16 research outputs found

    Effects Of Irrigation Frequency On Soil Moisture Potential And Chemical Properties, Growth And Shot Yield Of Large – Green

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    Irrigation frequency affects soil properties with a residual influence on soil moisture potential, crop performance and shoot yield of vegetables. This study investigated the effect of irrigation frequency on the growth, shoot yield of large green, soil moisture potential, and soil chemical properties based on ramdomised complete block design experimental procedures with three replicates. The response of growth parameters, dry matter production and leaf area to irrigation frequency were found to be significantly best for watering trice per week (

    Discomfort levels in four working postures in use during gari frying

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    Working postures adopted at work depend on the discomfort experienced as workers tend to opt for the most comfortable posture to them depending on the work at hand. The same is true for gari fryers. Four common working postures of gari-frying workers in Southwestern Nigeria are sitting beside (SB), sitting in front (SF), alternating sitting and standing (ASS) and standing (S). Discomfort levels in the identified postures were measured in 120 workers using Cornell Musculoskeletal Discomfort Questionnaire. Results of analyses indicated higher work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) in the low back and upper back, placing musculoskeletal discomfort in the trunk. Specifically, WMSDs occurred in the hip-buttock, knee and neck for SB, hip-buttock for SF, low leg and shoulder for S and right forearm for ASS. This implies that ASS had the least discomfort among other postures analyzed. Therefore, ASS is recommended with seat modification to incorporate short backrest for reducing spinal loading

    Tillage Systems and their effects on soil properties, crop growth and shoot yield of Corchorus olitorius (Ewedu)

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    Experiments were conducted in the South West of Nigeria to investigate the effects of tillage methods of Corchorus olitorius (ewedu) for two seasons. on the changes in soil moisture retention, aggregate size distribution and crop performance. Results showed no-tillage (NT) recorded the highest mean value at saturation (62.5%) and at all the suction points. At 10-20cm soil depth, soil moisture retention was best for ploughing plus harrowing except at 15 bar , where No- tillage gave the highest mean value (5.1%). Mean weight diameter of aggregates (MWD), geometric mean diameter of aggregates (GMD), mean clod size (D50), indices of aggregates size stability were similar among the tillage methods. It was observed that MWD increased for NT and ploughing (PHO) and decreased for ploughing and harrowing (PHA) and ploughing, harrow and bedding (PHB). The highest values of leaf area and root depth were recorded under PHB treatment (40.75cm2) for the first season while PHO treatment gave the best plant height (42.325cm) for the second season. Shoot yield of “ewedu” was significantly highest (

    A survey of improved gari frying methods

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    Processing cassava to gari is a storage method. Gari frying is the last operation and is still largely done manually in Nigeria. The women processors usually adopt various postures during production as appeared comfortable to them. This paper reports the survey carried out in 50 gari factories across five states (Ekiti, Ondo, Ogun, Osun and Oyo) of southwestern Nigeria and the versions of Improved Traditional Garification Methods (ITGMs) in use. These were grouped into eight (ITGM I-VIII) based on operator's and workplace's characteristics, heating process and estimated output. Their modes of operation were explained and estimation of their outputs and common working postures were determined. Four working postures were identified namely, sitting beside (SB), sitting in front (SF), alternating between sitting and standing (ASS) and standing (S). ITGM VIII with operator in standing posture using both hands had the highest output, having efficient use of both hands and indicating an ergonomic balance of right and left arms as well as overcoming certain asymmetric symptoms in the workers. ITGM VIII is, therefore, recommended based on output

    Effect of tillage on soil physical properties, growth and yield of amaranth

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    A study was conducted to determine the effect of tillage, namely, no-tillage (NT), slashing (SH), ploughing (PHO), ploughing plus harrowing (PHA), ploughing plus harrowing plus bedding (PHB), on soil physical properties, growth and shoot yield of large-green leafy amaranth ( Amaranth sp.). Soil moisture retention and infiltration rates were also measured in two cropping seasons. Soil moisture retention did not reflect any significant differences in the first and second season at 0-10 cm depth. However, at 10-20 cm depth, PHA treatment gave the highest values at all the suction points (P<0.5) (56.6, 56.5, 54.8, 53.3, 52.4, 51.4 and 50.3%) except at 15,000 cm. Infiltration rate was highest in PHB (5.79 cm hr-1) during the first season, while SH recorded the highest mean value in the second season (3.22 cm hr-1). Leaf area and stem girth performed significantly (P<.05) better under PHO (76.0 cm2) and PHB treatments (5.7 cm), respectively. In the first season harvest, PHO was better than other treatments (1.33 t ha-1), while in the second season, PHB was superior to other treatments and was closely followed by PHO. However, in view of energy input, fuel consumption profile, costs outlay and soil nutrient dynamics, PHO is preferred as optimum tillage method for the cultivation of amaranths sp.Une étude était conduite pour déterminer les effets du labour: no-labour (NL), coupage (C), labourage (L ), labourage + hersage (LH), labourage+hersage+repiquage (LHR), sur les propriétés physiques de sols, la croisaance et le rendement en bourgeons des feuilles vertes larges amaranth (Amaranth sp.). L&apos;humidité retenue dans le sol et les taux d&apos;infiltration étaient mésurés pour deux saisons. L&apos;humidité retenue dans le sol n&apos;a pas varié significativement entre la 1ère et la 2ème saison pour une profondeur de 0-10 cm. Cependant, de 10 à 20 cm de profondeur, le traitement LH donna la valeur la plus élévée pour toutes les points de succions (P<0.05) (56.6, 56.5, 54.8, 53.3, 52.4, 51.4 et 50.3%) exception faite pour 15000 cm. Le taux d&apos;infiltration était le plus élévé pour LHR (5.79 cm hr-1) pendant la première saison, alors que C enregistra la valur moyenne la plus élévée pour la deuxième saison (3.22 cm hr-1). La surface de la feuille et la circonférence des tiges étaient meilleures sous (L) (76.0 cm2) et LHR (5.7 cm), respectivement. Dans la première saison de recolte, (L ) était mieux que tous les autres traitements (1.33 t ha-1), alors que pour la seconde saison, LHR était supérieur aux autres traitements suivit de plus près par L. Cependant, à l&apos;égard de l&apos;énergie dépensée, le profile de consommation du carburant, le coût des dépenses et la dynamique des éléments nutritifs, L est préférable comme méthode de labour optimum pour la culture de amaranths sp

    Comparison of physical work load in four gari frying working postures in Nigeria

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    All physical labour requires physical exertion which indicates the level of physical workload involved. This paper examines the energy expenditure in four working postures of gari-frying (garification) workers in southwestern Nigeria. The postures include sitting-beside (SB), sitting-in-front (SF), alternating-sitting-and-standing (ASS) and standing (S). Some anthropometric data, blood pressure and heart rate, were collected from 120 processors at the beginning and close of work. Physical workload was then computed using Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP), Rate Pressure Product (RPP) and Barach Energy Index (BEI). The mean total energy expenditure (TEE) for the postures was SB 3.58, SF 3.56, S 3.55, ASS 3.53 MJ8hr-day. Statistical analysis of the physical workload showed significant difference (P≤0.05) between the postures with ASS and SB consistently maintaining the lowest and highest values respectively in all the indicators. Normal range of BEI was maintained throughout the gari frying task, indicating that the task is a light one. Comparison showed that S posture had the highest myocardial oxygen consumption. Processors in sitting posture had low circulatory blood pressure while it was higher for those in standing posture, particularly ASS. ASS posture by comparison, therefore, is the best posture with least energy expenditure and is recommended for adoption