201 research outputs found

    Accessibility of multimedia resources in web

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    This paper emphasises the importance of providing accessibility of Web-based information resources for everybody, not only for people with disabilities. Due to the continuous technical and social changes of the Web, it is necessary to have in mind that new scenarios and user behaviour are appearing. Nowadays, most of Web sites use multimedia resources and it is indispensable to provide accessibility not only to the resource content, but the access to the resource in the Web site. This work summarises some items to take into account in order to make accessible a multimedia resource and present some best practices including on-line multimedia resources in a Web site.Publicad

    Almacenamiento de información sobre fondos audiovisuales subtitulados y audiodescritos: la importancia de una estructuración adecuada del conocimiento

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    Actas de: II Congreso de Accesibilidad a los Medios Audiovisuales para Personas con Discapacidad (AMADIS'07), celebrado en Granada del 21 al 22 de Junio de 2007.Publicad

    Construyendo un Sistema de Educación Adaptativo e Inteligente en Web para aprendizaje de Diseño de Bases de Datos

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    VIII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD'03). Celebradas en la Universitat d'Alacant (Alicante) del 12 al 14 de noviembre de 2003En este artículo se presenta la arquitectura de un Sistema de Educación Adaptativo e Inteligente en web (SEAI en web) para la enseñanza de Diseño de Bases de Datos. Este sistema se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación PANDORA, cuyo objetivo principal es definir métodos y técnicas para el desarrollo de bases de datos implementadas en una herramienta CASE, donde uno de los módulos del proyecto se centra en la enseñanza de esta materia vía web. Además se proporciona una breve descripción de los módulos del dominio y del módulo del interfaz del SEAI.Este trabajo es parte del proyecto de investigación PANDORA (Plataforma CASE para el Desarrollo de Bases de Datos y Aprendizaje vía Internet), proyecto CICYT (TIC99-0215).Publicad

    Aplicación de tecnologías de la web semántica para la catalogación de contenidos musicales

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    El siguiente artículo describe el proceso de aplicación de tecnologías de la Web semántica para el enriquecimiento de una biblioteca de contenidos musicales, en el contexto del proyecto Semusici. El propósito del proyecto Semusici es investigar como las tecnologías de la Web semántica pueden ser aplicadas a bibliotecas digitales y como esto puede mejorar la búsqueda y la accesibilidad. Este proyecto parte de los resultados del proyecto de eContent Harmos, que definía una taxonomía musical para la catalogación de clases magistrales, y propone una metodología para la conversión de esta taxonomía en una ontología y la migración de los contenidos de Harmos

    Automatic Identification of Biomedical Concepts in Spanish Language Unstructured Clinical Texts

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    [Poster]. IHI'10 ACM International Health Informatics Symposium Arlington, VA, USA - November 11-12, 2010The processing of health information from medical records and, especially, clinical notes is a complex task due to the nature of the texts themeselves (i.e., hand-written and containing semi-structured or unstructured data) and the diversity of the terminology used. While certain technologies exist to process these types of texts and data in the English language, only a few such initiatives exist for similar texts and data in the Spanish language. This paper presents a new proposal for the semantic annotation of Spanish-language clinical notes, implementing an automated tool similar to the UMLS MetaMap Transfer (MMTx) for the identification of biomedical concepts in the Spanish-language SNOMED CT ontology. Moreover, an assessment of the tool using 100 Spanish-language clinical notes is presented. Using the clinical notes manually annotated by specialists of a Spanish hospital as the gold standard, it is concluded that precision scores are sufficiently good for the several types of matching achieved by the automated tool proposed. The research presented in this contribution offers a launching point for the establishment of semantic relationships between concepts and the application of mining techniques to Spanish-language clinical notes.This study has been partially supported by the MAVIR Consortium (S2009/TIC-1542) and by the TIN2007-67407-C03-01 project BRAVOPublicad

    HTML5 support for an accessible user-video-interaction on the Web

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    Multimedia content covers the Web, and we should provide access to all people. For this reason, it is very important to take into account accessibility requirements in the player to avoid barriers and to ensure access to this multimedia content as well as their resources. One of the most frequent barriers is the technological obstacle: the necessity for the user to install the required plug-ins in to order to access video. The new standard HTML5 provides a solution to this problem. However, it does not fully support accessibility requirements of W3C standards, including WCAG and interaction requirement of UAAG. This paper introduces an overall study of this new standard in relation to accessibility requirements for the players as well as an accessible HTML5 Media Player.This research work is supported by the Research Network MAVIR (S2009/TIC-1542 (www.mavir.net/)), GEMMA (TSI-020302-2010-141) and SAGAS (TSI-020100-2010- 184) research projects

