65 research outputs found

    Effects of rumen digesta on the physico-chemical properties of soils in Nsukka, Southeastern Nigeria Ifeoma

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    In tropical and subtropical areas, the importance of organic manure in improving soil physico-chemical properties and crop production for food security cannot be overemphasized. A study was conducted to investigate the effects of rumen digesta on the physical and chemical properties of soils in Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria. The soil samples collected from Opi, Nsukka were treated with four rates of rumen digesta (viz. 0, 50, 100 and 150 g/kg soils). Physical and chemical properties of the soil were determined pre- and post-experiment. The results obtained reveal that rumen digesta significantly (p = 0.05) increased the mean weight diameter (0.49 to 1.75 mm), aggregate stability (54.7 to 75.3%), soil pH (3.8 to 7.8), total nitrogen (0.01 to 0.02%), exchangeable sodium and potassium (0.22 to 4.39 cmol/kg for Na+ and 0.30 cmol/kg to 4.31 for K+), CEC (7.2 to 14.9 cmol/kg) and organic matter content (0.97 to 4.29%). It had no significant effect on the texture, micro-aggregate stability (measured as dispersion ratio), exchangeable calcium and magnesium content of the soils. The study found a significant reduction in the exchangeable aluminum (1.5 to 0.0 cmol/kg) and hydrogen content (3.7 to 2.2 cmol/kg) of the soils. It is recommended that farmers can improve the physical and chemical properties of soils by using rumen digesta as an alternative liming material.Key words: Rumen digesta, soil properties, evaluation, rural land, Nsukka-Nigeria

    Sucrose in the concentrated solution or the supercooled “state” : a review of caramelisation reactions and physical behaviour

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    Sucrose is probably one of the most studied molecules by food scientists, since it plays an important role as an ingredient or preserving agent in many formulations and technological processes. When sucrose is present in a product with a concentration near or greater than the saturation point—i.e. in the supercooled state—it possesses high potentialities for the food industry in areas as different as pastry industry, dairy and frozen desserts or films and coatings production. This paper presents a review on critical issues and research on highly concentrated sucrose solutions—mainly, on sucrose thermal degradation and relaxation behaviour in such solutions. The reviewed works allow identifying several issues with great potential for contributing to significant advances in Food Science and Technology.Authors are grateful for the valuable discussions with Teresa S. Brandao and Rosiane Lopes da Cunha during this research. Author M. A. C. Quintas acknowledges the financial support of her research by FCT grant SFRH/BPD/41715/2007

    Biosorption of zinc ion: a deep comprehension

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    Soil chemical properties and legume-cereal rotation benefits in an Ultisol in Nsukka, Southeastern Nigeria

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    This research was conducted at the Department of Soil Science, University of Nigeria Teaching and Research Farm in 2008 and 2009 growing seasons. The objective was to evaluate the effects of edible grain legumes (cowpea and soybean) and velvet-bean/maize rotations on soil chemical properties and the contribution of these chemical properties to rotation benefit conferred on the maize by velvet-bean, cowpea and soybean. The experimental design was a factorial fitted into randomized complete block design comprising of four crop rotation systems, two nitrogen levels and two residue management options as factors replicated thrice making a total of 48 plots. Each year entailed two cropping sessions, first, the four crops (cowpea, soybean, velvet-bean and maize) were grown on separate plots and after harvest; maize was grown in all the plots to test for rotation effect. The result showed that the soil chemical properties nitrogen (N) and magnesium (Mg) were significantly higher in the legume-cereal rotations than in continuous maize in both years. Other chemical properties varied in the two years and between legume/maize and continuous maize rotations. Maize yield was significantly increased by velvet-bean/maize rotation in both years. Maize grain yields were also higher in cowpea/maize and soybean/maize rotations than in continuous maize but they were not significantly different. There was also significant rotation residue interaction effect with velvet-bean/maize rotation x residue having the highest maize yield. Regression analysis showed that 37 to 51% changes in maize yield were contributed by N, Mg and potassium (K). Keywords: Legume/cereal rotation, residue management, rotation benefit, soil chemical properties, maize yield.African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 13(23) 2341-234

    Water-stable aggregates of Niger floodplain soils and their organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus distribution

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    Five soil profiles were studied along a soil sequence in the Niger river floodplain to determine their soil properties and water-stable aggregates (WSA) between 4.75-2.00 mm, 2.00-1.00 mm, 1.00-0.50 mm, 0.50-02.5 mm an

    Conversion of Forests to Arable Land and its Effect on Soil Physical Properties in Enugu State South Eastern Nigeria

