3,912 research outputs found

    Carst marble on Tyrnyauz deposit

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    The karst of marbles is considered as the least studied type of karst. Here we have pinpointed the karst area of the ore field of the Tyrnyauz deposit. Lithological and petrographic characteristics of the skarned marbles of Tyrnyauz are given, their chemical activity is determined. Tectonogenic fissure-karst drainage system of the deposit is analyzed. The main factors of karst formation have been determined and the development of the karst marbles of the Tyrnyauz ore field at various depths is predicte

    Integral pattern of bench stability on all adjacent rock of open-pit mine in solid rocks

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    The article presents the integrated image of bench stability across the entire adjacent pit area on the basis of a probabilistic method to predict the azimuthangular parameters of cracks that limit the potential prisms of the pit bench collapse that are put in the final position, as well as those planned to be set to the limiting contour in the form of a software component as the part of the specialized geoinformation GIS system "Stability

    Environmental aspects of post-operational bioremediation of the typical municipal solid waste landfill of the administrative district

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    The article deals with the environmental consequences o f testing the method o f biological remediation o f the closed typical municipal solid waste landfill of the administrative district. The essence o f the method consists in the introduction of adapted composites from aboriginal, adapted or modified biological systems, primarily microorganisms for catalysis o f the decomposition process o f the organic component of waste landfills and subsequent separation o f valuable recyclable materials. The article presents the results o f the impact assessment o f a typical solid municipal waste landfil

    Assessment of the Size of Rocks in Benchs and Lumpiness of the Blasted Mountain Mass on Pits with Use of Gis Geomix

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    On the basis of natural researches in career of SC Kovdorsky MCP and computer processing of their results in GIS GEOMIX was developed the photometric method of assessment of blocks (sizes) of breeds in the slope of ledges of a pit, the existing version of this method intended for assessment of lumpiness of mountain mass is improve

    Legal problems of rational use and protection of agricultural land in Ukraine

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    Землі сільськогосподарського призначення, як і інші категорії земель, виконують екологічну функцію в якості основного об’єкта природи та середовища проживання людини і всіх живих та рослинних організмів, а також економічну функцію в якості основного об’єкта нерухомості і основного засобу виробництва в сільському господарстві. З метою охорони земель власники та користувачі земельних ділянок зобов’язані проводити заходи щодо відтворення родючості земель сільськогосподарського призначення; захисту земель від водної та вітрової ерозії, селів, підтоплення, заболочування, вторинного засолення, висушення, ущільнення, забруднення хімічними речовинами, відходами виробництва і споживання та іншого негативного впливу; захисту сільськогосподарських угідь від заростання деревами та чагарниками, бур’янами, збереженню досягнутого рівня меліорації. Принципове значення мають екологізація сільськогосподарської діяльності, дотримання суб’єктами аграрного виробництва норм і вимог земельного та екологічного законодавства. У статті аналізується сучасний стан використання земель сільськогосподарського призначення та надаються пропозиції з підвищення ефективності використання цих земель

    Measurement of shower development and its Moli\`ere radius with a four-plane LumiCal test set-up

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    A prototype of a luminometer, designed for a future e+e- collider detector, and consisting at present of a four-plane module, was tested in the CERN PS accelerator T9 beam. The objective of this beam test was to demonstrate a multi-plane tungsten/silicon operation, to study the development of the electromagnetic shower and to compare it with MC simulations. The Moli\`ere radius has been determined to be 24.0 +/- 0.6 (stat.) +/- 1.5 (syst.) mm using a parametrization of the shower shape. Very good agreement was found between data and a detailed Geant4 simulation.Comment: Paper published in Eur. Phys. J., includes 25 figures and 3 Table

    Seismically safe parameters of confined blasting in levelling dry dock bottom

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    During construction of a dry dock, it became necessary to level the bottom of gneissic granite rock mass to 7 m by blastin

    Current environmental selection issues: selection of h. annuus l. for herbicide resistance

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    This article is devoted to the creation of a new material of sunflower fertility reducing agents, having an optimal combination of tribenuron-methyl resistance and a sufficient vegetation period for the production of hybrids in zones with a short frost-free vegetation period. Lines used as a source of tribenuron-methyl resistance were purchased by Sativa LLC at the University of North Dakota Seed Fund (USA). The maximum resistance to aherbicide treatment was demonstrated by plants of hybrid combinations received by using the paternal line B0708VG, which line was significantly superior to the B0707VG lin

    Optimization of the drainage system of overburden dumps using geofiltration modeling

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    The article describes the assessment of the predicted water flows at the site of the projected rock dumps, which was carried out using geofiltration modeling. When developing the model, we used actual data on capacities, filtration coefficients and water capacity, roof and sole marks of the selected aquifers, precipitation infiltration, as well as the projected dumps are located on the slope surfac

    ECFA Detector R&D Panel, Review Report

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    Two special calorimeters are foreseen for the instrumentation of the very forward region of an ILC or CLIC detector; a luminometer (LumiCal) designed to measure the rate of low angle Bhabha scattering events with a precision better than 103^{-3} at the ILC and 102^{-2} at CLIC, and a low polar-angle calorimeter (BeamCal). The latter will be hit by a large amount of beamstrahlung remnants. The intensity and the spatial shape of these depositions will provide a fast luminosity estimate, as well as determination of beam parameters. The sensors of this calorimeter must be radiation-hard. Both devices will improve the e.m. hermeticity of the detector in the search for new particles. Finely segmented and very compact electromagnetic calorimeters will match these requirements. Due to the high occupancy, fast front-end electronics will be needed. Monte Carlo studies were performed to investigate the impact of beam-beam interactions and physics background processes on the luminosity measurement, and of beamstrahlung on the performance of BeamCal, as well as to optimise the design of both calorimeters. Dedicated sensors, front-end and ADC ASICs have been designed for the ILC and prototypes are available. Prototypes of sensor planes fully assembled with readout electronics have been studied in electron beams.Comment: 61 pages, 51 figure