18 research outputs found

    Deuterated molecules in regions of high-mass star formation

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    We present the results of our studies of deuterated molecules (DCN, DNC, DCO+^+, N2_2D+^+ and NH2_2D) in regions of high-mass star formation, which include a survey of such regions with the 20-m Onsala radio telescope and mapping of several objects in various lines with the 30-m IRAM and 100-m MPIfR radio telescopes. The deuteration degree reaches \sim102^{-2} in these objects. We discuss its dependencies on the gas temperature and velocity dispersion, as well as spatial distributions of deuterated molecules. We show that the H13^{13}CN/HN13^{13}C intensity ratio may be a good indicator of the gas kinetic temperature and estimate densities of the investigated objects.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Proceedings of Science (Proceedings of the conference "The Multifaceted Universe: Theory and Observations - 2022", 23-27 May 2022, SAO RAS, Nizhny Arkhyz, Russia

    The methanol emission in the J1J0J_1-J_0 A+^{-+} line series as a tracer of specific physical conditions in high-mass star-forming regions

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    We present results of the investigations of the properties of the methanol J1J0J_1 - J_0 A+^{-+} line series motivated by the recent serendipitous detection of the maser emission in the 14114014_1 - 14_0 A+^{-+} line at 349~GHz in S255IR-SMA1 soon after the accretion burst. The study includes further observations of several lines of this series in S255IR with the SMA, a mini-survey of methanol lines in the 0.8 mm range toward a sample of bright 6.7~GHz methanol maser sources with the IRAM-30m telescope, and theoretical modeling. We found that the maser component of the 14114014_1 - 14_0 A+^{-+} line in S255IR decayed by more than order of magnitude in comparison with that in 2016. No clear sign of maser emission is observed in other lines of this series in the SMA observations except the 71707_1 - 7_0 A+^{-+} line where an additional bright component is detected at the velocity of the maser emission observed earlier in the 14114014_1 - 14_0 A+^{-+} line. Our LVG model constrains the ranges of the physical parameters that matches the observed emission intensities. No obvious maser emission in the J1J0J_1 - J_0 A+^{-+} lines was detected in the mini-survey of the 6.7~GHz methanol maser sources, though one component in NGC7538 may represent a weak maser. In general, the maser effect in the J1J0J_1 - J_0 A+^{-+} lines may serve as a tracer of rather hot environments and in particular luminosity flaring events during high mass star formation.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Matrix 4-element sis receiver of the 3mm wavelength range for the RT-22 telescope

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    The goal of this project is to build a 3 mm SIS multi-beam (matrix) receiver for the 22-m radio telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical observatory. This project was launched in collaboration with Group for Advanced Receiver Development (GARD), Chalmers University (Sweden). The receiver employs compact DSB SIS mixers, designed by GARD for matrix receiver applications (Fig. 1). It shows good stability and provides receiver DSB noise temperature better than 50K in the frequency range 85-110 GHz. Broadband impedance transformation of the SIS junction allows covering working frequency band with a fixed backshort position. \ua9 2010 IEEE

    Structure and Kinematics of Sh2-138—A Distant Hub-filament System in the Outer Galactic Plane

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    We present a molecular line study of the Sh2-138 (IRAS 22308+5812) hub-filament system with the aim of investigating its structure and kinematics. Archival CO molecular line data from the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CO( J = 1–0)) for the wider region (∼50′ × 50′) and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (CO(3–2), ^13 CO(3–2), and C ^18 O(3–2)) for the central portion (∼5′ × 5′) have been utilized. Analysis of the CO(1–0) spectra for the extended region in conjunction with the identification of the hub and filament using a column density map and the getsf tool, respectively, reveals a complex structure with the spectral extraction for the central position displaying multiple velocity components. Based on the Herschel 70 μ m warm dust emission, one of the filaments in the extended region was inferred to be associated with active star formation, and is host to a Bolocam 1.1 mm clump of ∼1606 M _☉ . An integrated intensity map of ^13 CO(3–2) emission, constructed from clumps detected at above 5 σ in position–position–velocity space, reveals three filamentary structures (labeled the western filament (W-f), southwestern filament (SW-f), and southeast filament (SE-f)) in the central portion. Velocity gradients observed in ^13 CO(3–2) position–velocity slices point to longitudinal gas flow along the filaments into the central region. Filaments W-f, SW-f, and SE-f were calculated to have observed line masses of ∼32, 33.5, and 50 M _☉ pc ^−1 , respectively. The cloud was found to be dominated by supersonic and nonthermal motions, with high Mach numbers (≳3) and a low thermal-to-nonthermal pressure ratio (∼0.01–0.1)

    Study of Pressurised Metered Dose Inhalers for the Purpose of Standardization of Quality Attributes Characterizing Uniformity of Dosing