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    Population increase and low input agriculture in south eastern Nigeria has resulted to forest conversion to arable land. A study was conducted in six locations; Ugbo-lyOkpara ( L1), Ugbo-nabo (L2) , Ugwogo-Nike (L3) , Iyi-Ukwu (L4) , Edem( L5) and Ngwo (L6) in Enugu State, southeastern Nigeria to determine the changes in selected soil physical properties ( particle size distribution, bulk density, hydraulic conductivity, macro porosity micro porosity and total porosity) as a result of converting forests to arable land..Cultivation resulted to significant (P ≤ 0.05) increase in the sand fractions and bulk density. Result showed decline in silt fraction, hydraulic conductivity, macro, micro and total porosity by 4, 17.5, 38, 26, 19 and 21% respectively. Interaction of location and land use indicated that 67% of the locations were adversely affected by cultivation while 33% of the locations indicated improvement in soil properties in favor of cultivation expressed by a significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lower bulk density in Ugbo-Okpara , higher micro and total porosity in Ugbo-nabo , higher clay content in Ugbo-Okpara and Ugbo-nabo, while 19 % and 13 % higher silt content were observed in Ugbo-Okpara, and Ugwogo- Nike respectively.The study revealed that the magnitude and direction of change was location specific.Keywords: Forest Conversion, Cultivation, soil properties, low-input agricultur

    Estimating total elements in floodplain soils in Nigeria from their exchangeable/ extractable forms

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    No Abstract.Discovery and INnovation Vol. 18 (4) 2006: pp. 288-29

    Effects of exchangeable Ca:Mg ratio on the dispersion of soils some southern Nigeria soils.

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    Soil surface sealing and erosion which are the result of soil dispersion can be harmful or detrimental to soil, soil resources and also agricultural production thereby leading to great economic loss. Soil samples were collected at 0-30cm depth in eight locations in southern Nigeria. Dispersion behaviours of soil contents were studied at different Ca: Mg ratios. The range of values of properties determined are as follows; clay 10-22%, silt 1-18%, sand 64-89%, WDC 6-14%, WDS 1-16%, CDR 0.44-0.86%, DR 0.41-0.84%, ASC 2-18%, CEC 4-15.6cmolkg-1 , percentage base saturation 18-66%, available phosphorus 1.87-34.57mg/kg. The soils studied were acidic, low in nutrient level, showed high dispersion rate, high water- dispersible clay content and the textural class were loamy sand and sandy loam. The exchangeable Ca2+ and Mg2+ contents of the soils dominated the exchange complex. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) ranges between 4 and 15.6 cmol kg-1. Values of percentage base saturation are between 18 and 66%. The available phosphorous ranges between 1.87-34.57 mg/kg. The distribution of Ca and Mg varied with the quantity of ratio of CaSO4 and MgSO4 added. The higher the proportion of Mg the higher the clay content while a lower Mg proportion had a lower clay content. Secondly, a higher Ca2+ proportion resulted to smaller clay content while a lower Ca2+ proportion led to a high clay content. From this study it was discovered that high Mg, silt and clay cause soil dispersion which will be detrimental to the soil. Also high CDR and DR are indicators of high soil dispersity. Therefore, monitoring dispersion in soil is important to avoid its negative impact on the soil. Management practices should be applied in the form of application of fertilizer and liming materials to the soil as higher concentration (Ca2+and Mg2+) will be introduced to the soil which will bring about dispersion in the soil.Keywords: Dispersion, Ca: Mg ratio, dispersion ratio, clay dispersible ratio, dispersible silt

    Effects of rumen digesta on the physico-chemical properties of soil in Nsukka, South eastern Nigeria

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    In tropical and subtropical areas, the importance of organic manure in improving soil physico-chemical properties and crop production for food security cannot be overemphasized. A study was conducted during 2012/2013 crop years, to investigate the effects of rumen digesta on the physical and chemical properties of soil in Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria. Soil samples were collected from Opi, Nsukka and treated to four rates of rumen digesta (viz. 0, 50, 100, and 150 gkg-1 soils). Physical and chemical properties of the soil were determined pre and post-experiment. The results obtained revealed that rumen digesta significantly (p = 0.05) increased the mean weight diameter (0.49 to 1.75 mm), aggregate stability (54.7% to 75.3%), soil pH (3.8 to 7.8), total nitrogen (0.01% to 0.02%), exchangeable sodium and potassium (0.22 to 4.39 cmolkg-1 for Na+ and 0.30 to 4.31 cmolkg-1 for K+), CEC (7.2 to 14.9 cmolkg-1 ) and organic matter content (0.97% to 4.29%). It had no significant effect on the texture, micro-aggregate (measured as dispersion ratio), exchangeable calcium and magnesium content of the soils. The study found significant reduction in the exchangeable aluminum (1.5 to 0.0 cmolkg-1) and hydrogen (3.7 to 2.2 cmolkg-1) contents of the soils. Farmers can therefore improve the physical and chemical properties of soils by using rumen digesta as an alternative liming material.Keywords: Rumen digesta, soil properties, fertilizer use, Nsukka-Nigeri

    Soil moisture retention characteristics in relation to erodibility and texture of some soils of southeastern Nigeria

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    No Abstract Available E. Afr. Agric. For. J Vol.68(1) 2002: 17-2