378 research outputs found

    Is New Labours Third Way New or Just Hot Air in Old Bottles?

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    The paper discusses the main aims and characteristics of the three Ways in British economics and politics: the First Way refers to the period from after WWII to the mid 1970s; the second Way refers to the Conservative Government period starting from 1979; and the Third Way to the New Labour Government period since 1997. These three Ways are considered in relation to their main characteristics, the policies of the relevant governments and the problems they have encountered. The New Labour policies are analysed in more details by reference to the case of the National Health Service. The reasons why the New Labour Way is different from the second Way as well as the problems it is facing are highlighted. A discussion of why New Labour has taken the Third Way route follows.New Labour, Third way, Government policies, British economics

    The organizational and geographical boundaries of the firm: Focus on labour as a major stakeholder

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    © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited. Purpose: This paper aims to analyse the organizational and geographical (by nation-states) boundaries of the firm and their impact on labour and to develop a theoretical framework in which firms’ boundaries are analysed from the point of view of labour as a main stakeholder in the firm. Design/methodology/approach: The paper considers the boundaries in terms of: perspectives (legal/proprietary, responsibility and control); stakeholders (shareholders and managers as well as labour, governments and suppliers) and dimensions (organization of production, geographical/by nation-state and sectoral). The paper analyses various organizational forms of production in terms of control (over labour process and brand), responsibility for labour employed across the value chain and labour bargaining power. The firm is seen in the context of labour as main stakeholder and of strategic control versus the property rights view of the firm. The paper contains references to some real-life cases which support the arguments developed at the theoretical level. Findings: In terms of organizational boundaries, the paper analyses hybrid forms of firm organization and their implications for the position of labour. In the context of geographical boundaries, conclusions are drawn on the impact of transnational corporations (TNCs)’ direct activities on labour. Changes in organizational and geographical boundaries are seen as strategic moves that lead to the fragmentation of labour and to the weakening of its bargaining position. There is an analysis of the role of nation-state regulatory regimes in creating opportunities for TNCs’ advantages towards labour. The basic pillars of this theoretical approach are emphasis on labour as a main stakeholder as well as one of the main actors towards whom firms develop strategies and who, in turn, develops countervailing strategies; and the assignation of responsibility for labour over that part of the value chain – which could be the whole of it – over which the firm exercises strategic control. Research limitations/implications: More case study work would further support the arguments in the paper and lead to refinements of the theory. Social implications: For labour, cross-country strategies are developed, and it is argued that the principal firm should take responsibility for the labour force on the basis of the “control” perspective rather than the “legal/proprietary” one. At the macro level, it could be argued for policies that lead to more homogeneous regulatory regimes across countries and in particular within the EU. There are implications for the strategies of trade unions within and across countries. There is also a call for overcoming academic disciplinary boundaries in research specifically those between economics, business strategy and sociology of labour and industrial relations. Originality/value: The work puts labour at the forefront of analysis in the boundaries of the firm. It develops a theoretical framework for this analysis and for its policy implications including policies by trade unions

    The role of internationalization as a determinant of innovation performance: an analysis of 42 countries

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    This paper analyses the impact of internationalization on the innovation performance of 42 countries. Innovation performance – the dependent variable – is measured by the number of triad patents and PCT applications that originate from a country. The following internationalization variables – independent variables – are used: inward and outward stock of FDI, exports and imports as well as the number of parent companies in a country. Information on patents and the internationalization variables, together with further explanatory variables, including the number of scientific articles in a country, the number of Internet users, the R&D intensity and the share of value added in services, are collected for the years 1990 to 2008. Regressions are performed for all countries together, and, then, for two groups of countries clustered on the basis of their GDP per capita. We estimate two linear models, one based on pooled data estimating the classic linear model, and one on panel data, estimating a fixed effects linear model. The values of our dependent variables lead by up to six years for two reasons: to account for the time that elapses between an invention and the recording of the patent statistic, and, to address at least to some extent, issues associated with endogeneity in our independent variables. The paper finds support for a positive impact of internationalization on countries’ innovation performance. Our analyses suggest that competing in international markets via outward FDI and exports increases the scope of learning and the need to innovate. We find evidence of a negative relationship between patenting and inward FDI as well as imports. We interpret our results to indicate that (a) the inward inflow of investment or products can be less innovation-intensive than a country’s domestic activities which would be the case for more advanced and innovation-active countries; or (b) that a country does not have a sufficient absorption capacity to benefit from inflows

    The organizational and geographical boundaries of the firm: strategic and policy issues for labour and governments

