7 research outputs found

    Exogenous determinants of the European Union’s

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    The article examines the influence of external factors on the economic security of the European Union. The study found that such exogenous factors as global economic instability, crisis situations in the markets of raw materials and energy resources, international terrorism, and geopolitical tensions can seriously undermine the economic security of the EU. Ways to ensure stability and compliance of European economic systems with external challenges are proposed, including improving energy efficiency, diversifying energy sources, and intensifying support for innovative technologies. The necessity of forming a comprehensive strategy for ensuring the economic security of the European Union in the conditions of globalization and growing threats from exogenous determinants is determined. Статията разглежда влиянието на външни фактори върху икономическата сигурност на Европейския Съюз. Проучването установи, че екзогенни фактори като глобалната икономическа нестабилност, кризисните ситуации на пазарите на суровини и енергийни ресурси, международният тероризъм и геополитическото напрежение могат сериозно да подкопаят икономическата сигурност на ЕС. Предложени са начини за осигуряване на стабилност и съответствие на европейските икономически системи с външни предизвикателства, включително подобряване на енергийната ефективност, диверсификация на енергийните източници и засилване на подкрепата за иновативни технологии. Определя се необходимостта от формиране на цялостна стратегия за гарантиране на икономическата сигурност на Европейския съюз в условията на глобализация и нарастващи заплахи от външни детерминанти.</p

    Formation of an integrated system of state economic security

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    The article examines the specifics of the formation of an integrated system of economic security of the state in modern conditions. The peculiarities of the impact of risks and threats on the functioning of the economic security system are determined. The main functional elements of the integrated system of economic security have been clarified. The importance of the formation of the mechanism of economic security for the protection of the national economy of the country has been proven. The structural elements of the mechanism of economic security in modern conditions are defined. It is proposed to introduce integrated systems of economic security of the state to combine all elements of state management of the national economy into a single system. </p

    Modern Trends of Sustainable Development in the Sugar Market

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     Purpose: Sugar is the most common food product necessary for human life, the main component of which is sucrose and other impurities. The exchange-based nature of the sugar trade makes it easier to enter the market and helps to remove market barriers. The world sugar market is one of the most important in the system of food markets. Approach/Methodology/Design: Within the study, general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, such as generalization, comparison, abstract-logical analysis, index method, etc. were used. Findings: At the present stage, the world sugar market is characterised by significant qualitative changes, which occur due to the influence of factors determining the conjuncture, and the development of international globalisation processes. The correlation between supply and demand in different regions and countries and the structure are changing, and there is regional redistribution of cane and beet sugar exports and imports. Today, people are interested in production of classic white sugar, pressed or molded lump sugar, candy sugar, powdered sugar and water sugar syrup. Alternative uses of raw sugar have emerged that have a significant impact on market trends and price volatility (primarily bioethanol, biogas, and sugar substitute markets), price volatility has increased. Practical Implications: The results of the performed analysis are necessary for assessing the level of food security of sugar market and for the growth of export of that product, taking into account the trends and conditions for the functioning of the agro-food sector. The main trends in the development of the world sugar market are changes in the structure of its consumption, characterised by an increase in demand for sugar from the food industry and a decrease in consumption by the population, as well as the increased role of bioethanol production. Originality/Value: The results of the analysis are necessary to assess the level of food safety and to develop a strategy that takes into account the current trends in the global sugar market. Prospective directions for the sustainable development of the sugar market have been developed. </p

    Investment in the space industry: a comparative analysis of Ukraine and the EU

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     The identity and institutional capabilities of the European Union (EU) have changed over the years. As a global player in international politics, the EU has recognized the need to develop a comprehensive space policy perspective. This perspective is shaped by changes in the dynamics of the space ecosystem, the "New Space", and this phenomenon consists of new business models, new technologies, new markets, new value chains and new actors. New space actors (private investors) have fundamentally changed the dynamics of space activities. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of the influence of investment processes of the EU and Ukraine on the development of space industries. The methodological basis consisted of general scientific and special methods of knowledge, based on a systematic approach to the consideration of economic processes. The article aims to examine investment in the context of space management in the EU and Ukraine, and to examine in detail the trends in such funding of space companies. In order to better understand the European space system. The article concludes that, recognizing the indisputable importance of space applications and safety of space systems, the EU attaches great importance to taking into account the trend of "New Space" in its governance structure and stimulating changes in this sector. Unfortunately, Ukraine lags far behind in this respect. In the EU, in the initial stages of space research and use, space programs are financed from the general budget, and as individual activities reach a level of profitability, their public funding is reduced. Therefore, the sphere of commercial space activities and the share of private investments in their total financing are rapidly growing. The reduction of state expenditures is compensated by investments of private business in commercial projects. Thus, the article emphasizes the particular importance of private investments in the development of the Ukrainian space industry and points to the need to develop the commercialization of space activities, especially given the potential in the absence of budget financing. It is impossible to compare the sufficiently powerful and effective investment system of the EU and the lack of even state financing of the space industry in Ukraine. Against the backdrop of hostilities in Ukraine, there is a significant need to reconsider investments in this area on the basis of public-private and international partnerships. Conclusion. The main tasks for Ukraine are revision and change of the state policy, right accents on investments into the space industry, qualitative overcoming of bureaucratic obstacles, approval of a new Strategy of Space Industry Development. As an example, one could use the experience of the EU and refer to its previous experience in this sphere to have an opportunity to stay among the world space powers. </p

