4 research outputs found

    Inflammatory Biomarkers in Elite Cross-Country Skiers After a Competition Season: A Case–Control Study

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    PurposeWhether elite athletes, who have been exposed to vigorous-intensity exercise combined with other stressors, have elevated systemic low-grade inflammation, remains largely unclear. To address this question, we studied the levels of six inflammatory cytokines as potential biomarkers of a low-grade inflammatory state in elite athletes after an 11-month training and competition season.MethodsWe collected sera from 27 Finnish elite cross-country skiers and 27 gender- and age-matched, moderately-exercising controls. The serum concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), glycoprotein acetyls (GlycA), interleukin 10 (IL-10), and interferon gamma (IFN-γ) cytokines were quantified as surrogate markers of low-grade inflammation.ResultsThe athletes were found to have significantly lower concentrations of CRP (P = 0.0232) and higher concentrations of IL-10, TNF-α, and IFN-γ (P = 0.0097, P = 0.0256, and P = 0.0185, respectively) than the controls. No significant differences between athletes and controls were detected in the concentrations of IL-6 and GlycA. The inflammatory score (IS) did not differ significantly between athletes and controls.ConclusionThe results of this study argued against the hypothesis of a significant chronic low-grade inflammation in response to prolonged high-performance exercise among elite endurance athletes.</p

    Oppimateriaalia stailauksen opettamiseen

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    KehittÀmishankkeen tavoitteena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa Stailisti-koulutus. TÀssÀ kehittÀmishankeraportissa kootaan ja analysoidaan koulutuksen yhteydessÀ tuotettu oppimateriaali, jossa pyrittiin ottamaan huomioon eri-ikÀisten opiskelijoiden odotukset ja toiveet. LisÀksi hankkeessa suunniteltiin naisten pukeutumiseen liittyviÀ oppimateriaaliaiheita. KehittÀmishankkeen lÀhtökohtana olivat Teuvan Aikuiskoulutuskeskus Oy:n Stailistikoulutuksen syksyn 2004 ja kevÀÀn 2005 vÀli- ja loppupalautteet. Koulutukseen osallistui vain naisia, joiden ikÀ vaihteli 33 ja 36 vuoden vÀlillÀ. KehittÀmishanke osoitti, ettÀ nÀin suurelle opiskelijaryhmÀlle on hyvin haasteellista opettaa stailausta. Hankkeen tulokseksi saatiin mielenkiintoinen Stailisti-koulutus, joka koostuu 19 erilaisesta pukeutumiseen liittyvÀstÀ aiheesta. Koulutuspaketin osiot on tarkoitettu kaikenikÀisille naisille, joita kiinnostaa oma pukeutuminen ja sen kehittÀminen.The aim of this development project was to plan and carry out The Practical Stylist course. The material produced during this course is gathered and analysed in this report. In the material hopes and wishes of different age group students were tried to be taken into account. With addition different topics of women`s clothing and dressing were planned. This development project was based on the feedback given of by the Practical Styling Course for Teuva Adult Education Centre during fall 2004 and spring 2005. In this course the attendance was only women aged between 33 and 36 years. The difficulties and challenges of this type of stylist course for a large group were found through this development project. An interesting Practical Stylist Course was the final result of this development project including 19 different topics of womenŽs clothing and dressing. This Material can be used by all women interested in improving their knowledge in of dressing

    SydÀnpotilaan elÀmÀnlaatua lisÀÀ hyvÀ suun terveys : opetusanimaatio suun omahoidosta Kardiologian poliklinikan sairaanhoitajien ja potilaiden terveysvalmennukseen