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    Aim. The purpose was to provide the rationale of test in regard to uniformity of fine particles dose for pressurised metered dose inhalers (pMDIs). Materials and methods. The pMDIs containing suspensions of salbutamol sulfate (SS) or solutions of beclometasone dipropionate (BD) were studied by laser diffraction and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The particle size distribution of SS, the average dose mass and uniformity of dose mass, the average delivered dose and the uniformity of delivered dose, the average fine particles dose and uniformity of fine particles dose were determined. Apparatus A was used for assessment of fine particles dose. Results. The two analytical procedures for the quantitative determination of SS and BD by HPLC were validated in the ranges with low concentrations of these substances. The 5 medicinal products in pMDI dosage form were studied: 3 preparations were with SS and 2 ones contained BD. It was shown that three products with SS were very similar in regard to particle size distribution in containers and the average values of delivered dose were almost the same, but these products were different in the average dose mass and fine particle dose. According to the research results, the expediency of determining the average dose mass and the tests concerning uniformity of dosing of preparations by dose mass and by fine particle dose was substantiated. It was shown that in the case of pMDI the dosing of solutions of BD was more uniform compared to suspensions of SS. The approaches of leading and other pharmacopoeias concerning uniformity of dosing for pMDIs were critically discussed. The expediency of determination of uniformity of fine particle dose at the stage of pharmaceutical development was substantiated, as the therapeutic effect depends on fine particle dose. Issues concerning standardization pMDIs in regard to uniformity of fine particle dose were discussed. Conclusions. The expediency of standardization and quality control of pMDIs in regard to such attributes as the average dose mass, which characterizes the volume of the metering chamber of the valve as well as the uniformity of the dose mass and the uniformity of fine particle dose, which assure the therapeutic effect of each dose of the product was substantiate

    Substantiation of an Approach to Determination of Ketoprofen Macrogol 400 Esters

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    The aim. The work is concerned with the substantiation of the approach to the identification and quantitative determination of ketoprofen macrogol 400 esters. Materials and methods. Ketoprofen, macrogol 400, ketoprofen macrogol 400 ester (KM400E), as well as model cream-gels were studied by the following methods: absorption spectrophotometry ultraviolet (UV) and visible, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography (GC), GC / mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry and thermogravimetry. Results. It was found by GC and GC / mass spectrometry that the average molecular mass (Mr) of the test macrogol 400 is 383.50 and it contains oligomers with molecular masses from 150.17 to 546.65. KM400E, which is a mixture of esters of ketoprofen with macrogol oligomers, was synthesized. The formed esters were characterized by 1H NMR spectra. It was shown that the ratio of the average molecular mass of KM400E, calculated for monoesters, and the molecular mass of ketoprofen corresponds to the ratio of specific absorbances of solutions of ketoprofen and solutions of KM400E, this fact indicated the formation of monoesters. Taking into account the risk of variability of the fractional composition of macrogol 400 in different batches, it is advisable to quantify KM400E using ketoprofen reference standard (RS) and not KM400E RS. Using HPLC with diode array detection the peak of KM400E should be identified by the UV absorption spectrum with λmax≈255 nm, which is characteristic for ketoprofen, and the relative retention time (RRt) of the peak; KM400E should be quantified by the content of ketoprofen in this impurity. During storage of model cream-gels the content of KM400E impurity is significantly lower than the content of ketoprofen propylene glycol ester (mixture of isomers). Conclusions. The approach to the identification and quantitative determination of KM400E is substantiated. The analytical procedure for determination of KM400E impurity by HPLC with a diode array detection using ketoprofen RS was developed. Correctness of the procedure was proved by the results of the validation studies

    Organic species in infrared dark clouds

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    It is currently assumed that infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) represent the earliest evolutionary stages of high-mass stars (>8 M⊙). Submillimeter and millimeter-wave studies performed over the past 15 yr show that IRDCs possess a broad variety of properties, and hence a wide range of problems and questions that can be tackled. In this paper, we report an investigation of the molecular composition and chemical processes in two groups of IRDCs. Using the Mopra, APEX, and IRAM radio telescopes over the last four years, we have collected molecular line data for CO, H₂CO, HNCO, CH₃CCH, CH₃OH, CH₃CHO, CH₃OCHO, and CH₃OCH₃. For all of these species we estimated molecular abundances. We then undertook chemical modeling studies, concentrating on the source IRDC028.34+0.06, and compared observed and modeled abundances. This comparison showed that to reproduce observed abundances of complex organic molecules, a zero-dimensional gas-grain model with constant physical conditions is not sufficient. We achieved greater success with the use of a warm-up model, in which warm-up from 10 K to 30 K occurs following a cold phase.19 page(s