5 research outputs found

    Role of Postbiotics in Diabetes Mellitus: Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives

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    In the last decade, the gastrointestinal microbiota has been recognised as being essential for health. Indeed, several publications have documented the suitability of probiotics, prebiotics, and symbiotics in the management of different diseases such as diabetes mellitus (DM). Advances in laboratory techniques have allowed the identification and characterisation of new biologically active molecules, referred to as “postbiotics”. Postbiotics are defined as functional bioactive compounds obtained from food-grade microorganisms that confer health benefits when administered in adequate amounts. They include cell structures, secreted molecules or metabolic by-products, and inanimate microorganisms. This heterogeneous group of molecules presents a broad range of mechanisms and may exhibit some advantages over traditional “biotics” such as probiotics and prebiotics. Owing to the growing incidence of DM worldwide and the implications of the microbiota in the disease progression, postbiotics appear to be good candidates as novel therapeutic targets. In the present review, we summarise the current knowledge about postbiotic compounds and their potential application in diabetes management. Additionally, we envision future perspectives on this topic. In summary, the results indicate that postbiotics hold promise as a potential novel therapeutic strategy for DM

    A Fermented Food Product Containing Lactic Acid Bacteria Protects ZDF Rats from the Development of Type 2 Diabetes

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a complex metabolic disease, which involves a maintained hyperglycemia due to the development of an insulin resistance process. Among multiple risk factors, host intestinal microbiota has received increasing attention in T2D etiology and progression. In the present study, we have explored the effect of long-term supplementation with a non-dairy fermented food product (FFP) in Zucker Diabetic and Fatty (ZDF) rats T2D model. The supplementation with FFP induced an improvement in glucose homeostasis according to the results obtained from fasting blood glucose levels, glucose tolerance test, and pancreatic function. Importantly, a significantly reduced intestinal glucose absorption was found in the FFP-treated rats. Supplemented animals also showed a greater survival suggesting a better health status as a result of the FFP intake. Some dissimilarities have been observed in the gut microbiota population between control and FFP-treated rats, and interestingly a tendency for better cardiometabolic markers values was appreciated in this group. However, no significant differences were observed in body weight, body composition, or food intake between groups. These findings suggest that FFP induced gut microbiota modifications in ZDF rats that improved glucose metabolism and protected from T2D development

    <i>Pediococcus acidilactici</i> pA1c<sup>®</sup> Improves the Beneficial Effects of Metformin Treatment in Type 2 Diabetes by Controlling Glycaemia and Modulating Intestinal Microbiota

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a complex metabolic disease, which involves maintained hyperglycemia, mainly due to the development of an insulin resistance process. Metformin administration is the most prescribed treatment for diabetic patients. In a previously published study, we demonstrated that Pediococcus acidilactici pA1c® (pA1c) protects from insulin resistance and body weight gain in HFD-induced diabetic mice. The present work aimed to evaluate the possible beneficial impact of a 16-week administration of pA1c, metformin, or the combination of pA1c and metformin in a T2D HFD-induced mice model. We found that the simultaneous administration of both products attenuated hyperglycemia, increased high-intensity insulin-positive areas in the pancreas and HOMA-β, decreased HOMA-IR and also provided more beneficial effects than metformin treatment (regarding HOMA-IR, serum C-peptide level, liver steatosis or hepatic Fasn expression), and pA1c treatment (regarding body weight or hepatic G6pase expression). The three treatments had a significant impact on fecal microbiota and led to differential composition of commensal bacterial populations. In conclusion, our findings suggest that P. acidilactici pA1c® administration improved metformin beneficial effects as a T2D treatment, and it would be a valuable therapeutic strategy to treat T2D