1,024 research outputs found

    Structured organisation of postpartum care : benefits for families and midwives

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    Rational: The necessity of outpatient postpartum care has increased due to shorter hospital stays after childbirth. Arranging postpartum midwifery care however can be stressful for families, if systemic factors leave the responsibility to the parents and multiple telephone calls are needed to find a midwife. This is especially challenging for social disadvantaged families. Method: We evaluated the services of the midwifery network Familystart Zurich in Switzerland using a mixed method study design. Descriptive statistics, logistic regression modelling and qualitative content analysis were applied. Result/Conclusion: Familystart users were more often of foreign nationalities (68.4% vs. 41.3%, p<0.001), had no professional education (25.7% vs. 9.3%, p<0.001), gave birth more frequently by caesarean section (42.4% vs. 34.2%, p<0.001) and recorded more cumulative risk factors (three or more risk factors: 4.2% vs. 1.5%, p<0.001) compared to women organising their midwifery care themselves. It seemed that vulnerable families could be reached and their postpartum care could be arranged through the midwifery network. Women appreciated the support and estimated the help being disburdening and time-saving. Additionally, the collaboration of midwives in the network enabled to improve their work organisation and to make better use of limited resources. Thus both, families and midwives seem to benefit from the services of Familystart Zurich. Implication of findings: Families with their newborns, which return at home shortly after birth, are in need of a low-threshold and guaranteed postpartum care. The services provided by a midwifery network can lead to a win-win situation for the families, especially social disadvantaged ones, and the midwives

    Evaluation Familystart Zürich : Zugang zu psychosozial belasteten Familien

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    X650F Power Solution

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    This poster presents the problem of how that students coming out of the UAV minor and major are not getting enough flight time in the starting courses such as AT 209 and AT 219. Due to this, they are not as prepared as they should be for the higher level courses such as AT 309 and AT 319. Our end goal is to somehow increase the level of flight time in the earlier courses so that they can be prepared and ready for the next level courses

    X650F Power Enhancement

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    This proposal seeks to define the purpose, goals, and scope of the X650F Power Enhancement project. Five members of Purdue’s Aeronautical Engineering Technology program are leading this project as part of their senior capstone research course. The purpose of said project is to look into the many possibilities of enhancing the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) power supply. This can open doors to several opportunities that can benefit both the Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) program here at Purdue University, as well as the all of the students expected to go into the industry. The ideas looked into include, but are not limited to; expanding the current battery life by purchasing new batteries for students within the program, charging the battery while the drone is in flight, or bypassing the battery completely and having the UAV run on a ground power source. After a concept design decision matrix was completed by the team, it was realized that the best design to fit the requirements was bypassing the battery completely and having the UAV run on a ground power source. All solutions and concepts were focused around the voice of the customer, Dr. Kozak, where the project group could define customer needs, and what is in and out of the scope of the group’s project

    Estudio comparativo de los debates en los noticieros de Ecuavisa y EcuadorTv sobre la unión de hecho del colectivo GLBTI

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    This article is about the debates that revolve around the union in fact egalitarian. As a discourse analysis is carried out in audiovisual media such as Ecuavisa (private channel) and Ecuador TV (public channel). The context in which it is analyzed is within the collective GLBTI and on what type of contents are presented to the viewers. In addition, it establishes a historical, theoretical and legal path on what is in the subject of the Union in fact, the same one that relates to equal marriage. Social Reality in Ecuador differs and is similar in some respects to other countries, but it is considered that we still continue within a context that is very much focused on traditions and which still pose an acceptance or denial of the other from Heteronormativa and patriarchy. Emphasizes the analysis of images and the use of the language presented by the video clips of the newscasts of the mentioned case studies, in which iconographic resources are observed and at the same time, the verbal and non-verbal speeches of recognized characters or a general public to whom they are interviewed, as the case may be.Este artículo trata sobre los debates que giran alrededor de la unión de hecho igualitaria. Por lo que se realiza un análisis de discurso en medios audiovisuales como son Ecuavisa (canal privado) y Ecuador Tv (canal público). El contexto en el que se analiza es dentro del colectivo GLBTI y sobre qué tipo de contenidos se presentan a los televidentes. Además, se establece un recorrido histórico, teórico y legal sobre lo que está en la temática de la unión de hecho, el mismo que se relaciona al matrimonio igualitario. La realidad social en el Ecuador difiere y se asemeja en algunos aspectos a otros países, pero se considera que todavía continuamos dentro de un contexto que se enfoca mucho en las tradiciones y que aún plantean una aceptación o negación del otro a partir de la heteronormativa y del patriarcado. Se hace énfasis en el análisis de imágenes y el uso del lenguaje que presentan los videoclips de los noticieros de los estudios de caso mencionados, en los cuales se observan recursos iconográficos y a la vez, los discursos verbales y no verbales de personajes reconocidos o a un público en general a quienes se les entrevistan, según sea el caso