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    Analysis of the firm’s boundaries in terms of: perspectives – legal/proprietary; responsibility; control - ; stakeholders – shareholders and managers but also others and specifically labour and governments -; dimensions – organization of production; geographical/by nation-state; sectoral -. The organization of production in hierarchical as well as in a variety of hybrid forms and to the position of labour in the context of these hybrid forms. The geographical – by nation-states - dimension leads to a discussion of transnational companies, the advantages they derive from operating across borders and the source of such advantages. Detailed analysis of the position of two stakeholders vis-à-vis the changing boundaries of the firm: labour and governments. How organizational and geographical fragmentation of production lead to a more fragmented and weaker labour force. The geographical dimension and the position of governments in relation to transnational companies. How the changing boundaries of the firm particularly with respect to organizational forms and to the geography of direct foreign operations by TNCs put both labour and governments in a weaker position

    Integrated coastal zone management in Italy: a gap between science and policy

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    This paper introduces the need, in Italian countries, of a real integration of scientific knowledge into coastal policy. Actually, in Italy, still exists a gap between Science and Policy, interfering the implementation of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) process, while there is no coordination between local, regional and national authorities. This lack of an overall strategy has induced some regions to adopt regional plans for the sustainable development of their coastal areas, to compensate the shortcomings of a national planning. Besides, along Italian coasts, there is a heavy landscape urbanization producing conditions of environmental decay and highlighting the risk of erosions in littoral areas. In this critical context, it is necessary to adopt an effective Integrated Coastal Zone Management policy, to connect ecosystem and environmental approaches with the social and economic development of coastal areas. So, in Italian landscape, it is necessary to integrate the national cultural heritage into coastal management, joining scientific and cultural issues. In this framework, ICZM process could play an important role connecting scientists and policy makers towards an effective integration for the social and economic growth of local people

    Determinazione sperimentale del comportamento ciclico di nodi in c.a. prefabbricati e gettati in opera

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    Le Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni 2008 per poter assimilare le strutture prefabbricate in cemento armato alle strutture in cemento armato afferma quanto segue: “La prefabbricazione di parti di una struttura progettata per rispondere alle prescrizioni relative agli edifici in cemento armato richiede la dimostrazione che il collegamento in opera delle parti ù tale da conferire il previsto livello di monoliticità in termini di resistenza, rigidezza e duttilità.” L’obbiettivo della campagna di prove e della tesi ù quello di valutare il comportamento di nodi in cemento armato “sistema K” della ditta Toscana Soltravi confrontandoli con dei nodi in cemento armato interamente gettati in opera

    Quais situaçÔes clínicas, relacionadas aos dentes permanentes, o uso de resinas infiltrantes é uma boa alternativa de tratamento? Uma revisão sistemåtica

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    Introdução: LesĂ”es de caries iniciais cavitadas ou nĂŁo e de manchas brancas decorrentes de alteração de estrutura sĂŁo devidas a um desequilĂ­brio de fatores especĂ­ficos, quando a remineralização fisiolĂłgica falha em reparar a esse desequilĂ­brio, tratamos esse processo com a aplicação de resinas infiltrantes. Objetivos: Avaliar o nĂ­vel de evidĂȘncia cientĂ­fica sobre estudos clĂ­nicos que confirmam a eficiĂȘncia das resinas infiltrantes em dentes permanentes. Materiais e MĂ©todos: Esta revisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica foi baseada nas diretrizes PRISMA, registada na plataforma OSF com a seguinte PICO "Dentes permanentes com diferentes tipos de lesĂ”es de esmalte sĂŁo infiltrados com resinas para a avaliação de um sucesso clĂ­nico”. Foram definidos posteriormente os critĂ©rios de inclusĂŁo e exclusĂŁo, incluindo estudos clĂ­nicos utilizando resinas infiltrativas em diferentes situaçÔes clĂ­nicas em dentes permanentes e perĂ­odo de acompanhamento clĂ­nico de pelo menos 6 meses e excluindo artigos publicados em idiomas diferentes do inglĂȘs e estudos in vitro. Resultados: A pesquisa foi iniciada com a seleção de 24 artigos, 19 foram excluĂ­dos e os 5 restantes para a leitura, foi confirmada a eficiĂȘncia desses artigos entĂŁo foram incluĂ­dos na nossa pesquisa, os artigos incluĂ­dos sĂŁo estudos muitos recentes, sendo o mais antigo do ano 2018 e o mais recente do 2022; nesses estudos o objetivo foi avaliar a longevidade e o resultado estĂ©tico obtido depois de ter realizado a infiltração de resina. Todos os estudos analisados apresentam bons resultados estĂ©ticos com satisfação dos pacientes. ConclusĂŁo: Em relação a analise desses artigos, afirmamos que a aplicação das resinas infiltrantes em contexto clĂ­nico sĂŁo uma boa alternativa, mas mais estudos sĂŁo necessĂĄrios para aumentar o nĂ­vel de evidĂȘncia cientĂ­fica.Introduction: Initial caries lesions, cavitated or not, and white spots resulting from structural changes are due to an imbalance of specific factors. When physiological remineralization fails to repair this imbalance, we treat this process with the application of infiltrating resins. Objective: To assess the level of scientific evidence on clinical studies confirming the efficiency of infiltrating resins in permanent teeth. Materials and Methods: This systematic review was developed and based on the PRISMA guidelines, registered on the OSF platform with the following PICO “ Permanent teeth with different types of enamel lesions are infiltrated with resins I for the evaluation of a clinical success”. Results: The research started with the selection of 24 articles, 19 were excluded and the remaining 5 for reading, the efficiency of these articles was confirmed so they were included in our research, the articles included are very recent studies, the oldest being from 2018 and the most recent from 2022; in these studies, the objective was to evaluate the longevity and the aesthetic result obtained after having performed the resin infiltration. All analyzed studies show good aesthetic results with patient satisfaction. Conclusion: Regarding the analysis of these articles, we affirm that the application of infiltrating resins in a clinical context is a good alternative, but more studies are needed to increase the level of scientificevidence


