16 research outputs found

    Finite frequency noise in chiral Luttinger liquid coupled to phonons

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    We study transport between Quantum Hall (QH) edge states at filling factor ν=1\nu = 1 in the presence of electron-acoustic-phonon coupling. Performing a Bogoliubov-Valatin (BV) trasformation the low-energy spectrum of interacting electron-phonon system is presented. The electron-phonon interaction splits the spectrum into charged and neutral "downstream" and neutral "upstream" modes with different velocities. In the regimes of dc and periodic ac biases the tunelling current and non-equilibrium finite frequency non-symmetrized noise are calculated perturbatively in tunneling coupling of quantum point contact (QPC). We show that the presence of electron-phonon interaction strongly modifies noise and current relations compared to free-fermion case

    Current correlations of Cooper-pair tunneling into a quantum Hall system

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    We study Cooper pair transport through a quantum point contact between a superconductor and a quantum Hall edge state at integer and fractional filling factors. We calculate the tunnelling current and its finite-frequency noise to the leading order in the tunneling amplitude for dc and ac bias voltage in the limit of low temperatures. At zero temperature and in case of tunnelling into a single edge channel both the conductance and differential shot noise vanish as a result of Pauli exclusion principle. In contrast, in the presence of two edge channels, this Pauli blockade is softened and a non-zero conductance and shot noise are revealed

    Hydrodynamic Navier-Stokes equations in two-dimensional systems with Rashba spin-orbit coupling

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    We study a two-dimensional (2D) electron system with a linear spectrum in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit (RSO) coupling in the hydrodynamic regime. We derive a semiclassical Boltzmann equation with a collision integral due to Coulomb interactions in the basis of the eigenstates of the system with RSO coupling. Using the local equilibrium distribution functions, we obtain a generalized hydrodynamic Navier-Stokes equation for electronic systems with RSO coupling. In particular, we discuss the influence of the spin-orbit coupling on the viscosity and the enthalpy of the system and present some of its observable effects in hydrodynamic transport.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, to be submitted for the special issue on electron hydrodynamics in Low Temperature Physic

    Overlap of parafermionic zero modes at a finite distance

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    Parafermion bound states (PBSs) are generalizations of Majorana bound states (MBSs) and have been predicted to exist as zero-energy eigenstates in proximitized fractional quantum Hall edge states. Similarly to MBSs, a finite distance between the PBS can split the ground state degeneracy. However, parafermionic modes have a richer exchange statistics than MBSs, so several interaction terms are allowed by the underlying Z2n\mathbb{Z}_{2n} symmetry, rendering the effective Hamiltonian governing a pair of PBSs at a finite distance nontrivial. Here, we use a combination of analytical techniques (semiclassical instanton approximation) and numerical techniques (quantum Monte Carlo simulations) to determine the effective coupling Hamiltonian. For this purpose, we go beyond the dilute one-instanton gas approximation and show how finite-size effects can give rise to higher-order parafermion interactions. We find excellent agreement between the analytical results and Monte Carlo simulations. We estimate that these finite-size corrections should be observable in some of the recently proposed experiments to observe PBSs in strongly correlated systems