    Familystart Zürich : Nutzerinnen sind zufrieden und schätzen die Entlastung

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    Mit der Evaluation von Familystart Zürich untersuchte die Forschungsstelle Hebammenwissenschaft der Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften die quantitativen und qualitativen Leistungen des Hebammennetzwerkes im Hinblick auf die Interessen der verschiedenen Stakeholder. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Dienstleistungen des Vereins für die vermittelten Frauen und das Spitalpersonal sowohl eine Erleichterung als auch einen Zeitgewinn bei der Hebammensuche bedeutete. Zudem war ersichtlich, dass sich die Familystart-Nutzerinnen signifikant von anderen Zürcher Frauen unterschieden, die selber eine Hebamme suchten

    Teacher training students’ knowledge and perceptions of outdoor education. A case study approach

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    Jessica Velásquez Malagón – Universidad de Valladolid - 0009-0002-8038-3752Judith Cáceres Iglesias – Universidad de Valladolid - 0000-0002-5831-6986Recepción: 27.10.2023 | Aceptado: 30.11.2023Correspondencia a través de ORCID: Judith Cáceres Iglesias - 0000-0002-5831-6986Financiación: Este artículo se ha realizado dentro del Proyecto de Investigación "Análisis de metodologías al aire libre en la Educación Superior: AMALES" financiado por la Convocatoria 2021 de ayudas para la realización de proyectos de investigación para potenciar el talento y la consolidación de equipos de investigación emergentes de la Universidad de Valladolid, dentro de la estrategia Human Resources Strategy for Researchers.Área o categoría del conocimiento: Ciencias SocialesLa educación al aire libre en el contexto de la Educación Superior continúa siendo poco frecuente en España. En la formación inicial del profesorado estas prácticas permiten acercar el alumnado a la realidad escolar, lo que implica que las salidas al aire libre se puedan convertir en un aprendizaje transferible a su futura profesión. Partiendo de este tejido, la presente investigación pretende analizar cómo el alumnado inscrito en los Grados en Educación que se imparten en la Facultad de Educación de Segovia (Universidad de Valladolid) perciben y comprenden la educación al aire libre. El estudio se desarrolló a través de una aproximación a un estudio de casos, para lo que se recurrió al cuestionario como técnica de recogida de datos. Este cuestionario se conformó con un total de 38 preguntas y fue completado por 103 participantes. Los principales resultados reflejan que la educación al aire libre favorece la salud mental y física del alumnado. Asimismo, fomenta las relaciones sociales entre el estudiantado, por lo que consideran viable utilizar esta práctica en sus futuras aulas. Sin embargo, defienden que los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos adquiridos durante su formación inicial docente no son suficientes.Abstract: Outdoor education in the context of higher education is still scare in Spain. In initial teacher training, these practices allow students to get closer to school reality, which means that outdoor excursions can become a transferable learning experience for their future profession. Based on this framework, this research aims to analyze how students enrolled in the Bachelor's Degrees in Education taught at the Faculty of Education in Segovia (University of Valladolid) perceive and understand outdoor education. The study was developed through a case study approach, for which a questionnaire was used as a data collection technique. This questionnaire consisted of a total of 38 questions and was completed by 103 participants. The main results show that outdoor education promotes the mental and physical health of pupils. It also fosters social relations among students, so they consider it feasible to use this practice in their future classrooms. However, they argue that the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during their initial teacher training is not sufficient.Universidad de Valladoli

