47 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Poverty is a scourge for human life, everything must be done immediately so that people can get out of the cycle of poverty. Various programs were also launched by the government to be able to help people who are exposed to financial powerlessness. The Family Hope Program is one of the efforts made by the government but the distribution of funds for the PKH program until now is still not right on target, this is because the Batu City government continues to use population census data that has not been updated or old data (Kompasiana). The proximity factor between Batu City Social Service officers and the community (still selective) is one of the reasons why PKH assistance has not been targeted. The purpose of this study was to find out how the Services at the Social Service in the distribution of PKH Funds were distributed, and to find out what the inhibiting and supporting factors were for the Services at the Social Service in the Disbursement of the Family Hope Program (PKH) Funds. There is a strong commitment between the Central Government and the Regional Government in the success of the Family Hope Program in order to break the chain of poverty in Batu City. Strong support from the Central Government, Regional Government, PKH Facilitator Officers, and PKH Beneficiary Community, in an effort to improve the standard of living for the poor in Batu City.Abstract: Poverty is a scourge for human life, everything must be done immediately so that people can get out of the cycle of poverty. Various programs were also launched by the government to be able to help people who are exposed to financial powerlessness. The Family Hope Program is one of the efforts made by the government but the distribution of funds for the PKH program until now is still not right on target, this is because the Batu City government continues to use population census data that has not been updated or old data (Kompasiana). The proximity factor between Batu City Social Service officers and the community (still selective) is one of the reasons why PKH assistance has not been targeted. The purpose of this study was to find out how the Services at the Social Service in the distribution of PKH Funds were distributed, and to find out what the inhibiting and supporting factors were for the Services at the Social Service in the Disbursement of the Family Hope Program (PKH) Funds. There is a strong commitment between the Central Government and the Regional Government in the success of the Family Hope Program in order to break the chain of poverty in Batu City. Strong support from the Central Government, Regional Government, PKH Facilitator Officers, and PKH Beneficiary Community, in an effort to improve the standard of living for the poor in Batu City


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    Budget planning is a budgeting activity carried out by local governments in financing programs and activities for one fiscal year. In its implementation it is often not in accordance with the developments that have been planned so that it is necessary to make changes to the budget. This study aims to analyze changes in budget planning made by the Batu City local government in supporting infrastructure development financing during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses an exploratory qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Determination of informants using snowball sampling. Data analysis with reduction, presentation and conclusion. The validity of the data using triangulation techniques. The results of the study show that the budget planning that has been set has made changes to the budget due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. This shows that the local government is quite good at managing regional finances. Realized regional infrastructure development can be seen from the absorption of infrastructure spending in 2020 (9.62%) in 2021 (35.50%). Supporting factors include the implementation of e-government which makes it easier for regional officials to coordinate and plan programs. The inhibiting factor is the impact of the pandemic so that infrastructure development is postponed, canceled or maintained.AbstrakPerencanaan anggaran merupakan kegiatan penganggaran yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah dalam membiayai program dan kegiatan untuk satu tahun anggaran. Dalam pelaksanaanya sering tidak sesuai dengan perkembangan yang sudah direncanakan sehingga perlu dilakukan perubahan anggaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan perencanaan anggaran yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah Kota Batu dalam menunjang pembiayaan pembangunan infrastruktur selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif eksploratif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Penentuan informan menggunakan snowball sampling. Analisis data dengan reduksi, penyajian dan penarikan kesimpulan. Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perencanaan anggaran yang ditetapkan telah dilakukan perubahan anggaran yang disebabkan dampak pandemi Covid-19. Ini menunjukan bahwa pemerintah daerah sudah cukup baik dalam mengelola keuangan daerah. Pembangunan infrastruktur daerah yang terealisasi dapat dilihat dari serapan belanja infrastruktur tahun 2020 (9,62%) tahun 2021 (35,50%). Faktor yang mendukung diantaranya penerapan e-government yang memudahkan perangkat daerah dalam berkoordinasi dan merencanakan program. Faktor yang menghambat yakni dampak pandemi sehingga pembangunan infrastruktur ditunda, dibatalkan atau dipertahankan pelaksanaanya

    Public Service Model in Building Good Governance Culture of Local Government Integrated with New Public Service (NPS)

