2 research outputs found

    Development of Braille Number Card As Learning Media on Integer Materials for Blind Students

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    Losing vision for blind students makes them difficult to access education. Thus, blind students need special tools like interesting and applicable learning media, teaching methods, and techniques for them. This study was developmental research that aimed to describe the result of instructional media development of braille number card to improve blind students' understanding on integer number and describe their understanding after using braille number card as learning media at special needs elementary school. The subjects of this study consisted of three students with low vision, partially sighted students, and blind students. The research model used was ADDIE development model (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). Data were collected using test and questionnaire to know their understanding of braille number card as learning media on integer numbers. The result showed that blind students responded positively with an average score of 83% and 66.7% of their learning test. Therefore, It can be concluded that braille number card as instructional media can be used in teaching and learning activity to improve blind students' understanding

    Pemanfaatan Quick Count pada Perhitungan Suara Pemilukada di Masa Pendemi Covid

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    This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the quick count application in regional head elections in Bone Bolabgo Regency. The implementation method consisted of the following steps: placing volunteers who went directly to the selected polling station to be sampled, conducting a literature review by searching for theories, books, and journals that had researched the same topic, and designing applications that were used to calculate vote acquisition. All computer operating systems were compatible with applications created using Microsoft Office Excel. The results indicated that the Quick Count application was effective and could give the Regional Head General Election results approximately three hours after vote counting started at the polling station.Kabupaten Bone Bolango merupakan salah satu Kabupaten yang menyelenggarakan Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah (Pemilukada) pada tahun 2020. Tentunya masyarakat Kabupaten Bone Bolango menaruh harapan besar agar Pemilukada yang diadakan menghasilkan pemimpin yang berkualitas untuk memajukan daerah terutama dalam mengatasi berbagai permasalahan ekonomi dampak pandemic covid. Lamanya hasil perhitungan suara yang dilakukan oleh KPU  umumnya berpotensi menyebabkan munculnya opini masyarakat yang berbeda yang dapat memunculkan perselisihan karena masing-masing pendukung pasangan saling klaim sebagai peraih suara terbanyak Pemilukada. Masyarakat sangat membutuhkan informasi hasil Pemilukada yang cepat dan akurat. Quick count adalah metode perhitungan secara cepat hasil pemilukada dengan menggunakan perhitungan suara tempat pemungutan suara (TPS) sampel.  Dengan quick count hasil perhitungan suara biasa diketahui dua sampai tiga jam setelah perhitungan suara di TPS tutup. Pengabdian ini bertujuan sebagai salah satu strategi  untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan informasi hasil Pemilukada di masa pandemic covid yang cepat dan akurat dengan pendekatan Quick Count