    Fluid Intake Recommendation Considering the Physiological Adaptations of Adults Over 65 Years: A Critical Review

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    The aim of this critical review was to clarify recommended fluid intake for older people. A literature search of published articles and guidelines on fluid intake recommendations until April 2020 was carried out using PUBMED, Scopus, Cochrane, and Google Scholar. In this review, we focused on people over 65 years old at di erent care levels. The results show that the mean fluid intake ranges between 311 and 2390 mL/day. However, it is di cult to know whether this corresponds to the real pattern of fluid intake, due to the variability of data collection methods. With respect to the recommendations, most international organizations do not take into consideration the physiology of ageing or the health problems associated with an older population. In conclusions, we recommend to follow the guideline of the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). ESPEN is the only guideline which takes into account age. It is also based on EFSA recommendations. This authority takes into consideration all fluids consumed (ranging from food to fluids). If it is known that around 20% of all fluids consumed come from food, the result would e ectively be that the EFSA recommends the same as the ESPEN guidelines: 1.6 L/day for females and 2.0 L/day for males. The findings could help raise the awareness of professionals in the sector with respect to the required fluid intake of the elderly and, in this way, contribute to avoiding the consequences of dehydration

    Estudio del perfil de egresadas de la titulación de Ingeniería de Minas por la Universidad de Vigo. Promociones 1997-2013

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    [RESUMEN] El ámbito laboral de la minería está tradicionalmente ligado al género masculino, justificándose esta realidad, durante siglos, por la dureza de las condiciones de trabajo y la peligrosidad inherente a las labores mineras. Esta situación se constató tradicionalmente en las minas de nuestro país, y aún hoy en día perdura en el ámbito de la operación minera, apreciándose sin embargo una presencia cada vez mayor de las mujeres en puestos técnicos. Con el fin de refrendar esta evolución con datos, se presenta en este trabajo el estudio del perfil laboral de las egresadas de las primeras 17 promociones de la titula ción de Ingeniería de Minas, implantada en la Universidad de Vigo en el curso 1992/1993. Este estudio se aborda como un objetivo clave en la ETSI de Minas de Vigo, ya que permite conocer el grado y el ámbito de inserción de sus egresadas en el mundo laboral, contribuyendo así a la mejora continua de los planes de estudio de sus dos grados implantados actualmente en la ETSI de Minas de Vigo (Grado en Ingeniería de la Energía y Grado en Ingeniería de los Recursos Mineros y Energéticos), herencia directa de la titulación de Ingeniería de Minas en proceso de extinción

    Analysis of the twenty-six largest outbreaks of tuberculosis in Aragon using whole-genome sequencing for surveillance purposes

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    The incidence of tuberculosis in Aragon, Spain, is around ten cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Since 2004, a molecular surveillance protocol has been carried out; therefore, all M. tuberculosis strains are genotyped. Recently, whole-genome sequencing has been implemented for relevant isolates. The aim of this work is to characterise at the molecular level the causative strains of the 26 largest outbreaks of the community (including ten or more cases), genotyped by IS6110-RFLP and causing 26% of tuberculosis cases. To achieve this objective, two or three isolates of each IS6110-cluster belonging to different years were selected for sequencing. We found that strains of lineages L4.8, L4.3 and L4.1.2 were the most frequent. The threshold of 12 SNPs as the maximum distance for confirming the belonging to an outbreak was met for 18 of the 26 IS6110-clusters. Four pairs of isolates with more than 90 SNPs were identified as not belonging to the same strain, and four other pairs were kept in doubt as the number of SNPs was close to 12, between 14 and 35. The study of Regions of Difference revealed that they are lineage conserved. Moreover, we could analyse the IS6110 locations for all genome-sequenced isolates, finding some frequent locations in isolates belonging to the same lineage and certain IS6110 movements between the paired isolates. In the vast majority, these movements were not captured by the IS6110-RFLP pattern. After classifying the genes containing SNP by their functional category, we could confirm that the number of SNPs detected in genes considered as virulence factors and the number of cases the strain produced were not related, suggesting that a particular SNP is more relevant than the number. The characteristics found in the most successful strains in our community could be useful for other researchers in epidemiology, virulence and pathogenesis