34 research outputs found

    Physiopsychological Evaluation of the Effect of Music on Autonomic Nervous Activity Using a Newly Developed Wavelet Analysis of Heart Rate Fluctuation

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    新しく開発された心拍数のパワースペクトラムを解析するウエープレット・システム(商品名:フラクレット)を用いて自律神経系の活動への音楽の効果が研究された。16人の健常ヴォランティアを対象として、音楽聴取前後2回、計4回自律神経系活動(High Frequency要素およびLow Frequency要素とHigh Frequency要素の比)を測定した。音楽はオルゴールによる「パッヘルベルのカノン」が用いられた。音楽聴取後、High Frequency要素に変化がみられなかったものが最も多く、全体の68.8%であり、対象者の半数ではLow Frequency要素とHigh Frequency要素の比の軽度の抑制が認められた。われわれの結果は、交感神経系への音楽の軽度の効果のあることと、フラクレットが心拍数のパワースペクトラムを評定するために有用であることを示唆した。The effect of music on autonomic nervous activity was studied with a newly developed Wavelet system analyzing the power spectrum of heart fluctuation (Fluclet®). Autonomic nervous activity (the High Frequency component and the ratio of the Low Frequency component to the High Frequency component) was measured twice, before and after listening to music, in 16 healthy volunteers. A musical box playing "Pachelbel\u27s Canon" was employed. After listening to music in the first trial, no change of the High Frequency component among our subjects was predominant (68.8%), and half of the subjects showed mild suppression of the ratio of the Low Frequency component to the High Frequency component. Our results suggest that music had a mild effect on sympathetic nervous activity and "Fluclet®" is useful for assessing the precise power spectrum of heart rate fluctuation

    Guardianship for adults and psychiatry : A review of the evaluation of psychological capacity of adults with mental disorders

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    禁治産制度は,我が国では,心理学的能力が傷害された成人に対する唯一の法的保護制度である。しかしながら,この制度は,種々の問題点を有していることが指摘されている。新たな成年後見制度は,こうした禁治産制度の欠点を改善し,成人精神障害者の生命と財産を保護していこうとするものである。ここで,精神医学上,精神医学上の診断と,心理学的能力が精神科医の関心を引き起こす。本研究では,心理学的能力と精神障害の判定に関する概観を展望した。その結果,新たな制度下における「心身喪失」あるいは「無能力」の鑑定に関しては,さらに慎重な検討が必要であると考えられた。Interdiction is the current legal system of guardianship for adults with impaired psychological capacity in Japan. But, several faults in this system have been pointed out. A renewed legal system of guardianship for adults intends to improve the faults of the interdiction system and then better protect the life and property of frail adults. Herewith, the issues of diagnosing mental disorders and assessing the psychological capacity of frail adults for psychiatrists raises an interest in a renewal of the guardianship system. In this study, a review of the evaluation of mental disorders and psychological capacity was performed. We concluded that more prudent evaluation is necessary for indication of "irresponsibility" and "incapacity" in a renewed system

    Avoidance of Graduation

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    卒業試験や就職活動を契機として神経症様症状あるいは心身相関症状を呈し,回避あるいは退却行動を示した6名の最終学年の学生(男4名,女2名)を取り上げ,他の契機によって精神症状が出現した最終学年の学生17名と比較検討し,精神病理学的考察を行った。われわれの対象学生は注意困難,自律神経の脆弱性,気分変調,強迫的制縛的思考と対人関係からの逃避(退却)を示した。そして,両親の対話の欠如,家族メンバー間の微妙な不一致,生理学的心理学的発達問題(反抗期の欠如)あるいは彼らの内的生活史において「意味ある体験の無さ」が彼らの人格発達を阻害し,精神症状形成に影響していることが認められた。最後に,さまざまな異常行動を役割と状況にたいする過剰なベクトル運動とみなし,学生における退却行動を考察した。The avoidance or withdrawal behaviour with neurotic or psychosomatic disorders occurring in six senior year university students (4 males and 2 females) due to conflicts arising from the graduation exam or job finding was studied. Our cases showed inattentiveness, innate autonomic vulnerability, dysthymia, compulsive-obsessive thinking and escape from trans-personal relationships (withdrawal). The lack of dialogue with parents, subtle discordance among family members, developmental problems or lack of significant interesting experiences in their lives adversely influenced their personality development and contributed to the symptom formation of the above symptoms. Furter, we postulated that various kind of aberrant behaviour were excessive vector movements. Finally, we discussed the general significance of withdrawal in Japanese students