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    Preliminary results are reported from an investigation of the conodont associations found in the Late Triassic carbonate succession of the so-called "Catena Costiera Calabrese" that crops out in the tectonic window of Monte Cocuzzo. The succession of Colle del Crapio consists of alternating carbonate mud, breccia and calciturbidites deposited in a toe-of-slope to basin setting and contains rich and well-preserved conodont faunas pertaining to two biozones. The lower zone is characterised by the occurrence of Epigondolella slovakensis and may be referred to the Late Norian (Sevatian). The upper zone is characterised by Misikella hernsteini associated with M. posthernsteini. The chronostratigraphic setting of the latter zone is more controversial, as it may be regarded as latest Sevatian (Upper Norian) according to Krystyn (1990) and Golebiowski (1990), while according to the zonation of Kozur & Mock (1991) the first occurrence of M. posthernsteini marks the beginning of the Rhaetian stage.  &nbsp

    The Theory of the Transnational Corporation at 50+

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    Abstract. The paper briefly summarizes the historical evolution of TNCs and their activities. It then introduced the major theories developed to explain the TNC. There is an attempt to place the theories historically, within the context of the socio-economic conditions and of the relevant economic ideas in which they were developed. The following theories are discussed. Hymer, market power and control; Vernon's international product life cycle; the internalization theory; Dunning's eclectic framework based on: Ownership, Location, and Internalization (OLI) advantages; The Scandinavian School; the evolutionary approaches of Cantwell and of Kogut and Zander; the New Trade theory applied to the TNC; the role of nation-states in the strategic behaviour of TNCs. There are some critical comments at the end of each presentation. A brief analysis of key elements in the theories, their differences and commonalities follows in. It is pointed out that the pattern of development shows tensions between the following interconnected elements: (1) Contents and methods of interest to Business Schools and to Economics Departments; (2) Static versus dynamic approaches; (3) Emphasis on efficiency versus strategic elements; (4) strategies towards rivals as well as towards other players in the economic system such as labour, governments and suppliers; (5) and single-versus multi-disciplinary approaches

    Digitalization and the transnational corporations

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    Starting from an analysis of the impact of digitalization on transnationality, the paper examines the impact of the rise of ICT and digital TNCs for theory and policy. Conclusions include the following. (1) The rise of Tech - ICT and digital - TNCs makes it compelling that economists devote more time to the incorporation of the study of TNCs within the body of economics. (2) The theory of the TNC in itself may need reconsideration on the basis of changes in the real economy in terms of the growing relevance of digital TNCs. They pose theory challenges in that the foreign assets component of international production is becoming less relevant while liquid assets are increasing. We need to rethink our conceptualization and definition of TNCs to fit in with the growing digitalization of the economy. (3) There are also great policy challenges deriving from the differences in regulatory regimes between different nation-states and characteristics of these TNCs. These challenges allow TNCs in general - and the digital TNCs to an even higher extent – to: minimize their tax liability; avoid responsibility for their workforce; affect the democratic processes across countries