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    Public service in Indonesia is still has many complaints by people, the role of bureaucracy is required to change attitudes and behavior in order to serve community well, public service is a term used to mean service provided by government to its citizens, the New Public Services Approache in the Public Administration paradigm will inevitably have to be able to change the view of providing service to community.Public service does not only satisfy customers, but rather focus on building a relationship of trust and collaboration with citizens, this study had been conducted over two years in Malang, Batu, Malang and it is called as Malang area, which represented a wide range of people. The method used in this study was qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection techniques were done by interviews and documentation, and then the data were analyzed by Miles and Hubberman approach, with data reduction.Society as the licensing service users most directly feeling the impact would certainly want fast and accurate services in accordance with the standard operating procedures that had been set. Satisfaction in the service was the thing giving meaningful contributions to the survival of public institutions concerned so that the public service could be said having superior service and expected by society.Each pattern of public service should have a responsibility by showing a good attitude in the timeliness doing service, especially with New Public Service approach in which the public participation can not be taken lightly, because the community is the king who should be respected and given good services, as well as in having attitude of full responsibility on the job and in responding the users of complaint service. If the responsibility of employees in performing job duties is well, it can be ascertained that the jobs given will be completed with the results as expected. Keywords: Public Service, Local Government, New Public Service

    Peningkatan Budaya Organisasi secara Efektif untuk Meningkatkan Pelayanan Publik

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    : Organizational culture is the value, belief or the valid norms. They were dealed also followed by all organization members, as the attitude orientation and the solution for the organization problems. Based on the condition above, thus the government consideration about the essence of organization culture need to be socialized. So that, it could create the the fair service for societies. According to the Law number 25 the year 2009 about the public service. This study used qualitative methods, data sources are primary data and secondary data, data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation, sample collection techniques through purposive sampling, the validity of the data using triangulation techniques. Based on the the result of the research conclude that increasing the effective public service, the BP2T malang city has worked and based on the mayor rule number 50 in the year 2015 about the partial delegation of authority in presenting permission service also non permission one from the mayor to the head of intregated permission service. Then, create the a team to serve and facilitate the supporting factors. They are the comfort area for BP2T organization, high quality work in the organization and full of responsibility. The inhibiting factors are the human resource in BP2T need the increasement, the lackness about the organized ability, such as: the inter personal skill and intra personal in serving all societies. Key words: Organization culture and public service

    Pengembangan Objek Wisata dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Pembangunan Kabupaten Malang

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    Tourism is currently an industry that is growing rapidly and tourism objects have very potential value. The development of the tourism sector has an impact on changes in an area. Local government has an important function in the development of tourist objects, especially coaching and training. The purpose of this research is to find out the development of tourism objects in an effort to increase development, the research method is a library type, namely researchers obtain or dig up complete and accurate information data through documents and historical records as well as research related to the object of research. Based on the results of research efforts made in the development of tourist objects in enhancing development, namely community participation is an important role of the community consciously and voluntarily in development activities. Tourist attractions are the essence of tourist objects to attract visitors. Tourism promotion is an important tool in marketing tourism objects. Tourism services are fulfilling needs, accessibility, namely facilities and infrastructure that support tourism activities and also development to make an area even better. So to improve the development of tourist objects, adequate human resources and transportation infrastructure around tourist objects are needed.AbstrakPariwisata saat ini merupakan suatu industri yang sedang berkembang pesat dan objek wisata mempunyai nilai sangat potensial. Berkembangnya sektor wisata membawa dampak perubahan pada suatu wilayah. Pemerintah daerah mempunyai fungsi penting dalam pengembangan objek wisata terutama pembinaan dan pelatihan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengembangan objek wisata dalam upaya meningkatkan pembangunan, metode penelitian jenis kepustakaan yaitu peneliti mendapatkan atau menggali data informasi secara lengkap dan akurat melalui dokumen dan catatan sejarah serta penelitiaan yang terkait dengan obyek peneliti. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian upaya yang dilakukan dalam pengembangan objek wisata dalam meningkatkan pembangunan yaitu partisipasi masyarakat merupakan peran penting masyarakat secara sadar dan sukarela dalam kegiatan pembangunan. Atraksi wisata adalah intisari dari objek wisata untuk menarik pengunjung. Promosi wisata merupakan perangkat penting dalam pemasaran objek pariwisata. Pelayanan wisata merupakan sebagai pemenuhan kebutuhan, aksesibilitas yaitu fasilitas sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung kegiatan pariwisata dan juga pembangunan menjadikan suatu daerah kearah lebih baik lagi. Jadi untuk meningkatkan pengembangan objek wisata yang diperlukan sumber daya manusia yang memadai dan sarana prasarana transportasi disekitar objek wisata yang lengkap