    Requisitos de accesibilidad web en los reproductores multimedia

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    Proceeding of: XII Congreso de Interacción Persona-Ordenador (2011). Took place 2011, september 02-05, in Lisbora (Portugal).El contenido de vídeo se ha ido incorporando en la Web sin tener en mente las barreras de accesibilidad que pueden llegar a incorporar si no se hace de forma adecuada. Dado su gran aumento, es fundamental dar un cambio de rumbo, y empezar a incluir contenido de vídeo que cumpla los requisitos de accesibilidad necesarios para que puedan acceder a él el mayor número de usuarios posible. En la interacción del usuario con la reproducción de un vídeo intervienen muchos aspectos, siendo de gran importancia el agente de usuario web (navegadores, reproductores, etc.). A través de los reproductores multimedia los usuarios acceden a los contenidos de tipo vídeo, por lo que es fundamental que éstos cumplan un mínimo de requisitos de accesibilidad. En este artículo se presentan estándares, normativa y buenas prácticas relativas, así como una propuesta de método ágil de evaluación de los requisitos de accesibilidad en un reproductor multimedia. Por último, como un recurso a profesionales que quieran incluir reproductores multimedia accesibles en sus sitios web, se proporcionan unas guías básicas.Este trabajo de investigación está apoyado por el Research Network MAVIR (S2009/TIC-1542 (ver www.mavir.net/)), y por los proyectos de investigación GEMMA (TSI-020302-2010-141) y SAGAS (TSI-020100-2010-184).Publicad

    Evaluating the Accessibility of Three Open-Source Learning Content Management Systems: A Comparative Study

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    Learning content management systems (LCMSs) have become increasingly popular in the educational field over the past few years. However, problems in system design can create difficulties in the interactions between LCMSs and an important sector of the user population. The assessment and monitoring of LCMS accessibility are vital for the guarantee of universal accessibility in education. This article presents a comparative study of the accessibility of three web-based, open-source LCMSs: Moodle, ATutor, and Sakai. Results of the study indicate that barriers to accessibility are present in each of the three systems evaluated. A primary aim of the study is to help detect and correct these barriers such that the goal of universal access in educational environments may one day be achieved.This study was partially funded by the Research Network MA2VICMR (S2009/TIC-1542) and by GEMMA (TSI-020302-2010-141) and SAGAS (TSI-020100-2010-184) research projects

    A Study of Accessibility Requirements for Media Players on the Web

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    Proceedings of: The 6th International Conference on Universal Access in Human–Computer Interaction (UAHCI 2011), held as part of The 14th International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction (HCI International 2011), Orlando (FL, USA), July 9-14, 2011Multimedia content covers the Web, and we should provide access to all people. For this reason, we must consider including accessibility requirements in a synchronized manner with the alternative resources such as caption and audio description among others. In addition, it is very important to take into account accessibility requirements in the player to avoid barriers and to ensure access to this multimedia content as well as their resources. This paper presents an overall study on standards and players with accessibility requirements. Moreover, solutions to improve the accessibility features in the YouTube player are presented. Based on this study, we have distinguished a set of guidelines to take into account for including accessibility requirements in players. Furthermore, we suggest an agile evaluation process which indicates the order of accessibility guidelines to check. Finally, the proposed evaluation method is put into practice with a case study: accessibility features are evaluated in three widely used players.This research work is supported by the Research Network MAVIR (S2009/TIC-1542 (see www.mavir.net/)), and GEMMA (TSI-020302-2010-141) and SAGAS (TSI-020100-2010-184) research project

    Web Accessibility Requirements for Media Players

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    Video Content continues to strenghten on the Web, because of that fact, it is neccessary to include video content with suitable accessibility requirements to be used by all people. User Agent (such as player, browser), also have to include accessibility requirements. In this paper a set of basic guidelines is included for professionals who want to embed video players on their Web.This research work is supported by the Research Network MAVIR (S2009/TIC-1542 (see wwwmavir.net/)), and GEMMA (TSI-020302-2010-141) and SAGAS (TSI-020100-2010-184) research projects