2 research outputs found

    X-ray structural analysis and antitumor activity of new salicylic acid derivatives

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    This Thesis project is going to be situated in my home town Östersund, 600 kilometers north from Stockholm.ItÂŽs a small town with 60 000 people and it is the only city of the region JĂ€mtland in Norrland, Sweden.In the city centre of Östersund there is one existing bus terminal station where the buses arrive with people from the entire region.The task for this Thesis project is to rebuild the existing bus station in Östersund where the actual terminal building is going to be completely demolished and the entire block within the current bus stops is going to be rearranged.The topography of the terminal area is now dividing the regional buses that arrives on the upper level from the city buses that stops at the lower level. Therefore the main challenge of the new proposal is how one would strengthen the junction between these two flows of people and how a new architecture could enable the encounter between the countryside and the urban city.Detta examensprojekt kommer att vara belĂ€gen i min hemstad Östersund, 600 kilometer norr om Stockholm. Det Ă€r en liten stad med 60 000 personer och det Ă€r den enda staden i regionen JĂ€mtland, Norrland. I centrum av Östersund finns en befintlig bussterminalen dĂ€r bussarna anlĂ€nder med folk frĂ„n hela regionen. Uppgiften för detta projekt Ă€r att bygga om den befintliga busstationen i Östersund topografin pĂ„ terminalomrĂ„det i dagslĂ€get separerar de regionala bussarna som anlĂ€nder pĂ„ den övre nivĂ„n frĂ„n stadsbussarna som stannar pĂ„ en lĂ€gre nivĂ„. Den största utmaningen i det nya förslaget Ă€r hur man istĂ€llet skulle kunna stĂ€rka förbindelsen mellan dessa tvĂ„ flöden av mĂ€nniskor och hur en ny arkitektur kan möjliggöra mötet mellan glesbyggd och den urbana staden