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    Terve suu on osa ihmisen yleisterveyttĂ€ ja sen merkitys on tĂ€rkeĂ€ kokonaisvaltaisen hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Suun sairaudet voivat vaikuttaa haitallisesti yleisterveyteen, esimerkiksi sydĂ€npotilaan hoidon ennusteeseen. SydĂ€npotilaiden suun sairauksia tulisi ennaltaehkĂ€istĂ€ lisÀÀmĂ€llĂ€ sairaanhoitajien ja sydĂ€npotilaiden tietĂ€mystĂ€ suun terveydestĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoitus oli vahvistaa Kardiologian poliklinikan sairaanhoitajien ja sydĂ€npotilaiden tietĂ€mystĂ€ suun ja sydĂ€men terveyden vĂ€lisestĂ€ yhteydestĂ€. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa suun terveydestĂ€ kertova animaatio sairaanhoitajille hyödynnettĂ€vĂ€ksi sydĂ€npotilaiden hoidossa. Toiminnallisen opinnĂ€ytetyön aiheen idea lĂ€hti työelĂ€mĂ€n tarpeista. OpinnĂ€ytetyö kuuluu vuonna 2007 alkaneeseen hankkeeseen ”TyöikĂ€isen sydĂ€npotilaan ja hĂ€nen perheensĂ€ sekĂ€ hoidonantajan ohjaaminen”. TyöelĂ€mĂ€n yhteistyökumppaneina tĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ olivat HYKS:n SydĂ€n- ja keuhkokeskuksen Kardiologian poliklinikan sairaanhoitajat. Teoreettisen osan muodostivat nĂ€yttöön perustuva tieto sydĂ€npotilaan terveysvalmennuksesta, suuhygienistin osaamisesta sydĂ€npotilaan hoidossa sekĂ€ suun ja sydĂ€men terveyden vastavuoroisesta yhteydestĂ€. Työn vaiheita olivat opintokĂ€ynnit, yhteiskehittelyt ja animaation tuottaminen yhdessĂ€ Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun viestinnĂ€n koulutusohjelman opiskelijoiden kanssa. Animaation ydinsisĂ€ltö muodostui suun omahoidon ohjeista ja sen merkityksestĂ€ sydĂ€nterveydelle. Animaatio lanseerattiin Kardiologian poliklinikalla sairaanhoitajien koulutustilaisuudessa sekĂ€ sydĂ€npotilaiden suun omahoidon ohjaustuokioissa. OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ tuotettua materiaalia voi hyödyntÀÀ sydĂ€npotilaiden hoitotyössĂ€ ja alan ammattilaisten koulutustilaisuuksissa. Yhteistyön Kardiologian poliklinikan sairaanhoitajien ja suuhygienistiopiskelijoiden kanssa tulisi olla jatkuvaa.Proper oral health increases heart patients’ quality of life. A healthy mouth is a part of human general health and it plays an important role in overall well-being. Oral diseases may have adverse effects on the general health, such as the prognosis of a treatment of a heart patient. Prevention of heart patient’s oral diseases is essential and it is done by increasing heart patients’ and nurses’ knowledge of oral health. The focus of this thesis was on strengthening the nurses’ and heart patients’ knowledge concerning the association between oral and heart health on the Cardiology Clinic. The aim was to produce an animation about oral health in order to help nurses in the treating heart patients. The idea of this functional thesis was based on the needs of the working life and it is a part of the "Guiding of a Working-age Heart Patient and His/Her Family Members and Care Givers" project started at 2007. The nurses of the Cardiology Clinic of the Heart- and Lung Centre of the Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUCH) represented co-operative partners of the working life. The theoretical part of the work consisted of performance based knowledge about health training of a heart patient, dental hygienist’s know-how in the treatment of a heart patient, and reciprocal relationship between oral and heart health. Learning visits, development processes, and producing of the animation together with the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences‘ media students were included to the work. The core content of the animation was formed on the advice of oral self-care and its significance to heart health. The animation was launched on the Cardiology Clinic during a training day for nurses and during the advicing sessions of oral self-care for heart patients. The material produced may be beneficial in the treatment of heart patients and during training of the professionals. Co-operation between the nurses on the Cardiology Clinic and dental hygienist students should be continued

    Inflammatory Biomarkers in Elite Cross-Country Skiers After a Competition Season : A Case-Control Study

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    Purpose Whether elite athletes, who have been exposed to vigorous-intensity exercise combined with other stressors, have elevated systemic low-grade inflammation, remains largely unclear. To address this question, we studied the levels of six inflammatory cytokines as potential biomarkers of a low-grade inflammatory state in elite athletes after an 11-month training and competition season. Methods We collected sera from 27 Finnish elite cross-country skiers and 27 gender- and age-matched, moderately-exercising controls. The serum concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), glycoprotein acetyls (GlycA), interleukin 10 (IL-10), and interferon gamma (IFN-Îł) cytokines were quantified as surrogate markers of low-grade inflammation. Results The athletes were found to have significantly lower concentrations of CRP (P = 0.0232) and higher concentrations of IL-10, TNF-α, and IFN-Îł (P = 0.0097, P = 0.0256, and P = 0.0185, respectively) than the controls. No significant differences between athletes and controls were detected in the concentrations of IL-6 and GlycA. The inflammatory score (IS) did not differ significantly between athletes and controls. Conclusion The results of this study argued against the hypothesis of a significant chronic low-grade inflammation in response to prolonged high-performance exercise among elite endurance athletes.peerReviewe