa. The result obtained from the study indicates that except for withdrawal method that fall contrary to our expectation other variables (methods) like the use of pills, injection, intra uterine device (IUD), condom/diaphragm and cervical cap, female sterilization and periodic abstinence/rhythm fulfilled our a-priori expectations. These results notwithstanding, the paper suggests measures, such as the need for massive enlightenment campaign on the benefit of these birth control devices, the frequent checking of the potency of the devices and good governance in the delivery of the devices (Afr J Reprod Health 2009; 13[4]:137-145).Cette étude examine l’impact des méthodes du contrôle des naissances sur le taux de fécondité en Afrique subsaharéenne à l’aide des données à travers champs recueillies dans 40 pays et d’une analyse de la régression multiple. Nos espérances a priori sont que plus les femmes emploient les méthodes du contrôle des naissances, plus le taux de fécondité en Afrique subsaharéenne baissera. Le résultat obtenu montre qu’à part la méthode du coϊt interrompu qui a baissée contrairement à ce que nous nous attendions, les autres variables (méthodes) comme l’emploi des pilules, l’infection, le dispositif intra-utérin (DIU), le préservatif, la stérilisation féminine et l’abstinence périodique/le rythme ont satisfait toutes nos espérances a priori. Malgré ces résultats, l’étude propose des mesures telles la nécessité de lancer une grande campagne de sensibilisation sur les bienfaits de ces méthodes du contrôle des naissances, la vérification fréquentes de l’efficacité des méthodes et la bonne gouvernance en matière de la prestation de ces méthodes (Afr J Reprod Health 2009; 13[4]: 137-145)

    IFRA Special Research Issue Vol. 1

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    I lie French Institute for Research in Africa /IFRA). Ibadan. a foundation of the French govemment, is a non-profit institute set up to promote research in the social sciences and humanities. as well as enhance collaborative work between scholars in France and West Africa. It was established in 1990 and operates from the University of Ibadan. Nigeria, where it is housed by the Institute of African Studies. IFRA mandate includes subsiding research programs. granting research allowances to academics and scholars. publishing research results. and holding workshops. seminars and symposia. Over the past few years. the research orientation of IFRA Ibadan has revolved around problems of démocratie transition, urban violence and security, and religious networks in West Africa. The Institute also runs a library and publishes a Newsletter