162 research outputs found

    Mucosal melanoma

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    Sluznični melanom je redka bolezen. Za njo najpogosteje zbolijo starejši ljudje, ženske bolj kot moški. Incidence ja relativno stabilna. Ob postavitvi diagnoze ima četrtina bolnikov s sluzničnim melanom napredovalo obliko bolezni, kar je posledica agresivnosti bolezni in ˝skritih˝ lezij s posledično zapoznelo diagnozo. 5-letno preživetje je najnižje v primerjavi z drugimi oblikami melanoma, če izključimo najredkejšo obliko melanoma, primarni leptomeningealni melanom. Biološke lastnosti sluzničnega melanoma se precej razlikujejo od lastnosti kožnega melanoma. Adjuvantno sistemsko zdravljenje je nujno potrebno, zaenkrat ni dovolj podatkov o njem. Kombinirana imunoterapija je terapija izbora zdravljenja metastatske oblike bolezni. Tarčna terapija ima svoje mesto le pri zdravljenju bolnikov z natančno določenimi tarčami (V600 Braf mutacija oz. cKIT mutacija)

    Novelties in the systemic treatment of pancreatic carcinoma

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    Rak trebušne slinavke je v 90% primerov pankreatični duktalni adenokarcinom (PDAC). Čeprav ta predstavlja 3% vseh malignomov, je odgovoren za 5% smrti zaradi rakavih bolezni. Je ˝tihi˝rak, zato ga po navadi odkrijemo v napredovali fazi bolezni, ko radikalna operacija ni več možna. Le 25% bolnikov ima ob postavitvi diagnoze potencialno ozdravljivo bolezen. Neoadjuvantna sistemska terapija je indicirana za zdravljenje bolnikov z mejno resektabilnim PDAC. Adjuvantna sistemska terapija se priporoča pri vseh bolnikih, vključno s tumorji stadija 1, ki niso bili zdravljenji z neoadjuvantno sistemsko terapijo in so po resekciji PADC. Paliativna sistemska terapija je edina možnost zdravljenja bolnikov z lokalno napredovalim neresktabilnim in metastatskim PDAC

    Pregnancy-associated melanoma

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    Sonochemical Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite Using Homogeneous Precipitation Agent- Urea

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    Poster presented at the 8th Conference of Yugoslav Materials Research Society – YUCOMAT 2006, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, 4-8. septembar 2006

    Tailored preparation of nano and micro composites as new controlled bone drug delivery systems

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    Method of homogenous sonochemical principle for obtaining controlled forms of micro/nano particles of desired shapes, size and distribution, and solvent/nonsolvent method for obtaining spherical particles of polymer or polymer/ceramics composites with the encapsulated pharmacologically active agent for the treatment of bone tissue pathology, are methods developed in our laboratory for the production of nano and micro ceramic/polymer or polymer composite systems which can be potentially used as controlled bone drug delivery system. Method of homogenous sonochemical precipitation, by designing synthesis parameters like temperature, frequency, energy and ultrasonic field regime, and by applying appropriate solvents, enables producing desired forms and particle structures. Through this method calcium phosphate systems can be obtained, but also systems where calcium phosphate particles are coated with bioresorbable polymer with immobilized antibiotic. Physicochemical synthesis procedure in solvent/non-solvent method consists of initial dissolve of desired bioresorbable polymers and its homogenization, followed by encapsulation of the desired agents. Already produced pharmaceutically active compounds (ascorbic, folic acid, peroxidase, antibiotics, autologous plasma, etc.) can be encapsulated or different calcium phosphates used as fillers for the defected bone tissue. Micro, submicro and nano sized particles in deagglomeration form, optimal for the advanced application in bone engineering, are obtained through these preparation methods

    Sonochemical Preparation of Hydroxyapatite/Poly (lactide-co-glycolyde) Composite

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    Poster presented at the 9th Conference of the Yugoslav Materials Research Society - YUCOMAT 2007, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, September 10-14, 2007

    Comparison of sequential and single extraction in order to estimate the environmental impact of metals from fly ash

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    The aim of this paper is to simulate leaching of metals from fly ash in different environmental conditions using ultrasound and microwave-assisted extraction techniques. Single-agent extraction and sequential extraction procedures were used to determine the levels of different metals leaching. The concentration of metals (Al, Fe, Mn, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cu, As and Be) in fly ash extracts were measured by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. Single-agent extractions of metals were conducted at sonication times of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 min. Single-agent extraction with deionized water was also performed by exposing samples to microwave radiation at temperature of 50 degrees C. The sequential extraction was conducted according to the BCR procedure which was modified and applied to study the partitioning of metals in coal fly ash. The microwave-assisted sequential extraction was performed at different extraction temperatures: 50, 100 and 150 degrees C. The partitioning of metals between the individual fractions was investigated and discussed. The efficiency of the extraction process for each step was examined. In addition, the results of the microwave-assisted sequential extraction are compared to the results obtained by standard ASTM method. The mobility of most elements contained in the fly ash is markedly pH sensitive

    Sonochemical Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite Using Homogeneous Precipitation Agent- Urea

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    Poster presented at the 8th Conference of Yugoslav Materials Research Society – YUCOMAT 2006, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, 4-8. septembar 2006

    Sonochemical Preparation of Hydroxyapatite/Poly (lactide-co-glycolyde) Composite

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    Poster presented at the 9th Conference of the Yugoslav Materials Research Society - YUCOMAT 2007, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, September 10-14, 2007