28 research outputs found

    Comparison of Surface Fluxes Derived from CYGNSS and Simulated by WRF Model: An MJO Case Study

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    This study focuses on ocean surface fluxes, mainly the latent heat flux, and their impact on MJO propagation and associated precipitation structures over the Indian Ocean and Maritime Continent. The Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport (COAWST) model is used to simulate two MJO events during the 2017-2018 season: the December 10 - January 20, 2017 case, which maintained its strong precipitation signal over the Maritime Continent, and the March 1 - 20, 2018 case, which was weaker and did not propagate through the Maritime Continent. Both simulated MJO events show positive biases in surface rainfall compared with GPM IMERG data. During the MJO suppressed phase, the simulations rain more often than the observations. During the active phase, the westward propagating precipitation structures are more organized and much stronger compared with the observations, sometimes forming westward propagating cyclones that weakened the eastward precipitation signals. Two aspects of the surface flux interactions are investigated: the impact of the domain mean surface fluxes, and the impact of storm scale circulations and their interactions with local surface fluxes. Both aspects affect water vapor budget, atmosphere instability and mean flow, through which convection initiation, organization, and propagation are influenced. Model sensitivity tests with different radiation, microphysics, PBL schemes and nudging schemes indicate that in the control simulations, higher SST and surface fluxes, especially during the suppressed period, are the main reason of rainfall overestimation compared with IMERG data. The strong westward propagating signals are caused by both increased atmosphere instability and reduced mean wind shear. Unfortunately, the small differences in mean SST and surface fluxes between different model sensitivity tests are all within the satellite observation error margin, and cannot be directly corroborated by observations. One of the advantages of CYGNSS satellites is that they observe ocean surface wind and heat fluxes underneath strong rainfall events such as the convective systems associated with MJO active phases. Currently we are comparing CYGNSS level 2 surface fluxes retrievals and the model simulations in order to better understand the second aspect of the MJO and surface fluxes interactions, and how this affects MJO strengths and propagations. The interactive atmosphere-ocean-wave model also provides cases that directly comparing satellite observables (the bistatic radar cross section) and the model simulations (through CYGNSS satellite simulator). These discrepancies are more prominent in coupled ocean simulations, mainly due to higher SST and enhanced surface fluxes

    Two Distinct Modes in One-Day Rainfall Event during MC3E Field Campaign: Analyses of Disdrometer Observations and WRF-SBM Simulation

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    A unique microphysical structure of rainfall is observed by the surface laser optical Particle Size and Velocity (Parsivel) disdrometers on 25 April 2011 during Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E). According to the systematic differences in rainfall rate and bulk effective droplet radius, the sampling data can be divided into two groups; the rainfall mostly from the deep convective clouds has relatively high rainfall rate and large bulk effective droplet radius, whereas the reverse is true for the rainfall from the shallow wrm clouds. The Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with spectral bin microphysics (WRF-SBM) successfully reproduces the two distinct modes in the observed rainfall microphysical structure. The results show that the up-to-date model can demonstrate how the cloud physics and the weather condition on the day are involved in forming the unique rainfall characteristic

    Evaluation of Cloud Microphysics in JMA-NHM Simulations Using Bin or Bulk Microphysical Schemes through Comparison with Cloud Radar Observations

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    Numerical weather prediction (NWP) simulations using the Japan Meteorological Agency NonhydrostaticModel (JMA-NHM) are conducted for three precipitation events observed by shipborne or spaceborneW-band cloud radars. Spectral bin and single-moment bulk cloud microphysics schemes are employed separatelyfor an intercomparative study. A radar product simulator that is compatible with both microphysicsschemes is developed to enable a direct comparison between simulation and observation with respect to theequivalent radar reflectivity factor Ze, Doppler velocity (DV), and path-integrated attenuation (PIA). Ingeneral, the bin model simulation shows better agreement with the observed data than the bulk modelsimulation. The correction of the terminal fall velocities of snowflakes using those of hail further improves theresult of the bin model simulation. The results indicate that there are substantial uncertainties in the masssizeand sizeterminal fall velocity relations of snowflakes or in the calculation of terminal fall velocity of snowaloft. For the bulk microphysics, the overestimation of Ze is observed as a result of a significant predominanceof snow over cloud ice due to substantial deposition growth directly to snow. The DV comparison shows thata correction for the fall velocity of hydrometeors considering a change of particle size should be introducedeven in single-moment bulk cloud microphysics

