1,391 research outputs found

    Semiconductor devices for optical communications in 1 micron band of wavelength

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    Crystal growth and the characteristics of semiconductor lasers and diodes for the long wavelength band used in optical communications are examined. It is concluded that to utilize the advantages of this band, it is necessary to have a large scale multiple wavelength communication, along with optical cumulative circuits and optical exchangers

    Beitrag zum Problem über den Einflnss der Inhalation von mit CO(2) versetzter Luft auf verschiedene Symptome, die sicn bei Unterdruck einstellen

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    Im Jahre 1935 stellte Professor Dr. Oinuma mit seinem Kollegen bei der Besteigung des Fuji (3776 Meter uber dem Meeresspiegel) fest, dass die Inhalation von mit CO(2) versetzter Luft einen gunstigen Einfluss auf die Bergkrankheit ausubt. Wir stellten bezuglich dieses Punktes experimentelle Untersuchungen in der Unterdruckkammer unseres Laboratoriums an, unter Mithilfe unserer Kollegen als Versuchspersonen. Dabei wurden die Zusammensetzung und das Volumen der Expirationsluft, der Prozentsatz von O(2) und CO(2) der Alveolarluft (nach der Haldane'schen Methode), sowie auch die Gase im arteriellen Blut (nach der Slyke'schen Methode) gemessen. Die Resultate lassen sich folgendermassen zusammen fassen: 1) Bei allen Versuchspersonen tritt bei Unterdruck, infolge der Hyperventilation der Lunge, stets "Akapnie" ein, 2) Wird bei Unterdruck Luft eingeatmet, welcher CO(2) zugesetzt wurde, so nimmt die Atembewegung und der CO(2)- und der O(2)-gehalt der Expirationsluft und der Alveolarluft zu. Der respiratorische Quotient aber bleibt unverandert. Dies führt natürlich zu einer Zunahme des CO(2)- und O(2)-gehaltes im Blut. Diese Sauerstoffzunahme im Blut ubt demnach u. E. einen gunstigen Einfluss auf die verschiedenen Symptome aus, die unter vermindertem Luftdruck entstehen

    Numerical investigation of thermodynamic effect on unsteady cavitation in cascade

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    In the present study, the thermodynamic effect on unsteady cavitation is investigated in cascade in water and liquid nitrogen at different freestream temperatures. Cavitation flowfield is simulated based on self-developed locally homogeneous model of a compressible gasliquid two-phase medium, which is available to treat unsteady cavitation. For calculation of thermodynamic effect on cavitation, simplified thermodynamic model for the locally homogenous medium is used where local saturated vapor pressure changes with depending on rate of heat transfer by evaporation and condensation. In the result of the numerical analysis, the difference of cavitating flowfields is reproduced numerically in water and liquid nitrogen at different freestream temperature concerning the cavity surface profile and distribution of the evaporation region. Also the thermodynamic effect on cavitation in water and liquid nitrogen is investigated by comparing the cavity volumes. Then, well known thermodynamic effect on cryogenic cavitation can be reproduced numerically in liquid nitrogen, where development of the cavity is suppressed according to increase of freestream temperature. On the other hand, the inverse thermodynamic effect, which is experimentally observed in single hydrofoil in water, is reproduced under the condition of unsteady cavitation in water in the present study.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/84272/1/CAV2009-final78.pd

    Perancangan Media Komunikasi Visual Gangs Barbershop Di Bali

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    Perancangan Media Komunikasi Visual Gangs Barbershop di Bali ini dibuat agar Gangs Barbershop mendapatkan loyalitas dan kepercayaan konsumen. Pada perancangan kali ini digunakan gaya desain American New Wave atau American Postmodern karena sesuai dengan gaya kustom kulture dari Gangs Barbershop ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode analisis kualitatif SWOT. Metode ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan dari Gangs Barbershop serta kesempatan atau hambatan yang berasal dari luar/pesaing

    Numerical prediction of cavitation erosion in cavitating flow

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    In this study bubble behavior in cavitating flow is analyzed and prediction of cavitation erosion in 2D cavitating flow around ClarkY 11.7 % hydrofoil at several cavitation is performed by impact pressure induced by bubble collapse. Our numerical method predicts that the impact energy is small if variation of cavitating flow is small and that the position of peak impact energy moves downstream with the decrease in cavitation number until the maximum sheet cavity length becomes larger than chord length. When the maximum sheet cavity length becomes larger than chord length, there are not obvious peak values and relatively weak erosion occurs. And it is found that high impact pressures are mainly induced by bubbles in a cloud and in the vicinity of sheet cavity termination during a cloud collapse. Therefore large impact energy occurs when the cloud cavity collapses near the hydrofoil, the sheet cavity termination is on the hydrofoil and the number of bubble is large in these cavities.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/84264/1/CAV2009-final67.pd

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menganalisi Unsur Intrinsik Cerpen Melalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif Model Jigsaw Pada Siswa Kelas VII a SMP Budi Utama Tahun Pelajaran 2012/ 2013

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    This study is a classroom based action research. It aimed to improve the students’ ability in analyzing the intrinsic aspect of short story by implementing Cooperative learning, Jigsaw model. The study was conducted at class VII A SMP Budi Utama, in the academic year 2012/2013. Data was collected through observation (to find out the positive and negative attitude toward the process of teaching and learning) and test (to measure their ability in analyzing short story). The results shown that, there was improvement, in every cycle, on their ability in analyzing after having the treatment. In the pre-test, the score was 4,58. It increased respectively into 5,6 in cycle I, 6,22 in cycle II, and 7,5 in cycle III
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