42 research outputs found

    Ī±-Helix peptides designed from EBV-gH protein display higher antigenicity and induction of monocyte apoptosis than the native peptide

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    We tested the hypothesis that stabilizing Ī±-helix of Epsteinā€“Barr virus gH-derived peptide 11438 used for binding human cells will increase its biological activity. Non-stable Ī±-helix of peptide 11438 was unfolded in an entropy-driven process, despite the opposing effect of the enthalpy factor. Adding and/or changing amino acids in peptide 11438 allowed the designing of peptides 33207, 33208 and 33210; peptides 33208 and 33210 displayed higher helical content due to a decreased unfolding entropy change as was determined by AGADIR, molecular dynamics and circular dichroism analysis. Peptides 33207, 33208 and 33210 inhibited EBV invasion of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and displayed epitopes more similar to native protein than peptide 11438; these peptides could be useful for detecting antibodies induced by native gH protein since they displayed high reactivity with anti-EBV antibodies. Anti-peptide 33207 antibodies showed higher reactivity with EBV than anti-peptide 11438 antibodies being useful for inducing antibodies against EBV. Anti-peptide 33210 antibodies inhibit EBV invasion of epithelial cells better than anti-peptide 11438 antibodies. Peptide 33210 bound to normal T lymphocytes and Raji cells stronger than peptide 11438 and also induced apoptosis of monocytes and Raji cells but not of normal T cells in a similar way to EBV-gH. Peptide 33210 inhibited the monocytesā€™ development toward dendritic cells better than EBV and peptide 11438. In conclusion, stabilizing the Ī±-helix in peptides 33208 and 33210 designed from peptide 11438 increased the antigenicity and the ability of the antibodies induced by peptides of inhibiting EBV invasion of host cells

    DNA exit ramps are revealed in the binding landscapes obtained from simulations in helical coordinates.

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    DNA molecules are highly charged semi-flexible polymers that are involved in a wide variety of dynamical processes such as transcription and replication. Characterizing the binding landscapes around DNA molecules is essential to understanding the energetics and kinetics of various biological processes. We present a curvilinear coordinate system that fully takes into account the helical symmetry of a DNA segment. The latter naturally allows to characterize the spatial organization and motions of ligands tracking the minor or major grooves, in a motion reminiscent of sliding. Using this approach, we performed umbrella sampling (US) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to calculate the three-dimensional potentials of mean force (3D-PMFs) for a Na+ cation and for methyl guanidinium, an arginine analog. The computed PMFs show that, even for small ligands, the free energy landscapes are complex. In general, energy barriers of up to ~5 kcal/mol were measured for removing the ligands from the minor groove, and of ~1.5 kcal/mol for sliding along the minor groove. We shed light on the way the minor groove geometry, defined mainly by the DNA sequence, shapes the binding landscape around DNA, providing heterogeneous environments for recognition by various ligands. For example, we identified the presence of dissociation points or "exit ramps" that naturally would terminate sliding. We discuss how our findings have important implications for understanding how proteins and ligands associate and slide along DNA

    Methyl-guanidinium sliding along the minor groove.

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    <p>A) 1D-PMFs of one turn along the helical path at different radii from the DNAā€™s axis. Grey shadow correspond to one standard deviation (see <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003980#sec004" target="_blank">Methods</a> section). B) Minimum free energy path obtained by assuming that, at every angular position, the ligand will localize the radii of minimum free energy. The PMF has been color coded to show the radius using the same color scheme as A).</p

    Schematic representation of the helical coordinates system.

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    <p>A) The helical coordinate system establishes the position of the ligand center of mass with respect to the DNAā€™s axis. The DNA axis was aligned to the z-axis. The helical coordinate system is defined in terms of coordinates (<i>Ļ</i>, <i>Ļ•</i>, <i>Ī¾</i>) (in yellow). Coordinates (<i>r</i>, <i>Īø</i>, <i>z</i>) (in red) correspond to a cylindrical coordinate system. <i>p</i> is the pitch of the helix and <i>Ī±</i> the pitch angle. B) The components of a vector <b>V</b> in a surface of constant <i>Ļ</i> in both helical (yellow) and cylindrical coordinates (red). C) Snapshot of the initial DNA methyl-guanidinium complex.</p

    Na<sup>+</sup> sliding along the minor groove.

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    <p>A) 1D-PMFs of one turn along the helical path at different radii from the DNAā€™s axis. Grey shadow correspond to one standard deviation computed using the Bootstrap method (see <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003980#sec004" target="_blank">Methods</a> section). B) Radial distribution functions (<i>g</i><sub><i>OW</i>āˆ’<i>Na</i><sup>+</sup></sub>) of water oxygen around the Na<sup>+</sup> cations. The red line corresponds to the bulk <i>g</i><sub><i>OW</i>āˆ’<i>Na</i><sup>+</sup></sub> and the blue line was determined considering only the Na<sup>+</sup>s that localized to the minor groove. Inset: snapshot from the simulations showing the localization of a hydrated Na<sup>+</sup> to the minor groove.</p

    The minor groove environment.

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    <p>A) Electrostatic potential inside the minor groove. The potential has been rescaled such that the minima in the studied region was set to 0 to facilitate the comparison with the computed PMF. B) The minor groove width was computed using the software Curves [<a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003980#pcbi.1003980.ref051" target="_blank">51</a>]. Grey shadows correspond to one standard deviation. For examples of different structures see <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003980#pcbi.1003980.s005" target="_blank">S5 Fig.</a>.</p

    Radial distribution functions (<i>g</i><sub><i>OW</i>āˆ’<i>cation</i></sub>) of water oxygens around the methyl-guanidinium cation.

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    <p>A) <i>g</i><sub><i>OW</i>āˆ’<i>cation</i></sub> computed at different radii from the DNAā€™s axis. B) Average number of water oxygen atoms āŒ©NāŒŖ in the first hydration of the methyl-guanidium cation at different radius from the DNAā€™s axis.</p