146 research outputs found


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    Introduction. The growth of requirements for the quality and effectiveness of educational activities, identified in a number of government documents, determines the need to normalize the professional activities of teaching staff. The aim of this article is to present the normative-competence model of the teacher of additional professional education developed by the Department of Pedagogy and Andragogy of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Education Development, and to substantiate the potential of this model as an effective mechanism of intracorporate support of continuous professional development of the institutes of advanced training of specialists teaching staff. Methodology and research methods. The general theoretical basis for the design of the normative-competence model of the teacher consists of the system-activity, competency-based, andragogical, comparative general scientific approaches. The methods of the qualification and dispersive analysis, expert estimations, participant observation, stratified sampling were used to determine the efficiency of the model and diagnostics of professional competences of teachers of additional professional education. Processing of the data obtained was performed by the methods of mathematical statistics – the analysis of reliability of mathematical expectation differences and hypotheses checking on the basis of fitting criterion. Results and scientific novelty. The presented model contains a set of key qualities that provide the pedagogical worker with the ability to be successful in achieving the strategic educational goals. The structure of the model includes the clusters of universal, general professional and professional competencies; maps and indicators of competencies divided into three levels – monodisciplinary, multidisciplinary, metadisciplinary. The advantage of the model is that it can serve as a framework for objective assessment of professionalism of teachers of additional professional education as well as a standard framework to upgrade teachers’ qualification and self-development. The hypothesis on the conditions of the model realization was tested in the course of the project experiment conducted by the authors. The conditions of three types presented: content-activity, organizational-managerial, and the ability to transform the conditions of the first and second types for professional development of the teachers. The inputs and outputs research results on teachers’ competencies by the end of the three-year intra-corporate training curriculum “Andragogical School of Eventual Education” have shown the efficiency of application of the developed model in the format of self-training organization. Practical significance. The normative-competence model is universal and fully consistent with the requirements of the teachers’ career development system. The model presented provides the groundwork for scientific and educational activity of the teacher of additional professional education and can be used by everyone who is engaged in educational activity in the conditions of continuous pedagogical education.Введение. Декларируемые в целом ряде правительственных документов требования к качеству и эффективности функционирования образовательной сферы актуализируют необходимость нормирования профессиональной деятельности педагогических работников. Цель публикации – представить созданную на кафедре педагогики и андрагогики Нижегородского института развития образования нормативнокомпетентностную модель преподавателя дополнительного профессионального образования (ДПО) и обосновать ее потенциал как действенного механизма внутрикорпоративной поддержки непрерывного совершенствования профессионализма специалистов системы повышения квалификации. Методология и методы. Общетеоретической базой проектирования предлагаемой вниманию модели были положения системно-деятельностного, компетентностного, андрагогического и сравнительно-сопоставительного подходов. Для определения эффективности модели и диагностики профессиональных компетенций преподавателей ДПО использовались методы квалификационного и дисперсионного анализа, экспертных оценок, включенного наблюдения, стратифицированного отбора. Обработка полученных результатов производилась методами математической статистики – посредством анализа достоверности различий математических ожиданий и проверки гипотез на основе критерия согласия.Результаты и научная новизна. Описанная в статье модель содержит набор ключевых качеств, обеспечивающих преподавателю успешное достижение стратегических образовательных целей. Структура модели включает кластеры универсальных, общепрофессиональных и профессиональных компетенций; их карты и индикаторы, распределенные по трем уровням – монопредметному, полипредметному и метапредметному. Достоинство модели состоит в том, что она может служить как матрицей для объективной оценки профессионализма преподавателей ДПО, так и нормативной рамкой повышения их квалификации и стимулирования саморазвития. Авторами статьи был проведен проектный эксперимент, в ходе которого проверялась гипотеза о выделенных условиях реализации модели: содержательно-деятельностных, организационно-управленческих и возможности их интеграции для профессионального развития преподавателя ДПО. Обследование компетентности педагогов на «входе» и «выходе» трехлетнего внутрикорпоративного обучения по программам куррикулума «Андрагогическая школа событийного образования» показало эффективность применения разработанной модели в формате самообучающейся организации. Практическая значимость. Нормативно-компетентностная модель универсальна и полностью соответствует требованиям развития системы повышения квалификации педагогических работников. Модель закладывает методологическую основу продуктивной научно-образовательной деятельности преподавателя ДПО и может быть распространена на всех, кто занимается непрерывным педагогическим образованием