    Numerical Analysis Using WRF-SBM for the Cloud Microphysical Structures in the C3VP Field Campaign: Impacts of Supercooled Droplets and Resultant Riming on Snow Microphysics

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    Two distinct snowfall events are observed over the region near the Great Lakes during 19-23 January 2007 under the intensive measurement campaign of the Canadian CloudSat/CALIPSO validation project (C3VP). These events are numerically investigated using the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with a spectral bin microphysics (WRF-SBM) scheme that allows a smooth calculation of riming process by predicting the rimed mass fraction on snow aggregates. The fundamental structures of the observed two snowfall systems are distinctly characterized by a localized intense lake-effect snowstorm in one case and a widely distributed moderate snowfall by the synoptic-scale system in another case. Furthermore, the observed microphysical structures are distinguished by differences in bulk density of solid-phase particles, which are probably linked to the presence or absence of supercooled droplets. The WRF-SBM coupled with Goddard Satellite Data Simulator Unit (G-SDSU) has successfully simulated these distinctive structures in the three-dimensional weather prediction run with a horizontal resolution of 1 km. In particular, riming on snow aggregates by supercooled droplets is considered to be of importance in reproducing the specialized microphysical structures in the case studies. Additional sensitivity tests for the lake-effect snowstorm case are conducted utilizing different planetary boundary layer (PBL) models or the same SBM but without the riming process. The PBL process has a large impact on determining the cloud microphysical structure of the lake-effect snowstorm as well as the surface precipitation pattern, whereas the riming process has little influence on the surface precipitation because of the small height of the system

    Effects of Resolution and Spectral Nudging in Simulation the Effects of Wintertime Atmospheric River Landfalls in the Western US

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    Landfalling atmospheric rivers (ARs) play a crucial role in the climate of the US Pacific coast region as they are frequently related with heavy precipitation and flash flooding events. Thus, the capability of climate models to accurately simulate AR landfalls and their key hydrologic effects is an important practical concern for WUS, from flood forecasting to future water resources projections. In order to examine the effects of model configuration, including the resolution and spectral nudging, in simulating the climatology of key weather events in the conterminous US, a NASA team has performed a hindcast experiment using the GEOS5 global and the NU-WRF regional models for Nov 1999 - Oct 2010. This study examines the skill of these hindcasts, with different models and their configurations, in simulating key footprints of landfalling ARs in the WUS region. Using an AR-landfall chronology based on the vertically-integrated water vapor flux calculated from the MERRA2 reanalysis, we have analyzed the observed and simulated precipitation and temperature anomalies associated with wintertime AR landfalls along the US Pacific coast. Model skill is measured using metrics including regional means, a skill score based on correlations and mean-square errors, and Taylor diagrams in four WUS Bukovsky regions. Results show that the AR-related anomalies of precipitation is more reliable than of surface temperatures. Model skill also varies according to regions. The AR temperature anomalies are well simulated in most of the WUS region except PNW. For precipitation, simulations with finer spatial resolution tend to generate larger spatial variability and agree better with the PRISM data in most regions. Such a resolution dependence of spatial variability is not found for temperatures; e.g., the MERRA2 reanalysis often outperforms, with similar spatial variability and higher pattern correlations with the PRISM data, finer-resolution NU-WRF runs in simulating temperature variations within subregions. Results from this study will be summarized to assist future (regional) climate experiments for climate change impact assessments and developing adaptationmitigation strategies, the key elements of the National Climate Assessment

    A numerical study of the cloud microphysical properties in the East China Sea region by a bin-type cloud resolving model

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    報告番号: 甲22131 ; 学位授与年月日: 2007-03-22 ; 学位の種別: 課程博士 ; 学位の種類: 博士(理学) ; 学位記番号: 博理第4994号 ; 研究科・専攻: 理学系研究科地球惑星科学専

    Influence of atomic oxygen irradiation during deposition on crystallization of post-annealed barium zirconate thin films

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    The role of atomic oxygen irradiation in the epitaxial crystallization of yttrium-doped barium zirconate thin films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) was investigated. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy revealed that, for films deposited without irradiation, random nucleation and growth occurred below the onset temperature for continuous crystallization at the film–interlayer interface. In contrast, for films deposited with oxygen irradiation, random nucleation and growth was not detected at the temperature of continuous crystallization, which facilitates epitaxial crystallization in these films. This study suggests the combined low temperature deposition with atomic oxygen irradiation and post-annealing could control microstructure of solid-state electrochemical devices such as solid oxide fuel cells and solid-state lithium secondary batteries