    Логістичні шляхи експорту аграрної продукції України в контексті забезпечення продовольчої безпеки у період воєнного стану

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     Україна є одним із найбільших світових виробників та експортерів зернових культур. Залежно від результатів господарської діяльності аграрних підприємств, природно-кліматичних умов та кон’юнктури світового ринку аграрної продукції Україна реалізує власний експортний потенціал зернових культур, забезпечуючи продовольчу безпеку в світі, отримання валютної виручки, що позитивно відображається на макроекономічних показниках країни. Активно цьому сприяє логістика, що представлена різними видами транспортування зернових культур, формування ефективних логістичних ланцюгів у межах співпраці із аграрними виробниками, передусім крупними аграрними холдингами, транспортними компаніями, гуртовими посередниками тощо. Проте, через воєнні дії та блокаду портів на півдні України постраждав увесь логістичний ланцюг експорту аграрної продукції та виникла загроза продовольчій безпеці в окремих країнах світу. Більшість країн світу не були готові до такого сценарію подій. Світові лідери та Уряди країн намагаються вирішити проблеми логістики експорту зернових культур, пропонуючи різні програми підтримки та допомоги, використовуючи різноманітні логістичні шляхи та технічний потенціал перевезень у власних країнах. Необхідно зазначити, що дана проблема визначила необхідність здійснення подальших ґрунтовних наукових досліджень у цій царині та сформувало низку практичних завдань щодо вирішення цієї складної проблеми. </p

    Ринкове середовище та конкурентні переваги аграрних підприємств України у контексті забезпечення продовольчої безпеки

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     Аграрні підприємства України функціонують у мінливому ринковому середовищі та за рахунок власних конкурентних переваг задовольняють потреби в сільськогосподарській продукції і сировині, а також реалізують її за кордон. За короткий проміжок часу українські аграрні підприємства, що займалася виробництвом сільськогосподарській продукції та сировини для власних потреб, перетворилися на одних з найбільших експортерів у світі. Зазначені аспекти позитивно влипнули на забезпечення продовольчої безпеки країни та світу. Інтеграційні процеси економіки України та залучення аграрних підприємств формують нову модель здійснення господарської діяльності, яка поєднує забезпечення сталого розвитку, впровадження нових технологій, співпрацю у межах екосистем та державно-приватного партнерства, що створюють додаткові конкурентні переваги та посилюють продовольчу безпеку. </p

    <b>Key sources when formulating competitive advantages for hotel chains</b>

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    This paper's purpose was to identify the key sources when formulating competitive advantages of hotel chains. The research assessed the financial activities performance included in annual hospitality industry reports and on their official websites; questioning of loyal and potential customers; the five-point Likert scale and the Pearson correlation coefficient were applied to understand the possible consumer reaction to a certain competitive advantage or its absence. The paper confirms the effectiveness of key sources used by management to win and retain competitive advantages: despite strong dependence on the economic cycle phase etc., after the devastating crisis of 2007, 2008, but also to achieve sustainable growth. All the networks examined over the last decade have expanded their presence in international markets, diversified the portfolio of brands, increased the number of jobs and profits. It was also proved that the opinion of the final consumer is still not sufficiently taken into account in the assessment of the Pearson correlation coefficient (the latter allowed the authors to propose their own definition of the competitive advantage in the industry). The paper attempts for the first time to consider the competitive advantages of hotel chains from the point of view not only of theorists and business practitioners, but also with the view of the opinion of the services consumer; there were identified the discrepancies, which consideration would allow to increase the level of guest satisfaction and, accordingly, the efficiency of the hotel business. In future papers, the authors plan to verify the existence of a correlation between the degree of guest loyalty to a particular hotel network and the main financial results of its activities.competitive advantagecompetitive advantage</p