    Effects of Turbulent Mixing on the Critical Behavior

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    Effects of strongly anisotropic turbulent mixing on the critical behavior are studied by means of the renormalization group. Two models are considered: the equilibrium model A, which describes purely relaxational dynamics of a nonconserved scalar order parameter, and the Gribov model, which describes the nonequilibrium phase transition between the absorbing and fluctuating states in a reaction-diffusion system. The velocity is modelled by the d-dimensional generalization of the random shear flow introduced by Avellaneda and Majda within the context of passive scalar advection. Existence of new nonequilibrium types of critical regimes (universality classes) is established.Comment: Talk given in the International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (Moscow-Dubna, 21-27 August 2009


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    Introduction. Continuing professional education (CPE) is a strategic resource of cardinal transformations, which are currently taking place in education. The essence of such transformations generally consists in necessary rejection of a subject-information learning model and transition to designing the model of vocational self-development and self-determination.The aim of this research was to reveal the essence of teachers’ professional development as the process of positional self-determination and formation of managerial position. The hypothesis of the study consists in the assumption that the technology of self-determined learning is the institutional form of mastering and implementing the practice of CPE for teachers as a practice of human potential development in the professional and anthropological self-determination of an adult learner.Methodology and research methods. The methodological basis of the study was the comparative educational strategy of CPE, which is embodied in the model of self-determined adult education, focused on the formation of the human ability to manage their own development in an unstable world through the development of new types of cultural thinking and behaviour. The methods of research of teachers’ management position included the system of the following initiatives: interviews, results of group reflections, content-analysis, methods of included observation using video recording of training sessions and educational products.Results and scientific novelty. The complex of diagnostic technologies allowed the authors to establish management positions of teachers (implementer, leader or strategist) and their ability to design the paths of own development and to organise the system of managerial challenges. As the most adequate technological scheme of self-determined learning, the authors tested the mechanism of projectresource management, which regulates the learner’s movement in the educational space from actions carried out in a particular situation in accordance with the circumstances to an activity determined by a local goal, then to the reflection of own activity elevating to the status of a new norm, and, finally, to the reflection of changes in their own position. It was established that the developmental trajectory of human potential in professiogenesis starts from mastering the subject and means of activity (implementer) and passes through building up funds in transforming a special subject of activity (leader) towards designing new standards of means and subject of activity (strategist).The authors introduce the concept of “anthropological self-determination of an adult in the educational process” as the process and the result of formation of own managerial position and development of a new identity in changing life circumstances.Practical significance of the present research is determined by the possibility of designing educational programmes, which ensure co-organisation of adult students in a single event-activity space based on the mechanisms of project-resource management through the system of managerial challenges.Введение. Дополнительное профессиональное образование является стратегическим ресурсом кардинальных трансформаций, которые происходят в настоящее время в сфере образования и суть которых в общем виде заключается в необходимых отстранении и отказе от предметно-информирующей образовательной модели обучения и переходе к конструированию модели профессионального саморазвития и самоопределения.Цель статьи – раскрыть суть дополнительного профессионального развития педагога как процесса самоопределения и становления его управленческой позиции. Гипотеза исследования состояла в предположении о том, что технология соответствующего обучения выступает институциональной формой освоения и реализации практик дополнительного профессионального образования педагогов как поэтапного становления «Человека возможного» в профессиогенезе и антропологического самоопределения взрослого обучающегося. Методология и методы. Методологической основой работы послужила компаративная образовательная стратегия дополнительного профессионального образования, которая воплощается в модели самоопределяющегося образования взрослых, ориентированного на формирование способности человека управлять собственным развитием в нестабильном мире посредством освоения новых типов культуры мышления и поведения. Методы исследования управленческой позиции педагогов включали систему мероприятий: интервью, результаты групповых рефлексий, контент-анализ, использование методик включенного наблюдения с видеозаписью учебных занятий и образовательных продуктов. Результаты и научная новизна. Комплекс диагностических методик позволил выявить управленческие  позиции педагогов («исполнитель», «лидер», «стратег»), а также их способность проектировать ситуации собственного развития и выстраивать систему управленческих задач. В качестве наиболее адекватного технологической схеме самоопределяемого обучения в исследовании апробирован механизм проектно-ресурсного управления, регламентирующий движение обучающегося в образовательном пространстве от действий, осуществляемых в конкретной ситуации в соответствии с существующими обстоятельствами к деятельности, детерминированной локальной целью; затем – к рефлексии собственной деятельности, чтобы придать ей статус новой нормы; и, наконец, – к рефлексии изменений своей позиции. Установлено, что траектория развития «Человека возможного» в профессиогенезе начинается от освоения предмета и средств деятельности (исполнитель), пролегает через наращивание средств в преобразовании специального предмета деятельности (лидер) к конструированию новых эталонов предмета и средств деятельности (стратег). Авторы вводят в научный оборот новое понятие «антропологическое самоопределение взрослого человека в образовательном процессе» как этапы и результат становления собственной управленческой позиции, выработки новой личностной идентичности в изменяющихся жизненных обстоятельствах. Практическая значимость исследования состоит в продемонстрированных возможностях проектирования образовательных программ, обеспечивающих соорганизацию взрослых обучающихся в едином событийно-деятельностном пространстве благодаря запуску механизмов проектно-ресурсного управления через систему управленческих задач

