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    This paper intends to present an overview of the RSA cryptosystem. Cryptosystems are mathematical algorithms that disguise information so that only the people for whom the information is intended can read it. The invention of the RSA cryptosystem in 1977 was a significant event in the history of cryptosystems. We will describe in detail how the RSA cryptosystem works and then illustrate the process with a realistic example using fictional characters. In addition, we will discuss how cryptosystems worked prior to the invention of RSA and the advantage of using RSA over any of the previous cryptosystems. This will help us understand the significance of the invention of the RSA in the world of security. We will also explain how RSA was created and who the inventors are. The RSA algorithm has become the standard cryptosystem for industrial-strength encryption, especially for data sent over the Internet. At the present time, RSA is one of the most convenient, widely used and strongest cryptosystems available

    Chile's pension reform after twenty years

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    The aim of this paper is to describe the 1980 Chilean pension reform and to present its main results and economic impact. It is mainly descriptive; however we have tried to emphasize the lessons that may be learned and that may be of interest to other countries in different circumstances. In particular, we focus on potential areas for regulatory improvements. In Section II, a brief description of the AFP system and its place within Chile's social security system is presented. Also, the main characteristics of the transition from the"old"to the new system are sketched, together with the main changes in regulation after 1980. Section III includes a history of pension reform in Chile along with an analysis of the circumstances which may explain why the country decided to introduce such a radical reform. In Section IV, the performance of the AFP system is summarized. In Section V, the main economic effects of pension reform are discussed. Section VI presents our view regarding future development in the regulation of the AFP system. The paper concludes with some comments on the timing of possible regulatory changes.Pensions&Retirement Systems,Banks&Banking Reform,Insurance&Risk Mitigation,Environmental Economics&Policies,Gender and Law

    The web 2.0 in the teaching-learning process: a teaching innovation case at the university

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    La llegada del Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior (EEES) y la irrupción de la Generación Google de estudiantes en la Universidad, coincidiendo además con el boom de las redes sociales, plantean el desafío de abordar formas educativas más disruptivas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En este sentido, las redes sociales pueden convertirse en útiles herramientas de aprendizaje que incentiven y potencien el intercambio de información y la construcción de conocimiento de forma colaborativa, así como las destrezas de trabajo en equipo y en red en clave participativa entre los estudiantes. Es objetivo del presente artículo compartir la experiencia y los resultados de la metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje implementada en la asignatura “Teoría de las Relaciones Laborales” del Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos de la Universidad de Cádiz (España) durante el curso académico 2012-2013, basada en el uso de dos recursos de la web 2.0: Twitter y Youtube.The arrival of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the irruption of the Google Generation students at the University, together with the boom of social networks, have set the challenge of addressing new disruptive educational forms within the teaching-learning process. In this sense, social networks could turn to be useful learning tools that may encourage and promote the information exchange and a collaborative knowledge generation, as well as skills such as team-work and participatory networking among students. The aim of this article is to share the experience and results of the teaching-learning methodology implemented in the subject “Industrial Relations Theory” of the Industrial Relations and Human Resources Grade at Cádiz University (Spain) during the 2012-2013 academic course, based on the use of two resources of the web 2.0: Twitter and Youtube

    Redes sociales: un cambio en las relaciones laborales

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    El presente texto aborda desde el derecho las posibilidades y obstáculos de la regulación de las redes sociales en Argentina, especialmente enfocando desde un marco del derecho laboral en torno a la figura de los influencers.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    A través de la pantalla

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    El conocimiento sobre las pantallas es muchas veces contradictorio o redundante, podemos encontrar autores que parecen ignorar la existencia de otros cuyos dichos parecen repetir exactamente sus argumentos o refutarlos completamente, un panorama de dispersión y deriva, donde la complejidad teórica y la exuberancia retórica son moneda corriente.Eje 3: Artes y disciplinas proyectuales entre los viejos y los nuevos mediosFacultad de Bellas Arte