318 research outputs found

    SubirrigaĆ§Ć£o automatizada por sensores capacitivos para produĆ§Ć£o de sĆ”lvia

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    Subirrigation is typically controlled using timers to periodically irrigate plants based on a pre-determined schedule. The objective of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of capacitance-type sensors to monitor substrate water content and to control subirrigation automatically for salvia production in greenhouse. Additionally, we quantified the effect of different substrate volumetric water content (VWC) on growth of plants cultivated in 15-cm diameter Ɨ 13.75-cm height pots. Automation was performed using three EC-5 capacitance soil moisture sensors per experimental unit, connected to a system with a CR10X data logger, AM16/32 multiplexer, SDM-CD16AC relay driver and NK-2 submersible pumps. Substrate moisture readings were taken every 15 minutes, and plants were irrigated only if the readings dropped below pre-set VWC thresholds. We evaluated five levels of substrate VWC (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 m3 m-3), with two replications, in a completely randomized design. The system effectively monitored and recorded VWC, and controlled irrigation accordingly. Substrate VWC ranged from 0.1 to 0.41, 0.2 to 0.39, 0.3 to 0.41, 0.4 to 0.43 and 0.5 to 0.53 m3 m-3, in ascending order of the treatments, with the highest values recorded after irrigation events. The number of irrigation events, total volume of nutrient solution applied, net photosynthesis, dry weight, number of branches and leaves, shoot height, leaf area, canopy light interception, and leaf chlorophyll content all increased significantly with the increase in VWC (p<0.0001). The VWC of 0.5 m3m-3 provided the highest plant growth (p<0.0001). Capacitance sensors can be used to both monitor soil moisture and control subirrigation for salvia production in soilless substrate, reducing the possibility of water stress caused by daily irrigation schedule using timers.323314320COORDENAƇƃO DE APERFEIƇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NƍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESSem informaĆ§Ć£oAtualmente o controle da subirrigaĆ§Ć£o Ć© realizado por meio de temporizadores, usando calendĆ”rio fixo para acionamento periĆ³dico da irrigaĆ§Ć£o. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de sensores capacitivos no monitoramento da umidade do substrato e no controle automatizado da subirrigaĆ§Ć£o para a produĆ§Ć£o de sĆ”lvia em ambiente protegido. Adicionalmente, quantificou-se o efeito de diferentes conteĆŗdos volumĆ©tricos de Ć”gua (CVA) do substrato no crescimento de plantas cultivadas em vasos com 15 cm de diĆ¢metro Ɨ 13,75 cm de altura. A automaĆ§Ć£o foi realizada por trĆŖs sensores de umidade EC-5 por unidade experimental, conectados a um sistema constituĆ­do por sistema de aquisiĆ§Ć£o de dados CR10X, multiplexador AM16/32, controlador de saĆ­das SDM-CD16AC e bombas submersas NK-2. As determinaƧƵes da umidade eram realizadas a cada 15 minutos, com acionamento da irrigaĆ§Ć£o somente quando as leituras eram inferiores aos valores estabelecidos como tratamentos. Foram utilizados cinco CVA do substrato (0,1; 0,2; 0,3; 0,4 e 0,5 m3 m-3), com duas repetiƧƵes e em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. O sistema monitorou a umidade do substrato e controlou a subirrigaĆ§Ć£o adequadamente ao longo do tempo. A umidade do substrato variou de 0,1 a 0,41; 0,2 a 0,39; 0,3 a 0,41; 0,4 a 0,43 e 0,5 a 0,53 m3 m-3, na ordem crescente dos tratamentos, com os resultados mais altos registrados imediatamente apĆ³s as irrigaƧƵes. O nĆŗmero de irrigaƧƵes, volume total de soluĆ§Ć£o nutritiva aplicado, fotossĆ­ntese lĆ­quida, massa seca, nĆŗmero de ramos e de folhas, altura da parte aĆ©rea, Ć”rea foliar, interceptaĆ§Ć£o luminosa pelo dossel e teor relativo de clorofila aumentaram significativamente com o aumento do CVA (p<0,0001). O CVA de 0,5 m3 m-3 proporcionou maior crescimento das plantas (p<0,0001). Sensores capacitivos podem ser utilizados no monitoramento da umidade e controle da subirrigaĆ§Ć£o na produĆ§Ć£o de sĆ”lvia, reduzindo a possibilidade de estresse hĆ­drico causado por irrigaƧƵes diĆ”rias usando temporizadores

    Effect of Concomitant Medications Affecting Gastric pH and Motility on Posaconazole Tablet Pharmacokinetics