    Communication Platforms for Cities: Critical Analysis of Management Technology

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    Development of digital technologies creates opportunities for the implementation of new forms and innovative methods into the state management system. For a long time, public administration specialists have discussed vividly the idea of an electronic state (e-government), as well as have de bated the advantages and disadvantages of specific digital technologies. Recently, urban communication platforms have become very popular, which indicates that the involvement of citizens into the public administration processes. In recent years, there has been a transition from a model of simple informing and providing public services with digital format to a model of active involvement of citizens through the so-called state platforms. The idea of “the state as a platform” involves the creation of digital platforms to attract business and civil society to receive services, organize discussions and votes on various issues, as well as exchange goods created by both state and non-state producers. The article provides an overview and analysis of existing urban communication platforms in Russia and abroad. To this end, the article used the method of comparative analysis of urban communication platforms based on the criterion of functional features. It was found that today in Russia there are four types of urban communication platforms, which differ in their goals and functionality. The article substantiates the following typology: (1) platforms (sections of sites, pages) of citizens’ appeals; (2) portals of urban (regional) problems; (3) portals for evaluating initiatives; (4) public participation portals / platforms. Communication platforms have been created in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but the level of citizen participation in their activities varies greatly. The article analyzes the obstacles to the development of urban communication platforms

    Source material for breeding winter bread wheat for grain quality in the north of the Middle Volga Region

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    Background. Development of cultivars with high stable yields and high grain quality is the main trend in wheat breeding. The aim of this study was to characterize a set of winter bread wheat accessions from the VIR collection and the working collection of Kazan Scientific Center in terms of their yield, protein content in grain (P, %), and swelling of flour in acetic acid (S, ml), and select the best accessions for the combination of these characters for use in a crossbreeding program.Materials and methods. Twenty-three winter bread wheat accessions were studied for the abovementioned characters in the north of the Middle Volga Region using conventional techniques. The study lasted three years (2016–2019).Results and conclusion. The yield of the accessions varied across the years of studies; however, none of them surpassed the reference cv. ‘Kazanskaya 560’. The values of protein content in grain were medium or high. The following accessions had high and stable levels of protein content in grain (15.1–16.1%): ‘TAW 42971/80’ (k-58363, Germany); ‘Lutescens 471 N8’ (Kazakhstan); ‘Rita’ (k-58057), ‘Scotty’ (k-59322) and ‘Nelson’ (all from the U.S.); ‘Moskovskaya 39’ (k-65160, Russia); ‘Bilotserkivchanka’ (k-64330) and ‘Barkan’ (k-64495) (both from Ukraine). Flour swelling power in acetic acid did not fall below 50 ml, attesting to the formation of high-quality grain. This was also confirmed by the protein quality index determined by the S : P ratio, which ranged from 3.6 to 4.7. Sources with high-quality protein were selected from the tested accessions for use in breeding: ‘CDC Clair’ (k-64168, Canada), ‘Lutescens 471 Н8’ (Kazakhstan), ‘Moskovskaya 39’ (Russia), ‘Barkan’ (Ukraine), and ‘Favorytka’ (k-64337, Ukraine)

