7 research outputs found

    Razmjena kartografskog materijala s Mađarskom

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    As a result of many years of good cooperation between the two national institutions in charge of the production and distribution of official cartographic data and products, an agreement was signed on 14 September 2011, during the opening of the 3rd NSDI and INSPIRE Day and 7th Conference Cartography and Geoinformation in Split, between the State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia and the Institute for Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing of Hungary, on the exchange of cartographic materials.Kao rezultat višegodišnje dobre suradnje između dviju nacionalnih institucija zaduženih za izradu i distribuciju službenih kartografskih podataka i proizvoda, 14. rujna 2011. prigodom otvaranja 3. NIPP i INSPIRE dana te 7. savjetovanja Kartografija i geoinformacije u Splitu potpisan je Dogovor između Državne geodetske uprave Republike Hrvatske i Instituta za geodeziju, kartografiju i daljinska istraživanja Mađarske o razmjeni kartografskog materijala

    Exchange of Cartographic Materials with Hungary

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    As a result of many years of good cooperation between the two national institutions in charge of the production and distribution of official cartographic data and products, an agreement was signed on 14 September 2011, during the opening of the 3rd NSDI and INSPIRE Day and 7th Conference Cartography and Geoinformation in Split, between the State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia and the Institute for Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing of Hungary, on the exchange of cartographic materials

    Continuation of the Mega Map Production in the Republic of Croatia

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    After putting up the 11 m × 6 m mega map of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County and breaking the Guinness World Record in the category of the largest printed map in the world, the production and presentation of mega maps has continued in various county seats of the Republic of Croatia, according to the plan of the State Geodetic Administration (SGA). The production of topographic maps at the scale of 1: 25 000 (TK25) is finished in those areas. In addition to SGA, counties and cities also participated in financing

    Nastavak izrade kartozida u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    After putting up the 11 m × 6 m mega map of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County and breaking the Guinness World Record in the category of the largest printed map in the world, the production and presentation of mega maps has continued in various county seats of the Republic of Croatia, according to the plan of the State Geodetic Administration (SGA). The production of topographic maps at the scale of 1: 25 000 (TK25) is finished in those areas. In addition to SGA, counties and cities also participated in financing.Nakon postavljanja kartozida Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije dimenzija 11 m × 6 m i obaranja Guinnessovog rekorda u klasi najveće tiskane karte na svijetu, prema planu Državne geodetske uprave (DGU) nastavljena je izrada i predstavljanje kartozida, odnosno megakarata u različitim županijskim središtima Republike Hrvatske. Na tim područjima završena je izrada topografskih karata u mjerilu 1: 25 000 (TK25), gdje su u financiranju pored DGU sudjelovale i županije, odnosno gradovi

    Kartozid Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije - najveća tiskana karta na svijetu

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