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    Poster presented at: Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (52nd ICAAC) held in San Francisco 9/9-9/12 Background: Posaconazole (POS) oral suspension is an extended-spectrum triazole that should be taken with food to maximize absorption. A new POS tablet formulation has demonstrated improved bioavailability over oral suspension in healthy adults in the fasting state. This study evaluated the effect of concomitant medications altering gastric pH (antacid, ranitidine, and esomeprazole) and motility (metoclopramide) on the pharmacokinetics of POS tablet. Methods: This was a prospective, open-label, 5-way crossover study in 20 healthy volunteers. In each treatment period, a single 400-mg (100 mg x 4) dose of POS tablets was administered alone or with 20 mL antacid (MylantaĀ® Ultimate Strength Liquid, aluminum hydroxide 2 g and magnesium hydroxide 2 g), ranitidine (150 mg), esomeprazole (40 mg), or metoclopramide (15 mg). There was ā‰„10-day washout between treatment periods. Results: POS exposure, Tmax, and tĀ½ were similar when administered alone or with medications affecting gastric pH and motility. Geometric mean ratios (90% CI) of AUC0-last compared with those of POS alone were antacid, 1.04 (0.90ā€“1.20); ranitidine, 0.97 (0.84ā€“1.12); esomeprazole, 1.02 (0.88ā€“1.17); and metoclopramide, 0.93 (0.80ā€“1.07). Geometric mean ratios (90% CI) of Cmax compared with those of POS alone were antacid, 1.06 (0.90ā€“1.26); ranitidine, 1.04 (0.88ā€“1.23); esomeprazole, 1.05 (0.89ā€“1.24); and metoclopramide, 0.86 (0.73ā€“1.02). Conclusions: In healthy volunteers, the pharmacokinetics of a single dose of POS tablet 400 mg were similar when administered alone or with medications affecting gastric pH or motility

    Cadmium exposure is associated with increased transcript abundance of multiple heavy metal associated transporter genes in roots of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)

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    Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) has demonstrated promise for phytoremediation due to an extensive root system, large biomass, and ability to survive under relatively high levels of heavy metals. However, little research has been conducted to determine the impact of heavy metal uptake in hemp grown for medicinal use. This study evaluated the potential for cadmium (Cd) uptake and its impact on growth, physiological responses, and transcript expression of metal transporter genes in a hemp variety grown for flower production. The cultivar ā€˜Purple Tigerā€™ was exposed to 0, 2.5, 10, and 25 mgĀ·L-1 Cd in a greenhouse hydroponic study in two independent experiments. Plants exposed to 25 mgĀ·L-1 Cd displayed stunted plant growth characteristics, reduced photochemical efficiency, and premature senescence suggesting Cd toxicity. At the two lower concentrations of Cd (2.5 and 10 mgĀ·L-1 Cd), plant height, biomass, and photochemical efficiency were not affected, with chlorophyll content index (CCI) being slightly lower at 10 mgĀ·L-1 Cd, compared to 2.5 mgĀ·L-1 Cd. There were no consistent differences between the two experiments in total cannabidiol (CDB) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentrations in flower tissues at 2.5 and 10 mgĀ·L-1 Cd, compared to the control treatment. Root tissue accumulated the highest amount of Cd compared to other tissues for all the Cd treatments, suggesting preferential root sequestration of this heavy metal in hemp. Transcript abundance analysis of heavy metal-associated (HMA) transporter genes suggested that all seven members of this gene family are expressed in hemp, albeit with higher expression in the roots than in the leaves. In roots, CsHMA3 was up-regulated at 45 and 68Ā d after treatment (DAT), and CsHMA1, CsHMA4, and CsHMA5 were upregulated only under long term Cd stress at 68 DAT, at 10 mgĀ·L-1 Cd. Results suggest that expression of multiple HMA transporter genes in the root tissue may be upregulated in hemp exposed to 10 mgĀ·L-1 Cd in a nutrient solution. These transporters could be involved in Cd uptake in the roots via regulating its transport and sequestration, and xylem loading for long distance transport of Cd to shoot, leaf, and flower tissues

    Body mass index at diagnosis of a childhood brain tumor; a reflection of hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction or lifestyle?