    Effects of turbulent mixing on critical behaviour in the presence of compressibility: Renormalization group analysis of two models

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    Critical behaviour of two systems, subjected to the turbulent mixing, is studied by means of the field theoretic renormalization group. The first system, described by the equilibrium model A, corresponds to relaxational dynamics of a non-conserved order parameter. The second one is the strongly non-equilibrium reaction-diffusion system, known as Gribov process and equivalent to the Reggeon field theory. The turbulent mixing is modelled by the Kazantsev-Kraichnan "rapid-change" ensemble: time-decorrelated Gaussian velocity field with the power-like spectrum k^{-d-\xi}. Effects of compressibility of the fluid are studied. It is shown that, depending on the relation between the exponent \xi and the spatial dimension d, the both systems exhibit four different types of critical behaviour, associated with four possible fixed points of the renormalization group equations. The most interesting point corresponds to a new type of critical behaviour, in which the nonlinearity and turbulent mixing are both relevant, and the critical exponents depend on d, \xi and the degree of compressibility. For the both models, compressibility enhances the role of the nonlinear terms in the dynamical equations: the region in the d-\xi plane, where the new nontrivial regime is stable, is getting much wider as the degree of compressibility increases. In its turn, turbulent transfer becomes more efficient due to combined effects of the mixing and the nonlinear terms.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Single nucleotide polymorphism rs110861313 in the intergenic region of chromosome 23 is associated with the development of leukosis in the Russian Black Pied cattle

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    In recent years, using a genome-wide association study (GWAS), a number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been suggested to be associated with susceptibility to leukemia in cattle. However, all studies have been done with purebred Holstein cows and their hybrids. In this regard, it is important to confirm the functional role of polymorphisms previously identified in a GWAS study in Russian cattle breeds. The aim of this study was to verify the association between rs110861313 in the intergenic region of bovine chromosome 23 and leukemia in the Russian Black Pied cattle. Based on the levels of bovine leukemia virus (BLV)-specific antibodies detected in serum using serodiagnostic techniques, animals were divided into three groups: healthy animals (n = 115), asymptomatic virus carriers (n = 145) and animals with leukemia (n = 107). Genotyping of rs110861313 was carried out using polymerase chain reaction followed by analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms. A significant decrease in the frequency of the A/A genotype (11.2 %) was revealed in animals with persistent lymphocytosis compared to virus carriers (27.6 %) (p < 0.002). At the same time, the frequency of animals with the C/C genotype in animals with persistent lymphocytosis (41.1 %) was significantly higher than that of virus carriers (21.4 %) (p < 0.001). In this case, asymptomatic virus carriers can be considered a more suitable control than healthy animals that have not been in contact with the virus. According to bioinformatics analysis, resistance to BLV can be due to the presence of the transcription factor FOXM1 binding site in the region of rs110861313. FOXM1 is expressed in immune cells and can potentially affect the expression of the neighboring genes (LY6G5B, GPANK1, ABHD16A, LY6G6F, LY6G6E, CSNK2B, ApoM). Thus, we found that SNP rs110861313 in the intergenic region of bovine chromosome 23 is associated with the development of leukemia following BLV infection in the Russian Black Pied cattle