    The assessment of quality of Life (QOL) in chronic vascular diseases II : The evaluation of a new self-completed questionnaire for QOL (QUIK)

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    われわれが考案した自己記入式質問表(QUIK)の再現性と安定性を検討するために,再調査のできた242名の循環器疾患患者(男96,女146,69±11歳)を対象にQUIKを実施し,前回の結果と比較した。再テスト法による信頼性はr=0.74であった。QUIK総得点は11.5±8.9で,前回の総得点結果と今回の結果との間には有意の関連(r=0.66, P<0.01)があった。また,両者の総得点の平均および6段階評価の分布に差異はなかった。区分点を9/10点とすると,対象患者群と非患者群との比較では,感度は0.47,特異度は0.81,判別率は0.55,オッズ比は3.9となる。各尺度の平均得点は身体機能5.0±3.6,情緒適応2.2±2.3,対人関係1.8±2.0,生活目標2.6±2.0を示し,前回の結果とほぼ同様であり,また,各尺度間には有意の関連が見られた。On evaluating the stability and the repeatability of a new self completed QOL questionnaire(QUIK), we examined the QUIK of another two hundred forty five patients with chronic vascular diseases (male:96, female:146, mean 69±11 y.o.) and compared the results in this study with those in the former studies. The average total score was 11.5±8.9. Comparison of the first and second studies showed a statistically significant correlation between total score (P<0.01). According to a six tiered rating scale, the total score showed an approximately normal distribution curve, which was similar to that in the first study. If the cut-off point was set between scores of 9 and 10, the sensitivity was 0.47, the specificity was 0.81, the overall diagnostic power was 0.55 and the odds ratio was 3.9 in a comparison of subjects and healthy controls. The mean and standard deviation of each domain were 5.0±3.6 for physical functioning, 2.2±2.3 for emotional adjustment. 1.8±2.0 for interpersonal relationships and 2.6±2.0 for attitudes toward life. These results showed no significant difference compared with those in the first study. There existed a close correlation among the four domains, similar to that seen in the first study. The mean and the standard deviation of the total scores for each patients group were 18.7±8.6 for in-patients, 16.9±9.8 for house-bound patients and 9.0±7.1 for out-patients. The mean and the standard deviation of the total scores for each diseases were 14.8±8.9 for apoplexy, 9.0±6.0 for ischemic heart disease and 7.5±7.3 for hypertension. These figures are concordant with those in the former study

    The assessment of Quality of Life (QOL) in chronic vascular diseases Ⅰ : The evaluation of a new self-completed questionnaire for QOL (QUIK)

