7 research outputs found

    Contraceptius intrauterins

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    Els dispositius intrauterins (DIU) són instruments que es col.loquen dins de l'úter i són utilitzats per prevenir l'embaràs. Aquesta idea tan simple, sembla que ja fou practicada amb aquesta finalitat a l'Edat Antiga pels egipcis i altres societats amb certs avenços tecnològics. Més recentment, hem de remuntar-nos a començaments del segle XX quan, mitjançant fils de seda introduïts dins de l'úter s'inicia l'era del dispositiu intrauteri modern. No obstant això, es pot considerar que la iniciació del DIU modern comença el 1929 a Alemanya, quan el Dr. ERNST GRÀFENBERG utilitza l'anell de plata intrauterí en un gran nombre de pacients, fins que aquesta pràctica va ser condemnada a Occident, però al Japó OTA la continuà utilitzant

    Mycosis fungoides and pregnancy

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    Mycosis fungoides is a cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, a subgroup of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, characterized by skin infiltration and occasionally systemic involvement. The association of pregnancy and mycosis fungoides has not been described previously. A case of mycosis fungoides, stage IVb, in a pregnant woman is reported. Prior to pregnancy, the patient received adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine prednisolone (CHOP) and bleomycin and total body irradiation. Around the concepcional period she presented a cutaneous relapse palliated with photon radiotherapy. No obstetrics complications were observed during gestation. At 39 week's gestation a cesarean section was performed and a healthy 2900 g boy was delivered. Mycosis fungoides did not worsen during pregnancy and postpartum period. In conclusion mycosis fungoides did not adversely affect pregnancy outcome and gestation did not worsen the malignancy course. This case report may be valuable in managing patients with mycosis fungoides who are currently pregnant or are contemplating pregnancy

    Contraceptius intrauterins

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    Els dispositius intrauterins (DIU) són instruments que es col.loquen dins de l'úter i són utilitzats per prevenir l'embaràs. Aquesta idea tan simple, sembla que ja fou practicada amb aquesta finalitat a l'Edat Antiga pels egipcis i altres societats amb certs avenços tecnològics. Més recentment, hem de remuntar-nos a començaments del segle XX quan, mitjançant fils de seda introduïts dins de l'úter s'inicia l'era del dispositiu intrauteri modern. No obstant això, es pot considerar que la iniciació del DIU modern comença el 1929 a Alemanya, quan el Dr. ERNST GRÀFENBERG utilitza l'anell de plata intrauterí en un gran nombre de pacients, fins que aquesta pràctica va ser condemnada a Occident, però al Japó OTA la continuà utilitzant

    Vaginal hysterectomy with the autosuture stapler

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    Our objective was to assess the applicability of hysterectomy by the vaginal route completely performed with Autosuture staples. Between January 1992 and September 1993, 5 vaginal hysterectomies using Autosuture staplers were performed by the authors. Five vaginal hysterectomies matched for age, parity, and uterine size performed by the same surgeons using reabsorbable sutures during the same period were used as case controls. No febrile morbidity, cuff infections, thrombophlebitis, bladder injury, or hemorrhage complications were observed in the 10 women who entered the study. In summary, vaginal hysterectomy can be performed with Autosutures easily, probably faster with experience, and with less oozing from the operative field, thus providing a safe procedure

    Posterior vaginal wall repair with synthetic absorbable mesh: A new technique for and old procedure

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    The objective of this study was to assess the applicability of posterior wall repair with a synthetic absorbable mesh. Between January and September 1996, five posterior repairs using absorbable synthetic meshes were performed. Five posterior wall repairs in patients matched for age, parity, and rectocele degree were performed according to usual procedures during the same period, and were used as controls. No febrile morbidity, cuff or posterior vaginal wall infections, thrombophlebitis, rectal injury, or hemorrhagic complications were observed in the 10 women who entered the study. In summary, posterior wall repair can be easily performed with an absorbable soft tissue patch, theoretically preserving sexual activity, and probably offers better functional results with longer experience, thus providing a safe and useful procedure in sexually active women

    Mycosis fungoides and pregnancy

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    Mycosis fungoides is a cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, a subgroup of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, characterized by skin infiltration and occasionally systemic involvement. The association of pregnancy and mycosis fungoides has not been described previously. A case of mycosis fungoides, stage IVb, in a pregnant woman is reported. Prior to pregnancy, the patient received adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine prednisolone (CHOP) and bleomycin and total body irradiation. Around the concepcional period she presented a cutaneous relapse palliated with photon radiotherapy. No obstetrics complications were observed during gestation. At 39 week's gestation a cesarean section was performed and a healthy 2900 g boy was delivered. Mycosis fungoides did not worsen during pregnancy and postpartum period. In conclusion mycosis fungoides did not adversely affect pregnancy outcome and gestation did not worsen the malignancy course. This case report may be valuable in managing patients with mycosis fungoides who are currently pregnant or are contemplating pregnancy

    Intralymphatic chemotherapy injection in gynecological cancer. A pilot study

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    Se ha administrado bleomicina oleosa o adriamicina durante el curso de una linfografía a 16 enfermas de cáncer de vulva, cérvix o endometrio. Se presenta la técnica de administración y se exponen los efectos secundarios observados, los resultados del estudio anatomopatológico y la evolución de las enfermas hasta la actualidad