    Fatma Aliye and Defense of Islamic Values

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    The article concerns an analysis of the recently published text by Fatma Aliye debating with European ideas and prejudices about Islam that has not been a subject of interest in the South Slavonic intellectual and academic circles. Fatma Aliye (1862–1936) was the first Turkish woman novelist, the first Turkish woman philosopher, and the author of the book Tezâhür-i Hakikat (Appearance of Truth) that was published for the first time in January 2016 on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of her death. Like some writers of the Tanzimat era, especially Namik Kemal, Fatma Aliye entered the debate with the European writers wishing to oppose the prevailing Orientalist approach in Europe that had been blaming Islam for the stagnation of sciences and culture. She demonstrated enviable erudition and devotion to the Islamic culture. Her views show the permanent duality of the Ottoman intellectuals between their desire for Westernization and their need to stay in the Islamic tradition. In many aspects, the approaches to Islam and the defence of Islamic values of Fatma Aliye are still current

    Разработка и исследование стандартных образцов предприятия состава почв, трансформированных техногенным воздействием

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    Pollution of agricultural soils with heavy metals is an acute problem both in Russia and globally. The use of standard methods for soil monitoring is hampered by the need to regularly modernize monitoring equipment. Therefore, the development of matrix multicomponent reference materials (RM) for the composition of soils contaminated with heavy metals in concentrations exceeding their limiting values in natural soils is a highly relevant research task.To develop in-house multicomponent RMs of soil composition with the certified value of mobile forms of copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, nickel, cobalt and manganese in concentrations exceeding their trace levels.Soils for the development of RMs were collected in residential areas of the Vladimir Oblast and Chelyabinsk Oblast subjected to technogenic pollution. Samples were prepared according to a conventional methodology. The metrological characteristics of the developed RMs were determined by the method of interlaboratory comparison with the participation of 59 accredited testing laboratories. The mobile forms of heavy metals were determined by the atomic absorption method. An assessment of the error and uncertainty of the certified RM value was performed.Two in-house RMs of the composition of soils containing mobile forms of copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, nickel, cobalt and manganese at the level of tens of maximum allowable concentrations were developed. The developed RMs were found to be homogeneous in terms of all certified indicators. The calculated error did not exceed admissible values. The shelf life of RM samples was determined to be two years.The developed in-house RMs can be used for supporting agroecological monitoring and research programmes.Признаком загрязнения почв в зонах воздействия промышленных объектов является накопление в них тяжелых металлов. С точки зрения экологических позиций более информативным считается анализ почв на содержание подвижных форм металлов. Существующие матричные стандартные образцы (СО) состава почвы, как правило, имеют фоновые уровни значений тяжелых металлов. Поэтому задача создания многокомпонентных СО на основе природной почвы с высоким содержанием подвижных форм металлов является актуальной. В настоящей статье рассмотрены этапы разработки многокомпонентного СО предприятия состава почвы с аттестованным содержанием подвижных форм меди, цинка, свинца, марганца, кадмия, никеля и кобальта, превышающих предельно допустимые концентрации.Для создания СО отобраны образцы почвы в селитебных зонах Челябинской и Владимирской областей, подвернутых техногенному загрязнению по методике, разработанной во ФГБНУ «ВНИИ агрохимии». Метрологические характеристики (однородность, стабильность, аттестованные значения и погрешность аттестации) определялись согласно стандартным методикам. Аттестованные значения меди, цинка, свинца, марганца, кадмия, никеля и кобальта в СО получены в межлабораторном эксперименте атомно-абсорбционным методом при участии 59 аккредитованных испытательных лабораторий.По результатам исследования разработано два СО предприятия разных типов почв, однородных и стабильных по составу, аттестованных на содержание подвижных форм меди, цинка, свинца, марганца, кадмия, никеля и кобальта в концентрациях, превышающих фоновые уровни.Разработанные СО предприятия предназначены для обеспечения контроля качества измерений содержания подвижных форм тяжелых металлов при агроэкологическом мониторинге и научных исследованиях