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    われわれが考案した身体機能,情緒適応,対人関係,生活目標の4つの尺度(計50問)からなる自己記入式質問表(QUIK)を用いて,212名の循環器疾患患者(高血圧症,脳血管障害,虚血性心疾患)のQOLを検討した。患者群と非患者群のQUIKの結果をみると,総得点およびいずれの尺度においても対象群における得点が高く,疾病により,機能障害から能力低下を引き起こし,さらに社会的不利(QOLの劣悪化)へと至ることが示唆された。また,患者群の内, 70歳以上の高齢患者ではそれ以下の年齢の者に比べ,QUIKはより不良であり,特に生活目標面でより劣悪であった。QUIKの総得点は,年齢では高齢者ほど,受診形態では在宅往診,疾患としては脳血管障害において高かった。In order to investigate the Quality of Life (QOL) in elderly patients, a new QOL questionnaire (QUIK) was given to in-, or out-patients with chronic vascular diseases. We selected 212 patients with cerebral disease (67 patients). ischemic heart disease (38 patients) or hypertension (107 patients) aged over 40 years (mean 68±13 years). As a control group, 69 healthy volunteers aged over 40 years (mean 62±11 years) were selected. QUIK, which we developed in 1991, is a self-completed and close-ended questionnaire, which covers four domains including physical functioning (20 questions). emotional adjustment (10), interpersonal relationships (10), and attitudes toward life (10), totaling 50 questions from the perspective of holistic system theory. Our data were statistically analyzed using the t-test, Welch\u27s test, chi-square test, Fischer\u27s exact test and regression analysis. QUIK scores in the patient group were notably worse in terms of total score (11.0±8.1 vs 5.0±4.4), for physical functioning (5.2±3.6 vs 2.5±2.2), for emotional adjustment (2.1±2.1 vs 1.1±1.3), interpersonal relationships (1.6±1.7 vs 0.7±1.2) and attitudes toward life (2.2±2.5 vs 1.1±1.3) as compared with the healthy group (p<0.05). QUIK scores in patients aged over 70 years were significanthy worse than those in the yonger patients, particularly for attitudes toward life (3.1±2.8 vs 1.2±1.8, p<0.01)

    Protection of personal information and occupational health

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    「個人情報の保護に関する法律」(平成15年法律第57号、以下法律という)が成立し、平成17年4月1日から全面施行されている。この法律は、プライバシーを含む個人の権利や利益の侵害を未然に防ぎ、あわせて基本的人権の擁護をめざすものである。本稿では、この法律の施行を受けて、産業保健の領域に関わる個人情報の保護について解説し、本法律の問題点等について検討した。この法律には、行政指導などによる官の規制と権限があることや、非開示事由があいまいかつ無限定であるなどのいくつかの危倶が指摘されている。この個人情報保護法が有する根源的な問題は、これからの近代の個人のあり方と社会における個人の情報のコントロール(個人情報の開示と保護の整合性)という事実にあることを強調した。The "Protection of Personal Information Act (Law No. 57, 2003, hereinafter, "the act")" was passed by the Japanese Diet, and has been fully enforced since April 1st, 2005. The act is intended to prevent invasion of individual rights including privacy and commercial profits, and to protect fundamental human rights. What is discussed here is the protection of personal information from the point of view in the occupational health, in particular. It is pointed out that the act is strongly influenced by governmental regulations, so called "administrative guidance", and that the reasons for disclosure are yet indefinite in practice. Finally, we stress the fact that the act will influence the way of thinking how modern individuals should be in the future under the persistent control of personal information in society, namely, with regard to the disclosure of personal information and its protection

    Attitudes Concerning New Guardianship for Adults ; A survey of students

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    「未来の高齢者」である若年者を調査することによって、任意後見制度をより有効に活用するための必要な情報を得る目的で意識調査を行った。対象者は、K大学の学生で男性79名(平均年齢22歳)、女性70名(平均年齢22歳)であった。われわれの先行研究である中高年齢群(平均年齢男性67歳、女性60歳)の任意後見制度に関する意識調査のデータを比較対照とした。任意後見制度の利用に否定的な回答をした人は、学生群3.4%、中高年齢群16.9%であった。学生群は、任意後見制度の利用の可能性を考えている人が多いことが分かった。痴呆症の病名告知を希望する人は、学生群は82%、中高年齢群は87%であり、学生群も大多数が告知を希望していることが分かった。学生群で、将来の仕事として成年後見人を考えている人は男性4%、女性10%であった。任意後見制度の利用は、今後増加することが予想され、制度のさらなる充実が望まれる。In order to gather the necessary information to use the voluntary guardian system more effectively, we surveyed the present attitudes of the young generation who will become the elder generation of the future. The subjects in this survey were 149 students (79 males with an average age of 22, and 70 females with an average age of 22) attending K University. A control group included 79 males with an average age of 67, and 70 females with an average age of 60. The results showed 3.4% of the student group had a negative answer to the use of the voluntary guardian system and 16.9% of the middle and advanced age group. Eighty-two percent of the student group and 87% of the middle and advanced age group wished to be fully informed about the diagnosis of dementia Among the student sample, those who would like to get a job as a guardian in the future included 4% of the males, and 10% of the females. From the results obtained in this study, it is theorized that the use of the voluntary guardian system will increase and that further fulfillment of the system is required in Japan