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    Purpose: Childhood brain tumor survivors (CBTS) are at risk of becoming overweight, which has been shown to be associated with hypothalamic-pituitary (HP) dysfunction during follow-up. Body mass index (BMI) at diagnosis is related to BMI at follow-up. It is uncertain, however, whether aberrant BMI at brain tumor diagnosis reflects early hypothalamic dysfunction or rather reflects genetic and sociodemographic characteristics. We aimed to examine whether BMI at childhood brain tumor diagnosis is associated with HP dysfunction at diagnosis or its development during follow-up. Methods: The association of BMI at diagnosis of a childhood brain tumor to HP dysfunction at diagnosis or during follow-up was examined in a Dutch cohort of 685 CBTS, excluding children with craniopharyngioma or a pituitary tumor. Individual patient data were retrospectively extracted from patient charts. Results: Of 685 CTBS, 4.7% were underweight, 14.2% were overweight, and 3.8% were obese at diagnosis. Being overweight or obese at diagnosis was not associated with anterior pituitary deficiency or diabetes insipidus at diagnosis or during follow-up. In children with suprasellar tumors, being obese at diagnosis was associated with central precocious puberty. Conclusion: Overweight or obesity at diagnosis of a childhood brain tumor seems not to be associated with pituitary deficiencies. These results suggest that genetics and lifestyle may be more important etiologic factors for higher BMI at diagnosis in these children than hypothalamicĀ dysfunction. To improve the long-term outcome of CBTS with regards to overweight and obesity, more attention should be given to lifestyle already at the time of brain tumor treatment

    hiPathDB: a human-integrated pathway database with facile visualization

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    One of the biggest challenges in the study of biological regulatory networks is the systematic organization and integration of complex interactions taking place within various biological pathways. Currently, the information of the biological pathways is dispersed in multiple databases in various formats. hiPathDB is an integrated pathway database that combines the curated human pathway data of NCI-Nature PID, Reactome, BioCarta and KEGG. In total, it includes 1661 pathways consisting of 8976 distinct physical entities. hiPathDB provides two different types of integration. The pathway-level integration, conceptually a simple collection of individual pathways, was achieved by devising an elaborate model that takes distinct features of four databases into account and subsequently reformatting all pathways in accordance with our model. The entity-level integration creates a single unified pathway that encompasses all pathways by merging common components. Even though the detailed molecular-level information such as complex formation or post-translational modifications tends to be lost, such integration makes it possible to investigate signaling network over the entire pathways and allows identification of pathway cross-talks. Another strong merit of hiPathDB is the built-in pathway visualization module that supports explorative studies of complex networks in an interactive fashion. The layout algorithm is optimized for virtually automatic visualization of the pathways. hiPathDB is available at http://hiPathDB.kobic.re.kr

    Klimaatadaptieve drainage: middel tegen piekafvoeren en watertekorten

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    Klimaatadaptieve drainage is een nieuwe methode om water vast te houden in de bodem van een perceel via een samengesteld drainagesysteem dat online traploos stuurbaar is. Hierdoor kunnen piekafvoeren die het gevolg zijn van een grilliger neerslagpatroon, gereduceerd worden. Daarnaast kan het vasthouden van water in de bodem leiden tot minder behoefte aan aanvoerwater tijdens droge perioden. De bodem wordt een middel om effectiever waterbeheer te dienen. De waterbeheerder Ʃn de agrariƫr kunnen ermee aan de gang, wat FutureWater betreft. Dit bedrijf leidt een consortium dat verder bestaat uit STOWA, Alterra, De Bakelse Stroom, drainagedeskundige Ad van Iersel en Kuipers Electronic Engineerin

    Experiences with Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist in Children with Acquired Hypothalamic Obesity

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    OBJECTIVE: Hypothalamic obesity (HO) in children after treatment for a tumor in the suprasellar region has severe implications. Previous studies have shown various effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist in acquired HO, but in adults only. We present our experience of GLP-1 receptor agonist (exenatide) treatment during a 1-year period on body mass index (BMI) in children with acquired HO. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Children with severe weight gain after treatment for suprasellar tumor were given 2 mg exenatide weekly for a 12-month period. All had undergone previous dietary intervention. BMI standard deviation score (SDS), weight change, and adverse effects were assessed. RESULTS: Five children with a mean age of 15.4 years (range 13-18) and a mean follow-up time of 8.4 years (mean age of 7.0 years at the time of brain tumor diagnosis) were treated with GLP-1 receptor agonist. After 1 year, BMI SDS or absolute weight had not changed significantly compared to the period without treatment (BMI SDS change +0.005, 95% CI -0.07 to 0.08, p = 0.89, and absolute weight change +1.5 kg, 95% CI -0.08 to 3.1, p = 0.061). Only 1 patient experienced weight loss after 1 year (-5.4 kg, BMI SDS -0.33). All patients experienced mild side effects, such as injection pain or nausea, and 2 patients stopped treatment upon their own request after 8 and 11 months, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In this small cohort, we found little effect of GLP-1 receptor agonist in the treatment for acquired HO. Future research should focus on the prevention of HO or, if prevention is not possible, on alternative, individualized interventions
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