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    目的:本研究の目的は、新たに作成された自己記入式介護負担評価尺度(ABC-16) の妥当性を検討することである方法:対象者は、第1群では51名(平均年齢63±11歳)、第2群では31名(平均年齢58±14歳)の家族介護者である。結果:第1群におけるABC-16総計の平均点は14.98±7.52であった。第1群では高い妥当性(内的整合性、α=0.821) を示し、かつ4つの領域間に有意の相関が得られた(P<0.05)。重回帰分析によりABC-16と介護者のQOL (P=0.034) および夜間介護(P=0.001) とにおいて強い関連が見られた。第2群は第1群の結果とほぽ同様の結果が得られ、ABC-16の交差妥当性のあることが示唆された。結論: ABC-16は高い妥当性を有する大変優れた介護負担評価尺度であることが示された。Aims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the validation of a newly developed self-administered assessment of the burden on caregivers (ABC-16). Methods: The subjects were 51 family caregivers (mean age 63 ± 11 years) for the first trial and 31 family caregivers (mean age 58 ± 14 years) for the second trial. The ABC-16 consists of 16 items and is designed to cover 4 dimensions (the care receiver\u27s burden, burden on social life, financial burden, and burden on health). Results: In the first trial, the mean and standard deviation of the total score of the ABC-16 was 14.98 ± 7.52. The first trial showed high reliability; the internal consistency was α=0.821 and significant correlations among the four dimensions were found (P<0.05). A multiple regression analysis showed strong correlations between the ABC-16 and the QOL of the caregivers (P=0.034), and the caregiving during the night (P=0.001). The second trial showed findings similar to those in the first trial, which suggested the good cross validation of the ABC-16. Conclusions: It is suggested that the ABC-16 is an excellent tool for assessing the care burden with high validity

    Coincidence analysis to search for inspiraling compact binaries using TAMA300 and LISM data

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    Japanese laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors, TAMA300 and LISM, performed a coincident observation during 2001. We perform a coincidence analysis to search for inspiraling compact binaries. The length of data used for the coincidence analysis is 275 hours when both TAMA300 and LISM detectors are operated simultaneously. TAMA300 and LISM data are analyzed by matched filtering, and candidates for gravitational wave events are obtained. If there is a true gravitational wave signal, it should appear in both data of detectors with consistent waveforms characterized by masses of stars, amplitude of the signal, the coalescence time and so on. We introduce a set of coincidence conditions of the parameters, and search for coincident events. This procedure reduces the number of fake events considerably, by a factor 104\sim 10^{-4} compared with the number of fake events in single detector analysis. We find that the number of events after imposing the coincidence conditions is consistent with the number of accidental coincidences produced purely by noise. We thus find no evidence of gravitational wave signals. We obtain an upper limit of 0.046 /hours (CL =90= 90 %) to the Galactic event rate within 1kpc from the Earth. The method used in this paper can be applied straightforwardly to the case of coincidence observations with more than two detectors with arbitrary arm directions.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures, Replaced with the version to be published in Physical Review

    Results of the search for inspiraling compact star binaries from TAMA300's observation in 2000-2004

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    We analyze the data of TAMA300 detector to search for gravitational waves from inspiraling compact star binaries with masses of the component stars in the range 1-3Msolar. In this analysis, 2705 hours of data, taken during the years 2000-2004, are used for the event search. We combine the results of different observation runs, and obtained a single upper limit on the rate of the coalescence of compact binaries in our Galaxy of 20 per year at a 90% confidence level. In this upper limit, the effect of various systematic errors such like the uncertainty of the background estimation and the calibration of the detector's sensitivity are included.Comment: 8 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses revtex4.sty The author list was correcte